Chapter 32: Last day of summer

Chapter 32: Last day of summer

Sage Miller

When Eve called me last night or this morning, damn I wasn't prepared for what she had in store.

When she said she fucked up my mind went straight to maybe she totaled her car.

Hell, I even thought she ran someone over while drunk. That would've been easy to clean.

I would've called Styles and he would've sorted it out in no time.

But damn I wasn't so prepared for what came out of her mouth.

She admitted to have gotten herself a tattoo while drunk.

She didn't what to show nor tell me what it was. All I new is that she was in pain and it was a bad idea.

I didn't know since when was she a fan of tattoos. Beats me really.

I'm not against tattoos, in fact I have a share of my own. I just don't understand when she started liking


All I new was that the tattoo was on her back. And she repeatedly told me how much she fucked up by

getting one.

"Knock knock." I heard a loud voice on my door.

I already knew who it was, she had told me she'd be here in a little while. That was a while ago.

"No need to yell." I told her opening the door for her to come inside.

Fuck! that was dirty as hell.

"I'm hyped up. I'm excited." She beamed clapping her hands. "You ready for the best day of your life."

My mood was lifted significantly at that moment.

"Yes I am." I smiled widely at her.

"Let's do this." She exclaimed grabbing my car keys but I springed and took them from her so fast

before she didn't even realise what was happening.

She gave me a look that said it all. It was full of confusion, concern, it basically said 'should I be


I gave her a bright smile.

"Let's go." I urged her.

"Yeah let's." She mumbled.

"So my other friend I said I'll invite is at word." Connor never had to work during the day, his actions

lately were becoming suspicious.

He fed me some bullshit about having to drive people to the airport since the summer is over and

school reopens soon.

It was a long ass explaination that gave me more reason to not believe him.

I know he has a new girlfriend he's afraid to show me. I bet he's spending the day with her.

Or maybe that girl is too ugly he's afraid I'll laugh at him.

Or maybe he's gay.

That's all I could come up with. Those are the logic explaination I could come up with.

"Yeah so it's me, you, Tina and Sebastian. It will be so much fun." She said.

I opened the passenger side for her and she got it. I gently closed the door after she was in.

Before you all of you get your panties in a twist. I didn't do that do be chiverlary or be the perfect


I opened the door so she couldn't bang my door when she closes it and ruin my mood and the whole

day before it even began because I assure you, if she did that, I'd forget she's a girl.

This is my car. My baby. I love this car. I would never let anyone hurt my baby.

"Yeeeees, let's have fun." I beamed content with things right now.

I chuckled as I pictured Sebastian having fun. In a fair. That seems impossible.

I don't know how I even got him to come with me.

Fuck, what's with the dirty mind today? I haven't had sex in a long time.

Surprisingly and shockingly Sebastian was great. He didn't make too many remarks about the cotton

candy or the children.

He did threaten a few people though. It's part of who he is. We played a few game and won some


I did win a teddy for Christina. I only gave it to her because I didn't wanna keep it and since Sebastian

won Tina something, I felt obligated to to it too.

That reminded of when we were here with Eva and Styles not so long ago. We stole a teddy bear.

I made it a point to avoid that area.

That day was one of the best days of my summer. Eva was a darling.

Now I realise why Styles holds so much affection for her. She's an Angel.

"Let's go get a reading. Let's go, let's go." Christina said excitedly as she pulled me with her to a blue


I never believed in fortune tellers. Or tarot readers.

I shrugged and let her pull me in.

The tent was dark and empty. The tarot reader wasn't inside.

The whole scene suddenly gave me the hibby jibbies. A cold shiver ran down my spine.

The chair she was suppose to sit in was empty. On the table was a crystal ball, a bowl and a deck of


I wanted to tell Christina that we should get the hell out of here.

I didn't like the feeling but somehow I couldn't voice my thoughts. My mouth and mind wasn't as sync

as they usually are.

I felt like I was under a trance. A spell of some sorts. I couldn't move like I wanted to. I couldn't talk. I

was just frozen.

Suddenly there was smoke and the tarot reader appeared seated.

I heard a piercing scream as I jumped and Christina launched herself on me.

My heart was pounding so hard in my chest. The allusion or whatever the fuck that was scared the shit

out of me.

"Come children. Have a sit." She coaxed us and I found myself finding some warmth and comfort in

that voice.

I followed Christina and sat in front of the tarot reader.

"Call me Theresa." She said.

Her voice was oddly and weirdly calming. Her tone eased my racing heart.

I frown at her and looked at Christina. She was calm next to me.

"Let me tell you your future." She coaxed once again and tapped the bowl.

I rolled my eyes when I realised what she was doing. The bowl had a note that said 5$.

I took out a 10$ and placed it on the bowl. She smiled.

Even though her smile calmed me physically but on the inside, it terrified me.

"Who will go first?" Theresa asked.

Is it weird that she's called Theresa. I feel like it's weird.

"Me." Christina said in a tiny calm voice.

"Okay child." She shuffled the cards. The she laid them down facing down and spread them. "Pick

three cards."

Christina pulled three cards from random places in the line of cards.

Theresa turned the first card around. It had a joker on it juggling balls.

"The fools." Theresa smiled. Christina and I shared a confused look. "A card of innocence, new

beginnings and free spirited. The major Arcana tells a path towards completion. The fool is a blank

slate. A new journey."

She turned the next card. The next card had what I could call the ferris wheel.

"The wheel of fortune." She said and smiled again. "This card represents change. Inevitable fate.

Greater forces above human control are at work here, child. The lesson here is' what goes up must

come down."

"What does that mean Theresa. Is it something bad?" Christina panicked and held Theresa's hands

pleading for an explanation.

"It could either be bad or good. Let me read the next card than I will tell you if it was good or bad child."

She coaxed her to calmness.

I admired her calmness and ability to calm others.

She turned the next card and it was swords. I couldn't count them but they were too many.

"Ahhh, eight of swords." She mused. "At the end you will realise that your beliefs and thoughts ate your

greatest fears."

"I don't understand Theresa. None of this makes sense." Christina cried.

"Ahhh but child. They all make sense. Not everything is written in black and white. You are on a new

journey. A clean slate. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there because some forces are above human

control. Change is inevitable. After all your struggles. You will see the light. You will learn." She told her.

She picked up all the cards and stacked them before shuffling them.

"Your turn young man." She told me.

I shook my head.

"No I'm good." I told her.

"You already paid child." She pursued.

"Ahh come on Sage. Pick three cards." Christina told me smiling.

I smiled back and picked three cards from the same place.

She turned the first card around. On the cards there were two hands holding what I could call balls.

Maybe helping each other hold the balls.

"Six of pentacles." She mused and briefly glanced at me. "A card of selfishness."

She looked at me straight in the eye when she said that. I gulped.

I am not selfish.

"Perhaps you have been giving but with your own agenda. What are you trying to gain with such

actions?" She asked me.

I shook my head and before I could answer her. She turned around another card.

"Ten cups." She said with a serious tone. "Broken family, bad relationship."

As she said those words. My heart gave one violent beat.

"For some reason or the other, your desire to create peace and understanding between your loved

ones is failing. You romantic relationship is failing." She said pouring salt into the wound.

My mind went to two people she might possibly mean.

Eve and Smurf.

Those are the two broken relationship in my life in trying to fix.

She turned the next card around.

"Death." My heart stopped for a second. The only thought was who is gonna die. "This card rarely

means the death of anyone. You must understand that cycles begins and ends, it's the message of the

death card. It also represents change but this change can be hard to swallow. You cannot always live in

the shadows child."

I felt as though she just peaked into the depths of my soul.

An ice cold shiver ran through my spine.

She couldn't know, could she?

It's just pure damn luck.

I stood up promptly. I had to get out of there before she gets into my head more.

The calm spell she had over me this whole time shifted.

I wasn't as calm as I was a minute ago.

I knocked the chair backwards and scared Christina.

I wasn't one to believe in paranormal or fantasies. I didn't believe in all that.

But somehow this lady Theresa scared the shit out of me.

I mean there's not reason to be scared right but her eyes when she read my cards weren't the same as


Maybe I'm imagining it all. Maybe, just maybe, it scared me how accurate her readings were.

"I'm sorry on behalf of him. Thank you for your reading." I heard Christina rushed out but I was out of

the damn tent to hear Theresa's response.

The air outside was suddenly chilly. Even with the sun, I was slightly cold.

How long where we in there? I asked myself because it suddenly felt like I've been stuck on that damn

tent for days. Even months.

Christina came out smiling brightly.

"Wasn't that fun?" She beamed. "Thank you for giving me the beat day ever."

I nodded at her. I felt tired, drained than I was when I walked inside that tent.

I grabbed Christina's wrist and pulled her away from the tent.

The time on my phone read sixteen twenty eight.

"Oh my God. You've been looking for you guys. I thought you'd taken my friend to decapitate her or

something." Tina yelled at me.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and I grumbled.

"Where did you go man? I thought you took her to some random toilet to end yiur dry spell." Sebastian

said as soon as Tina whisked Christina away.

"You know I'm not interested in her that way." I groaned.

He gaped and looked for sincerity on my face.

"I thought you were fucking with me when you said that." He exaggerated. "I never thought I'd see the

day when Sin wasn't interested in a girl that way. Especially when she looks like that."

I looked to where Sebastian nodded. Sure, Christina was smoking hot. Almost as hot as Smurf but

oddly I wasn't attracted to her like that.

Sure, she could give me a boner of she wants to but our relationship was platonic. We had an

understanding of that.

"So if you weren't bending her, where were you man?" He asked again.

"She convinced me to see a tarot reader." I grumbled and Sebastian busted out laughing.

He threw his head back laughing at my misery.

He sobered up enough to ask me something.

His brow shot up in surprised.

"Oh you're not joking." He laughed. "You really saw a tarot reader."

He laughed so hard that people were starting to star because I wasn't laughing.

"You gotta stop fucking with me man. First you don't wanna fuck her now you're telling me you saw a

tarot reader."

You see this is why people turn to serial killers. It's because of people like him.

I growled and left him laughing, joining the girls.

"What are you guys discussing?" I asked them as soon as I was with them.

"I was telling Christina that we should find a dinner and get some descent food." She told me. "Besides

the race doeant start until 8 pm so..."

"Sounds like a plan. Besides I could eat." I told them.

After telling Sebastian of the next plan, we left.

"We can go to that dinner. You know Sage. The one you like so much." Sebastian suggested.

"You like it too." I said defensively.

Sebastian shrugged his shoulders.

"It's just a dinner. No fuss." He said.

Sebastian has this thing when he acts emotionless about something even when it means so much.

At the parking lot, I discreetly checked for scratched or any indication of marks on my car but saw


I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

That was a relief. I wasn't prepared to find out of what I would do if I noticed a scratch.

"Today was fun. Thank you again." Christina said as we were parked outside the dinner.

Tina and Sebastian took a detour and told us to wait for them.

"No need to thank me." I told her "I had fun just as much except the tarot reader of course."

"Oh come on. You're still at that." She teased me and stood in front of me.

"Of course I'm still at that. I didn't like that experience one bit." I complained throwing my hands up.

"I promise I won't force you to do something next time, alright?" She playfully said.

"You better." I scolded her playfully. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

We fell into silence and I got lost in my head.

Tomorrow school finally reopens. I couldn't be more happy.

I have my reason to be happy about school. I'm not happy about the education part but my reasons for

being happy are pretty shallow.

Suddenly I felt lips on my own lips. My eyes widen as the perpetrator moved her lips on mine.

On some other occasion this would've been a pleasant surprise. I would've even seized the moment.

But right now. This isn't what I want.

I lightly pushed Christina back and glared at her.

"What the fuck was that for?" I didn't mean to tell but she shifted something in me.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. The gesture hurt her.

"I-i-i. It... I thought you'd like that." She stuttered averting her gaze from mine.

"Why the fuck would you think that? Did I do something to make you think that?" I tried not to raise my

voice at her but she pissed me off.

She confused me. From the start this is what she wanted.

"I thought you liked me." She whispered and I felt bad.

I took a step towards her. I didn't know how to comfort her without giving the wrong signal.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and squeezed just a bit.

"Of course I do like you." Her eyes suddenly met mine and they were filled with hope.

I cussed when I realised my mistake. I tried to mend my mistake.

"Just not the way you think. I like having you as a friend. I don't wanna mess that up. I value our

friendship. And that's important to me that anything. You don't know how I am with girls. I don't wanna

include you in that list of girls I messed up." I coaxed her.

She took her time before she responded.

"I understand." Her voice came out an octave higher.

I felt bad for giving her wrong signals about us but not interested in fucking her. Not anymore at least.

We fell into silence. I felt the tension between us. I knew things were gonna be awkward between us

but I would take that than fucking her once or twice with no promise of a relationship.

By 8pm we were at the tracks. I saw many people I knew, I didn't even know this was a popular spot.

I knew people came here but I thought it was old people. Turns out, not only is this place a popular high

school spot but some of the drivers are high school kids.

No kidding.

The scene was insane. The cars were insane. I saw every type of car in here. I was only relieved that I

matched most cars here.

Such a shallow and petty thought but hey. What can I say. I like the shallow stuff.

I was getting wasted with each passing minute. I'm sure I was three beers away from being officially


"Would you tell me what happened between you and Chrisy." Sebastian asked.

We were leaning on the car bonnet next to the tracks waiting for the race to start.

"What do you mean?" Christina had left us as soon as we arrived. Of course Tina followed her.

"Seriously. You cockblocked me man. Tina had to comfort her because she was about to cry." He said.

"Just so you know. I probably won't get laid because of you."

"Chill. I give you permission to talk trash about me to get into her pants tonight. Tell her how horrible I

am and that you totally side with them." I said dramatically.

"I just might." He mumbled as soon as the announcer took the mic.

The moment he started talking I recognised the voice. His voice is unforgettable.

By the looks of it, Sebastian also had the same thoughts as me.

"Isn't that Austin. From The Arena. The ring?" He asked.

I nodded telling him I have the same conclusions.

"Wow. Who would've thought this is his scene too." He shrugged.

I followed suite and shrugged too.

"Today we have four racers. There's a lot money at stake today. The price goes to whoever cross the

line first."

He continued to talked and introduces the racers. When he called each name, the racers took out an

arm and fist pump.

Just like at The Arena, he captivated everyone's attention.

It made me wonder how he did it. How he captivated everyone's attention like that.

Just like in the movies when a race is about to start. A barely naked woman was always involve.

She stood in front of cars and raised her hand. She counted from three to one and the cars zoomed

passed her. Each car avoiding her.

Look, I wasn't driving but I felt the adrenaline. Now I understand why high schoolers are frequent here.

High school kids are adrenaline junkies. Coming here fills them with the adrenaline without even doing

a single damn thing.

The race was two lapse around the tracks. Everyone cheered and mostly cheered for the Drift King.

Most of the people that cheered for him were ladies. They screamed every dirty thing they could think


One in particular was waving her pantie in the air.

The race was soon coming to an end and the Drift King was neck and neck with Speedy.

Just as I thought Speedy was gonna win, DK took the lead at the last minute and won the race.

Everyone cheered for him including me.

I jumped up and down.

I was parked next to the finish line which is why I could hear Speedy.

He was the first one to get out of his car and yelled.

"I almost had you this time." He yelled walking towards DK's car. "I'll get you next time."

Just as I thought I'd we Dk, the crowd crowed him congratulating him.

I wanted to congratulate him too. That was an awesome race.

"Give the champ some space." Austin yelled. "Step back."

He took control of the crowd, they did as he said and stepped back. What came next, I wasn't prepared

for that.

Connor was standing there, next to DK's car.

"Nice job. You did it again." Austin congratulated Connor as of he was Dk. "I'm gonna find Maze and

collect your winnings. You're free for the night."

Connor nodded and with one last pat from Austin. They left.

I looked at Sebastian and he was just as shocked and confused as I was.

"He is..." He drifted off.

"Dk. Congratulations man." A guy said half hugging Connor.

If I didn't believe it before. That was confirmation.

"You say like it's a surprise that I won." Connor said to the man.

My brow shot up in surprised at how obnoxious he sounded.

"I never has a doubt on my mind." The guy told him

He looked different here. He dressed different. He talked different.

Everyone has secrets. Everyone seems to have double lives.

What more than shocked me is that nice Connor can be obnoxious.

Holy shit Connor is DK. My mind seems to have just caught on to the shock.

Holy fucking shit Connor is DK. Holy crap he's a race car driver.

Sebastian and I took a step towards Connor simultaneously.

Once we were a few steps from him, his face paled.



Chapter 32 done guys.

I actually spent an hour and a half learning about tarot cards on the internet.

I don't have much to tell you guys except that please support my new book I'm gonna be writting.

Its book 2 of Unscripted but it's called We belong together. It's on my profile so be sure to add it to your

reading lists and library.

I love you all


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