Chapter 40: His love for her

Chapter 40: His love for her

Sage Miller

"I'm not an idiot Sage." Kate deadpanned and I rolled my eyes.

"I beg to differ." I mumbled fixing my hair.

Last night's mood was all gone and we were back to being just Kate and Sage, how I like it you know

"You know I heard that." She fired, her face a little bit flustered.

"It was meant to be heard." I flashed her a big smile.

She huffed and turned her back on me. I chucked and went back to fixing my hair.

I wanted the 'I just woke up like this' kind of look. That sexy messy hair thing I like.

Two minutes later Kate was still not done, irritated I looked at her through the mirror.

"No matter what you, you won't look any better. Now let's go." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

I could say she was used to my jabs because she didn't even flinch. She replied her eyes.

"Talk for yourself dear boyfriend. I know I'm a goddess." She flipped her hair.

I couldn't argue with that, she really was gorgouse and she knew it. She flaunted it too.

"Just hurry up." I hissed and went to the bathroom.

Eve had asked to meet for brunch in one of the expensive restaurant in Time square, something about

living like a New Yorker.

When I saw her at the breakfast table downstairs this morning she seemed distance and in her head. I

knew something was wrong and God help me if Styles had something to do with it.

I worry about her that's the reason I agreed to meet with her even if it meant bringing Kate. I wanted to

find out what's happening to her.

And anything to be away from Kate but unfortunately for me, she asked for Kate to join much to my


For some unholy and alien reason Eve seems to like her. I don't know but that doesn't mean I like her

too. Between its just attraction. Only that.

When I walked back in the room, Kate was done and sitting one the bed.

"I'm done." She dryly said. I rolled my eyes at her attitude.

"Finally." I exaggerated. It was her turn to roll her eyes.

She stood up and took her mini bag or whatever it's called and waited for me to led her.

I smiled when I saw it. I then did a once over of her outfit and nodded in appreciation.

Her dress was faded pink and she also wore faded pink heels.

"Nice." I comment and she flipped me like I knew she would but I barely minded.

I wouldn't know what to do if she didn't flip me.

"Do you still remember what I told you?" I asked her making my way to the door.

I saw her rolling her eyes before I turned my back on her and opened the door.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I do." She said following. "Don't fuck with Evernly because you will fuck me ten times


"Good." I told her. "Remember that and don't patronize me."

I warned her with a hiss.

"I would never." She replied telling me she would so. I hate how fucking sarcastic she can be.

I chose to ignore her. I don't need to be in a bad mood before I meet Eve.

I pressed the elevator like a good gentleman would for his girlfriend before a voice with a English

accent called me.

I turned around and saw Styles leaning against a flower stand with his hands in his pockets.

He looked dishaven and tired.

I raise a brow at him and he raised one back.

"I'll meet you downstairs." I told Kate and pushed her a little inside the elevator.

I waited till it closed then walked to Styles.

"What's up?" I asked him. It was clear to him I was in a hurry.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I raised a brow at him giving him the really look.

That isn't what he wanted to ask and I had a feeling I already knew what he wanted.

"Okay fine, where's Eve?"

Ding! Ding! Ding! I knew it.

"She's your girlfriend, I know where mine is." I fired playfully but his face told me he wasn't playing

games but too bad I wanted to play one.

"Fuck off Sage. Where is she?" She practically growled at me and I flashed her cashmere smile.

"What kind of boyfriend are you?" I fake gasped in shock and that pissed him even more.

"Don't fucken forget I'm still your boss even in New York." He told me but his words carried a threat he

was yet to spit.

"And you're now my sister's boyfriend so..." I trailed off suggestively.

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge if his nose all along I'm giving him my best smile.

"I will make your life a living hell Sage." He finally threatened but I was threatened.

A few days ago maybe I would've been scared but right now, not so much. Even then I wouldn't have

been scared.

"You forget I have the upper hand. You won't do shit. I'm starting to think you never could do shit." I

love giving him shit.

"Please." He grimaced and winced like the word physically hurts. "Where is Eve?"

I smiled at him and though if living him hanging but that would be cruel, his desperate. I can even see


"I'm having brunch with her at some restaurant." I finally told him and his tense body relaxed.

I almost laugh at his desperate face. I don't know why he didn't just track her, it wouldn't be the first


It would've saved him a lot of trouble, time and he wouldn't have went through me.

But I didn't ask. I left Styles and joined Kate downstairs. This time we didn't leave our keycard.

We hailed a cab and due to traffic a five minutes trip took almost twenty minutes.

After we arrived at the restaurant we ordered and damn was it expensive but Eve said it was her treat

so I didn't argue.

We talked and joked and surprisingly, Kate didn't show her bitchy side and it was okay.

"I like you." Eve praised for the thousand time today and fuck didn't that go to Kate's head.

If I were her I wouldn't let it get to my head that much because it really didn't matter if Eve like her or

not. Maybe it would've mattered if she didn't like her but it is what it is.

"You don't say?" I muttered low but I know they both heard me.

"Oh shut up Sage." Eve said playfully dismissing me.

I chuckled and we fell into a peaceful and comfortable silence until Kate spoke.

"Excuse me." She said politely and she stood up.

I looked up at her in questioning.

"Sure." Eve said and she left.

I watched as she talked to a waitress and the waitress pointed at something.

"She's not running away." Eve stated and I turned my head to look at her.

"What?" I asked her.

"You two look cute." She commented and I frowned.

"What?" I asked again confused as to where this is going.

I'm pretty sure we weren't being coupely and all over each other so her comment confused me.

"They way you're looking at her like you wanna grab her and make her sit back down. It's cute." She

explained with a frown.

Maybe I wanted to do what Eve said I wanted to do but not for the same reason she's think it is.

"I'm glad you know." She started.

"Glad about what?" I asked her even though I knew she would say it without me asking her.

"That your over the Alora thing. It's good for you."

I tried very hard not to grimace when she mentioned Alora. Because I wasn't over that thing and I don't

think I'll ever be over it.

"Now you have her and she's so in love with you." She gushed and beamed.

My eyes went wide and I jumped at her, figuratively of course.

"Oh hell no! No she's not." No she's not. She wouldn't be in love with me.

"What? You don't know." She gasped like she can't believe me.

"It's not true Eve. We're not in love." I told her.

"What does that mean? She's so in love with you. I could see it in her face." She argues but I have to


It must be Kate's acting. She's acting too much. Yeah! That it. The only reason.

"You're seeing things dear sister." I told her making it clear her suspicions weren't true.

"Have it your way then but I'm telling you." She surrendered but not fully. "And what do you mean

you're not in love then what are you doing with her."

I sensed a bit of anger in her words so I decided not to focus on Kate. She took me aback for a


"I'm just not meant for love." I decided the truth was best.

But of course she wouldn't be satisfy of that answer and she would press further on the that subject.

"That's not true and right because everyone needs someone to love." She told me.

I thought about what she said for a moment and smile brightly at her.

"I have you." I stated and she returned my big smile.

"I know but it's not the same." She said.

"It's not." I pretended to be surprised and shocked.

That earned me a short laugh from Eve.

"It's not." She breathed out. "You know you're allowed to love someone other than me, right?"

She asked a bit concern but I suspected the concern was so much more that her was letting on.

"You're enough for me. My is made ably for one person in this whole world. There's no space for

someone else. Only for you, okay. Only for you. You give me your opinions and fact or whatever but the

truth will always be that. My heart is only big enough for you."

No words have been spoken true tonight than those I've told Eve. That is the truth and nothing but the


She nodded.

"So.." I dragged the name. "Enough about my business, tell me about yours."

"Okay, what do you wanna know?"

"Why are you avoiding Styles?" I straight up asked without beating around the bush.

Her eyes widen as if to ask how I know. I nodded slowly telling her eyes I know.

"Spit it out." I urged her.

"That dear brother is complicated and stupid." She admitted.

"How so dear sister?" I carefully coaxed her.

"I'm scared." She admitted her eyes dropping to her lap.

I frowned at her.

"Scared?" I asked.

"Yeah I am Sage. A lot has happened you know and we're in New York and he wants me back but what

about all along huh? What was he doing but suddenly because we're in New York he wasn't me back.

What if this effect this city has on him don't last." She confessed.

"You think it's being in this city that makes him want you back?" I asked her.

She couldn't be more wrong but I didn't day that because saying it would mean answering questions

and the answers aren't something she would be thrilled to hear.

"What else could it be. I'm afraid to get hurt again. I don't think I want to get back with him." She

dropped a bomb and look away.

It took me everything in me not to shout what. I had other things to worry about than my shock.

I reached for Eve's hand across the table and draw circles on the back of her hands.

"Hey, calm down." I coaxed her once again. She looked up and her eyes were glossy. "You know I'll

support whatever you decide."

I told her even when I liked the idea of Eve and Styles together but at the end of the day Eve comes

first. Her wants and need comes first. ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

"I know." She said. "But I don't think I can get over him again. I was over him."

"No you were not." I blunted out without thinking.

She surprised me when she laughed. I joined her and chuckled at my stupidness.

"Yeah I was not." She admitted. "I'm just scared."

"Don't be. Like you told me, if it doesn't work it means it was never meant to be and you won't sit in a

bar 10 years from now and regret not giving him a chance."

I remember the whole lecture when I asked her if she was sure she wanted to give Styles a chance.

She gave me a whole novel of reason and in someway they seemed reasonable and I ship them so....

"Love is hard." Eve exclaimed leaning further against her chair.

I chuckled.

"That bad." I asked her.

"To love is to suffer, to avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving.

Therefore to love is to suffer. Not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be

happy, then, is to suffer but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore to be unhappy one must love or

love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness"

Well fuck! I nodded like I understood.

"Did you get that?" She asked and I nodded but she bursted laughing. "No you didn't."

"You're right, I didn't understand shit." I admitted laughing.

"That's how love is. It's hard."

Just then Kate returned from the bathroom. She took her sweet time.

She sat down and I retracted my hands and conversation was easy till we had to leave.

"You took your sweet time at the restroom." I pointed out when we were walking out of the restaurant.

Eve was walking in front of us.

"A girl's gotta look good." She said and joined Eve.

We hailed a cab and went back to the hotel.

Despite Eve's attempt to get me to attend tonight's event she failed. She even used Kate but I have

Kate hand.

Even if she wanted to go she wouldn't have. She knows what good for her.

I don't see the importance if tonight event. Last night was important for Eve so I did attend and but

tonight is a definite no.

I did wore a suit last night for Eve. It was enough. I'm a simple man of tees, jeans and sneakers.

A suit whatever, I'll wear one again on my funeral when I can't argue when they dress me but until them

I'm not wearing it again.

I wasn't ready to see Alora and that asshole she calls a boyfriend. That fucker is just a tool.

The whole day was spent trying not to think of Alora and catching up on some much need sleep. After

last night I was beat.

Kate went to explore the city. I gave her some money for a cab and more for some cotton candy or

whatever, some fertilizer for her bitchy attitude.

They day went on and finally those who were going to the to attend the event left.

One more day and I'll be back in Miami with less traffic and much lesser noise.

I was on the living room just sitting and watching a random show when the doors of the elevator


Kate was in our room doing whatever things Queens Bs do to keep them bitchy.

Eve stepped out first giggling uncontrollable.

She looked up and was surprised tp see me.

"Sage." She greeted pulling her dress up and walking past me.

It was barely 10 pm and the event started 8 o'clock. I know for a fact it's not over. Not this early anyway.

My eyes moved to Harry who was about to follow Eve.

I raised my brow question him.

"She wanted to go to a New York club." He explained and both my eyebrows joined my hairline.

"And you think it's a good idea?" I didn't need to spell out the obvious.

It was no secret that Eve has been drinking more than usually.

We've all noticed, me so more than others. It's me Wren called when she came home wasted or when

she sneaked out. It's me that went around all night searching the city for her drunk ass.

It's me that bumps to her at night clubs.

So I know how much of a bad idea it I'd to take her to a night club. Eve needs to detox before she

becomes an alcoholic.

"She begged me and I had no choice." He clarified.

"Sure you didn't." I said dryly.

"I can't change my mind now beside you're coming with." He changed the subject fast.

"Am I now?" I mused not bothering getting up.

"Stop giving me shit before you spoil my mood. Eve said you'd what to but I'd be more tha happy if you

didn't come." He told me and I was on my feet in seconds.

"I'm very happy to come. Don't get too excited." I taunted him and he groaned.

I walked into the room that was assigned to me and Kate, apparently.

Kate was lying on bed on her phone. No doubt posting pictures she took today.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I roll my eyes a lot around her.

"Get dress, we're going out." I told her.

She looked up from her phone for the first time. She looked back at her phone then back at me like she

wasn't sure I was talking to her.

"You're talking to me?" She asked humorless. "And you wanna go out with me, at this time?"

"Yes, yes and yes." I dryly replied and changed my tee for a black one and a blue dam in jacket.

"I'm not going." She deadpanned and went back to her phone.

I'm sure she did that to give me shit but it would never work.

I took my sneakers and sat next to her in bed. I wore them and took my time tied the knot on both


After I was done I sat comfortable and turned to her and like I knew she would. She ignored me. I didn't

mine because at the end of the day she would do what I want.

"Unfortunately for you I wasn't asking you. Now get your ass off the bed, change, put on your best

smile and let's go." I said charmingly to her.

"If you know what's good for ya." I said in a sing along tone.


I loved this chapter so much.

What do make the relationship between Kate and Sage.

I've told you all this before, I'm shit at new characters so I'm still developing Kate so please be patient.

Tomorrow I'll be officially attending to class. I'm very proud I managed to wrote this and it right on time.

Do vote and comment

I love you all


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