The Alpha’s Dark Revenge

It’s okay

Nikolai’s POV

My chest tightened as I watched Liyah rake her fingers through her hair. From the helpless look on her face, I knew she was close to tears. We had been at it again today since early this morning. We had tried basically everything I could think of.

I had taken her into the woods to go hunting, hoping her wolf would sense the presence of game and come alive. When that didn’t work, I had cut the deer I had caught into pieces. If she felt a thirst for the blood then we were on the right track. But the only effect it had on her was the projection of vomit. It disgusted her to the core.

After that we had tried to put her in a position where she was in danger. A connection with one’s wolf was built in such a way that it was designed to protect her. I had been reluctant to try out this method because I was scared of her getting hurt. But after much pleading I gave in. The distance I had to push her from was not a very far one but I was scared nonetheless.

When she landed badly in the bed of flowers below, I jumped down after her in fear that she had gone out. Luckily she was unhurt. Sad but uninjured. But she wouldn’t stop.

Now she stood helpless and close to tears and I had no idea what to do or how to help her. My hands clenched into fists as she began to sob.

Wiping her face, she stood. “Nothing is working. Nothing ever works. W-we should just stop, there’s no point, okay? I was stupid to think I actually had a wolf in a first place because of some stupid mark..”


But she shook her head. “I’m grateful for all your help. But you can’t summon something that’s not there.” She wiped her tear-stained face once more before she turned away. “I’m done.”

I watched her walk away, her hands coming up to her face at intervals to wipe away the tears that would not stop falling. I swallowed. Maybe it was time to use the last strategy… the one I hadn’t even wanted to think of, but could only be used as a last resort.

What if she hated me after? I wondered, my heart beating hard in her chest. But I couldn’t let her give up on this. She had been bullied, ridiculed, and hated for this particular reason. Now that there was a chance to prove all of those people wrong, a chance that she could have a wolf and be recognized as one of her kind. I couldn’t let it pass her by. I wouldn’t. So I hardened my heart and quickly walked forward to meet her.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Liyah!” I boomed. When she turned around to face me, I inhaled deeply. I couldn’t back down now. I had to go through with this. “So you’re just going to give up?!” I spat, making sure the venom in my voice was obvious.

My heart broke at the confused expression on her face as she began to sob afresh. “W-what… what do you expect me to do? Nothing is-”

“Just stop, okay? That’s just what you tell yourself to feel better about your failures.”

Her eyes widened in shock. “Why are you-”

“Don’t even! We’ve been practicing for so many days now. And now because of a minor setback you wanna throw it all away? Are you really that selfish? That weak? You’re just going to sit there like a fucking crybaby and let your father win? You’re just going to prove him right?”

Her face hardened at the mention of her father. I prayed to the Goddess that this would work out.

When she didn’t say anything, I scoffed, moving closer to her. I deliberately pushed her, making her stagger backwards in surprise. “This right here, is why you’ll never reach your full potential.”

“You’re weak… scared… soft,” I coated my words with disgust, making sure to punctuate each word with a hard shove. “What? You can’t even fight me can you? It’s not even surprising. You’re weak, no matter what anyone does to you, how much they push you around, you never get angry. You let them control you… like a puppet.”

As her face reddened, I shoved harder. Harder. Until she began to block my punches, albeit slowly and with tears streaming down her face. I wanted to hug her and wipe them away. But I had to finish this.

“Your father? He’s right about you, they all are. You’re nothing but a scared little girl and you continue to be for the rest of your life.” She staggered backwards as I continued to shove her.

I spat at her feet. “You’re not worthy of anything, and you’ll never be! You’re just a big, fat, pushover!”

As I threw the final punch, a loud growl escaped her, her clothes ripping as she transformed. As I came to a standstill staring in shock at the exquisite, shiny black fur of her wolf and the icy blue glare, she slashed through my chest, her claws digging deep into my skin and making me drop to the ground in pain.

As blood oozed out of the wound in my chest, she shifted back to her human form, staring at herself in surprise as if comprehending what had just happened.

When she did, she let out a high pitched scream, jumping up and down in joy as she continued to ogle at her now nude form. “Did you see that?!” She yelled, rushing forward and launching herself at me in joy.

I couldn’t but laugh as she continued to gush, apologizing for the wound she had inflicted and reaching down to kiss my lips.

After she was done kissing my entire face, I finally managed to steady her. Pulling her into a hug, I whispered, “I’m so sorry I had to say all of that to you. It was the only way I could think of to provoke you enough and-”

She stopped me with a kiss. “It’s okay. I understand.”

Smiling, she kissed my face again making me laugh. “Do you want to go in and get something to eat?” She asked, smiling so widely I hoped her lips wouldn’t break. I had never felt so happy about something. Finally, she felt complete. She was happy. In every way. And that was all I needed. If she was whole, I was whole.

Gripping her butt in my hands, I kissed her. “With you laying naked and looking like a whole meal, I can think of a few things we could do instead.”

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