Guardian Wolf

Chapter 77

Chapter 77




Nova POV:

“So I know you mentioned about your mate gaining your gifts in times of need and I’m thinking you

haven’t had chance to read through all of the information I have?”

Johnathon after we had finished our food.

“No, it was something I read briefly before we had to leave” I said as I sit beside Jax

on the sofa.

“Well I can tell you more about it” Johnathon says as he passes everyone another beer, “if you don’t

mind the others being here that is? I can also tell you more on our

journey to your pack, less potential ears that way.”

“No, these two are fully aware of what Kia is and also with Luca being family I would tell him anyway I

chuckle as Jax does the same.

“Just checking” Johnathon also chuckles. “So there have been 3 recorded instances. of gifts between a

Guardian Wolf and their mate being shared or transferred as it was

also referred to.”

“Transferred suggests it leaves the Guardian Wolf without them?” Jax asks.

“It happened once, the complete shift of gifts from a male Guardian Wolf to his mate. He found her

being attacked and she was too weak after her past treatment to defend herself. So..he marked her on

instinct, instead of leaving her feeling tired as is normally the case it invigorated her and the gifts were

transferred” Johnathon says as I sit back in shock. “He was strong due to the size of his wolf and

together they were. successful in getting away from the attack.”

“Were the gifts transferred back?” Luca asks intrigued. “What were they?”

“Yes they woke and everything was back to normal, but she did gain strength and health back quicker

than an average wolf. The gifts were that of a healer and visions. She learnt their plan of attack

seconds before it happened and shared it through the mindlink, that’s how they got was

against vampires” Johnathon answers.

“So other times it’s just been shared?” I ask.




the transferral is rare or if it’s just what the circumstances made happen at the time” Johnathon says.

“I’m sorry I know it’s not very helpful but there isn’t that much information regarding that available. Also

in those cases the mates were weak..Jax is far from that if what I have heard about him is correct. So I

can’t tell you if it would

happen between you.”

“To be honest I don’t need it to Jax says, “it was just interesting.”

“But it would be nice to know it was an option I point out.

“Well it’s a possibility” Jax shrugs. “But it’s not something we should rely on.”

“What are your gifts Nova?” Johnathon asks intrigued.

“I don’t know” I say quietly to which he looks shocked by, “but your birthday..your

emergence?” He asks.

“I’ve had increased senses and my strength has grown considerably, but other than that I haven’t

noticed anything different” I shrug.

“You know are incredibly strong both men tally and physically maybe you

don’t know because you haven’t had to yet. Ask Kia” Johnathon suggests.

“Ki?” I ask her quietly suddenly nervous.

“They’ll come” she answers.

“Nothing more?” I scoff.

“If I knew more I’d say Nova, you know that” she retorts.

“She just said they’ll come” I reply, “nothing more” I add on shooting everyone a look. to say don’t ask.

“Then they will come” is all Johnathon says with a smile, “trust in Kia.”

“Thank you” I say softly.

“f*****g hell Nova” Axton says as he lounges in his chair, “I thought I had a lot to think about. Nothing

compared to you.”

“Tell me about it” I sigh as Jax chuckles shifting me onto his lap so I’m wrapped in his strong arms. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Resting my head on his chest I feel the tiredness seeping though me, “I think I need to sleep.”



“If you wanted us to go you could just tell us to f**k off” Luca says smirking.

“Smar tar se” I say rolling my eyes at him.

“We get it, get some rest sis” he says playfully rubbing my hair as he did when I was.

younger making me glare at him.

“Night guys” I say through another yawn as everyone files out.

“Come on, let’s get to bed” Jax says as he stands keeping me close to him. Feeling the comfort of the

bed envelop me I let the heat from Jaxs b*dy and his even

breathing lull me to sleep.

All too soon it’s morning, the sunshine starts to filter through the curtains making me wake slowly from

my sleep.

Seeing the time is 8:30 I shoot out of bed wide eyed realising we had 30 minutes to

get ready, “JAX!” I shout shaking him awake.

“What?” He asks leaping from the bed in a panic as I rush off to the bathroom.

“Look at the time!” I call out at him as I hear him swear in realisation and start to rush

around the room. 15 minutes later we are stood by the door looking at each other

before bursting into laughter.

“Well you look beautiful” Jax says as he opens the door for me, “good to know you

can get ready quickly unlike my sister.”

“Let me guess she says it takes time to be perfect” I laugh.

“How did you know?” He asks.

“Women’s intuition” i giggle before we reach the doors leading to the room.

Taking a breath as the doors are opened I grasp Jaxs hand and we stride into the

room side by side. As we pass the council members they all bow to me causing me to

pause and look to Elder Martin questioningly.

“That’s new” I comment.

“Their wolves respect Kia and yourself, get used to it” he says also bowing.

Seeing others in the room do the same Jax smirks at me, “your power is radiating from you now, Kia is

done hiding.”



“About time she can show her true self, but that will take some getting used to” I admit quietly before

we take our seats as Luca simply smirks at me.

“Shall I bow?” He teases.

“Don’t you dare” I growl.

Seeing Rose be dragged in Kia’s hackles are immediately up as she growls loudly in my head, “b***h”

she snarls as I strongly agree. Looking at her I see resignation in her features as if she has accepted

what her fate will be, whilst her b*dy looks frail and dirty like she hasn’t bothered to look after herself.

“She’s given up Kia, she has no fight in her” I say to my wolf.

Feeling anger pulse through the bond I look at Jax, “she deserves everything she’s going to get” he

snarls viciously his protectiveness of me coming out strongly as he glares at her.

“She does” I agree calmly turning my attention back to the front.

“Good morning everyb*dy” Elder Martin calls to gather everyone’s attention. “We are here today to

reach the verdict on Rose Brown. After yesterday’s events we have heard enough and do not require

more information for a sentencing. So with the

council in agreement the verdict is as follows.

Rose Brown, you have committed a a series of serious crimes against Alpha Axton

and Luna Nova. Due to your actions in forcibly breaking a mate bond and working

alongside hunters, I Elder Martin, on behalf of the entirety of the council sentence you

to death. We show no mercy to those who have betrayed their own, you worked

directly with hunters even if it was not to your knowledge I’m sure you knew it was

wrong what you were doing. Alpha Axton was within his rights to kill you for what you

did, but his thinking of requesting a formal trial had led to more information

becoming known to us which we are thankful for.”

wing that was the

Hearing that I don’t even flinch only possible outcome after her

admissions yesterday. Looking at Axton I see his face hasn’t changed from the

furious glare he has had on since her appearance.

“Due to you, Alpha Axton, being marked we will break the bond after this has

concluded to ensure you feel no pain. The matter of how she is executed is however

your decision” Elder Martin says addressing Axton.


Standing he holds his head high his wolf present as he addresses the room, “she is

not worth my time, after the bond has been broken I will wait until her execution has taken place to

witness her death however the manner in which it happens I do not care for. My priority is my pack.”

Seeing Roses eyes fill with tears at his words her head drops to the floor as her b*dy slumps. Axton

simply looks at her before looking away showing no sign of remorse.

“As you wish” Martin says with pride in his eyes at his words.

“On another related matter, I would like to disclose that due to what was said yesterday Alpha Jacob

will also be standing trial in the coming days. He was removed. from the position of Alpha this morning

and his pack has been notified, Elder Angela has already travelled to his pack to ensure everything is

in order in his absence and to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible for the pack members”

Elder Martin says making me sigh in relief. “Thank you for attending, if you all could now make your


“I’m ready for home” I say to Jax as we stand and look at one another.

“We will wait for Axton and for the execution to have been confirmed and then we can go love” he says

k*ssing me softly. “Let’s call Laurence and update them.”




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