The Alpha’s Dark Revenge

Are you sure?

Nikolai’s POV

As soon as I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, I instinctively reached out for Liyah, jumping up when my hand touched empty sheets. On sitting up, I saw that she had rolled to the edge of the king-sized bed, her head nearly touching her knees as she folded into herself.

I let myself breathe. At some point I had began to wonder if last night had just been a dream. Because it actually felt like it. But there she was, lying right beside me in nothing but a flimsy piece of lingerie. She was mine. I couldn’t help the smile that spread on my face. Liyah was mine; my mate, my own.

Reaching out, I gently pulled her into the bed, pulling the blanket over her and getting up gently to avoid waking her as I made my way into the kitchen.

I chuckled as I opened the cabinet. Drew and Anna had really outdone themselves. The cabin we had expected to be thick in dirt and dust was sparkling clean when we arrived, the cabinets were stocked with so much food items I wondered if they had planned for us to live here.

Assholes, I laughed quietly to myself. But I couldn’t say I wasn’t grateful. It brought Liyah and I closer than we had ever been. And last night… well, I’ve never had better, hotter sex. I swallowed at the thought. It was amazing. I pushed the image of her shy smile and full boobs away from my mind as I began to make breakfast for her. I wanted to surprise her.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

When I finished making only breakfast food I knew how to: bacon, eggs, toast and coffee, I carried it down to the bedroom. She was already awake when I stepped in.

Her face lit up when she saw me. I gently placed the tray onto the bed. “Hey beautiful,” I whispered, leaning in to kiss her.

“Hey,” She responded, trying her best to smoothen out her messy hair. God, she was adorable.

“What’s this?” She grinned looking up at me.

I folded my arms. “Breakfast in bed, of course.”

She laughed. “Wow. I didn’t know you could cook.”

“I can’t.”

Eyeing me warily, she placed a piece of bacon in her mouth, nodding a little as she chewed. Before I could ask how it was, she had stabbed a piece and brought it close to my mouth. My eyes widened in surprise at the taste.

“Wow. This is chef level right there.”

She nearly choked on her coffee as she began to giggle. “You wish.” From then I watched her eat in silence, not sure exactly why I was gushing so much. I just wanted to pull her into my arms and protect her. Take care of her… kiss her forehead. She was such a blessing.

“You didn’t tell me.” Her voice made me look up.

“What?” I asked.

“Last night… you marked me. We’re mates. How long have you known?”

Oh. I reached out to grasp her hand. “Honestly, I’ve known for a while. But I was too angry and full of pain that I flat out refused to acknowledge it. But now… there’s no one in the world that I’d rather be with.”

When she started to blush, I knew the explanation was good enough for her.

“Why are you letting me eat alone?” She suddenly asked. “When do you plan on eating?”

I shook my head. “I’m hungry. But I don’t feel like bacon and eggs.”

“Oh. What would you like to eat then?”

“You,” I replied simply, smirking as she began to blush, reaching out to smack my arm as she put a hand over her face shyly.

I roared with laughter, leaning forward to kiss her once more as I continued to watch her eat.


“Ready?” I asked, after we had gone through some practice moves and I was sure she remembered all I taught her about defence. She had insisted on a training session today because she’d said she felt useless sitting around all day. I wanted her to get some rest but she insisted. After she pleaded, I had reluctantly agreed on the condition that it would only go on for an hour.

“Ready,” She nodded, pulling her hair into a ponytail as she faced me. As I took a moment to make sure she was doing the right posture, I froze when my eyes landed on her neck. I did a double take.

What on earth…

“Nikolai?” I heard her call out as she noticed me staring. “Is something wrong?”

“Liyah, your… your neck.”

Her hand flew to her neck. “My neck…? Speaking of, there’s something I forgot to tell you. When you marked me last night, I had this strange feeling. It wasn’t pain, it was something else. Almost like… like a burning sensation. It was so weird.”

I moved closer to her, rubbing my thumb gently on the spot where the mark should have been. I didn’t want to stir up any false hope within her with my theories. But she had to know. “Liyah… I think it’s healed.”

As I expected she staggered back in shock. “W-what?” She stammered, touching the spot on her neck. “But.. that’s not possible.”

I studied her neck. There wasn’t a trace of the mark. She-wolves usually heal after the mating process, but never this immaculately where the mark completely disappeared without leaving a scar, and certainly never this quickly. And Liyah didn’t have a wolf yet.


“This can only mean one thing,” I finally said, trying and failing to cover up my smile.

I could see the nervousness in her eyes as she rubbed her sweaty palm over her sweats. “What are you saying, Nikolai. What does this mean…?”

I took my time, wanting to build the suspense within her whilst trying not to burst into laughter at the expression on her face.

“I think the mating process might have awakened your wolf.”

Her hand slapped over her mouth in shock. I let her be as she stood motionless for a while, staring into space and rubbing her neck.

After a while, she looked up again. “Are you sure?”

I nodded. That was the only reasonable explanation for this. All I had to do now was teach her how to summon her wolf at will, transform, and get to her full potential as her wolf unleashed. I was sure.

I heard her let out a soft cry as she placed a hand over her eyes. “I have a wolf… I have a wolf…” She kept on repeating as tears leaked from her reddened eyes to the front of her shirt.

I wrapped her in a tight hug, my heart clenching when she began to sob bitterly. “Shh, it’s okay… it’s okay…” I cooed, kissing the top of her head.

As I began to rock her back and forth, smiling when I saw that she had begun to laugh, I knew everything would be okay.

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