Chapter 41: Welcome back

Chapter 41: Welcome back

Sage Miller

Being back in Miami was like a breath of fresh air after being in a city that big, that noisy, that busy.

It was almost suffocating especially since Kate was with me.

New York wasn't how I wanted it to be but then again I didn't know what I wanted it to be.

I went to New York with the intention of hurting Alora and I did that. In a way.

It was satisfying at the time I was taunting her but it haunted me as the days went on.

I shouldn't have went. I shouldn't have hurt her.

But now I was back in Miami, to my usual life.

"So now you're interested in my life." I mused rubbing my chin.

"We watched that celebrity show for you." Connor pointed out. "Like you asked me to."

"Did you see me?" I asked excited.

"Damn right we did, you were on TV baby." Connor hollered and Sebastian rolled his eyes at him.

"Yeah I was." I beamed sticking my tongue out to Seb. "Did they get my good side?"

"You have no good side." Sebastian quickly jumped in.

Connor bursted out laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"You're just jealous." I grumbled.

"We all know it was a once of thing." Sebastian countered.

"At least I did appear on one, what about you?" I fired.

We argued and they filled me on their crazy weekend.

They went to the party that I wanted to attend.

We talked about the football season that's about to start soon until it was time to go get my car.

"It was nice catching up with your asses, I gotta go get my car now." I announced and got up clapping

both hands and rubbing them.

Connor's eyes suddenly widen. He eruptly stood up.

"What?" Sebastian asked her.

"Oh shit, I have a race and I'm totally late." He said and both our eyes widen. "Maze is gonna kill me."

He continue to mumble incoherent nonsense under his breath.

Sebastian clapped his hands once to get his attention.

"You're wasting more time go." He pushed him out the door.

"My keys." He shouted over his shoulder.

I picked them up from the coffee table and threw them at him.

"Go." I told him and he left.

Sebastian closed the door and came back.

"I still can't believe he's into illegal racing. That shit is crazy." Sebastian exclaimed.

"Neither can I. Goes to show that do nt judge a book by its cover, right?" I said to him.

"Indeed." He agreed.

"Drive me." I suggested to him.

"Yeah sure." He said and took his keys and we left.

Monday morning I woke not feeling school at all. I was not feeling it more than usual.

When I finally decided to at least show up in school I realised how late I was. At best I will make it after

first period but I didn't care much.

It sucked that I missed the first back to school party to go to New York when I didn't even enjoy New

York except for the club scene.

When I finally made it to school the first period was almost over. I stayed in the back until the bell rang.

I had no idea where Connor and Sebastian were so I searched for my phone only to realise I didn't

have it.

Come to think of it I haven't seen it or touched since I switch off my alarm this morning.

Just great. I mentally mocked myself. Deserving of course since I left my phone at home today.

With no way to contact my friends I left everything to chance and hope.

The hallways were crawling with so many students. I prayed and hoped no one stopped me as I walked

to my locker.

My next class was calculus which I absolutely hate and despise.

I opened my locker and got my books. I leaned against it and waited for the warning bell to ring.

I felt eyes burning into my body, the hair at the back of my neck stood up.

I scanned the hallway to find the culprit and I met two angry eyes locked on to me.

Kate was fuming and as soon as she saw that I saw her she started walking towards me.

I hurriedly scanned my brain for any reason for her anger and came back empty.

I watched as she pushed student out of her way. She was fire.

She stopped in front of me and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Kate." I said in greeting.

"Don't Kate me." She spat angrily and I raised both my eyebrows.

"It is your name isn't it?" I asked her.

I was pushing it and I knew it but honestly I was in no mood for her craziness.

She was draining me already.

She growled angrily. Blazing fire flashed in her eyes.

"You were suppose to pick me up Sage." She was trying her hardest not to shout but she was failing.

Still some people heard her.

Then it dawn to me why she was so angry. All week last week I picked her up.

"Don't you have your own car?" I asked her. "I'm not your driver."

The truth is I forgot to pick her up, I didn't do on purpose but I'll be damned if I apologise or admit I

forgot. She'll give me shit if I do.

"That was our agreement Sage. You picking me up. Now I'm late. I'm never late Sage. I called you a

multiple times and you didn't answer." She raised her voice and I glared at her.

The next moment three things happened. First, the warning bell rang. Second, I pulled Kate to me

roughly that she yelped in surprise and a bit if pain. Third, Connor and Sebastian showed up.

My hand was around her waist squeezing her.

"Never ever raised your voice at me." I warned her.

I didn't wait for her response and I suddenly kissed her and again I didn't wait for her to respond to the

kiss. I let go of her and turned to my friends.

Sebastian's eyebrows were raised.

"What's up?" I asked them not acknowledging their questioning faces.

After a moment Connor snapped out of her daze and answered me.

"We're skipping." He informed me. I mentally thanked the heaven for such opportunity.

"Fuck yeah." I deadpanned and turned around and opened my locker.

I dumped my books inside. Kate was still in the same position I left her in. I raised one eyebrow at her.

Sebastian and Connor were already leaving.

"Go to class babe." I told her and kissed her check sloppy.

I followed my friends towards the exit leaving Kate still standing there.

My lips tugged up into a big grin.

"Spit it out damn it." I snapped and Sebastian continued to laugh.

It frustrated me that he was still keeping me in suspense.

I knew it involved Kate that's why I was so damn curious and ansty. It wasn't something good that's why

Sebastian was so happy.

"That girl is a snake and I know I'm laughing but I actually feel sorry for you." He said and chuckled.

"Sebastian what are you walking about." I said through gritted teeth.

If I didn't wanna know before, now I do.

"What did you see?" Connor asked.

Even he was curious.

"Guess who is she with right now in the music classroom?" Sebastian asked and it all clicked.

Connor's eyes suddenly widened. My whole body went still.

"What?" I asked him.

I wasn't sure if I heard him correct because I was sure as hell Kate would never do something like that.

"Do you want me to spell it out for you?" Sebastian taunted with a devilish smirk.

I curled my hands into fist and clenched them. My jaw clenched and my vision became blurry. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

Anger was slowly blinding me as I saw red everywhere.

Sebastian was about to say something probably cruel but Connor was quick to stop him.

"Sebastian don't." He looked at me weary.

I don't know what he saw but what he saw in me worried him.

Part of me wanted him to be his usual self and taunt me or even say something cruel so I would justify

my actions afterward.

But another part of me knew it was useless to punch him right now because it wasn't his fault.

"Don't what?" He asked Connor. "He's my friend and he deserves to know how much of a slut his

girlfriend is."

He then turned to me.

"She's sucking face with Nathan in the music classroom." He told me and walked away.

Like it was a trigger. I snapped out of whatever I was stuck in and marched towards the music


If there's something I hate most it was betrayal. I hate traitors most. I despise traitors. I fucking hate it

and she betrayed me.

It took them a moment to realise someone had opened the door.

Hearing about what Kate was doing and actually seeing it was different.

My heart sank and felt heavier for some reason.

I blinked fast and it seemed like everything was happening in slow motion.

Nathan jumped as far away from Kate as possible. And what pissed me most was that Kate didn't

seem bothered by all of it.

Nathan's eyes darted between me and the door behind me.

I looked at him with so much hate and venom.

I didn't waste anytime as I lunged at him. I didn't understand my own feelings at all.

All I knew was that seeing her with him pissed me and I felt betrayed.

I hate when people make a fool of me. Maybe its because all my life people though I was naive and

couldn't see the obvious but I hate when people make a fool of myself.

Nathan immediately went to defense mode but he was not prepared for me.

When my fist collided with Nathan's jaw I heard a shrieking cry coming from Kate.

I threw another punch and then another. All I saw was red.

"You fucking my girl." I said through gritted teeth and threw several punches.

He tried to block with his hand but I grabbed it and pushed it aside and it hit hard on the floor.

"Sage get off him." Kate grabbed my arm and I shrugged her off me.

A loud thud was heard behind me but I didn't look back or care.

I was just so angry and furious to process anything other than my anger.

I wanted to hurt someone or even dead. And at that moment I saw that person being Nathan.

My hands went to his neck and I squeezed hard.

"Sage you're going to kill him." This time it was a different voice that shouted.

I heard the urgency behind the words but I didn't let go.

I clinged even harder when I felt hands prying me off Nathan's body.

I knew who it was that were trying to get me off Nathan's body.

Finally they managed to get me off Nathan's body.

He coughed and his hands want to his neck. His eyes were watery and red yet I felt no remorse when I

saw the damaged I did.

"You stay away from my girl or next time I'll kill you." I snarled at him wanting to long forward but two

pair of hands restricted me.

"Get out now." Sebastian yelled at Nathan.

He didn't have to be told twice as he ran out of the classroom like his ass was on fire.

As soon as Nathan was out the door, both Sebastian and Connor let go of me.

Only four people were left in the classroom and the fourth person, I didn't wanna see.

"Are you fucking crazy? You almost killed him." Connor yelled pushing me.

"Fuck off Connor." I pushed him back.

"I'll ask again, are you fucking crazy?" He pushed me again.

"Stop fucking pushing me." I yelled and if the music room wasn't at the end on the otherside of the

building we would be attracting an unwanted audience.

"I won't stop because you almost made a huge fucking mistake." He yelled back.

"That would've been my business not yours." I threw my head back and ran my hand on my face.

When my head was back in place my eyes landed on Sebastian in the corner standing casually and

looking bored.

"What the fuck are you doing here? This was so funny to you right then what the fuck are you doing

here." I asked Sebastian.

"It still is." He replied casually and it pissed me off that he looked so bored. "I'm just here to be amused


I opened my mouth then closed it. I really had nothing to say to that.

"If I didn't know better I would say you love her." He said before he left.

Me too. I wanted to say but instead I huffed and stomped my feet then finally my eyes landed on the

reason for my anger.

I hadn't thought much of what I'd do to her or even say and all I knew what that I felt so betrayed by


There was no hurt just pure betrayal that it was almost blinding.

I started to walk up to her but Connor got in my way blocking her from my line of sight.

"Get the fuck out of my way." I warned him pushing him but he didn't budge.

Sometimes I forget how strong he's gotten lately.

"I will." He said cooly. "Just.. just don't kill her or hurt her. She's a girl and you're better than that."

"I won't kill her." I promised but I couldn't promise that I would not hurt her because I wasn't sure


After I promised him he left though he didn't look satisfied at all.

As soon as the door closed my eyes snapped to Kate. Fear was written all over her face as I once

again approached her.

"You're such a slut." I told her as I grabbed her upper arm.

She shrieked in pain and her whole face contorted in pain.

"You're such a fucking slut." I repeated to her. "Why?"

I wanted answers from her. Why?

"Fucking answer me." I yelled and she yelp.

"You're hurting me." She cried out.

"Fucking answer me." I yelled yo her face this time.

I hate betrayal. I fucking hate traitors.

"You're hurting me Sage." She whimpered again but she was trying so hard to not show me how much

painful it was.

I loosened my grip on her and she got the chance to yank herself from me.

She ran but I didn't chase her, I didn't want to.

"Just fucking stop." I yelled and she halted.

I didn't really understand why I was so angry and moved by her betrayal but since I was young I never

liked sharing my toys.

"Do you wanna do this? I mean me chasing you because if I do I'll hurt you real bad." I told her

meaning it.

If she pushed me even further I won't hold back like I was just now. If she continue to piss me off I

might loose it and hurt her very bad.

She slowly turned around and tried hiding her fear.

"Why?" She suddenly asked. "Why do you care so much what I do?"

I didn't have a specific answer to that and when I didn't answer her she continued.

"You don't even like me Sage." She added letting her frustration show. "You don't touch me like I'm your

girlfriend. I'm human Sage and I have hormones."

"That doesn't mean you have to be a whore about it." I yelled.

If she was so horny she could've just came to me. I would've been happy to scratch that itching feeling

for her.

She scoffed.

"You're the one talking about being a whore. So when I'm doing it in being a whore but what is it called

when you're doing it because goddamn it, it's like every girl in this entire world turns you on except for

me. I want you to want me Sage and if you can't give me what I want I'll look for it on someone else."

When she said the last part I saw red everywhere. I crossed the distance between is and in seconds I

was all over her.

"You want me to fuck you?" I asked her angrily.

"Yes goddamn it. I want you to want me." She let her desperation show on the last part.

"Then you have to know I don't share my toys." I told her. "Until you understand that I won't touch an

inche of your hair."

I let her go and left. In some weird way I wanted her to have eyes for me and only me.

Part of me knew the reason I was this angry was because of Alora. It didn't have any reason to do with

Kate, it all Alora.

I didn't get far when I was stopped by a prefect.

"What?" I snapped at her.

She stepped back sinking in her posture. It wasn't her fault and she didn't even know what happened

but I couldn't stop myself from glaring at her.

"The principal is calling for you at his office." She whispered scared.

I didn't stop glaring or wiggling my noise in disgust and I'm sure she wanted to be anywhere else

besides in front of me.

I let her lead me to the principal's office like I didn't know the way there.

I had no reason why he wanted to see. I would say to discuss my exceptional academic record but

even I knew that was bull.

I'm far from having such record. In fact I'm average. Maybe below on some subjects.

The other possible reason I would be summoned was because I was frequently skipping class but half

the school does it.

I've never been called to the principal's office. I'm an outstanding student who stay clear from trouble.

The one time I was called into the principal's office was when Sebastian and I thought the

cheerleader's uniforms weren't colorful enough and paint balloons made themselves towards the


And to be honest that was Sebastian's idea and most importantly it was in middle school.

Since then I've tried my best to never be caught doing something wrong or at least I thought it was


The principal shouted a soft comein the the prefect opened the door at let me.

When I saw Nathan sitting in front of the hospital in dawn to me very fast what had happened.

He looked all bruised and patched up but what caught my attention was his left hand.

It was bandaged and supported. I fought the urge to roll my eyes when u saw that because I was

certain I didn't do damage to his hand, only his face.

This reason hadn't crossed my mind. I never thought Nathan would be a tattletale.

"Thank you Ms Anne. I'll take it from here." The principal told Ms Anne.

"Yes sir." Ms Anne said and left closing the door with a soft click.

I don't know why I was being better to a girl who did absolutely nothing to me.

"Mr Miller, take a sit." The principal said clearing disappointed.

He was holding a file and when I got closer I realised it had my name on it. I sat down next to Nathan

but never did I once spared a glance at him.

"Do you know it I called you here?" He asked testing me.

"No." I said with a shrug. I can clearly see the principal's irritation showing.

As far as I know there were only five people there and none if them would tell except the one next to


"You mean to tell me that you didn't do that to Mr Orson?" He asked gesturing to Nathan with a hand.

For the first time since I sat down my head moved towards him.

I faked a gasp of shocked as I took him in. The shock lasted about a minute.

I sobered up and looked back at the principal. I think he knew I was bullshitting him but he kept his


"No I didn't." I deadpanned, a clear indication of bullshit.

"Mr Miller." He called me. "I hate liars."

"Me too sir that's why I don't understand why he would like to you about this." I said with so much fake


From the corner of my eyes I saw Nathan rolling his eyes.

"Mr Orson here is the captain of the swimming team and he can't swim with one hand. Do you

understand the damaged you've done to the swimming team this season?" He asked irritated.

"I don't like violence sir." I said looking Nathan straight in the eyes as if to tell him he's fucking screwed.

If his hand isn't in anyway damaged I will fuck his hand even more than he say it is.

"What I hate most is that you continuously lie to my face." He suddenly slammed the table.

Both Nathan and I jumped a little.

"Do you understand I will take away your co-captainship and have you remove from the football team?"

He threatened me and my eyes widened.

For the first time I realised the gravity of the situation. I've worked hard to be the co-captain that I don't

know what I would be if they took that away from me.

How will I be a chick magnet if I'm not in the team. How will I be popular if I loose my status.

I saw Nathan from my perpetual view. I wanted to strangle him but I stayed seated.

I looked down to my lap like they were the most interesting thing ever.

"So now you realised how serious this is." The principal mused.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He mocked and I bit my tongue so I didn't say exactly was I was thinking.

"Did you hear what he said?"

"No I didn't." Nathan replied and I could even hear the smug in his voice.

Fucker. I wanted to say but I was already on thin ice.

"I'm sorry." I repeated only this time a little louder.

My ego and man pride was so fucken bruised by just altering those two words.

"But sorry alone isn't going cut it." He told me and I held my breath as I waited for him to hit me with a

verdict. "You get two weeks detention and you don't get to play two games."

I wanted to scream and throw a tantrum when I heard his last sentence.

Damn you Nathan. Damn you Kate.

I wanted to wipe the smug look on his face but I couldn't. Not at this moment anyway.

"I'm not kicking you out if the team because I know you're a very good player." He added.

"I understand." I said but what I really wanted to say was fuck him and his damn punishment but I knew

o could've gotten worse.

I wanted to fuck Nathan and I promise I will.


That was a long one.

I was really lazy writting this chapter and I hope it came out good.

I know it's late and I apologise for that.

If you have any questions or just need clarification on something please do and I promise to answer


Part of Sage's personality is based on the Joker from the comics and suicide squad. He's meant to be

bad and I'm just building his character little by little but he is meant to be bad, very bad.

I thought I should put it out there.

I love you all


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