Chapter 42: The cracks

Chapter 42: The cracks

Sage Miller

Lately I've been missing a lot of firsts and fuck if that didn't piss me off.

I feel like such a fucking looser.

First it was the back to school party now this, the first game of the season. But that wasn't the only

game I was gonna miss after all.

There's still one more game I won't play.

I sat on the bleachers and watched the team practice. Some looser was filling in my spot. Doing what I

should be fucking doing.

He's also fucking horrible.

It's been a week of hell. A week since I got a damn fucking stupid punishment.

Of course I made sure to damage that fucker Nathan's arm, more than he said I did. If I wasn't gonna

play so neither would he.

I got my revenge though it wasn't enough.

I was sick and tired of detention afternoon.

I looked at the bag that rested next to me on the bleachers. My eyes moved to the owner who was

practicing on the sidelines on the pitch.

I held so much resentment for the girl I called my girlfriend. Of course this was her fault.

She just couldn't control her fucking hormones.

If she didn't go whoring around I wouldn't have had to enforce order to that fucker Nathan.

Everyone would be happy.

"I just realised something." Connor suddenly said coming towards me.

"What is it Connor?" I was really in no mood for his shit and I'm pretty sure he was probably about to

say something stupid.

"I realised that fucking is that fucking word you can fucking put any fucking where in a fucking sentence

and it will still make fucking sense." He snorted.

Like I said he was probably about to say something stupid.

I rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about Connor?" I asked him and raised eyebrow in questioning.

"Your life is a fucking mess." He declared and I rolled my eyes.

I didn't deny that. My life had always been a fucking mess but most important I realised that I create

most of those messes.

But right now, my life had no meaning.

"Your mouth is full of shit. You're useless." I deadpanned and continued to watch both the cheerleaders

and football practice.

"Am I really though? I'm sitting with you here keeping you company while you're having a pity party."

He pointed out.

"I didn't ask you didn't I?" I countered very bored.

I truly didn't feel like doing the back and forth with Connor. It always proves pointless.

"No you didn't but I'm your friend and I'll sit with you even when you don't deserve it." It was no secret

how angry and bitter I've been all throughout the week.

I couldn't be blamed though. Who wouldn't be bitter if they've fallen from grace like I did.

Just a week ago I was everything but a week later I'm nothing. Completely nothing.

I realised that cheerleading practice was over.

Kate lifted her head to see if I was still there. She waved and her teammates teased her, gushing over

me. As always.

She pointed fingers at them and said some shit, probably some dump shit threatening them.

They followed each other to the locker rooms to shower, I guess.

I waited as she went to take a shower and changed.

Few words were exchanged between me and her this week. I still very angry at her and I'd rather not

talk to her at all but I have to admit.

In this school, she's the only thing going on for me right now and I can't deny how half the football team

last over her and she's fucking mine.

Mine alone and I'll show her that.

All I've done this past week is pick her up and drop her off at her house only because I don't wanna be

fooled again by her.

And because I have to keep up appearances. If anyone found out what she's did, I'll be a fucking

laughing stock. No shit.

All they know is that Nathan was hitting on her and I beat the shit out of him.

Kate knows better that to say otherwise and so does Nathan.

"See you at the house Connor." I told him and stood up.

I picked Kate's bag.

"I'll be late. I have to race tonight and I have practice." He told me.

I nodded and left him sitting on the bleachers.

I opened my car and threw Kate's bag on the passengers seat. I pushed my car back and leaned on it

and closed my eyes.

Connor was right, I've been doing a pity party all week.

Ten minutes later the passenger door opens. Right then I opened my eyes and my eyes fell on the

clock on the dashboard.

Kate was right on time, as always.

"All done." She said.

I didn't say anything or even looked at her. She pisses me way too much.

I just started the car and backed out of the parking space.

The car ride was spent in silence like it always is. Kate scared to say or do anything because I will snap

and me, just fucking pissed.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

The only noise that was filling the car was the car engine and our breathing.

I parked right on her street and leaned back on the seat again. I left the engine running.

After all I'll be out of here in less than a minute.

Seconds went by and I realise that Kate wasn't moving.

I sighed and mentally rolled my eyes. Typical women, always predictable.

"What?" I deadpanned. "Just say whatever shit you wanna say and get the fuck out of my car."

I didn't bother being gentle. I don't fucking know who she thinks she is bit she's no damn Kim

Kardashian or even Jesus's mother.

She needed to get the fuck out of my car before I forget she's a girl, again.

She sighed.

"This is getting old very fast Sage. The silent treatment is frankly boring now." She said and I tilted my

head to look at her.

She gave me a determined looked.

"I don't have anything to say to you." I told her and raised an eyebrow.

"How old are you? 3 years, grow up would you." She said and crossed her arms over her chest.

I gave her a side glance and began tapping the staring wheel.

"Why are we still together then? I mean if we won't talk that is." She asked crossing her arms over her


"I was thinking the same thing." I said dryly and her eyes widened a bit before she collected herself.

"You do know I can have any guy I want in school right? And they'd be happy to be my boyfriend." She

said with a grim.

"But you want me. No one else and you seem to forget who I am." I told her as a matter of fact.

"Who? Tell me Sage. You use to be co-captain. Why should I want to be with you now?" She asked

both me and her.

But I knew she was lying. She has always wanted me. Even before I become co-captain or even before

I got the car.

"Because you will always want me." My blank expressionless facade was cracking fast.

The anger was showing.

"Maybe I should date the new co-captain. After all I'm also a co-captain." She suggested more to


The last self control I had snapped nasty.

In seconds I crossed the space between us and I was now stranding her and my hands were

dangerously on her neck.

I was holding back so damn hard so I wouldn't choke her right now.

She doesn't understand, until I'm through with her and deemed her worthless, she will be mine until I

say otherwise then she can date or even fuck other peoole, I don't care.

But until then, she is mine to do as I please.

I never like sharing. I still don't. I won't share her with no one else. I've done that with Alora and it

fucking sucks.

"Sage." Kate cried out surprised and tried to push me off but I didn't budge.

Her eyes were wide and full of fear. She tried backing away but she had no room to run.

"You seem to forget what happens when you open that smart mouth of yours." I started tracing a finger

on her neck.

She tried moving her head away but like I said. She had no room to run.

"Let me make you understand something. Again. You.are.mine." I told her ever so slowly so she could

understand. "For as long as I want and until then, you will not look at any other guy, you will not think of

other guys. You will only have eyes for me."

I wrapped my whole hand around her neck but I didn't squeeze.

"If you look at someone else I will know. If you talk to some guy I will know. If you think of someone

else, I will also know." I told her.

"Please don't." She begged.

"Begging suites you." I said and pretended to add pressure and a tear fell out of her eyes.

I wiped it with my other hand.

"You're so pretty." I told her.

But not as pretty as Smurf. I thought and I wiped another tear.

"Did I make myself clear or do I need to repeat myself?" I asked Kate and she nodded repeatedly.


I asked annoyed at her lack of cooperating.

"You did." She choked out and I immediately got back to my seat.

"Good." I said and straighten non-existent crease on my clothes. "Now get the fuck out of my car. I

have places to be."

She immediately got out of the car and closed the door.

I sped up and left dust on my way and surely I'm Kate too.

In minutes I was on my street. I realised Sebastian's car was on my driveway.

I parked my car behind Sebastian and got out locking it afterwards.

This wasn't uncommon for him to be here.

Everyday this week I found him here after my detention ended but today I didn't attended detention so

he was very early.

I opened the door and found it unlock like I knew it would.

I walked right in and went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the fridge.

I popped it opened and drank the water while going to the living room.

Seb was sitting on the sofa, his legs were on the coffee table and he was eating a sandwich.

"Aren't you early today." I commented and sat on another sofa.

"Coach let us go early." That's all he offered before he went back to his sandwich.

I had almost forgotten that they have a game tonight and every time the team has a game the coach

let's them go early to rest.

I leaned on the back of the sofa and enjoyed the peaceful silence. There was no pressure to insect

some noise or start a conversation.

What I like most about Sebastian is that he knows when silence is needed. Actually, he doesn't talk

much. He never did.

With Connor, all you do is talk and talk.

Lately I'm liking Sebastian's company more. He doesn't fucking pry on my business or ask question.

I can brood all I want with him with no problem but today he seemed to have a problem with me.

That was really unsettling because Sebastian barely cared about anything.

"What's your problem with me today?" So I asked him.

He breathed out a humorless laugh.

"So you did notice." He mused putting his plate on the coffee table.

"Are you gonna talk or what?" I asked him getting annoyed and pissed.

I get vexed easy these days.

I've noticed how he's been having a fucking attitude towards me these days. Ever since coach gave

him my title, my damn co-captainship.

He thinks he's some big shot now but I'll always be number 1. I'll rise again. I'm a Phoenix.

"You choked Kate." He stated.

"So?" I asked him.

"You choked her." He repeated like I'm missing the point.

"So? Get to the point." I asked him getting irritated.

"That is the point. You fucking choke her Sage. I saw the mark on her neck and she tried really hard to

hide them." What confused me is what was he doing when he saw the marks on her neck when she

tried that hard to hide them.

As far as I know Sebastian would never look at Kate's direction much less notice something so well


I didn't fucking like the speculations my head was making.

"I don't see how that concerns you." I said dryly and reached for the TV remote.

"You don't fucking see the problem here do you?" He asked and I kept channel skipping. "That's

fucking abuse."

I put the remote down and turned my head so I was looking at him.

"What now? You of all people telling me that. I thought you hated the whole gender more importantly

you hate her." I reminded him and he scoffed.

"I don't trust them. I don't hate them either. I don't hate hate but I don't like her either." He corrected me

and I rolled my eyes.

"Same difference." I mumbled.

"No it's not." He said. "Stop what you're fucking doing or leave her."

"You talk like you're any better. You and I are the same. You treat them just as I do." I defended myself.

"Were are not. I don't abuse women nor do I date them t kabuse them. Whoever decide to get with me

knows very well what she's getting into. And then there's you, first it was Alora now it's Kate."

Then it clicked to me. He just wanted my life. He wanted to be me. He's just so fucking jealous.

He likes her. He never said shit with Alora. He never did. He always mined his business.

"You like her don't you. You fucking like her." I didn't mean to add so much emotion to the statement but

u did.

I showed the rage and frustrating. I don't want someone liking her. She should be mine alone.

"It pisses you off that someone other than you might be interested in her right." He mused.

"Fuck off Sebastian. I'm warning you. Stay away from her." I warned him.

"Or what Sage? You're afraid she'll do you like that Alora chick did you." He taunted.

"Keep Alora's name out of your filthy mouth." I warned him again.

"Pick and choose Sage. Is it that Alora chick or Kate." He said.

He fucking knew what he was doing. He knew it and damn me for not helping but play this sick game.

"Minds your fucking business Sebastian. I'm warning you." I eruptly stood up and squared my


"Or what?" He stood up too and we stood toe to toe. "I don't associates myself with abusers."

I stood taller than Sebastian. I'm taller than him.

"And you're at my house." I mocked him.

I'm not a fucking abuser. I don't abuse Kate. I choked her but that was a one time thing.

Sebastian doesn't know shit. Hes just talking shit.

"Maybe I should leave." He declared.

"Maybe you should." I agreed.

If he didn't leave I was afraid a fight would break and I was determined to be the winner.

He left and as soon as he turned the corner I threw a remote at him but he was gone.

The remote hit the wall and shattered into pieces.

"Fuck you." I called after him.

"Fuck you too." He yelled and slammed the door really hard.

I threw myself on the sofa and realised the a news channel was on. I looked for the remote only to Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

remember I smashed it.

I cussed and kicked the coffee table.

My anger was getting out of control.


Sorry for the late update. Uni is showing me flames. Anywho....


I cringed so hard writting this. WOW.

All those chapters from before this chapter were leading on to this point, who sage is. This is the real


If you didn't read my last author's note, I told everyone Sage was always meant to be a bad guy. He's

inspired by the Joker.

The friends fought again and Sage is pushing everyone away from him.

Do you all miss Smurf or you wanna wait a few more chapters before she makes an appearance.

Share your thoughts.

This is the start of something big. The wheels are in motion.

Most of you will hate me at the end of this book if you don't already.

I love you all


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