Camp Closeted

Chapter 61: Potrei Guardarti Tuttl il Giorno

Chapter 61: Potrei Guardarti Tuttl il Giorno

"I never knew that making a s'more could be this fucking aggravating, Sascha can you do it, this shit is

giving me anxiety." Cadence loudly let out.

Sascha held in a small giggle as he carefully grabbed onto the stick that was skewered with melting

marshmallows. "It's not hard, all you have to do is put it in between the 2 graham crackers and then

you're done." Sascha shrugged as he gave it to Cadence.

The s'more making station was less packed and busy now since it was starting to become very late.

Most of the people that roamed around the bonfire were now gone, including the DJ, only making the

atmosphere a lot more quieter than before.

Regardless of what happened, I hope Romeo got home safe. After that stunt he pulled with him licking

my mouth in front of Jesse, his friends quickly found him and helped him away. It felt so odd to see him

in that state.

Jesse politely moved his head closer towards me to capture my attention. "You want caramel on

yours?" Jesse asked as I quickly grabbed it after blinking out of my thoughts, making him chuckle.

"Y-yea, of course." I grinned, pouring it all over my s'more and then handing it back. "Wait this is like my

13th s'more, why aren't you stopping me? This is so bad." I humorously let out.

Jesse furrowed his brows at me with a careless shrug. "Who cares?"

I furrowed my brows back. "Um, I do. You're super hot and I have to keep up. You know how bad it

would look if a hot guy was seen dating a pudge!?" I bit into the s'more anyway, letting out a cracky


He bit onto his s'more too. "Who cares, I'm technically the pudge. Whatever that is." He deeply replied.

My eyes quickly narrowed at him after I swallowed. "Jesse no you're not. You're probably just saying

that to make me feel better." I couldn't help but grin as I bit once again.

"You know what then? Fuck it, we're both pudges, how about that?" We both laughed. Jesse's smile

slowly faded away into a more serious stare. "Have you figured out when you're leaving the camp yet?"

I deeply sighed. "Probably this coming weekend. Almost everyone I know is leaving next week and the

week right after. I know for sure you have to go back to Italy soon, right?"

"This weekend, yea." Jesse bit his lip as he buried a hand into his pocket. "I wish you can come with

me." What he said caused a wave of silence to break between us.

I tried to smile now. "H-here, lets not think about it." My hand quickly grabbed onto his. "Tonight has

been so amazing and I don't wanna ruin it by being sad."

Jesse's eyes subtly brightened. "You're right." He nodded. "Fuck being sad." He added nonchalantly.

Jesse and I joined in on Benny and Keanu's conversation with Leo and Andrew. "Oh wow I didn't know

all the couples were planning to huddle up together." Benny announced making us laugh. "How the

bonfire go for y'all?" He asked softly once I stood next to him.

"Oh it was perfect. All we did was just eat, listen to the music and talk." I smiled widely at him. "I don't

ever want this night to end to be honest."

"Well damn, you got a lot of energy. Keanu and I drank and just danced. We're not having it anymore,

we need sleep." Benny laughed loudly as the others had their own conversations. "We're just talking to

Andrew about the camp closeted year book and then we're gonna head out. Were you and Jesse

planning to stay longer?"

My mouth widened as I didn't really know what to answer so I just quickly turned towards Jesse who

was chuckling with Keanu about something. "Jesse they're gonna leave soon, did you wanna leave or


Jesse glanced down at me. "Well I wanted to stay longer, but if you wanna go then we can go.

I just subtly smiled and nodded. "W-we can stay." What I said made Jesse smile also. "We'll stay." I told


Benny just yawned, stretching to himself. "And how the hell are you guys planning to get back?" He

tiredly let out.

Just before I could've tried responding, Jesse had already spoken out for my silence. "We'll find

someone." He shrugged.

Benny's eyes just slightly widened at him. "Well make sure that someone isn't a damn serial killer. It's

midnight, so be safe."

"We will, momma Benny." Jesse teased, making Benny let out a small exhausted smile.

So our only plan to get home is to find someone huh?

"You ready?" Keanu sneaked an arm around Benny's waist, gesturing for them to finally leave.

"Yea." Benny smiled brightly at him. "Y'all are sure you guys will have a ride back home?" He asked

one last time.

"Yes." Jesse and I let out simultaneously, making us throw each other funny looks.

"Alright then, lets go." Benny yawned once more, Keanu holding hands with him as they began to walk

out of the bonfire.

I wanted to try and talk to Andrew and Leo but they already disappeared somewhere, leaving Jesse

and I alone near the s'more station.

All of a sudden, I felt Jesse slowly pull me into him with a tempting smirk. "May I have this dance?" His

deep voice huskily asked.

I couldn't help but humorously chuckle up at him. "To what? The DJ left hours ago." I cautiously

wrapped my arms around his neck. I then watched his hands gently wrap around my waist, making our

bodies rub against each other.

"We don't need music." His deep ocean colored eyes brightened, his perfectly reddened lips smirking

into me. "All we need is each other."

It's been a minute of us just deeply gazing at each other and I wasn't entirely bothered by it. I observed

how clear Jesse's skin was, every single part of his face radiating warmth towards me like the sun.

His messily sculptured midnight hair sat just right on top of his blue dilated eyes. His eyes stared so

deep into me and I felt like I was looking into a telescope pointed directly at the stars.

"We're not even dancing." I couldn't help but laugh out loud as he joined in. "We're literally just up

against each other." My voice audibly quieter from intimidation.

"Is that bad?" Jesse raised an eyebrow at me. "I don't really know how to dance." He anxiously


"I don't eithe-" He quickly interrupted me with his mouth.

He tasted like warm sweet s'mores, love, and the entire galaxy. I felt almost frozen as to how good he

felt and tasted. This kiss felt different than usual. It's definitely one of the more passionate ones and the

way he kissed me just felt undeniably glorious.

Once our mouths broke away, both of his arms held my cheeks together. "Potrei guardarti tutto il

giorno." Jesse spoke in a way I've never heard him speak before. His tone, his demeanor, his voice, his

accent, everything was different but for the better.

"Italian?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Mhm." He nodded proudly.

"Are you gonna tell me what it meant?" I softly asked another question.

"Look it up." He teased, making me playfully roll my eyes as his grip around my waist tightened.

"Ugh." I quietly chuckled. "You're mean."

After that, both of us just remained quiet, proceeding to get lost in each other's eyes once more.

All of a sudden he looked away from me, a glimmer of subtle worry coming across his face, making me

speak out. "What's wrong?"

He quickly looked back at me, visibly trying to cover up his worried facial expression. "Nothing, I'm just

worried about how the fuck we're gonna get back to camp." He anxiously chuckled but I wasn't

amused. "Whatever, we'll be fine, let's go." He took my hand, gesturing me to follow him towards some

group of guys that I didn't know.

The group of guys we walked into seemed as if they all consisted of only tall, masculine, and incredibly

attractive male models and I definitely didn't fit the part since I was way shorter than them.

"Alex!" Jesse excitedly let out, poking a guy on his tan chiseled arm.

The boy I've never seen before turned his attention at Jesse, his smirk all of a sudden widening. "Oh

my god, Jess." He quickly hugged Jesse, his eyes sharply piercing up and down at me and then

turning back to look at Jesse. "Damn, look at you! You look so hot, you still workout huh?" He bit his lip,

his hand slightly skimming against Jesse's arm.

I couldn't help but slightly crinkle my face at their interaction as I quickly caught myself since I was

probably just overreacting.

Jesse let out an amused laugh as his cheeks slightly reddened. "Yea of course dude, you know me."

He beamed. "This is my boyfriend Micah, by the way."

I threw on a small smile but it quickly faltered since the guy didn't really care enough to even throw me

a glance.

Alex kept his eyes on Jesse. "I'm really glad you're doing well. The guys at Brazen miss you a lot,

especially Gio." He slyly winked. "But yea, we have to hang out soon, maybe go to the gym together or


Who the fuck is Gio?

"I'd love that." Jesse nodded, his eyes glancing down at me, probably noticing the undeniable change

in my happy facial expression.

More guys around the circle quickly came closer to talk to Jesse, making me lose him in the crowd as I

slowly backed away.

Jesse kept his eyes at me the whole time, throwing me an apologetic smile as I just causally scrunched

my lip to the side. Jesse gestured for me to come closer towards him as I quickly shook my head to

decline in the politest way possible.

I kept quiet as I could just feel my posture looking incredibly awkward from the intense insecurity I

rapidly felt being around these people. Jesse fit the part just perfectly since he had already

disappeared into conversations with several other guys.

I let out a weakened exhale as I just blinked, confused as to how I should react at the current situation.

I chewed onto my lip as I slowly began to turn around, proceeding to leave before I look even more

stupid by just watching Jesse talk to other guys.

After I finished turning around and began walking towards the far exit, a tight yet gentle grip made its

way around my wrist. "You were gonna leave me?" Jesse caught up to me as I felt him look down in

subtle worry.

"Your friends couldn't care less about me being there. I didn't wanna feel awkward by just watching you

have conversations with them." I spoke low as I kept my eyes on the grass, Jesse following me to the


"I was trying to introduce you but so many people were talking to me at the same ti-" I rapidly

interrupted his words.

"Who's Gio?" I asked, causing piercing silence to break out in between us.

His lack of response finally made me look up to him in visible curiosity, his face struck with slight

confusion. "Some guy I knew back in Brazen. I don't really talk to him anymore though."

"Hm." I just dryly looked back down as we kept walking towards the exit.

"Why?" He sharply breathed out.

"Why what?" I let back out.

"Why did you wanna know who he was?" Slight pride and amusement began to be painted onto his

voice. "You jealous?" He half-laughed.

"I'm not jealous, I was just curious." I quickly shrugged, not bothering to return his sharp gaze on me.

"Why do you look so upset?" Jesse raised a brow at me.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Shut up."

"See, you're clearly mad about something!"

"Im serious Jesse, shut up."

"Stop being so grumpy and tell me what's wrong!"

"I'm not grumpy."

"You're so jealous and it's obvious."

"Jesse stop it!"

"What are you jealous about?"

"Jesse just shut the fuck up!" I loudly exclaimed, making the both of us stop ourselves from walking.

I quickly got shy as I anxiously looked side to side, away from Jesse's subtly hurt facial expression.

"That whole situation back there was just so weird to me!" I harshly whispered, making his face crinkle.

"Whole situati-what situation?" He asked, his teasing tone fading away into a way deeper and serious


"That Alex guy was clearly all up on you and it just made me uncomfortable." Jesse just clicked his

mouth out, his eyes trying their hardest not to roll back. "He was calling you hot and was like caressing

your arms, it was weird."

"What? He wasn't caressing my arms, he just wanted to feel them." Jesse tried to defend, slightly

shocking me.

"Yea in front of your boyfriend whom he blatantly ignored!" Just before he could've began to respond, I

quickly cut him off with my hands going up. "You know what, whatever, this is stupid I don't wanna talk

about it anymore."

Jesse just remained quiet, his hands being buried into his jean pockets as we finally reached the exit. "I

only really began talking to him because I knew we needed a ride back home, I didn't know it was

gonna get you upset." I remained quiet. "I'm sorry." He added.

"I don't want you to be sorry." I let out a lot softer now, turning back at him since I felt bad about

screaming at him. "There's nothing to be sorry about, I was just-I just didn't like being around those


Jesse remained quiet as we finally exited, making me glance back as a sigh escaped out of my mouth.

"To be honest, I have no idea how the fuck we're gonna get back to camp." Jesse anxiously chuckled.

"Yea, I figured. We should've just left with Benny." I shrugged, looking down to reach for my phone. "Let

me call someone." I quietly added.

"Can we walk down the road while you call?" Jesse suggested. "We might be able to catch some

people preparing to leave."

The phone rung for my call to Sascha as my eyebrows furrowed down at him. "I'm not gonna just get in

a stranger's car Jesse."

"But I'll be with you." We began to walk. "What's the worse thing that can happen?"

The phone continued to ring into my ear as I nervously hoped for it to be picked up. "I don't know, we

get viciously murdered together or something."

"Ah hah!" Jesse proudly clicked his mouth as if he just discovered something. "Emphasize on the word;

together." He smiled, making me unconsciously smile to myself as Sascha failed to pick up.

"You can never take anything seriously." My smile widened with his as he realized how contagious his

smile was. "Jesse we're stranded in the middle of nowhere!" I began to laugh now.

"Who the fuck cares, we'll walk 40 miles if we have to, at the end of the day we're gonna be together."

Jesse carelessly exclaimed as I whined.

"I honestly think you're unnecessary dirty comments and your lack of seriousness will kill me faster

than the 40 mile walk." I frowned at him, making his mouth slightly drop at me.

"My dirty comments are never unnecessary." He defended as my eyes quickly rolled back to my skull.

"It's also not my fault that I never take anything too seriously. It actually helps me strategize a plan."

"Well time is running out so we could really use one of those plans right about now." I glanced at him as

not one person I've tried calling has picked up.

"I'm still figuring it out." Jesse chuckled out loud, continuing our walk down the steeply declined hill.

"Hey wait, l-look, headlights!" He slowly began to run.

I quickly followed him, Jesse and I running side by side to this car's intensely bright headlights.

Once we finally got closer to the dark car I could barely see, audible sounds of throwing up and

struggle to cough quickly made it self audible to us.

"You drank a little too much mate." A familiar boy with an English accent laughed out loud as we caught

sight of him patting some guy's broad back. "Try not to get some on your clothes, yea?" He added.

The guy continued to throw up as Jesse and I couldn't really see his head since he was on bended

knees against the pavement.

The boy with an English accent was also barely visible. It was too dark to really try and process

anything and on top of that, it was 2:00 a.m and I was beginning to become extremely tired.

Just before I could've tried to talk, Jesse had already began, making me glance at him. "Excuse me,

you guys think you can help us out? We're stranded and we need a ride back to our camp."

The boy with the black hair and English accent quickly looked up at us, his friend still throwing up. "Oh-

oh yea-yea sure. Hope you don't mind my drunk lad over here though." He pointed down. "He drank

too much and now I gotta drive his car for him."

I began to talk. "That's fine. We're not even worried about that, we just wanna get home."

The boy stood straight up now, crossing his arms. "Alrighty then, get in. M-mind if I ask what camp you

lads from?" He asked.

"Closeted." Jesse and I let out simultaneously.

"You gotta be fucking with me mates, us too!" The boy beamed. "Well, except for Carmichael and Grey

in the back, their from Brazen and I gotta drop them off before we head home. I'm Ashton by the way." I

quickly returned his awkward hand shake.

"Micah." I nodded, Jesse introducing himself after. On our way to get in the car, Jesse quickly got close

to me as confusion began to flood all throughout my head. How the hell are we gonna fit in this car?

"You're gonna have to sit on my lap." Jesse announced as my eyes widened.

"I'm not gonna sit on your lap!" I quietly exclaimed, opening the car door, making my eyes fall on the

two guys on the back seat. "What the heck." I sharply whispered as I felt like my whole surroundings

were all of a sudden turned inside out and flipped upside down.

A much smaller boy was on top of a much more muscular one, both of them making out as I had to

awkwardly cough for them to move. The smaller boy quickly got up off of him, shyly wiping his plump

reddened mouth to the side, his cheeks completely flushed.

"The fuck you guys looking at?" The muscular boy with the piercingly grey eyes threw us a dirty look as

his jaws sharply clenched.

"Be nice Grey!" Ashton shouted from the other side of the car, still trying to comfort his puking friend.

"Ash we don't have room, who are these fuckers!?" Grey harshly exclaimed as I hesitated to get inside

the car.

I then rapidly turned around, shaking my head no. "Jesse, I don't-I can't, I don't think I can." Jesse

quickly pressed a finger against my lips.

"You have to. Don't you wanna go home?" Jesse was trying to hold in his laughter. "Just sit on my lap."

I sighed, slowly turning back around to get inside the car. Thankfully enough Grey already moved to the

side, the smaller boy getting up on his lap. "You don't have to anymore. I'm Carmichael, by the way."

Carmichael smiled like a child as Grey tightly wrapped his arms around him like a teddy bear.

"Thanks." I tiredly returned Carmichael's bright smile as Grey just gave us a chilling graveyard glare.

"I'm Micah, t-this Jesse." I softly let out.

Carmichael's ruffled hair was light brown and his doe-like eyes were a gorgeous hue of hazel. Even

through the dark it was still pretty captivating.

Grey had incredibly sleek midnight hair and sharp sterling silver green eyes. He was very intimidating

and was probably around the same height as Jesse, if not, taller.

It was quite awkward that I had to sit in between Jesse and these two and I couldn't wait until we start

the drive back home.

I looked around the car as Ashton was still outside helping his friend out and I felt my whole body

freeze the second I processed whom this car belonged to.

"Alright mate, be careful, don't hit your head, yea?" Ashton had Romeo's arm wrapped around him as

he genuinely looked out of it.


Jesse's face quickly scrunched up together as he gently grabbed my arm for my attention. "Wait, is tha-

" Ashton's voice quickly interrupted him.

"Ah!" Ashton tiredly let out as he threw Romeo onto the car seat. "There you go." He breathily chuckled

as Jesse kept his extremely flustered facial expression on.

Romeo let out sickly sounding grunts as he weakly brought his arms up to wipe his face, Ashton then

running to the driver's seat.

When all was said and done, the incredibly awkward car ride home had finally begun.

I hate everything about this..

The quiet sounds of Carmichael and Grey making out beside me went on for what felt like hours as

Jesse remained silent, his head gently rested back against the car seat.

I quietly examined his closed eyes that were curtained by his thick long lashes as I came to the

conclusion that Jesse did indeed fall asleep.

Romeo was also sound asleep as I didn't really get a chance to see his face because of his large curly

hair blocking my view. Not that I wanted to see his face anyway. Fucking asshole.

"Mmugh, Grey, I'm gonna fall." Carmichael moaned as his body began to fall against me. "S-sorry." He

quickly broke away from Grey's mouth to apologize.

My eyes slightly widened as I gulped, Grey's hand tightly clenching onto Carmichael's jaw. "What did I

tell you about stopping when you kiss me?" He sharply whispered, Carmichael sniffing as his cheek

began to redden. "Answer me!"

"Sorry Grey." His soft voice whimpered out in audible pain.

"Don't apologize." Grey forcefully pulled onto Carmichael's jaw right back into his mouth.

My mouth unconsciously dropped as Carmichael's cheeks reddened, Grey not seeming to care at all

as his pink tongue dominated into his mouth.

"They're like that mate." Ashton anxiously chuckled from the rear view mirror as I worriedly glanced at

him. "Quite interesting duo if I say so myself."

After a couple more minutes, the car immediately stopped, making me catch myself from my strong

overcoming drowsiness.

Holy shit I'm about to pass out. I'm so tired..

"Alright mates, were at Brazen." Ashton yawned, Carmichael sniffing as he wrapped his arms around

Grey's neck.

I watched as Grey opened the car door while carrying Carmichael. He was very thin and small so it was

very easy to carry him as Grey was the complete opposite. They proceeded to leave, causing the door

to loudly close.

The car door closing quickly woke someone up and it definitely wasn't Jesse.

Romeo shuffled against his seat as he groaned. "I'm hungr-I'm fucking starving!" He loudly let out,

making Jesse move his head to the other side.

Ashton just tiredly chuckled. "It's 3:00 a.m Romeo. You just need a good night's sleep and then we can

go get a hearty breakfast tomorrow yea?"

"I want food now!" Romeo sounded like a child as he yawned, his hand messily running through his

golden curls. "I'm starving."

"Romeo, no place is open at this time." Ashton began to drive once again. "I also still gotta drop off the This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

lads in the back."

"Who?" Romeo's head quickly snapped back at me, his eyes tiredly squinted as he shut them and

widened them simultaneously. "What. The. Fuck."

I gulped as Jesse moved his head once again from Romeo's voice audibly rising. "What's wrong

mate?" Ashton yawned.

"Sto-stop this car right now and kick them the fuck out!" Romeo loudly slurred out. "This is my car!"

"Are you mad?" Ashton snorted. "We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"Get the fuck out of my car!" Romeo loudly screamed, startling Jesse awake as my breath hitched.

"Both of you faggots, grab your shit, and get the fuck out of my car!" His loud booming voice made me

close my eyes and tense up as I just wanted it to end.

Ashton just sighed. "Go back to sleep mate, come on, we're all exhausted."

Jesse was too tired to even respond as he crossed his arms to try and sleep into a more comfortable


"Ashton I will crack your skull if you don't stop this car right now!" Romeo screamed yet again, his voice

audibly hoarser now.

"Shut the fuck up, yea!?" Ashton exclaimed back. "I'm exhausted! You don't think I am? If I wanted to I

can crash this whole car and kill us all! Shut your trap and stop being a baby because I'm tired!" The

car slightly swerved as Ashton argued back and forth with Romeo.

Romeo eventually just drunkenly laid his head back against the glass window, cursing underneath his

breath for at least another 30 minutes.

The car zoomed past through the tall dark trees that surrounded us. Romeo's dropped down window let

in strong chilling winds inside the car, keeping me from sleeping.

After some agonizingly freezing minutes, the car stopped by a familiar restaurant, It's bright neon sign

lighting up the shadowy void that filled the starless sky.

"Alright, since you're the one that wanted to come here, you're paying." Ashton sloppily parked, hitting

the steering wheel and then proceeding to quickly get out and walk into the restaurant.

Romeo stretched before getting out, then looking back at me. "Are you coming?" He harshly asked as

my mouth slightly widened at his husky question. "Oh come the fuck on it's not the time for you to look

surprised, it's 4:00 fucking a.m, people are tired, get over yourself." He quickly got out of the car.

I blinked my eyes a couple more times before rubbing them. I would invite Jesse to go in with me but

he was still in a very deep sleep and I didn't want to rudely wake him up.

Early breakfast sounds good anyway..

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