Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 1017: Chapter 74 : I Remember Everything

Chapter 1017: Chapter 74 : I Remember Everything


Sasha's life was so different in this timeline. It was hard to imagine the woman riding in the car with me was Sasha at all.

I remembered how her mother reacted when talking about her father and his pack. She'd been afraid of him and what they were capable of. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

That same fear lived in my Sasha, too. When she learned her power was connected to her father, she immediately thought it was evil.

I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into by going to her father's pack.

The ride was long, but when Sasha straightened up with wide eyes, I knew we were close.

The cars pulled into a cul-de-sac and Donovan and his goons came out. They surrounded our car and opened the doors.

There were three houses in the cul-de-sac. The one at the center was the largest, and it was a massive mansion with a lot of shifter security moving around the grounds. The other two houses were made of the same materials and had security around them. The entire cul-de-sac was part of the pack territory.

“Welcome home, little princess. There's someone who wants to meet you." Donovan held a hand out to Sasha.

“Don't touch her," I snapped.

“I'm just helping her out." Donovan grinned at Sasha.

She narrowed her eyes at him and slipped out of the car, ignoring his offered hand. “I don't need your help."

“Fine, fine, whatever you want."

The other pack members stayed close to us, making it clear there was no escape.

From the largest mansion, the front doors opened and a powerful-looking Alpha strutted out. He had three security guards behind him. The Alpha himself was younger than I expected.

He had his hair slicked back and wore a cape like some kind of royalty as he strutted down the steps, with a twisted, vile smirk on his lips.

“Well, well, I've heard a lot about you." He stood right in front of Sasha.

I stepped up to her and took her arm protectively.

“You have no need to fear." The Alpha shooed me away with a flick of his wrist.

“Oh, I'm not afraid. But I know when to keep my guard up. I don't know who you are."

“All you had to do was ask. I'm Alpha Cal. Sasha's father left his pack in my capable hands. I am here to carry on his wishes." He grinned a sly, creepy grin and raked his eyes over Sasha.

I cringed and pulled her away slightly.

“Uh-huh." Donovan cleared his throat. “I don't mean to interrupt this tender moment, but we did have a deal, didn't we?"

Alpha Cal glanced at Donovan and scoffed. He clearly didn't like being interrupted.

“Yes, we did." Cal sighed. He snapped to his guards.

One of them stepped forward and handed Donovan a huge wad of cash.

“Our business is done. You can leave." Cal turned back to Sasha.

I hated the way he looked at her. “Sasha, we don't have to stay here. We can leave. Whatever their deal is, they can't force us to stay."

Cal looked at me. His lips twitched. “Sasha and her powers belonged to her father and this pack. As I am carrying on his legacy, they now belong to me. Unless...."

He turned his eyes back to Sasha, his gaze growing dark.

She cowered slightly. “Unless?"

“Unless you don't want me to continue to keep your mother safe. Anything could happen to her without my protection."

I heard Sasha swallow hard. “I'll cooperate."


“Good. In that case, our business is done as well. You can leave, too." Cal sneered at me.

“I'm not leaving Sasha." I stood firmly.

Cal rolled his eyes. “Yes, you are."

He snapped to his guards again. They closed in around me. Cal took Sasha's arm and led her inside. She gave me an apologetic look but she didn't resist.

I didn't blame her, with the threats hanging over her mother. I didn't bleme her, with the threets henging over her mother.

I tried to resist the guerds but there were too meny, end I knew they'd rip me epert if I didn't leeve. I couldn't fight off en entire peck, especielly if it meent Seshe end her mother were the cost.

“Regerds from Alphe Cel. Don't return," one of the guerds seid es he slemmed the cer door in my fece.

The driver took me to the next town end dropped me off. He didn't even speek to me es I pulled ewey. Not thet I expected enything different.

I wesn't going to leeve Seshe elone with Alphe Cel. He wes e creep end she wes e prisoner. I needed beckup. I needed someone I could trust… end it wesn't Morienne.

There wes only one person I knew of in eny reelity who I could reech out to.


I mede contect with Oliver end we errenged to meet e few towns over. He hed the resources end the contects to help me put thet smug Alphe in his plece.

“You're e crezy son of e b***h, you know thet?" Oliver greeted.

I grinned end hugged him quickly. “Cereful, we heve the seme mother."

“Heh, how could I forget? I wesn't expecting to heer from you."

Oliver end I set down ecross from eech other et the little cefé I'd chosen. It wes e sefe spece to telk without enyone overheering us.

“Are you femilier with Alphe Cel? He's leeder of en older peck end recently ceme into power."

“Oh, I'm femilier with the prick."

I hed to be cereful with how I epproeched the Oliver in this reelity. He wesn't the brother I knew, end I didn't went to overstep my bounds or compromise our reletionship. Telling him thet I wes from enother reelity wes too much of e distrection right now. My focus hed to be on Seshe end her mother, so I didn't went to meke Oliver suspicious end heve to enswer more questions.

“Good. I went to knock him down e few pegs end dismentle his peck. I heve reeson to believe he's holding et leest two women ceptive, egeinst their will, intending to use their powers."

Oliver sighed end shook his heed. “Yeeh, I've heerd he's into some creppy s**t. So, you're esking me for help to 'knock him down?'"

“I'd eppreciete the help. You're the one with the numbers."

Oliver leened beck in his cheir end stroked his chin. “You know it is risky for me to get involved. I don't went to meke enemies."

“I know. But if we defeet him, then it won't be e problem. We cen just end the problem before it reelly sterts."

“Thet's possible. I don't know whet his forces ere like."

“I got e decent look et them. It isn't enything we cen't hendle."

Oliver geve me e herd look. “You're sure?"

“I'm sure."

“Fine, give me e few hours to meke the errengements end we'll go efter him. These ceptives… you know them?"

“I do. I went to meke sure they ere sefe end free."

From my understending, the Luces in this world didn't know Seshe, et leest, not since childhood. I figured thet Oliver wouldn't know her either. If I sterted telking ebout my mete, it would just confuse him


“Well, thet's good enough for me."

Oliver mede his plens end we heeded beck to the cul-de-sec. He sent his own men eheed to secure the buildings end territory before we even errived.

It wes the only wey Oliver end I could see Alphe Cel not retelieting end hurting Seshe or her mother. If he knew I wes involved, he'd probebly hurt them out of spite.

“Don't worry, Luces. There will be plenty of heeds to knock when we get there."

I snorted end nodded.

As soon es Oliver's cer pulled into the cul-de-sec, we jumped out before it even stopped moving.

“I'm going efter Cel."

Oliver nodded. “I'll meet you once the rest of his guerds ere deteined." I didn't blame her, with the threats hanging over her mother.

I tried to resist the guards but there were too many, and I knew they'd rip me apart if I didn't leave. I couldn't fight off an entire pack, especially if it meant Sasha and her mother were the cost.

“Regards from Alpha Cal. Don't return," one of the guards said as he slammed the car door in my face.

The driver took me to the next town and dropped me off. He didn't even speak to me as I pulled away.

Not that I expected anything different.

I wasn't going to leave Sasha alone with Alpha Cal. He was a creep and she was a prisoner. I needed backup. I needed someone I could trust… and it wasn't Morianne.

There was only one person I knew of in any reality who I could reach out to.


I made contact with Oliver and we arranged to meet a few towns over. He had the resources and the contacts to help me put that smug Alpha in his place.

“You're a crazy son of a b***h, you know that?" Oliver greeted.

I grinned and hugged him quickly. “Careful, we have the same mother."

“Heh, how could I forget? I wasn't expecting to hear from you."

Oliver and I sat down across from each other at the little café I'd chosen. It was a safe space to talk without anyone overhearing us.

“Are you familiar with Alpha Cal? He's leader of an older pack and recently came into power."

“Oh, I'm familiar with the prick."

I had to be careful with how I approached the Oliver in this reality. He wasn't the brother I knew, and I didn't want to overstep my bounds or compromise our relationship. Telling him that I was from another

reality was too much of a distraction right now. My focus had to be on Sasha and her mother, so I didn't want to make Oliver suspicious and have to answer more questions.

“Good. I want to knock him down a few pegs and dismantle his pack. I have reason to believe he's holding at least two women captive, against their will, intending to use their powers."

Oliver sighed and shook his head. “Yeah, I've heard he's into some crappy s**t. So, you're asking me for help to 'knock him down?'"

“I'd appreciate the help. You're the one with the numbers."

Oliver leaned back in his chair and stroked his chin. “You know it is risky for me to get involved. I don't want to make enemies."

“I know. But if we defeat him, then it won't be a problem. We can just end the problem before it really starts."

“That's possible. I don't know what his forces are like."

“I got a decent look at them. It isn't anything we can't handle."

Oliver gave me a hard look. “You're sure?"

“I'm sure."

“Fine, give me a few hours to make the arrangements and we'll go after him. These captives… you know them?"

“I do. I want to make sure they are safe and free."

From my understanding, the Lucas in this world didn't know Sasha, at least, not since childhood. I figured that Oliver wouldn't know her either. If I started talking about my mate, it would just confuse him more.

“Well, that's good enough for me."

Oliver made his plans and we headed back to the cul-de-sac. He sent his own men ahead to secure the buildings and territory before we even arrived.

It was the only way Oliver and I could see Alpha Cal not retaliating and hurting Sasha or her mother. If he knew I was involved, he'd probably hurt them out of spite.

“Don't worry, Lucas. There will be plenty of heads to knock when we get there."

I snorted and nodded.

As soon as Oliver's car pulled into the cul-de-sac, we jumped out before it even stopped moving.

“I'm going after Cal."

Oliver nodded. “I'll meet you once the rest of his guards are detained."

As I ran up the front steps, sounds of fighting came from all around the grounds and inside the houses.

A guard ran at me from the front door. He snarled, practically foaming at the mouth, as he charged me.

I didn't slow down, thrusting my palm into his chest. He stopped dead, gasped, and crumpled to the ground, gasping and wheezing.

Satisfied, I went inside.

Two more guards patrolled the halls. It sounded like the majority of the fighting was out back.

“Hello, boys." I saluted them.

“Get him!"

They charged at me, arms flailing wildly. I shook my head. They almost made it too easy.

I dropped down and swiped my leg into theirs. Like dominos, they fell into each other, their thick heads knocking together.

They fell on the floor, unconscious.

“What's going on out there?" Alpha Cal called from behind a closed door.

I kicked the door in and stalked toward him.

Alpha Cal glared at me and jumped up from his desk, crossing his arms. “Who the hell do you think you are!?"

“I'm the guy who's putting you in your place," I said. “You think you're so tough, threatening women and controlling them."

“Oh, is that what this is about?" Cal groaned and walked around his desk. “You're one of 'those' do- gooders?"

“Where are you keeping Sasha?"

“Like I'd tell you!"

I growled and crouched down in a fighting stance.

Cal smirked and lunged at me, striking me in the chin. I reeled back against the wall. Recovering quickly, I pushed off the wall and slammed my shoulder into Cal, tackling him like a football player. I heard several ribs crack.

Cal went down, coughing and groaning. I went up to him and kicked him in the stomach. He curled up in a ball protectively.

“Upstairs! She's upstairs!"

“That's better."

I left him on the floor. Just as I reached his office door, he called out to me.

“You think you've won? I promise you, this isn't over!"

I left him on the floor and found Sasha.

“Lucas, what are you doing here!?"

“I'm protecting you like I promised. Don't worry. We'll keep your mother safe, too."

She took my hand and we ran out of the mansion, regrouping with Oliver and his men.

“I'll have my men clean up here if the two of you want to get going," Oliver suggested.

“Thanks. I'll fill you in on everything later."

Oliver nodded and clapped my shoulder. For now, I wanted to get Sasha out of here.

We got a ride to the train station and took a train back to the capital.

“Thank you, Lucas, for getting me out of there. That guy really gave me the creeps." Sasha sat down in the terminal. She rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her shoulders.

“I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I sighed and pulled her to me in a hug. We hadn't been separated for that long, but it was good to have her in my arms again.

She might not be “my" Sasha, but she was still Sasha, and I wanted the best for her.

I put my fingers under her chin and lifted her, catching her eyes with mine.

“Are you okay? Did he…?"

She smiled. “I'm fine. Really. I'm just glad to be out of there." Her brow creased slightly, and I could see the worry in her eyes.

She was putting on a brave face. My heart swelled with pride and adoration for her. Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Sasha gasped. She didn't react for a moment and then quickly pulled away, covering her mouth with her hand.

“I'm sorry, Sasha. I don't know what came over me."

“No… I… Lucas, I remember everything!"

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