
Chapter 065

Third person p. o. v.

It was a few minutes to three am but she hadn’t winked a slumber, she looked to her side to ensure her baby was tucked in safe and sound.

She sighed softly and turned to her side to try catching some sleep.

After a few minutes of squeezing her eyes to no avail, she had to figure out what was wrong with her.


She knew exactly what’s wrong. Ever since Hunter had come home looking so sad and crestfallen, she hadn’t felt so comfortable.

Her little thought told her that it had something to do with Mr Reid and the deal, probably Mr Reid hadn’t agreed with the terms.

If that were to be the case then Hunter is really doomed, he can’t get any backing or financial support to pay off the debts.

He was left to the fate of some drug Lord’s somewhere around the world.

But then again, that may not be the reason.

He did say something about going to see Michelle at the start of the night, probably she has something to do with his recent mood.

She had never seen Hunter get so worked up about a girl before. Sure she was beautiful and had a figure most girls would kill for but was that all Hunter wanted in a woman? Her looks?

Left to her, she never saw anything fascinating in Michelle. Heck!, In a way she almost disliked to red haired sibling to one of her closest friends.

Still Michelle may be innocent, she thought.

What if he had received another letter from Soldo?

Oh my…

She couldn’t even think of all the possibilities that could be contained in the piece of paper.

What if it was a threat to his life?

The last letter he received did mention a countdown.

What if? What if?

She couldn’t take it anymore, her curiosity was going to give her a heart attack before six am.

She checked on Louisa once again and slid out of bed with her pillow held against her chest.

Why did she carry a pillow?

Even she wasn’t so sure.

She walked out of her bedroom and slowly, direly slowly, shut the door to avoid making much noise at this ungodly hour.

Walking up the hallway with her bare feet, she took menacingly gentle steps for her fear of someone detecting her.

By the time she got to the bottom of the steps, she began to feel like this was a stupid idea.

Immediately, she whirled around to retreat but then another ‘what if ‘ hit her .

Her curiosity was a stronger drive than her sense of reasoning and it was enough fuel pump to march her up the stairs.

The white lights that lined the stairway were suddenly too bright as she felt it made her more visible.

But not long after, she arrived at his dark wooden door and contemplated running back to the comfort of her bed and Louie, then again her inquisitiveness may be the arrow to her death.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked thrice on the door. Loudly yet softly. It was only till now that she knew the direct use of oxymoronic expressions.

After a while, no response came from within and she felt stupid that she hadn’t considered he may have fallen asleep.

She knew it was a stupid idea.

As soon as she was leaving, a creaking sound was heard.

She turned around almost too quickly and met with Hunter’s confused blue orbs.

He was still dressed in the exact same way she had left him few hours ago.

Maybe she wasn’t the only one having difficulty in getting some rest.

” Iris you alright?” He asked when he saw her almost scared expression.

” Uh.. yeah.. I was.. I just” he watched her as she started, looking for the right words to explain her reason for appearing at his door step.

She released a sigh and looked to the floor at her feet.

” I couldn’t sleep” she finally whispered.

He watched her as she waited for his rejection, normally he would have rejected anyone at this hour coming to wake him from his sleep but he also had trouble sleeping and couldn’t be more grateful for her company.

” Do you want to come in?” The soft voice reached her ears and she raised her eyes to see him smiling softly.

A fervent nod and few smiles later, he allowed her into his bedroom.

He wasn’t sure if she would be okay with the darkness of his room, at this time all sources of lights were put out because he wanted to try lulling himself to sleep in a dark environment but his mind kept wandering.

The only thing illuminating his bedroom were the natural glow of the moon and the stray rays from the lights outside the building.

He walked to his bed and took a seat at the horizontal edge with his elbows leaning on his knees.

He turned to see Iris step into the room and shut the door behind her but she leaned on the door and clutched her pillow a little tighter.

Iris couldn’t still get accustomed to the shades his room bore in great contrast to her purple breadspread and almost golden cushions in her own condo.

A smirk landed on Hunter’s lips as he watched her, unmoving and her gaze going to everything in the room except him.

” You were coming to see me and you brought a shield. I’m amused” he teased her tight hold on her pillow and his smirk still prominent.

Iris laughed nervously then dropped the fluffy headrest unto one hand and held it in a grip.

” So?” Hunter asked, looking forward for her to start the conversation and take his mind off so many heart bothering things tonight.

” I.. uh.. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay” Iris stuttered and his gaze went unwavering from her slender physique standing by the door.

” You did that already when you helped me out. Thanks for that by the way”

” Right” she responded and nodded. Bouncing on the balls of her feet and still glancing at everywhere and everything except him.

” Iris?” He called out to her, because he knew it was nothing short of her curiosity that brought her to him.

” Huh?”

” You want to know what happened, don’t you?”

He watched as she bit her lips and it made her look a lot sexier due to every silhouette.

He was beginning to prefer if she had worn her shorts and tank top to the knee length silk gown she had presently.

” Is it that obvious?” She questioned with a sly smile and it caused him to erupt in a silent laughter.

” Kinda is, but I won’t tell” he responded and sent her a wink that caused her own smile to expand.

She suddenly felt more comfortable around him and took a few steps to where he was seated then sat at quite a distance from him.

” And the shield is gone” he jested and she used the pillow in her hold to smack him on the head.

It only resulted in a fit of laughter between the two and it took them a while to settle down.

” Are you gonna tell me?” Iris asked. Truly her curiosity got the better of her.

She just wanted to make sure that he will be okay.

” Tell you what?” Hunter feigned ignorance and earned himself another smack with the pillow.

” Okay.. okay.. what do you want to know?” He asked, seeming willing to tell her anything.

” I don’t know. Start from what got you in a bad mood. Is it Michelle?”

” Michelle?” Hunter questioned.

” Yeah. You said you wanted to go find her earlier tonight”

” Hmm… that’s true. Well I didn’t find her. She didn’t come to the event”This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

” Oh. But you guys had a problem previously?”

Hunter laughed at her question once he remembered the actual reason for Michelle’s behavior is seated right beside him.

” Yeah. Some insecurities” he summarised, not having quite the thought to tell her in detail.

” Are you gonna go in detail? I might be able to help”

” You don’t want to know. Trust me” Hunter chuckled and flicked off a speck of invincible dirt off his sweatpants.

” Then what caused the bruise?” Iris asked, nudging her chin in the direction of his forehead.

Hunter touched the bandage with an index and shrugged like he hadn’t lost an inch of blood from the spot.

” Nothing big. I ran into Hayes afterwards and let’s say he wasn’t happy to see me”


Mr Hayes, yet another man to prove to her how disgusting some men can be.

” How do you mean? He hit you?”

Hunter laughed at her question. Truly her voice held nothing short of concern but he wasn’t looking for someone to go soft on him tonight. He had already gone soft on himself.

” Hayes doesn’t stand a chance against me. Something happened and I got bruised, just stay away from that man no matter the deal he promised you”

” Did you think I’ll accept his offer?” She questioned to know his level of trust in her.

” I think you’re smarter than that even though you are indeed dumb”

“Hey!” She was about to smack him with a pillow again but he was able to dodge the hit.

Another round of laughter and the both were glad they had chosen each other for company.

” What about Mr Reid?” Iris’s main thoughts surfaced.

Since almost all options are crossed out, this should be a leading factor.

Hunter sighed but still held on to his smile even though he was breaking in every angle inside.

” He rejected my offer but it’s cool. Now you can go ahead with Mason at least”

” Cool? Why did he reject it?” She was pretty sure that her face looked blood drained.

” He said I’ll be endangering his family and he can’t risk that”

” What are you going to do now?”

” Nothing really. I can’t do anything. At least I tried right?” He stretched his smile to become even wider but Iris saw through his bold man facade.

” Why are you acting like it isn’t bothering you?”

” Cause it isn’t” he shrugged again.

” That’s not true Hunter. I can see it clearly”

” Fine, but what do you expect me to do? I’m done crying and trying. It’s high time I let things take it’s course. The jigs up” his smile had faltered and his expression became emotionless.

” That’s a lie. We can still-”

” Iris stop! I’m not going to try again. This time I’m really done and except a miracle happens, it really is over”

Iris felt a pain in her chest and it constricted her breathing. She observed him to find a crack in his plan where he still has a little hope for himself but nothing is seen.

It’s just dark all over.

” At least now you can be with Mason. No matter what happens Iris, you should know he loves you. I can see it. But most especially thank you for staying by a rogue idiot like me even in days I wasn’t favorable, you pressed me on just for my own good and I’ve never been more grateful”

He took her wrist that wasn’t holding the pillow and kissed directly below her pulse.

In a brief moment, they said nothing to each other. Just looking into their eyes and realizing that each had come a long way in their own way.

Right now Iris wasn’t sure she’d be happy with Mason if it had to come this way. She wanted to know that no matter what happens, Louisa’s biological father would be kept safe and alive.

But now that his only plan had failed, she hadn’t felt more scared about this till now.

” I don’t want you to die” she whispered. Her eyes glistening and the moonlight reflecting upon it.

He wanted to tell her he wouldn’t, but he was told only just this evening that he shouldn’t make promises that he can’t keep.

Scooting closer her, he wrapped his two arms around her figure and landed a gentle, lasting kiss on her forehead.

When he pulled back and stared into her brown eyes, he wanted to take all of her in. He wanted to etch the picture of this beautiful lady at the back of his mind.

She was indeed gold in the midst of clay and that was why his tale had to end this way.

Nothing beautiful can ever exist in his life. He was tired of keeping her from happiness, he wanted her to experience that joy others had experienced.

That joy he had deprived her. He wanted to be a good friend and let her go. This may be his last opportunity to sow a good seed in life.

He fondled with the tip of her hair and watched as she also watched him.

He had never seen anyone with a heart so deep and forgiving in his entire life. That she could even allow him to get so close to her after all he had done.

” Iris I’m still very sorry”

He needn’t explain himself. Iris knew exactly what he was apologising for. By the way he had been looking at her with regret drawn all over his face.

She didn’t know when she had lost it. She threw her pillow to a far edge of the room and placed her lips on his.

××××× WARNING ×××××

If you are not comfortable with mature content, please do skip to the next indication. You wouldn’t miss out on anything.

Iris wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him closer to deepen the kiss.

He too, took no time in responding, his lips slowly moulding into hers in a gentle and warm caress.

He kissed her softly as his hand went to the back of her neck to get a more comfortable position.

Iris rose from where she had been seated and crossed over to straddle Hunter beside her.

He left her lips and trailed a line of slow, menacing kisses along her jawline, down to her chest. Purposefully lingering at the swell of her breasts to leave a bite mark there.

A moan left her lips and she shut her eyes in pleasure. Only when did he come up to her neck once more did she capture his lips in another kiss.

Instinctively, she pressed down on his growing arousal. Slowly grinding to create a friction between her core and his hardened member.

Another moan escaped her accompanied by a hiss from Hunter, but that was only a momentary pause in their make out as they find each other’s lips once again.

His hands lose their control at his side and began slowly trailing up her thigh till it lands on her derriere and he gives it a tight squeeze.

Iris could feel herself getting hotter with the contact they were making, she in turn grabs his head and deepened the kiss. Trying to get him to add more passion into the kiss.

Hunter had no problem in increasing his pace. One of his hands secure a hold on her hip while the other teasingly moves under her gown, where he discovers she had her panties on.

Slowly, his hands locate her swollen nerve through her lace underwear and applies a little pressure on it.

Iris gasped in response and her back arched towards him. He could feel her hardened nipples rub against his bare chest. The feeling turning him on the more.

His lips move from hers to her neck, where he took delight in sucking and biting while he applied pressure to her aching knob below.

He heard another moan and he began to rub her needy nerve in a circular motion, causing her to grip unto him tighter like she would lose balance.

He continued to assault her, slowly till she used her own force to increase his pace.

But he only smiled against the skin on her neck and pinched her down there, causing her to gasp again and squeeze her eyes tighter.

Before she could savour the feeling of what he had done, she felt two fingers enter into her core.

“Ohhh… Fuck” she moaned out at the sweet penetration and rested her head on his shoulder because the pleasure was easily sapping her energy.

” Damn you’re so wet” Hunter groaned. She was tighter than he could have imagined and the fact that she was completely wet for him was driving his member mad with need of being inside of her.

His fingers began thrusting into her, in and out. Making sure to touch every part inside of her to detect her sweet spot.

His thumb still paying attention to her external need, he added another finger.

” Ahhhh!” She almost screamed. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain. She hadn’t been touched like this in two years and he was opening her up once again.

His thrusting pace increased and she was practically panting, unable to breathe in enough oxygen.

Her moans and gasps filled the room as she reached her high, a feeling building up at the pit of her belly. He noticed she was clenching tighter around him so his speed quickened.

” I’m… I’m..” she tried to say something but no words were being emitted.

She couldn’t even form a coherent sentence in her brain.

” Cum for me” he cooed into her ear and at that instant she fell apart.

She rode out her high with a loud moan and she felt she was seeing a bright light illuminte her blinded vision.

She was trying to focus on her breathing when Hunter pulled her night dress over her head, leaving her bare to him except her underwear.

He took one of her erect nipples into his mouth and wistfully sucked on it.

She felt a shiver go down her spine at the action and an inaudible moan slipped through her lips.

Immediately, Hunter rose from his position and turned around. With her thighs wrapped securely around his waist, he used his knees to walk onto the bed and lay Iris down before him.

Her subconscious soon reminded her of the scars she had all over her body. She soon felt ugly and that he’d feel repulsed too.

Rather he didn’t.

His eyes ran up and down her figure like it was a box of treasure that lay before him.

He muttered something to himself and she didn’t quite hear him but she believed she heard something like beautiful.

She wasn’t sure if at all that was what he said, but she found herself blushing.

Hunter leaned down and claimed her lips once more but this time around it was more passionate.

Out of frustration, her tore her underwear off her body and threw it somewhere hoping it would locate her pillow too.

The cold midnight wind met with her wet core and sent a shiver up her spine. Hunter let go of her lips and went to assault her nipples once again.

She felt the teasing was already enough. The tiger in her motivated her to use a hand in holding the waistband of his sweatpants while the other cupped his already hard groin.

He hissed loudly and his eyes met hers once again. He was silently asking her a question.

If she wanted to continue.

He didn’t look like he wanted to stop but he wasn’t willing to make a mistake that she would regret more than he.

She too didn’t use her words, only pulled at his clothing as an indication to take it off.

Hunter pulled away from her and reached for the drawer of the bedside table.

Iris pouted at the loss of heat because of their body contact and suddenly felt stupid for wanting to go on.

Maybe he didn’t find her as appealing as other women he’d slept with.

She wanted to speak, to tell him that she wanted to be back in her room but when she saw what he retrieved from the drawer, her face blushed brighter.

A condom.

She couldn’t believe that she had almost forgotten about it.

Hunter released a chuckle once he caught her expression and she flushed the more, if it was even possible.

Directly before her, Hunter pulled off the only garment separating them and tore the wrap open with his teeth before putting it on.

She fought against a shocked reaction when she caught the size of him. The girth and length almost got her worried if he could fit in her.

After he was done wrapping up, he situated himself between her legs then placed his both hands at either sides of her head and leaned in to kiss her lips again.

She pulled his head closer to initiate a little tongue and in the course of the action, he thrusted into her.

Her first reaction was pain, but it took only a few seconds for it to convert into a heart clenching pleasure.

His thrusted in again, then withdrew then went in again.

The both of them had become moaning messes. Their hands ran all over each other like they couldn’t get enough.

He maintained a steady and average speed rhythm as he thrusted in and out of her throbbing hole. Her fingers clawed at his back as her back kept arching.

She couldn’t control her sounds even if she wanted to. He was making her feel like she was above the clouds and also she was he.

” Soo… Fucking… Tight..” Hunter grunted between thrusts and pants. He was doubting how long he could last with the way her insides felt so good.

He kept thrusting till he hit a soft spot that evoked a scream from her and he chuckled knowing fully well anyone who doesn’t sleep like the dead would have heard her.

” Fuck.. Hunter I’m seeing the stars” she moaned out and honestly she was. She felt another orgasm coming soon and she tried to hold on to the sheets around her.

” See the entire galaxy for me sweetheart” he growled out and he felt his own high coming too.

More thrusts, sweat and pants later they were almost there.

” Cum with me” Hunter groaned into her ear and his thrusts began slowing down.

He emptied all his seed inside of the sheath while she clamped down on him in her own release.

They had never experienced anything like this before in their lives and that is something with regards to Hunter’s records.

After they had stopped, they stilled to catch their breaths.

He looked into her eyes and saw the clouds of lust had overshadowed her deep brown ones.

He wanted to place a soft kiss on her lips and call it a night, but her moan when his lips met hers caused him to harden again.

And as they kissed, he slid into her once again to relive the moment they had just experienced over and over and over again.

**** SCENE OVER ****

And that’s how they spent their night discovering each other’s bodies with the sounds of flesh and their moans filling the room. Using only the moon to illuminate their paths.

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