Chapter 33: High school junior debut

Chapter 33: High school junior debut

Sage Miller

Just so you know, when I said I was excited for school to reopen I didn't mean the waking up early part.

Right now I'd do anything to turn back to a couple of days back so I can sleep. The hang over isn't


Someone should've told me last night how much of a bad idea it was drinking the before school


I would've given that person a million dollar if they told me.

"Go away Connor." My voice came out muffled and hoarse.

"Oh come on. If I let you sleep I would never hear the end of it. From you. So please end my misery

and get up." He whined and his voice was loud.

"Go away." I told him slower this time.

"If you wanna show off your new car, you have 15 minutes to take a bath and eat breakfast. I already

did breakfast. It will get cold."

"I'll eat it cold." Even though I was now awake, my eyes refuse to open. My body refuse to get up.

In the summer I could count how many times I actually had to wake up before 9am.

Once. I did that shit once. And I was pissed the whole day after doing that.

"Come on. You're already awake. Now get up." He groaned and I think he stumped his foot in


"Five more minutes." I muttered.

He sighed heavily and I inwardly smiled.

Just as I thought he gave up, he said something that got me to my feet in less than a second.

"Sebastian is leaning against your car." I was on my feet in seconds. The desire to have five more

minutes gone.

His laughed told me he was fucking with me. I scowlled at him as he laughed.

"Fuck you Connor." I snapped at him not happy with him, not that he cared.

"I should've started with that. I don't know why didn't I think of it early. It would've saved me so much

time." He teased.

Just then my hang over caught on with me and my mind made connections of last night.

"Holy shit you're DK." I exclaimed and winced when I heard my own loud voice.

He grumbled.

"I thought we established that last night." He groaned.

"I was drunk." I stated.

"But I wasn't. Now go take a shower. We gonna be late." He said. "You do wanna show off your new

car, don't you?"

I rolled my eyes as I walked down the hall to the bathroom.

"By the way. I'm staying at my mom's tonight." He yelled just as I started the shower.

"Ain't you racing tonight?" I asked him.

Last night we didn't get to talk much about his 'job'. Between the excitement of his win and the fact that

he's DK, we didn't talk much.

We got really really drunk. Or at least Sebastian and I did.

"Narh. It's one of those rare days when I don't race." He replied.

"By the way. You didn't tell me much about your boss Maze, I think is his name. How did you even end

up working for him? And I thought I'd meet him last night. After all I want to see why you hate him so


"Yeah his name is indeed Maze. You wouldn't like him though. He's a real dick. Let's not mention

Sebastian, they'd probably fight. And as for how I got to work for him, that's a long story and illegal." He

yelled back.

"Illegal?" I yelled shocked. "You did something illegal. It shouldn't surprise me because you're racing

illegally but it does. I've never imagined you doing something illegal."

"Shut up and shower. We're gonna be late for your show." He yelled.

I laughed and continued my shower.

Ten minutes later I was feeling fresh and ready to take on the world.

I walked inside the kitchen and Connor was already finished with his breakfast and washing his dishes.

Just as I sat down, the door bell rang. I groaned.

"It's too early for visitors. I haven't even had my breakfast." I whined like a two year old.

Connor rolled his eyes at me.

"That must be Sebastian. I invited him for breakfast." He told me and my jaw dropped.

My eyes widen in shock as I stared at him.

Who is this man and what havens done with Connor?

He keeps shocking me lately.

"Oh come on, don't give me that look. I told you I'd try." He said.

"I really appropriate yiur efforts." I told him and two seconds later Sebastian walked in, in all his

Sebastian glory.

"You're late." Connor deadpanned.

"He's still eating." Sebastian pointed at me. I shrugged and ate some more.

"He was late. Can't you two just wake up on time for once." He scolded.

"I bought you a peace offering." He took out a pack of gummy bears and Connor beamed at him.

"Fine you're forgiven." He told Sebastian but his attention was on the pack of gummy bears.

"Keep this up and I might never let you go." He said.

"Oh hey, where is mine?" I whined.

"Jealous isn't a good look on you Sage." Connor mumbled.

Connor accidentally let out a moan, I was almost positive he didn't realise he let it slip.


Sebastian and I locked gaze before we bursted out laughing.

Connor snapped his eyes opened and stared at us curiously.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

We locked gaze again before we smirked.

"Nothing." We simultaneously said.

We finished our breakfast and we were done and ready to leave.

I was very glad for our school's code of conduct. When grandma said she wanted to transfer me to a

private school. I refused.

I couldn't see myself in slacks and blazer. Basically a uniform.

I'm not that kind of person. I more of a tee kind of guy. Besides I'm not a snob so why attend a

snobbish school. I would never fit in.

Unlike how I fit in my current school.

Connor, Sebastian and I were wearing almost the same thing.

We all were wearing blue jeans but Connor had a simple white tee and white sneakers while Sebastian

had a blank grey tee and black sneakers.

Me on the other hand went a bit overboard. I was the dramatic one out of the three. Even my clothes

said drama.

I had paired the blue jean with a blank bright pink tee with white sneakers.

I looked adorable. Yeah I did.

Pink can defiantly be my color.

"Are you guys ready to take the student body by storm?" I asked them as we walked to our separate


I had given Connor my car since he sold his.

"Are you ready to be the talk of the damn school?" I hyped them.

"Are you ready assholes?" I asked one last time.

This was the plan this year. We become popular. We play girls. We become players.

"I was born ready." Connor said hyped out.

"Never been more ready." Sebastian added.

"Then gentleman. We are the man." I told them as we did our one time three fist pump.

"Let's rock this thing." Connor said.

I was really glad they made up before we returned to school.

The most dangerous trio was back. Back to take on the world as we might know.

We drove to school. Each one on their own car. I had given Connor my consent to personalise my car

to more of his style and he did.

He repainted it and changed the rims. And some other body work.

Both Sebastian were driving Audis just different models.

When we entered the parking lot everything stopped. All eyes were on us.

Friends who were hugging stopped. Lovers who were kissing stopped. Nerds stopped. They mostly

stared at my car.

Everyone wanted to see who was driving such car. My windows were tinted so they couldn't really see

me. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

I loved Each moment of the attention. I felt the power of driving such car.

Luckily we found parking spots next to each other and we park.

The student body's eyes followed us everywhere.

I smirked as I stepped out of my car. I saw eyes widen, shock, jaws dropped.

Sebastian and Connor joined me as we walked towards the building together.

"We haven't even done anything yet they're shaken." Connor commented.

We overheard little parts of conversation as we walked to the reception to get our schedule and


Is that really his car?

Where do you think he got the money?

I bet he sold his kidney.

I snickered when I heard the last one.

I saw one of the girls turn Red. They thought they were being discrete.

We got our schedules and lockers. We were now on our way to the homeroom.

We didn't share most of the class together but we did have the same homeroom and lunch break.

The whispers were getting louder with each passing minute.

"Sage. I'm glad we have the same room." I heard her squishing voice before I saw her.

I saw Connor snort and Sebastian detached himself from the situation as he dragged Connor with him.

"Good luck. You gonna need it." He said and Connor bit his knuckles so he wouldn't laugh at me.

I thought of walking away pretending like I didn't hear her but before I could decide she wrapped her

hands around my waist.

"Hey Kate." I said to her. The last time I saw her was at the first summer party.

That was almost three months ago. I had even forgotten she exists. I couldn't be more happier if she

didn't exists.

"Long time no see Sage. I think you blocked me because my calls went straight to yiur voicemail." She


"I think I changed my number a while ago." I lied effortlessly.

"You should give me your new number so I could call you." Why would she assume I want to call her.

She's so delusional.

From the other side of the room, Connor and Sebastian were having fun at my expense.

They were laughing and teasing me.

"I want you to meet my new friend. She just started here." Kate told me.

I rolled my eyes like I cared.

"This is Chloe. She just moved here from California." My eyes were met with a familiar face.

She was at my house not so long ago with her friends Gemma and Cara.

Oh cara. Not many woman can master the arts of woman on top bit Cara did master it. But not like my

Smurf though. No pecan surpass her.

"You." We both said at the same time.

It truly is a small world.

My eyes moved to the other side of the room.

Sebastian's face lacked color while Connor's jaw was on the floor. It was my turn to smirk.

Chloe was obsessed with Sebastian just like Kate was obsessed with me.

"Wait..." Kate looked between theory of us accusingly. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah I met him a couple of weeks ago. He had a BBQ at his house. Me and my friends were there."

Chloe explained oblivious of the murderous glare Kate was sending her way.

Kate wasn't just the Queen B bit she was also crazy. Like shit bat crazy.

"So where is Gemma and Cara?" I asked her.

"Who is Gemma and who the fuck is Cara?" Kate spat.

I rolled my eyes but Chloe was still oblivious to the death glare.

"They're my friends from California and they were here visiting for the summer. They were the ones I

was with at his house."

Kate's breathing was dangerously hard.

"I have the power to make you into something in this school or make your life here miserable." Kate


Poor Chloe was confused.

"What I mean is. If you fucked him-" She pointed at me. "-your life will be miserable."

Chloe's eyes widen in shock. I have to admit. Kate can be scary if she want to be.

Unfortunately for her. I'm not afraid of her. I've dealt with scarier things than her.

"No I didn't sleep with him." Chloe rushed out.

"Good. If you know what's best for you stay away from him and you'll be fine." She warned and I took it

as my cue to bolt.

A few moment earlier I saw Connor and Sebastian leave homeroom.

I walked out and found them outside. Sebastian had a ciggarate in his mouth.

He only smoked when he was stressed and right now, Chloe being here stresses him.

That thought made me snort. Not so long ago he was making fun of me when in fact we were on the

same boat.

"Is the whole group in here?" Connor asked.

"Narh only Chloe." I told him emphasizing her word.

"Why? Why? Why couldn't it be Gemma or Cara?" Sebastian mumbled.

I chuckled.

"I could've loved it if Gemma were here." Connor said.

"You see. It's could've been anyone except her. Why here?" Sebastian added.

"My situation isn't as funny anymore right." I mused and he shook his head.

"At least Chloe isn't a bitch." He pointed it out but I saw no difference since she's friends with Kate.

"Oh but she's friends with a bitch." I told him. He seemed to forget that one detail.

He growl and took a drag. We ended up sharing the smoke before we went to class.

The day was finally over and I was tired and drained.

I spent half my energy avoiding bumbing into Kate and Sebastian was dealing with his own issue

named Chloe.

Connor was having a blast teasing and fucking with us.

The whispers didn't die though. In fact with each passing hour they intensified.

I was glad that the day had come to an end and I was heading home.

Connor went straight to his mother's.

Today everything went exactly as I wanted it to go. I caused a ruckus. Our trio is as cliche as they


We have the bad boy, always angry and everyone fears him. That's Sebastian.

Then there's me. The nice guy. I am nice right? Or at least I am. Just fucking with you. I'm not nice but

in our trio, I am the joker. Always laughing and dramatic.

Last but not least, Connor. The all American boy. The golden boy. Who apologizes for shit Seb and I


We are as cliche as they come, right?

I got out of the car. I had to drop a few things at my house before I headed to the warehouse.

Sebastian already went there.

A car pulled into my driveway and I immediately knew who it was.

I groaned.

If I only knew this was gonna happened I would've headed straight to the warehouse.

"What are you doing here Kate?" I grumbled running a hand through my hair.

"You're avoiding me." She stated. "I thought we were fine."

I pinched my eyes shut then took a breather before I opened my eyes.

"What gave you that idea?" I humored her by asking.

"At that party. You were all over me. I thought you had finally came to your senses." She replied within

a heart beat.

"Me running away from you today didn't, maybe... I don't know tell you I'm not that into you." I told her.

"Everyone is that into me Sage. Even you. I don't know why you're fighting it. Is it that chick you had at

your house back in February? Is that who's blinding you?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Just as she mentioned Alora, her car pulled into my street. All I knew was that I had to get Kate to

leave before she starts a fight with Alora.

Today was suppose to be my day. I was suppose to be on cloud 9 but no, I'm fated to be doomed


"You're delusional Kate. Go home." I told her as I ushered her to her car.

"We will talk about this Sage. Tomorrow we will." She said as she started her car and backed out of my


It happened like how it does in the movies. It's like it was on slow motion when in fact the moment

lasted not more than two seconds.

I knew they saw each other, I noticed how both cars slowed just a bit as they crossed paths.

Alora pulled into my driveway seconds after Kate drove away.

"What was she doing here?" Those were her first words as she got out of her car.

I was glad she was sober because I had my suspicions when I saw her car. She knows the way here

when she drunk.

Those were her words.

I looked at Alora and I swear each time she comes here she looks less and less like herself.

"Are you jealous." I mused.

"Don't be ridiculous Sage. I'm not jealous." She lied but I always could read her like an open book. "I

was just wondering what was she doing here."

Jealous was written all over her contorted face.

"So are you gonna answer me or not?" She said getting impatient and that pissed me off.

"Woah. Hold your damn fucking panties. You don't disappear for weeks then come here demanding to

know about my life." I blew up and her eyes widened.

"Actually what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Umm.... I wanted to see you." She replied averting her gaze.

"Now you have so what?" I told her.

"Why are you being like this Sage?" If her question was suppose to make me feel bad it didn't.

"Like what Alora?" I spat.

"You're being cold to me. To me Sage. Why?" She cried put.

"I don't know what with girls and being delusional. I'm beginning to think you do it on purpose." I

muttered. "Don't act so clueless Alora. As soon as I let you back into my life again you leave when I

start getting comfortable with you being around."

"W-w-wha-a-at." She stuttered.

"What?" I rolled my eyes. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Stop being so cruel Sage." She begged.

Just as I was about to answer her, her boyfriend pulled into my driveway.

Fuck me sideways, don't you life? Fuck me.

"Oh great. Joy." I sarcastically said.

Alora turned around and her body went stiff and tense.

Her boyfriend got out of the car looking like he was about to kill someone.

He gave a hard glare but it was barely scary. I rolled my eyes.

"Axel, what are you doing here?" She whispered. I couldn't tell she if was nervous or scared.

"Wow, that's all you have to say. Why don't you explain what are you doing here. At his house." He

sneered and took big steps towards Alora.

Alora's body shivered and she took a couple of steps back.

I was ready to jump if he layed a single finger on her.

"You followed me." Alora whispered and Axel grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me Axel."

Her voice quivered like when she was close to tears.

"What was I suppose to do? You left me no choice but to follow you. You have secrets Alora." He said.

"Let go Axel." She cried. "You're hurting me."

But the dipshit didn't let go. I got into his face.

"The lady said let go you asswipe." I whispered threatening him. Venom was dripped in each word.

He immediately let her go and she stumbled back while the asshole took a threatening step towards


We were almost the same height with only a few inches, him being taller.

"You may drive a fact car and have rich grandparents but that does make you less of a trash." He spat

and I smirked devilishly.

"Listen to me asshole." I calmly said. "First of all, get out of my face, yiur breath stinks from all the crap

you spew out of your mouth."

I pushed him back and he stumbled having a hard time keeping his balance.

"I suggest you pull your head out of your ass and realise I'm about to fuck you up"

He took a step but Alora yelled.

"Stop." She cried out. "Please stop it."

"You-" He pointed at Alora. "-stop behaving like a skank and get in the damn car and follow me home."

"Alora tell me if he ever hit you before I'll drop him right fucking now." I told her.

She averted her eyes.

"I said get in the fucking car Alora." Axel commanded which pissed me off further.

"Alora you don't have to leave with him." I hate how desperate my voice sounded.

"He never hit me." She mumbled.

"Now." The dickhead yelled.

Alora hurriedly went to her car.

"Alora don't go." I told and turned my glare to Axel. "Don't fucken shout at her."

As soon as she closed her door, Axel's mouth turned into an evil smirk.

"I don't have to hit her to keep her by my side. She'll always be mine." He said before he left.

I watched as they backed away from my driveway. As they drove down the road until I couldn't see their

cars anymore.

I stood there feeling so many emotions. The most dominant was anger.


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!


Isn't Sage badass or what?

First day back at school and it turned into a disaster.

I looked this chapter so much.

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I love you all


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