Chapter 39: Existence

Chapter 39: Existence

Sage Miller

I'm fucked up. I know I am. I've always known that. Killing your own mother without so much as a single

thought proves that you're beyond fucked up.

Half the things I do I don't know why I do it. I do it just because. I do it because I'm fucked up.

"Your cruelty has no boundaries." She spat viciously.

My heart sank as I heard the venom in her words. She hates me. She has to.

I don't blame her but I can't help myself.

Fighting fire with fire, it never works. It never does but I can't seem to stop. I'm sadistic, bite me.

"You're a monster Sage." She cried out yelling.

I already knew that but hearing her say that killed me.

"I know." I murmured. "But I don't want to be."

Something about her makes me one. I have no boundaries when she's concerned.

"Just leave Sage. I don't wanna see you, I don't wanna talk to you. I hate you." She spat, violently

wiping her tears.

"No you don't." I said calmly.

"Are you happy? You humiliated me. You degraded me. Are you satisfied or do you want to do more

damage. Because if you want to, there's no more damage you could do. You've done that time and

time again."

This time I've crossed a line. I knew that much.

"I'm sorry." I told her. I'm not sure if I really meant it.

The truth is I didn't mean it, she had it coming when she decided her time is worthy for that asswipe

and no me.

He will break her when I'm the only one allowed to do so.

"Wow, Sage apologized." She let out a humorless laugh. "Don't you have somewhere else to be? A

girlfriend yo be with."

She sneer and spat all at the same time.

Kate can suck my dick twice on a Tuesday or jump off a cliff for all I care.

"I'm right where I'm suppose to be." I told her.

"Just go Sage. Go." She yelled getting up.

For the first time I realised how broken she looked.

Her shoulders were slagged, her face was so puffy from crying and her eyes were so red.

I did that. Even when I saw the damage I've done, somewhere inside me it wasn't enough because I

can't fix her.

I wanted to be her hero.

"I don't wanna go." I firmly told her. "I want to be right here."

Her eyes held so much rage and hatred, hatred for me.

"You have a girlfriend Sage. A whole girlfriend. Go to her. She's waiting for you. Go Sage because

you're not wanted here." She yelled.

She was trying not to let her pain show but I've always saw her right through her and today was no


"Fuck Kate. I want to be right here." I yelled.

She froze for a second before she scoffed.

"Just go." She said. She was no longer yelling.

"Why won't you understand that I don't wanna go?" I asked her talking a step forward.

She stayed rooted in her place refusing to be intimidated. I was proud of her for that.

"Because you will leave. You never stay." She answered looking away.

I took another step forward and another.

"You seem to forget dear Alora that you're the one who always leaves." I reminded sweetly and

stopped in front of her.

She looked around seeming to be thinking if she should step back or stand her ground.

"And you forget why I always leave." She counted and tilted her head up, proud of herself for the


"No I don't forget, Smurf." I purred lowering my voices.

She cleared the throat before speaking.

"So you understand why I always leave." Her voice was an octave higher.

I inwardly smirked. It was so damn easy to fall to our routine.

"I will never understand. I'm so much better than him." I fired back.

She frowned a bit as if we weren't talking about the same thing.

"What are you talking about? You think I always leave because of him?" She asked narrowing her


"Isn't that the reason?" I countered.

"You're so oblivious." She told me shaking her head.

In two seconds I closed the distance between us.

Harshly, I snaked my hand around her waist and hoisted her to me.

"But there is something I'm not oblivious on." I told her pressing my lips just under her ear.

"Uh-what is that?" She asked, she was a bit breathless and flustered.

"You. I know you." I whispered. "I bet you're wet right now."

She began to shake her head.

"Yes you are, you are wet for me." I argued. "Always for me."

Her heart was racing against my own and so was mine.

I was hard as a rod. Hard for her.

"Tell me Smurf, does he makes you feel like I do?" I kissed her neck nibbling a bit.

"Does he touch you like I do?" My other hand went to her ass. I grabbed it and squeezed it.

"Do you get wet like you do for me?" She moaned and tilted her head back to give me more excess.

"Does you're heart race like this for him?" I kissed the based of her neck then her upper chest.

"Tell me Smurf, is his touch always enough?" I bend down so my hand can reach her thigh.

"Does he fuck like I do?" I pulled her leg up and she wrapped it around my waist.

"Tell me Smurf?" I used both hand to steady her, one hand on her waist the other on the back of her

thigh of the lifted leg.

She moaned loudly when I kissed her throat then her lips.

"Say it Smurf, I know you want to." I urged her moving to her jaw.

"Tell me he doesn't hold a candle to me. Say it." I added pressure to her jaw.

"Say it, tell me." I lifted my knee a little and pressed it between her legs.

"Say it." I added pressure there between her legs and on the her jaw.

"Yes, yes, Yes." She praised.

"Yes what Smurf?" I asked adding even more pressure.

"He doesn't hold a candle to you." She threw up the words like she's been holding them back.

I smiled in triumph and kissed her even more.

Just then the door decided to open but I barely registered it until the person spoke.

"The fuck." He yelled.

Alora jumped out of my hold and almost fell on her ass. Her eyes widen and crazy but she was also

flustered and I also saw fear in her eyes.

I spun around quickly and saw Axel by the door holding the door Bob, looking like she wanted to

murder someone.

I growled.

"Axel." Alora whispered behind me. I made it a point to hide her from his penetrating glare.

When I moved it was Axel's turn to growl.

I rolled my eyes.

"The fuck." He repeated.

"You've already said that." I deadpanned.

"You stay out of it." He warned pointing at me.

"Fuck you." I spat at him.

The tension was rising fast. The asshole's shoulders were squared and tense.

"It's not what you're thinking." Alora said and tried to side step but I blocked her.

"Oh yeah what am I thinking Alora?" The asshole yelled and I glared at him but before I could tell him

off he spoke again. "Because what I'm thinking is exactly what u saw."

"Um-i-Axel." Alora stuttered.

"That's why you asked me to leave you alone so you can whoring around with this barstard." He yelled

and stepped fully into the room.

His shock was now rolling out and he was settling on anger.

"Don't you fucking call her a whore asshole." I warned talking a step towards him.

"If the shoe fits." He glared at me and I returned the favour.

"Sage stop." I heard Alora yell.

Just then I barely saw it, Axel's fist flying towards my face. It made contact with my face and I stumbled

back bumping into Alora.

"Axel." Alora screeched.

"Fuck." I groan as pain shoot through my jaw.

I regained my balance and stood upright holding my jaw.

"That's what you fucking het when you mess with people's girlfriends." He sneered at me.

I spit out and look at my spit to see it I bled or not.

My spit was clear.

I sneered at him.

"Don't fucking swing if you won't fucking finish." I warned him before I lunged at him.

He wasn't expecting it because his eyes widen just as my fist colored with his eye but I didn't stop


I jabbed and threw another punch then another.

If asshole wanted to swing I'll swing right back at him. Only I won't swing once.

"Sage stop please." I barely registered Alora screaming desperately wanting me to stop.

I punched him again and again.

I felt hands on my shoulder pulling me off Axel but I shrugged the hands of and I heard a loud thud

behind me.

I then registered who the hands belonged to and I just pushed her.

I spun around fast my body still pumping with adrenalin of the fight and adrenalin of what I just did.

My eyes landed on her on the floor. They widened and I froze, my body tensed.

"Alora." I whispered just as the asshole came around me and squated next to her helping her back up.

My chest tighten with guilt as I looked at her.

She looked away from me but not before I saw the hurt buried behind her eyes.

It shook me to my core.

"Alora." I whispered again but this time Axel whipped his head to me and glare at me.

"Look what you've done. You could've done serious damage you fucker." He yelled at me.

This time I didn't argue as I looked at her. I really could've hurt her.

"Are you okay?" Axel asked her. "Does anything hurt?"

Alora only nodded. I hate that she couldn't look at me not that I blame her.

"Alora." I called again.

"You're still here. Get fucking lost." Axel shouted angrily.

I looked at Alora to see if she wanted me to leave knowing very well what her eyes would show.

My heart sank when she didn't look at me. She leaned onto him then I barely saw it.

She didn't want me in here.

I see. I thought bitterly and made a snarling noise then spun around and left.

I closed the door with a loud bang that it bounced off the frame and opened again.

I didn't look back as I marched to somewhere. Anywhere.

"There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere." I heard Kate before I even saw her.

I spun around to what felt like a millionth time.

"We're leaving." I announced hard.

Her face contorted with confusing but I didn't give her even two seconds. I spun around again ready to

look for an exit until she grabbed my elbow.

"Where were you? You left me alone." She asked but I didn't answer her or looked at her more that two


I mumbled coherent words to her and yanked my elbow from her.

"Sage I'm talking to you. You can't leave me alone and don't answer. I as ked a question and I expect

you to answer that. I looked like a fool alone in a room full of people I didn't know." She complained and

complained until I have had enough.

I stopped and spun around. Again.

"Kate, Can it." I ordered.

Her face immediately filled with recognition. At first her eyes widen with shock and she gasped.

"With were with here, weren't you?" It was barely a question and when I didn't answer she took it as


I didn't stick around to see hurt covering her feature. I began walking again.

"How could you Sage? You brought me here so you can run to her the second you got a chance. How

could you?" She was hurt. That much was evident on her voice.

I couldn't stand hearing her hurt not because I give two shits about her but because I've seen and

heard enough of that for today.

I walked outside and I was greeted by the night warm air if New York. My first time here and it was a


Kate was still talking expressing her hurt and yelling. When someone stopped and gave me a stink eye

I had had enough.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her next to me. I bend down till my mouth was close enough to her ear.

"Stop fucking talking or you know what will happen." I whispered warningly before I pulled away from

her fully not even sparing a glance at her.

She should know when to fucking get off.

I hailed a cab and got. She followed slowly.

After I took my phone and texted Styles telling him I left.

I barely heard the driver asking where to with my ears and head ringing.

"Where were we again?" I rudely asked Kate.

She told the driver where to drop us then went back to ignoring me not that I mind any way. I liked it.

Some time later we arrived. I paid the cab and we entered the building.

Just when I was about to enter the the elevator I realised I left the keycard that gives me excess to the

penthouse floor back at my room.

Great, just fucking great. I fucking hate New York.

I marched to the reception and asked for a keycard but of course she gave me shit.

If looks could kill, the fucking reception would be dead and buried right now.

Actually I wanted to kill her. If not for the fucking witnesses everywhere, I would jump the damn counter

and strangle her till she's fucking blue.

I closed my eyes and wished for a miracle. Just once can the man upstairs work for me.

I looked around and a miracle walked in.

Howard was escorting a family inside, I guess. I didn't give two shits.

I walked up to him and I guess he could tell I was pissed.

"She's giving me shit. I just want a damn keycard." I told him when he asked.

"I apologize on behalf of her, I will sort it out now." He said and turned to the family. "Please excuse me

for a moment."

I followed him to the receptionist.

"Stacy, this are Ms Styles's guest. You should treat them as such." Her eyes immediately widen and

she fumbled giving me the keycard.

"I'm sorry I didn't know please don't tell her." She begged but I didn't pay her any mind.

I nodded at Howard and joined Kate by the elevator.

"Did you get it?" She asked and I flashed her the keycard and summoned the elavotor.

The moment we entered our room I pinned her on the wall.

She yelp and gasped when I suddenly kissed her.

"What are you doing?" She asked alarmed.

I've never made such a move on her since we started dating. I would understand the confusion but

Marvin gaye said sexual healing right.

I damn I needed some right now. It's been a fucking while. Beside can't I fuck my girlfriend whenever I


"I want to fuck you, you're my girlfriend." I stated and faintly heard her heart accelerating.

"Sage." She called me.

"You can stop me if you want." I told her.

She seemed to be thinking about it for a moment but I knew she'd give in. They always do. I'm that


"Don't ruin the dress then." She warmed and I smirked.

I pulled away for a bit but my hands were still on her making it clear I still want to fuck her.

"Turn around." I ordered and she did just that.

I pushed her against the wall.

First I ran my hand around her blond hair messing it up before tugging it and pulled her head back.

She yelp, I kissed her neck moving her head to my desire.

She let me take control and u fucking loved it. Being in control.

I moved around her neck until I was kissing her shoulder blades.

She moaned my name just how I lived it.

I let go of her hair and unzipped her dress. I slowly pushed the straps off her shoulders.

Her beautiful back is now on full display for me. Only for me.

My eyes trail to her gorgouse ass and I suck in a harsh breath.

Truth is, I've never been able to resist her body. It's just a work of work. No flaw and damn does she

know it.

I step aside for a moment and give her ass a little slap, just to see it jiggling and fuck it does, like jello.

She yelp and moan. I trail kisses down her back to the top of her ass.

"Sage." She moaned louder than before.

Slowly I push her lace panties with both hands and fuck, I love her ass.

"Mine." I whispered kissing each cheek.

I eruptly stood up and turned her around.

I love playing with my food before I eat it.

I've always been one for games. I love games especially foreplay. I live for it.

"Touch me." She begged breathless.

I smirked and I slowly and agonisingly trail my fingers down her stomach.

"Please." She begged some more when I took too long.

"Patients is virtue dear girlfriend." I told her smirking. I barely could recognise my own voice.

I teased her clit by drawing circles and she immediately moaned.

Her hands went to my jacket and pushed it off my shoulders and it fell down.

She started undoing my buttons and I kept rubbing her clit in circles.

She suddenly stopped and her body went still as a rod. Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

"Don't cum." I ordered her and she shuddered under my touch.

"I can't." She cried. "I can't."

I slowed down my momentum and rubbed slowly, she whimpered.

"Please." She begged.

"Please what?" I asked her knowingly.

"Please don't slow down." She cried.

"You won't come?" I asked her and she nodded eagerly.


Another chapter done sweetness.

Quick question, how old is Sage?

Lots get confused with this.

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I love you


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