Camp Closeted

Chapter 60: Into You

Chapter 60: Into You

"Benny these shorts are way too short." I looked at myself at the mirror, my thighs peeking out which

gave me a view of my unkept tan.

Benny ignored me as he just kept rummaging through his clothes, throwing some behind him. "This!"

He let out. "Put this sweater on." He smiled.

The brown cotton sweater was an oversized fit for me and I looked like a child, making Benny speak

again. "You have like a muscular body but not hella muscular so you can still rock oversized clothes.

You wanna look cozy at the bonfire."

I sighed before speaking. "Benny the sweater is fine but the shorts are too much. I've never worn

shorts this short and they look weird-I don't know." I bit, looking at myself on the mirror.

All of a sudden a pair of arms began to wrap around me, Jesse's reflection appearing on the mirror as

he kissed my neck. "You look sexy." He deeply breathed into me as I couldn't help but smile.

"Jesse." I anxiously laughed as Benny kept looking for something else for me to wear. Jesse's hands

gently skimmed down against my waist.

"I think-" Jesse smirked as his blue eyes pierced at me on the mirror, his hands slowly going inside my

shorts, touching my bare warm skin. "You look amazing." He softly bit my ear.

Benny rapidly wrinkled his face. "Jesse can you move away from us for a quick second."

"Yea Jesse." I teased as he just ignored me. His eyes piercing through mine at the mirror.

"Here try this, I found you some black ripped jeans if you don't like the shorts. After put these

accessories on." Benny announced. "Jesse I swear to god your messing up my creative process with

your thirsty ass! We trying to get Micah's outfit popping for the bonfire back the fuck up!" What he said

just made Jesse deeply chuckle into my ear.

Just before I could've taken the jeans, Jesse had already gotten in front of me. "I think Micah should

wear the shorts."

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance as Jesse watched me get in front of him back. "Thank you Benny." I

grabbed the pair of jeans, Jesse slightly pouting his reddened lips at me.

"Y'all fight over what to wear, Ima go get ready. Let me know which one you're not wearing so I can put

it back!" Benny threw a peace sign as he quickly ran to his bed. I then slowly turned back towards

Jesse's tall figure, his body incredibly close to mine once again.

He ran a hand over my hair as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you excited for the bonfire?"

"Yea I mean, I don't really know what to expect. The last bonfire for me was pretty crazy." I sighed,

memories momentarily passing my mind.

His face all of a sudden broke out in a devilish smirk. "Yesterday was so fun, you don't wanna relive it

for at least 10 minutes before we go?" He asked seductively as my heart began to beat out of my


My hands gently pushed away his chiseled chest. "Would be more than happy too but we gotta get

ready for this thing. Go and get dressed." I softly whispered, feeling a rush of blood flow through my


A midnight colored strand from his ruffled messy bed hair fell onto his ocean eyes as he just gave up.

"Fine." He just smiled, forcefully slapping my lower back before walking off.

Benny's voice spoke out. "Y'all better get ready fast! Keanu is coming soon and Camp Serenity is

about 40 minutes away!"

The drive to Camp Serenity was beyond gorgeous. The vast sea of never ending trees continued to

stretch out way farther than my eyes could see as strong winds came in from the dropped down car

windows, messing up my hair which I didn't really care much about.

Keanu was nice enough to drive, Benny sitting at the front passenger seat as Jesse and I cuddled in

the back.

I wore the oversized sweater Benny lent me as I felt way more confident wearing jeans with it instead

of the shorts he originally told me to wear.

Jesse wore black jeans with a loose grey fitting tank top, the sides of his abs occasionally peeking out

as he never hesitated to show his muscular arms off.

"Jesse." I whispered into him, slowly capturing his attention down at me. "You look really good in that


What I said made him bite his lip, trying to contain his smile and his blushing cheeks away from being

seen by me. "Really? How so?"

I took my time to observe over his face and it's perfect features before replying. "I don't know. Honestly,

you look good all the time."

"So do you." He nodded as our faces were so close to each other. "Even in that baggy sweater." He

added, making my mouth slightly widen and him releasing a quiet laugh.

"Is it bad?" I rapidly asked.

"No, no, it's not bad." He assured. "I'd just prefer it off." What he said made my eyes roll back.

I laid back against Jesse's shoulder as I waited for us to finally arrive at Camp Serenity's bonfire.

Keanu told us that once we see Camp Serenity's famous waterfall, then that's how we'd know we've

finally arrived.

For now, we're still just casually driving.

Jesse boldly smelled like cologne, freshly cleaned fabric, and shampoo. I normally don't like the smell

of his shampoo but all of his scents coming together felt just right.

"Micah." Jesse gently used a finger to make my chin go up as I looked up at him. "You're not leaving

my side at that bonfire, you understand? That place is huge and it's going to be packed. I don't want

you to get lost."

"It can't be that bad." I quickly replied.

"Oh trust me, I've been there." He nodded his head. "It's best you stick with me or Benny or


"If y'all wanna take pictures or admire the view, now is the time!" Benny sang, making both of our

heads look up.

"Wow." I breathed out as the famously known Serenity Falls flourished not so far from our view. "That's


Distant music began to be audible to us as my heart began to beat faster from genuine excitement.

Keanu's car slowed down as we began to pass by cars parked on the side of the leafy road. People

were dressed in surprisingly normal clothes as they walked in mobs towards the bonfire up on the

inclined hill.

"I still don't know what the theme is but we seem to be fitting in with the vibe of this bonfire." Benny

peeked out the car window. "We should be good."

"Cozy." Keanu smiled as he glanced at Benny. "The theme for the bonfire is cozy." Keanu then began

parking in an open space.

"Well our asses definitely look cozy." Benny let out a cheerful laugh. "Shi, we all look like we dressed

up for a midnight run to the liquor store."

Jesse clicked his mouth in a teasing manner. "Well, you were the one who styled us."

Benny slowly turned his neck at Jesse. "Okay and so?" He asked as my eyes slightly widened since I

didn't know what was happening.

Jesse just anxiously chuckled, playfully raising his arms up as if he was surrendering something.

"Nothing Ben, I'm just saying you dressed us for the occasion."

He took a second to throw Jesse a small dirty look, which only made me laugh. "Don't call me Ben."

Benny sassily turned back around to get out of the parked car.

Once all of us got out of the car, the music only got louder. Although the music was loud, it was

definitely not party music. The music sounded very mellow and calm.

The music sounded reminiscent. It sounded familiar. It sounded like the type of music Romeo would

normally play in our awkward car rides together.

Ugh, why the fuck does that even matter right now? Romeo is irrelevant to me and I need to stop and

realize that.

I bit my lip as a cool breeze of air ran through my ruffled hair, Jesse looking down beside me. "You

okay?" He warmly asked.

"Yea, I'm fine." I threw him a small smile as I grabbed onto his muscular arm.

Keanu and Benny disappeared into their own conversation as we followed the subtly inclined road up

to the bonfire.

After a few moments of walking and finally arriving at the gated entrance, I couldn't help but just widely

smile at the gorgeously large bonfire not to far away from everybody.

It was so big and beautiful and it looked like everything I was hoping it would like.

The field of grass stretched out as countless people came into view. So did countless huts and chairs

circling the biggest ball of fire I had ever seen in my life.

Benny softly nudged me on the shoulder, making me glance down at his smirk. "See, I told you it was

just a chill bonfire. Nothing overly crazy." I returned his smile. "Keanu and I are gonna go get drinks. Oh

and also before I forget! Remember to try and request a song to the DJ, he's super chill and he's from

Brazen. Bye y'all!"

Jesse and I said our goodbyes to Benny and Keanu and parted ways. I genuinely just wanted to do

every possible activity here as Jesse caught on to my excitement. "Beautiful isn't it?" He asked.

My eyes looked at the countless lights that perfectly decorated the entire event. Camp Serenity

perfectly captured the theme of coziness since this place did indeed feel very cozy.

"It's perfect." I just responded with a slow nod. "What do you wanna do first?" I softly asked.

"You." He devilishly bit his reddened lips at me as his response made me narrow my eyes at him.

I quickly smacked him on the shoulder, making him hiss at me. "Why do you have to be so overly

sexual with everything?" I asked quietly as he adorably pouted at me, calm music continuing to play in

the background.

His arms wrapped around my waist as his blue eyes looked deep into me. "It's not my fault that I'm

obsessed with you." He chuckled as I just rolled my eyes. "Yesterday was so special to me." He

brought his face into me for a quick kiss.

"You know.." I awkwardly started. "Thank you for being understanding with me. I don't know how you

can stand being with a nose bleeding weirdo." Jesse quickly interrupted me.

"Shhh, Micah." He whispered sharply, his deep husky voice sending subtle vibrations against my lips.

"Listen, stop thinking, just enjoy what's going on right now."

"I love you." I looked at his dilated pupils as I wanted to make sure he knew that I was serious.

"I love you too." He quickly responded, looking back deeply into me. "Now let's get closer to the bonfire,

before the sunsets. It gets insanely cold later on the night." I slowly nodded my head in response.

I watched the bonfire burn from the dark ocean hue of Jesse's calming eyes as I was admiring up at


Since seats were mostly taken by other people already, we just decided to sit back against one of the

trees near the bonfire.

I laid in between Jesse's legs as his arms wrapped around me from the back. My head gently laying

against his chest as I felt like I was gonna cry from how perfect everything just felt.

I carefully observed his full reddened lips shimmering at me, almost tempting to meet my mouth against

his and never break apart.

God I need to shut up. I sound so obsessed.

What's happening to me.

Jesse was undeniably perfect and it always never fails to be overwhelming to me. "You hungry?" He all

of a sudden looked down, asking.

"I could eat." I blinked.

"You want me to get us some food?" Jesse now had on a bright smile, making me consciously return it

to him.

I slowly got up off of him. "We can go together."

He quickly shook his hands up in the air. "No, no, you have to stay here. This is a perfect spot and I

don't want us to lose it." He explained, his wide eyes watching me closely.

I slightly frowned, my voice becoming softer in volume. "O-okay."

"I'll be back Micah, I promise, stay here." He quickly got up and began to leave, making me watch him

as he got farther and farther away to one of the stands that served food.

I then just sat back down against the tree, feeling the mix of the warmth from the bonfire help me

withstand my subtly chilling atmosphere.

People laughed in large groups as they sat in small chairs, some getting up to go to the restroom and

some getting up to go get food.

I deeply breathed as I leaned forward, locking my arms in front of my knees as I wished Jesse let me

go with him.

I swayed myself back and forth to the music as I just closed my eyes to feel the earth around me.

All of a sudden, I felt soft warm skin brush against my shoulders, making me quickly tense away to the

side. "R-Romeo?" I snapped my head at him.

Romeo looked slightly disoriented and had on the biggest smile ever. His golden curly hair hooded over

his usually caramel tinted eyes as he quickly got closer to me. "What's up fuck face." His head was now

uncomfortably very close to mine, his breath reeking of strong alcohol and slight mint. "I'm-I'm surprised Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

you looked like you were enjoying the music because your taste is shit."

"Romeo stop, your drunk." I sniffed as I moved my head to the side away from him, his warm lips

brushing against my ears. "You can barely even talk right."

"I-uhm-not drunk!" He slurred. "Look-at me when I'm-talking to you!" He deeply chuckled, his hands

forcefully pulling my cheeks together, making me point my face back at him. "Aww look at that ugly

wittle face." He teased.

I was obviously not impressed by any of this, my eyes choosing not to meet his. "Just please leave me


Romeo quickly let go off his hold on my face as he just sighed, his hazel eyes still looking directly into

my soul. "Trust me, you wouldn't-would not want me to leave you alone. You being underneath a tree

by yourself looks fucking creepy as hell to people and you stick out like a sore thumb." He childishly

chuckled. "I don't want you to be alone."

"Well I definitely wanna be alone right now so please leave." I anxiously replied, hoping Jesse doesn't

see us talking.

Romeo dramatically snorted back as if he was shocked. "Fuck you, I can do whatever I wa-want.

Where's that german nazi looking guy you call your boyfriend." He continued to irresponsibly slur out

his words at me as his head rocked side to side.

"He's not even German he's Ital-you know what, whatever." There's no way I'm telling Romeo anything

about Jesse. If he's mean sober, I could only imagine how cruel he can be while carelessly intoxicated.

"He's getting food." I sighed, quickly adjusting myself further away from him since it seemed like talking

with our faces extremely close is the norm for him when drunk.

"I love food." Romeo let out.

"You should go and get some." I harshly replied. "I know you wouldn't have come here by yourself,

where are your friends?"

"Mmmm." Romeo groaned out as he rubbed his eyes with his hands. "I don't know. I lost them." He


"Go find them."

Romeo clicked his mouth at me, throwing me a dirty look. "Stop fucking telling me what to do! Why do

you want me leave so bad anyway?"

"Because my boyfriend might see me talking to you! And knowing how you are, you couldn't careless

for how he would feel seeing you're drunk self being so close to me." My eyes kept carefully looking


Romeo remained quiet for a second, a smile creeping on his face. "You know-you're-you're really easy

to read."

What he said quickly made me look back at him. "What do you mean?"

Romeo's midnight hazel eyes pierced into me sharply now, my dark reflection makings itself visible to

me. "You're good at acting like you hate me always coming to you but you fucking love that shit. Y-you

crave it. Whether you like it or not I'm your guilty pleasure." He winked, making a loud clicking noise

with his mouth as I immediately broke eye contact with him.

Why am I not denying what he just said?

"See." Romeo, hands gently went underneath my chin, turning my face closer towards him. "You get so

red, it's hilarious."

"Stop." I quickly moved his arm away, my voice soft.

Romeo just sat back with a smug look on his face, breathing heavily as I moved a little more farther

away from him.

Finally, a familiarly deep voice echoed from the distance. "The lines were so short!" My head rapidly

snapped to the side, my eyes landing at Jesse, sending an exhilarating amount of unexplainable

energy to run through me.

He came back already? Wow that was fast!

But fuck! Romeo is here! "I-uh, um Romeo!" I nervously let out.

"Juliet?" Romeo smirked as he proceeded to lay his head onto my shoulder.

"Romeo, stop! Jesse is coming!" I quickly stood up away from him. "You have to leave!" I let out,

quickly getting myself up to run to Jesse.

"Who the fuckum is-who is-who's Jesse?" Romeo tiredly leaned back against the tree, his curls messily

going over his eyes.

Jesse and I got a clearer view of each other as I ran to him. "Micah are you okay? What's wrong?" I

anxiously smiled.

My arms wrapped tightly around his muscular neck, hoping with every bone in my body Romeo has left

that tree. " N-nothing's wrong, I was just surprised how fast you took to get the food." I couldn't help but

deeply sigh, trying my best to not seem bothered by anything before Jesse catches on. "Thank you."

Jesse quickly made me look up at him. "You don't have to thank me for anything. You won't believe all

the food I was able to get, it was fucking great.." He quickly kissed me, his reddened lips tasting like

sweet candy and chocolate. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem tense." He worriedly asked as we

began to slowly walk back to the tree.

"No y-yea I'm perfectly fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I lied, still hoping that Romeo have already left.

"Just asking." We continued to walk back to the tree, making my heart begin to beat faster. "I got both

of us hot chocolate, and uh-some chips, some fruit, and a lot of pre-made s'mores which I couldn't help

but eat some on the way here, sorry." Jesse adorably chuckled as his cheeks heated up in slight


"It's fine." I grinned as watching Jesse ravage through the countless food that he got made my heart

melt. "Honestly thank you Jesse. I didn't think you would be getting this much food."

"Food!? Who has food?" Romeo asked out loud, making Jesse and I stand still and just look at him.

Romeo was visibly drunk as he sat back in the most weirdest way possible.

"Well isn't it the pretty boy that's trying to be straight." Jesse chuckled out as I was surprised at the fact

that he didn't mind as much to see Romeo sit at our spot.

I awkwardly began. "I'm sorry he just came out of nowhere and sat here and he's clearly very drunk."

"It's fine." Jesse threw me a small smile, glancing at Romeo who now is shamelessly scavenging

through the food. "I don't mind."

Silence quickly loomed over us as I was unfortunately forced to sit in between both Romeo and Jesse.

Romeo quickly grabbed one of the s'mores and bit. "Oh my god, fuck yes!" Romeo loudly groaned out,

making all eyes go on him. "Who made this?" He continued eating.

Jesse just casually raised his hand up. "That would be me, sponge head."

Romeo rolled his almond eyes at him, taking one huge bite that would now finish the entire s'more.

"That s'more was so good I could lick your face!" He blurted out, making Jesse laugh out loud while I

just sat their with my eyes almost falling out of their sockets.

"Guess no one is pretending to be straight anymore. Congrats." Jesse just nodded then turned towards

me. "They have the nicest s'mores station over there. I didn't know what you wanted on yours so I just

put the usual and I added a little bit of caramel. We for sure have to go back later together though.

You'd love it." Jesse carefully handed me one of the s'mores that he made and I quickly grabbed it and


A plethora of sweet tastes immediately swarmed my mouth. "Jesse this is amazing." I tried to hold in

my moan as my cheeks were filled, almost resembling a bunny.

"Is it? Is it really?" Jesse looked genuinely ecstatic at my positive reaction as his eyes shimmered at


"It's so good." I quickly nodded with squinted eyes, licking off the dripping caramel on my pinky.

Romeo quickly sat up to get closer towards me once more and with a slighter deeper voice. "You also

have some dripping over here." Using his tongue, he lightly licked the side of my mouth, making me

almost choke on my food.

"Romeo what the fuck!" I exclaimed, rapidly pushing him away as he looked back at me laughing.

Jesse out of nowhere gained thunderous momentum and got in front of me, shoving Romeo's collar

against the tree." Alright dude that's enough, you should leave now." Jesse's tone in voice and his

whole demeanor quickly changed as I stared at the both of them shocked.

Romeo just continued to drunkenly laugh to himself. "I licked your boyfriend right in front of you, what

you gonna do about it pussy?" He taunted as I prepared to hold Jesse back. "Want me to lick you to?"

"Get the fuck outta here!" Jesse quickly grabbed Romeo up and threw him to the side, his chest

heaving in growing annoyance as Romeo just continued to laugh, his body dropping on the ground as

some people threw him dirty looks.

Just before Jesse could've escalated things more I quickly held onto the fabric of his shirt. "O-okay

okay Jesse, calm down, he's just drunk." I spoke softly behind him, gently pulling him back down

against the tree.

Romeo flipped himself up to the side with such a blissful smile, his back now laid against the cold green

grass. "Hope you-I hope-you like my song suggestion Micah." He stuttered terribly as I stared at him

confused, Jesse glancing at me.

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