Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 43) A Game for Two

Chapter 43) A Game for Two

By the end of the night, I was in a separate room from the rest of the club with our guy.

The club has small rooms with couches, and slow music, and red and purple lights to help "set the

mood" for who knows what(even though we all know what).

My mood though, couldn't be happier, no matter how fancy the lights.

Because sitting excruciatingly close to this man on this couch, is making me remember what the group

told me about this particular piece of information.

I don't need it out of his mouth. I need it off of his person.

I need to steal a computer hard drive off this guy.

It's convenient because he already expects me to be running my hands all over him.

"So, how do you wanna —"

"Shhh, just close your eyes," I smirked at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me, but was still grinning.

I batted my eyelashes, "Please?"

He did it.

And I whacked him over the back of the head with one of the pieces of décor.

He fell onto the couch, limp.

Because even if it wouldn't have been suspicious that I was intensely surveying his body with my eyes

and hands, that's gross. Even if it's fake, I don't even wanna act like I'm enjoying it.

I shuddered.

Besides, he's a werewolf, so hopefully if he has a bump or something, he'll heal by the time anyone

finds him here.

And everyone will just blame his passing out and the fact his last memory was of a pretty girl sweet

talking him on too much to drink.

And boom, my group and I disappear like we weren't even here. Successfully avoiding a war over 7

high-rankers assaulting a worrier from a different pack.

In order for that last part to happen though, I need to get the hard drive.

I searched his pockets and jacket and found nothing in either.

I sighed, why me?

I ran my hands down the guy's wide torso — let's just say it's obvious he's a worrier — and looked for

anything that might feel off. I didn't get any results there, so I moved onto his lower half.

I gave both his legs a thorough pat down and even checked his boots.


I groaned, you've gotta be kidding me.

I climbed around him and struggled to get his jacket off.

It's kind of a good thing too because, the lack of boots and jacket will help sell the story the he just

passed out while having some fun.

I pulled on the arms and just about everywhere I could reach to get the dang thing off, but the way he's

laying is making it impossible.

I gritted my teeth and shook my head.

I gave an aggressive tug to get the annoying fabric out from under this seemingly million ton man, and

it worked.

I got it out from under him.

But it made us both topple off the couch and, of course, his million ton self landed on top of me.

"Ughh!" I whined, pushing and pulling at him to get him off.

Realizing I was getting frustrated(and honestly a little cloister phobic) I took a deep, exaggerated


I ended up regretting it because of the mixture of alcohol and BO that hit my nose immediately. On the

bright side, it cleared my mind.

I decided to take the opportunity to remove his jacket while he wasn't laying on it.

Once I got my left hand free from stuck between us, I went to work on removing the sleeves, then © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

removed the whole thing altogether.

I searched it a second time, just in case, but got the same results.

I sighed, I can't believe I'm about to do this.

I rapped my arms around the man and started feeling up and down his back.

He stirred.


I froze.

Seconds ticked by, and he didn't move again, so I continued with a little more haste.

Please don't wake up, please don't wake up.

I got to the collar of his shirt and froze again, but for a completely different reason.

It feels like there's an object sewn into the hem.

I hurriedly put hands on each of his arms and took a deep breath in preparation to remove the elephant

from on top of me.

With a lot of effort, I managed to peel him off.

I laid there breathing heavily for a second, but then sat up to pull out the knife I stored under my


I slit right under where I know the object is and slipped it out.

It was a computer hard drive.

I smirked, "Jackpot."

The man groaned, "Five more minutes grandma."

I hopped to my feet with a snort and scurried out of the room.

•••Jason's POV•••

I knew the second she came out of that damn room.

Zach had to hold me back from busting the door down the whole time she was in there, but now, I

don't know if that will be enough to keep me at bay.

When she emerged, her scent was the first thing that hit me, but what came with it is what set me off.

'What the f**k was she doing in there?!' Malaki growled.

She skipped closer with an adorable smile and my blood boiled hotter.

His scent's all f**king over her.

"Got it," She chirped, holding up the computer drive.

I only glared, focusing on breathing through my mouth.

It didn't do much to keep me from wanting to go in that side room and rip this guy's head off.

Y'know what? That sounds like a pretty good idea. I think I'll go do that.

'I agree, let's go do that.'

I shoved Zach out of the way. He had placed himself between me and Maria (making his head look

rather rip off-able, as well) but the logical side of me and the part that loves my friend is still hanging by

a thread, telling me he did it to keep me from jumping her.

But I'll deal with her later, I gotta go kill a b*tch.

I stormed towards where I know the man who touched my girl resides, and slammed the door open.

Oh. . .

He's unconscious.

But Maria's scent is smothering him.

My anger spiked again. I need to know exactly what went on in here, because if it's anywhere near

where my mind is headed, someone is going to die tonight.

Suddenly, Maria popped into the room with an eye roll. "What did you think you were going to find in

here? Of course I knocked him out."

I took a deep inhale through my nose, the scent hitting me even harder.

"Well, what the f**k did you do to him after?" I glared at her.

Her eyes narrowed, "What are you implying, douchebag?

I opened my mouth for a quick and witty response, but then paused.

What am I implying?

'I think you're implying that she took advantage him while he was knocked out.'

Well when you put it like that. . .

'You sound like an @sshole accusing her of raping someone? Yeah.'



"Hellooo! Earth to idiot? Stop talking to the little voice in your head and focus!" Maria said, clapping

her hands in front of my face.

'This little voice has a name, princess. . . And sharp teeth.'

"What? Huh?" I zoned back in.

"Everyone was wondering if you wanted to stay and have some fun, y'know, take a little break

because of how ahead of schedule we are," Zach grinned, but I knew he meant, 'take a little break

because of how hot headed you are'.

But I don't even care.

Thank the goddess we're off that "what was I implying?" topic.

. . . Do I really zone out for that long?

"Yeah sure, sounds cool," I nodded.

Everyone cheered.

Maria ran off to the bar.

I rubbed my temples.

I can't deal with this right now. I need a distraction. Maria's scent mixed with that scumbag's is burning

my nostrils.

"Hey, handsome."

I turned to find a girl with a small smirk on her cherry red lips.

Well this might work.

'She smells like s**t.'

She only smells bad to us because she's not Maria.

'Exactly, so why are we talking to her?'

So I can distract myself and keep from doing something stupid to get that stench off Maria.

'Why shouldn't we get his stench off her?'

Because you know what it would turn into.

'Yeah. . . And?"

And Maria hates us! She's not going to want us touching her.

'We do a lot of things we know she wouldn't want.'

Malaki! You're not helping!

"You wanna dance?" Her squeaky voice asked.




Hush, Ki!

'NO! She's icky.'

C'mon, we can show Maria what she's missing. . .

'. . . If she thinks we like another girl. . .'

She'll come crawling.

'. . . Fine,' he grumbled after a few seconds of silent thought.

I went off with the girl.

She started grinding against me and running her hands all over me.

I think I'm going to be sick.


At one point, I closed my eyes and realized if I just imagine that it's Maria — the feel of her touch will

never compare to hers, but it'll do — it becomes less intolerable.

Maybe this will work out.

***Maria's POV***

Sharp pain spiked in my neck.

Right where my ugly scar of a mark is.

"What the?" I frowned.

I had the instinct to look over my shoulder.

My blood went cold.

This man.

He has the nerve to mark me. . . AND THEN MAKE OUT WITH ANOTHER GIRL?!

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I mumbled with a humorless laugh.

Happy turned over to look at me. "What's up?"

After I said nothing, he followed my line of sight.

His expression darkened. He looks a mixture of confused, surprised and pissed. He got up from his

chair, presumably to talk some sense into his friend.

Thank you, Happy, but. . .

"Wait," I grabbed his shoulder, "don't. . .

Two can play at this game."

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