Guardian Wolf

Chapter 78

Chapter 78


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“She’s being executed as we speak Het Laurence know as I’ve called to tell him we

will be home this afternoon After everything she said yesterday it was a given, I’m surprised Axton

didn’t want to do it himself to be honest but I get why

“Yeah, it’s definitely more humiliating for her if the council does it due to the actions of her mate, forced

mate whatever you want to call it Laurence says, “If Axton hed killed her for her actions at the pack the

information she had we wouldn’t know but

also there would be no public humiliation. She has shamed her pack, her father has

also, in front of the entirety of the council. That’s not something to be thought of lightly, execution by the

council is one of the highest orders”

“True” Nova says, plus at the time of the decision he still had the mark on his neck, perhaps the

emotions were a lot and he just thought the quicker it’s done the better”

“So we shall see you soon?” Laurence checks.

“Give us 3 hours” I reply relieved to be travelling home soon.

“See you boss, Luna” Laurence says before I disconnect the call.

“All done” we hear Luca say from behind us. Turning we see him looking pleased, “no

more of that deceitful b***h taking up too much of our time.”

“Throat slit” was Axtons words as he appears looking like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.

Rubbing his neck absentmindedly where his mark used to lay he

offers us a small smile. “Time to move on.”

“It’s for the best Luca says patting his shoulder.

“Definitely” Axton replies confidently, “well at least we have Sophie to pick up on

some Luna roles.”

“I’m just relieved no one asked about my mate mark” Luca chuckles, “although maybe

that means I’m boring.

“You are” Nova shrugs turning away to hide her grin.

“Thanks” he scoffs before laughing, “but I know when you’re lying lil sis, I’m the one


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that taught you.”

“Hmmm” she replies narrowing her eyes making his smile falter, “sure you do.”

“Well s**1” he mutters as he walks to their car

“Nova, Alpha Jax!” We hear being called as we turn to see Elder Martin approaching

us quickly.

“Elder Martin” I say politely.

“I just wanted to inform you that the 3 traitors are also going to be executed, we are going to interrogate

them again this evening and they will be executed once we have as much information as we can

gather. We will of course keep you updated with the

findings. You’re welcome to stay of course” he says.

“Thank you Elder Martin” Nova says from beside me, “but we think returning to the

pack is the most sensible solution.”

“I thought you might. It’s been a pleasure seeing you both, I hope in the future it is in better

circumstances. I have also spoken to the Alpha King, he will be contacting you

to arrange a visit” he informs us.

“Always a pleasure..despite the circumstances” Nova says with a small smile as she politely k*sses his

cheek before I step forward and grasp his hand.

“I have a message for you Alpha Jax and it’s that your hard work will pay off in

will all come clear soon” he says looking me in the eyes as my brows furrow in

confusion. “Thank you for your help in this trial the both of you, and thank goddess you noticed about

Johnathon. I’ve nearly spilt that information far too many times” he

chuckles as I smile proudly.

“Thank you Elder Martin, we will contact you soon” I say as he bows slightly in respect.

and we do the same.

Turning I lead Nova to our car as we see Johnathon join us with freshly washed hair.

“You killed her?” I ask quietly.

“I needed to get justice for my niece, it’s not the first time I have done so he mutters as he throws his NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

bag into the boot. “Let’s be off shall we?” He asks smiling widely at.

the prospect of seeing his brother.


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“Let’s” I smile

Starting the engine I check to see Axton and Luca are ready behind us and set off thankful to be driving

home sooner than we had hoped.

“Well your visit was certainly exciting” Johnathon laughs from the back seat making.

Nova giggle

When isn’t it at the moment she drawls rolling her eyes at me.

“I know you mentioned discussing more on the drive home but I thought it may be

more beneficial we discuss it at the pack. My Beta knows more than we do and he has a great interest

in history and gifted wolves. Plus Kingsley will be present, I think

that may help” I suggest.

“I thought the same after I suggested it” Johnathon laughs, “we could talk now if needed but what’s the

point in repeating myself if you’re happy to wait.”

“I waited 25 years, I can wait a few hours” Nova chuckles.

The closer we are to the pack the lighter my b*dy feels as the tension and worry of

being away from them is slowly lifted. Seeing Nova smile as she looks out the

window I speak “you feel it to don’t you?”

“I was anxious to be home and know everyone was safe, I’m starting to feel less on

edge” she admits meeting my eyes.

“So the Luna ceremony. “I start as her face lights in excitement. “Any more


“Well I’m sure your mum will have lots of ideas but I did have a couple myself” she

says excitedly.

“Such as..?” I prompt enjoying her happiness.

“Well I know what dress I’d like, I’m going to suggest Alice help make it or find one we

can make suitable alterations to. She has a great knack for things like that but I’m not

going to tell you the design. I want that to be a surprise” she smiles.

“Hmm. me too” I reply huskily making her noticeably shiver at my tone of voice before. glancing in the

mirror to see Johnathon dozing in the back.

“Music Fheard Theo and Flos cousin Annabelle I think it was? Anyway she was.

playing with a couple of others the other week and I can’t get my mind off of it, I think rd like them to

perform she suggests

That’s a brilliant idea agree, “they’ve played for a few pack nights I’ve organised in the past and I’m

sure they would be honoured

“Great” she exclaims

“How would you feel about naming your own Beta and Gam ma at the ceremony?” I


“What?” She gasps in surprise

“Well ‘ve been thinking of something Axton said, you’re more of an Alpha than we are just not by blood.

I think as Luna and as a Guardian Wolf it would be fitting that you name your own Bete and Germa” I


Naomi and Alice’ she says immediately

think there the best solution, they’re already meted into the roles but I imagine once you become more

known you may end up with quite a few extra responsibilities, of course will be there to share them but

Laurenice, Theo and Florence already have their roles I suggest we make it more of a tearn effort ?” I

put forward.

“like that idea she says smiling softly, “they’ll be over the moon.

Tim glad you approve” I smile as she leans over and k*sses my cheek.

“Life is going to be different isn’t it” Nova suddenly says nervously.

“Yes, but that’s part of life. We will get through it and come out of it stronger” I assure her as Zeus puffs

his cheet out in agreement

Seeing Zeus presence in my eyes she reaches a delicate hand out to cup my cheek. gently, how about

we let Kia and Zeus have a run this evening? They also need their

“Yes” Zeus growls eagerly pushing forward.

daren’tsay no joke to her, “I think that’s a plan.”

“Thank you” Zeus says to me happily

“Anytime buddy, when things calm down we can organise it more ok” I reassure him.

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“I’d like that, we both would” he agrees as Kia also links me to say “thank you Jax.”



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