
Chapter 066

Hunter’s p. o. v.


I’ve always learnt to detest Monday morning’s but today’s adrenaline rush and anticipation almost killed me.

Right now it’s a few minutes passed six pm and I have never been happier with an early close of work.


Well here’s why. On my way to the office this morning Mr Reid gave me a phone call saying he had important information for me.

And the rest seems like history.

Currently I was in my car, driving down to the restaurant he’d chosen for the meeting and my heart is pounding so loudly in my ears.

Okay, I know I said I’d given up on everything but for some reason I still feel the need to save my life.

Survival instincts right?

Why the hell is the journey taking so long?

I had to turn up the radio to listen to anything at all that could help distract myself from the agonizing curiosity.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen out there, while you curiously wait for it, here’s a jam to soothe your spirit.

The broadcaster said and I have never seen any station so convenient.

The soft vibe of all I want by Kodaline began seeping through the speakers and I saw myself singing along with it.

In a short while, I was in front of the restaurant in which I was supposed to meet with Mr Reid.

Thank you radio..

It took longer than usual to find a parking spot but I eventually found one anyways.

I don’t think I’ve ever locked up my car so fast. It should really be an extreme sport.

Soon I was at the entrance and I was practically panting almost loudly.

The receptionist took note of my presence and I think recognized me immediately.

” Good evening sir. Mr Reid said you’ll be meeting with him?”

I slowly nodded and a smile fell on her lips.

” Please, right this way” she gestured and I trailed behind.

We wove through the blue and white themed restaurant and every table on the ground floor was occupied.

Men clattering their glasses and making toasts to people who seemed to be on a date, to those who were here for business meetings and those who just came for a night out. Everyone was busy doing one thing or two making the building somewhat lively.

I focused my gaze back on the lady before me and couldn’t fail to notice the effort she’s putting into swaying her hips.

If I wasn’t so occupied I might have appreciated that.

Wait!.. focus Hunter!

She took the stairs up and we got to the second floor, which was a lot less noisy than the first.

And it wasn’t ladled with people. Probably because it was mostly reserved by VIPs.

” Mr Reid is seated right there and if you need anything at all please do inform me” the receptionist said and passed me a wink before walking away.

I honestly couldn’t stop a chuckle that surfaced because of her actions.

So the hips thing was meant for me.

A smirk made it’s way to my lips as I started walking towards the direction she pointed out and true to her words, Mr Reid was seated there sipping on a glass of wine.

After checking myself to ensure that I was presentable enough, I approached him.

” Mr Reid. Good evening” I said joining him on the table.

” Hunter, so glad you could make it” he responded with a smile before gesturing to a waiter to get us some more wine.

” I’m glad too. How’s the family”

” Ahh, they’re doing just fine and your’s?”

” All the same sir”

Immediately, the waiter came with a bottle of wine and uncorked it before stepping away.

” You must be wondering why I called you” he started whilst pouring out two glasses of colourless wine.

” If I wasn’t, I’d be bothered”

For some reason my response triggered his laughter.

” Have a drink” he offered me the second glass and took the first but I wasn’t drinking yet till I heard everything.

” Thank you” I collected the flute from him and watched him take a long sip.

” I’ve figured out a way to help you”


I’m dreaming right?

” I thought you said you didn’t want to get involved?” I asked to be sure he wasn’t tricking me.

” Yes, but I changed my mind”

” Okay. So how?”

” Here’s how” he began. ” The circles know one thing about me, which is to stay away from my family and loved ones but once you’re out of the circle my shield is useless”

I nodded in comprehension as he took another sip of his wine.

” Good. And that’s where you come in Hunter. For me to help you, you must at least be family and that’s what I want to do”

” And how do you intend to do that?”

He took his time in refilling his glass and sticking it right in front of my face with a smirk on his lips.

” How do you feel about marrying my daughter Michelle?”


Iris’s p. o. v

” Aunt Cheryn told me that the stars are our ancestors watching over us” Louie stated, pointing at the sky as we started gazed from the backyard.

The starry night sky was so bright and beautiful and I wanted Louisa to experience a beauty of nature so I carried her in my arms outside.

But she clearly has a lot of information about the stars already.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

” Aunt Cheryn?” I asked.

” Yes… Or was it The Lion King again?. Oh no worries, it’s the Lion King”

A sudden chuckle from behind us caught our attention and we turned to see it was Hunter.

I honestly don’t know why, but being in his presence alone these days makes me flush.

” You’ve got one hell of a kid there Iris” he said and began walking towards us.

It was hard not to see his smile and happy mood as he came closer.

Only God knows how visible my blush is.

I dropped Louie on her two feet and checked the wristwatch on my arm.

” Eight fifteen, that’s a new record” I teased and crossed my arms.

” Are you stalking me miss Jules?” He playfully glared and mimicked my stance.

” Don’t flatter yourself hun”

He laughed and turned to ruffle Louisa’s hair who was currently pouting at him.

” Hey kiddo, you okay?” He softly asked her.

” No. Mommy said she was gonna take me out and then she takes me here”

” I told you outside, not out” I corrected.

She only huffed and pouted again making Hunter laugh once more.

” Don’t worry, what do you think about going out tomorrow?” He soothes and her eyes expand by at least three inches.

” Yaaaay!! I’ll go tell Jenny?” She squealed and ran away, leaving the two of us laughing at her retreat.

Soon after the laughter died down, Hunter turned to the sky and was watching it like something was gonna happen.

” Beautiful night isn’t it?” He surprisingly states.

” Did you just admit the skies are beautiful? Someone get me a champagne to celebrate”

He chuckled and continued his star gaze as he spoke.

” I met with Mr Reid tonight”

” That should explain the good mood. What did he say?”

He took a deep sigh and smiled at the heavens and I know fully well whatever that happened was entirely good news.

” He said he wants to help me with Soldo”

I seriously squealed.. finally some aid!!

” Oh my goodness.. yes!!!!!!” Jumping and throwing a happy dance with imaginary music was my first reaction and who cares about adulthood.

” Calm down yippy” he chuckled and used both hands to steady me. ” He gave a condition though”


” And that is?”

” He offered me to be a part of his family” his smile was seemingly expanding.

” How so?”

” He offered that I marry Michelle”

I swear I felt something twist in the bottom of my belly.


” And what did you s-say?”

” What did I say? Are you really asking me that? Of course I said yes, what kinda person would I be to pass it up”

I’m not supposed to feel this way, I’m meant to be happy for him. I’m meant to congratulate him on his success for the deal.

But I’m not.

Rather I feel something break in my chest and something tugging at my stomach.

I searched his eyes to confirm if he was pulling my legs, but when his eyes changed from delight to confusion because of my sudden change in demeanor I realized he was saying the truth.

He’s finally getting married to Michelle.

The one girl he truly loves.

Of course he’d say yes to such an agreement. It’s a win win bargain for him.

I forced up a smile before speaking again.

” Congratulations Hunter. I’m happy for you” I said and blinked thrice to control the tears stinging my eyes.

” You don’t look like it” he replied as his eyes scanned all over my face.

I released a fake chuckle that I hope he’ll believe.

” It’s nothing. Uhm.. excuse me, it’s almost Louisa’s bed time” I gave an excuse because I wanted to leave.

If I stay a few more seconds in his front, I may cry.

I started walking away but he called out my name, halting my movement.

” Mr Reid wants everything done quickly. He fixed the wedding for this Saturday and I’ll have to propose to Michelle tomorrow so she’ll have enough time get ready”

” And?” I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath.

” I want you and Claudette to plan to proposal party, just tell me the cost”

I muttered an okay which I’m not sure he heard and walked away.

Not without a tear slipping.

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