Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 1019: Chapter 76 : Too High a Price

Chapter 1019: Chapter 76 : Too High a Price

I took Luther's journal with me when Lucas and I headed back to the capital. We agreed that in order to get back to our own reality, we needed to find both of the orbs in this reality.

For that, we had to get to the Northern Library project.

Lucas already told me that the temple had been found in this reality just like in our reality.

“We'll get to the capital at night. Hopefully, security around the temple will be minimal, and we can slip in and grab the orb."

“You're assuming that no one has found the orb yet."

Lucas smirked at me in the backseat of the SUV. “Well, if someone did find it, they had to turn it over to the king and queen. Getting it from them should be easy enough."

I shook my head. “Maybe in our own reality. We don't know what our relationship with them is like in this one."

“This is Lena and Xander we're talking about. I don't care what reality they're in. The two of them are reasonable in any reality."

I didn't argue, but Lucas seemed more optimistic than I thought he should be. Although, everyone we met had similar traits. Donovan was a complete jerk. Eliza was helpful and knowledgeable. The priestess was creepy and weird.

Maybe Lucas was onto something with people in different realities having similar traits.

The car left us near the college campus. We didn't want to draw too much attention to ourselves and a busy college campus where Lucas was known seemed like a good place to blend in.

He took me to a campus café for a late afternoon lunch. We sat at a two-top table with an umbrella on a cobblestone patio.

“I wish I could stop in and see my friends. They won't remember me in this world, though, will they?"

Lucas shook his head. “I'm afraid not. The Sasha here never came to school here."

I sighed and bowed my head. As grateful as I was to have my memories back, this still wasn't my world. I couldn't see my friends, I couldn't have my life back. More than ever, I wanted to get those orbs and fix all of this.

“Don't worry, Sasha. We're going to get back there." Lucas reached across the table and took my hand.

I nodded. “I believe you. You're certain the orb will be in the temple again?" Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“There's no reason it shouldn't be. I've been thinking about the orbs. I think there is a future orb and a past orb. That's why the one we had before only showed you things from the past."

My stomach twisted as I remembered those visions about Anna–about my past life.

“Actually, that makes a lot of sense, especially since we learned the two orbs are supposed to work together."

Lucas smirked. “Well, since the two of them control time, and probably realities, too, I had this other idea. I'm willing to bet that the orbs exist in the same place in every reality."

“That's… odd." I frowned at Lucas.

“It would explain how the future orb from our reality wasn't where it was supposed to be. We went to that temple and no one had taken the orb. If it was moved in another reality, then maybe that's why we couldn't find it, because that changed its location in all realities."

“That does make sense. I wish we knew that before going all the way into the mountains. I wouldn't have fallen from the cliffs or gotten horribly sick."

Lucas chuckled. “I'm glad your memories are more solid."

We finished our lunch and headed to the Northern Library site to do some recon. I stayed at the edge of the site because I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

Lucas's presence on the site wouldn't be unusual.

I saw him go to the foreman. They talked for a while and the foreman shook his head several times.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but from the furrow in Lucas's brow and the frown on the foreman's face, I knew it couldn't be that good.

The foreman led Lucas around the library and I couldn't see them anymore. Several minutes later, they returned, and I could tell something was wrong.

Lucas's shoulders sagged a little and he looked defeated.

Forgetting myself, I ducked under the construction tape that blocked off the site and ran to Lucas.

“What's wrong?"

He sighed and glanced back toward the library.

“Apparently, the Lycoanians attacked the temple and imploded it when they couldn't convince King Xander that it should belong to them. There's no way in or out of the temple now. Whatever we could have found there is gone."

I sighed and bowed my head. “That's not good...."

“I know. It looks like we're going to have to go to the palace after all."


Lucas and I sent a message to the palace asking for an audience with the king and queen. I convinced him we needed to do this formally because we had no idea what our relationship with Xander and Lena was like in this reality.

We waited outside the palace gates for a guard to come back with an answer to our request.

Lucas paced back and forth, hands in his pockets. Even when he was anxious, I thought he was incredibly handsome.

The small scowl in his eyes made him look determined and fierce. My heart fluttered as I watched him and I couldn't shake the memories of his strong arms holding me and how safe I felt with him.

My stomach twisted and my cheeks got red hot. I bit my lip and looked away from him before he noticed me staring.

The guard returned. “King Xander and Queen Lena will see you now."

We were brought to the throne room to speak with the king and queen. It was an incredibly formal meeting, and I worried that meant they didn't have the same relationship with us in this world.

Lena and Xander looked at us with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity as we entered the throne room. Lucas put his arm around my shoulders, helping to steady me.

“What is all this about?" King Xander asked.

“I'm sorry to bother you, Your Majesty, but Sasha and I have encountered a bit of an issue. We find ourselves a little… out of place and need to get back to our reality."

Immediately, Xander narrowed his eyes.

“Seriously, Lucas? We don't have time for another one of your schemes. You should know by now that Lena and I aren't going to help you."

I glanced at Lucas and saw the shock in his eyes. He obviously wasn't expecting that reaction.

“This isn't a scheme," he argued. “The two of you must know about alternate realities and timelines with all the magical artifacts you have."

“There are many mysteries in this world. That doesn't mean we'll believe any random theory you bring to us," Lena stated firmly.

“Queen Lena, please," I said.

Her eyes snapped to me. The fierceness of the Moon Goddess blazed in her eyes and I swallowed hard, shutting my mouth tightly.

“I don't know who you are. Do not address me so familiarly."

I chewed the inside of my cheek and looked at Lucas again. He grimaced and tightened his arm around me.

“I think we're getting off on the wrong foot here. King Xander, Queen Lena, you know that I'm Lucas Black, right?"

The king gave Lucas a tired look. “Yes. You're Lucas Black. And for better or for worse, I know you."

“What does that mean?" Lucas blurted out.

I shook my head, hoping Lucas wasn't about to start something. We couldn't afford to end up in some royal dungeon for an extended period of time.

“I've always admired your talents as an architect, Lucas. That's why I entrusted you with some

important projects. Unfortunately, talent isn't enough. You actually have to finish the projects and not be so… lazy. I like you, but I can't trust you to do your work."

I saw Lucas fighting his own frown. It was hard to hear what someone in another reality thought of him.

We both knew he was nothing like what King Xander just described.

“Not to mention, you always have these big plans but you never follow through. This whole 'alternate reality' bit sounds a lot like another one of your big plans."

“It isn't," Lucas interjected. “Whatever I may have done in the past, I promise that my goals are genuine this time. I have no intention to back down and not see this through."

“How inspiring," Lena drawled, shaking her head.

We weren't going to get very far if Lena and Xander continued to think that Lucas was some lazy flake. It was impossible to prove what we were saying.

I stepped away from Lucas and went closer to the thrones.

The guards standing by raised their spears, but Xander held up his hand.

“Sasha!" Lucas hissed at me.

I ignored him and dropped to my knee in front of Lena and Xander. I bowed my head respectfully.

“You may not know me but I know the two of you. King Xander, Queen Lena, the two of you have

always been reasonable. You're known throughout Erogen as kind, merciful rulers that have changed the perception of Dark Kings and White Queens."

I paused and lifted my head slightly.

The two of them were listening closely. I could tell I had their full attention now.

“Your power, and you as leaders, are both respected and loved. That being said, I'm asking you to look past what you think of Lucas and me and hear us out."

Lena arched her eyebrow at me. “You know what you're saying sounds like tall tales."

“I know. Half the time, I don't believe it myself, but if you give us the chance to explain, I think you'll be able to see reason. You always have in the past."

I bit my lower lip and waited while Lena and Xander exchanged a long look. They didn't say anything, but I could see in their eyes that they were silently contemplating my words and coming to the same conclusion.

Lucas came up beside me. He knelt down next to me, showing them the proper respect as well.

“I understand that I've let you down in the past. Please, give me this chance to make it up to you."

“Xander, what kind of leaders would we be if we dismissed them when they come to us for help?" Lena questioned.

“We can't help everyone that comes to us."

“All they are asking is for us to listen. Is that beyond our capabilities? If what they say sounds insane, then we can still send them away. All we have to give them is a little of our time. Is that too high a price?"

Xander sighed heavily and shook his head. “Alright, we'll listen."

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