Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 43: 42 - Nose Goes

Chapter 43: 42 - Nose Goes

The information the Wonderer gave us lead us to the next informant, then they lead us to the next, then

the next, and it was all very repetitive.

I'm just waiting for the one who can give us actual, useful, information.

Luckily though, all of this here-say has been leading us farther out of rogue territory.

We're still in unclaimed land, which means you'll see a couple here and there, but these are usually far

less hateful towards higher ups.

We landed ourselves at a very popular location for these little meetings.

Another night club.

Although this one's going to be way more packed. It's prime clubbing hours now. It was a little early in

the night before, and not many people were on the streets.

Now we're going to have to be a little more discreet as to not cause a scene.

Thankfully, everyone figured we should probably try and blend in on this trip so we dressed pretty


Wolfie was making me hot with black combat pants, boots, and a dark blue shirt.

All of which hugged him in all the right places.

Everyone just wore variations of that and jeans, or joggers or something. Some had jackets or hoodies


Like I said, low key.

I am wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt I snatched from my closet before I snuck onboard. My

hair's just thrown up in a high pony.

Maybe a little too low key for clubbing, but what can you do?

We walked in after giving a nod to the bouncer and got a few stares.

And by a few, I mean practically everyone in the building turned to us. But that's to be expected. A

group of high rankers will never go unnoticed, no matter where you are.

And I'm positive I'll never get used to it.

But I have gotten decently good at ignoring it.

Following the plan to be discreet as we can be, we all sauntered over to the bar.

Some people that were sitting there moved when they saw us coming.

Things like that will always rub me the wrong way.

But that made room for some of us to sit down while the rest just leaned against the bar.

We ordered some drinks.

Well, they ordered some drinks. Wolfie took the liberty to order a Dr. Pepper for me.

I'm not even going to wonder how he guessed this was my favorite soda.

I took it with only an eye roll.

I'll never turn down a Dr. Pepper.

After that, we waited, watching the club around us from the perfect vantage point, really.

For what?

An opportunity.

Our guy was in the far corner playing cards, and stereotypically, had a girl on his arm.

He slammed down a huge wad of cash into the pool and the girl giggled excitedly, like it was the

funniest thing she'd ever seen, encouraging him.

I rolled my eyes.

Bet a million bucks she's with one of the other guys, conning him out of all his cash.

The second after I thought that, our target blew up.

"You've been mind linking my cards to your boy toy this whole time, you b**ch!" He howled.

Where's my money?

His hands started shifting into wolf form and his canines became visible from even where I'm standing.

Our group watched closely.

I think we're all thinking the same thing.

If the two cheaters run out the door and he chases, we'll be able to question him in a quieter, more

discreet place.

But that's not what happened.

The second he started shifting, his aura could be felt and the two wolves who played him looked like

they could piss themselves.

Hm, he's a worrier wolf. I'm not sure from what pack, but he sure doesn't give off push over vibes.

That complicates things.

The two tricksters, mere rogues, did the smart thing and threw all their money at him and bolted.

"Crap," Cali said, staring at where the scene took place.

"Crap is right," I sighed.

Everyone we've been dealing with up until now have been rogues, wonderers or criminals. If we — a

big group of prominent members of other houses — go up to this probably highly decorated worrier, if

his aura says anything, and start making threats, it could start huge problems between territories.

Problems we can't afford right now.

"Okay so what are we gonna do?" Happy looked between all of us.

I looked back at the table to make sure the guy was still there.

He was grumbling to his buddies, but he had clearly calmed down.

His canines were still out, but his hands were back to human form.

I turned back to the group and kept my voice low, "Alright, well now we really can't let him know who we

are. Which means no threatening with our title or flaunting our aura. I'm looking at you three and your

werewolf command or whatever," I pointed at Wolfie, Happy, and Stephan.

"It's alpha command," Wolfie corrected.

"Then why does it work for betas?" Brandon questioned.

A moment of silence.

"Yeah, I've never gotten that either," Stephan shrugged.

Happy snorted.

"Okay, Great, glad that's cleared up," Cali spoke up, "But here's another fun riddle, what if he has pack

members here with him?"

"S**t," Rose cursed.

My thoughts exactly.

"We're just going to have to get him into a false sense of security to lure him where we want him," I

looked around at the group.

Rose nodded slowly.

"Oh my gosh, look over there!" She exclaimed.

Of course, I looked.

"Nose goes!" She hollered.

Within the span of two seconds, I turned around just in time to see realization hit Cali's face and her

finger fly to her nose a millisecond before mine.

And of course Rose was already comfortable and had been there for ages.

"No!" I whined.

Rose cackled, "You're up."

"So unfair," I grumbled, crossing my arms.

Happy looked between the three of us. "What just happened?"

I was the last to touch my nose, so I am the one who has to lure(Seduce) the guy into a false sense of

security, dang it.

In basketball shorts and a T-shirt!

I couldn't tell him out loud though. Wolfie would probably throw a fit.

Rose chuckled instead of answering and just waved him off.

I guess he'll find out soon enough.

"Jason!" Cali called, "Why don't you go start another game with him under some fake name, while us

girls go to the bathroom?"

Dang, Cali already knows what's up even though she just got here!

But I feel like every girl knows this drill.

. . . Wow, that's kind of sad.

Anyway, I feel like every woman that's done any sort of work in the field has done her fair share of

sneaking into men's minds and hearts.

Which is probably why Cali caught on so quickly with the nose goes thing.

Again. . . Sad.

But, oh well. They dragged me into the bathroom to get fixed while Wolfie headed off to our guy's table.

He's going to be pissed. . .

I looked in the mirror and sighed. "I hate you both."

They both just chuckled.

"Love you too, babe," Rose responded.

I shook my head at her.

She just shrugged.

Turning back to the mirror, the first thing I did was take down my hair.

Now there's my outfit to tackle.

I didn't have any extra clothes with me like everyone else did, because there wasn't enough room for a

bag with me in my little crawl space of a hiding spot in the car.

So I'm stuck with this.

I ended up literally just tying up my shirt to make it a little shorter and expose a bit of my stomach.

I made sure to keep it long enough in the back so that it didn't show any skin there, though.

I looked in the mirror one final time.

"Wow. . . yeah, still not cute," I shook my head.

Cali shrugged. "You're fine, you're butt looks good in basketball shorts," she said as she walked out of

the bathroom with Rose and I on her heals.

I eyed Wolfie, our guy, and another man playing cards.

I sighed, again. "Well, let's get this party started, I guess."



Wow, I kinda wish this was the end of the chapter, that would be a fun line to end on.

But I have more planned for this chapter so it's not:)

Also, it's a late update so I didn't wanna cut it short.

Plz VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE! This is a long one:)


I walked towards them and leaned against a wall near them.

Because the last thing this guy wants is probably another girl hanging on him after what just happened.

I have to play it cool.

Make him notice me.

So all I did for a few minutes was stand and watch with relaxed posture and a bored expression.

I can practically feel the gears turning in Wolfie's head. He's been keeping an eye on me out of the

corner of his eye.

I hope he doesn't ruin this.

After a bit, our guy started sending glances my way. I made sure to meet his eyes every time but kept a

bored expression on my face. I didn't wanna pretend like I was hiding, but I also didn't wanna seem too


They continued with their card game, and with every passing second, Wolfie became more antsy.

He hid it well, but I could feel it.

Ha. Thanks to his d@mn mark.

"What are you looking at, girl?" Our guy raised his eyebrow at me after he had enough.

Wolfie stiffened.

Haha, if that bothers him he's going to hate what comes next.

I shrugged, ignoring Wolfie and looking at our guy. "Just watching the game." I let my eyes very

obviously wonder his frame.

I didn't actually take any of it in, I was just moving my eyes to make him think I was actually interesting

in what I was seeing.

I had to block Wolfie out after that.

His reactions would just make all of this more difficult.

He eyed me for a sec, returning the favor of the once over, and wordlessly went back to his game.

A few more minutes passed.

Only, I had stopped focusing my gaze on the game as a whole, and onto him.

He noticed.

He raised a brow. "Something you wanna say, little girl?"

Ew, what's with the name?

I plastered on a smirk. "What? A girl can't just admire a hunk of a man from afar?"

Kill me.

I'm washing my mouth out with soap after this.

He leaned back in his chair, not sure what to say. He only grunted.

I'm getting somewhere.

They kept playing.

Now they're both watching me from their peripherals.

Thank the goddess the third guy's literally just ignoring me.

I blocked Wolfie out as soon as possible again.

"You here alone, babe?" Our guy asked without looking up from his cards.


Don't look at Wolfie, don't look at Wolfie.

I don't need his reaction messing me up.

I smirked, "Yeah, you?"

He took a second.

". . . Yeah."

I nodded with a smile, "Perfect."

He froze, then snapped out of it and continued.

Haha, got 'im.

"So what's a girl like you doing out all alone?" He glanced at me.

"Looking for some fun," I smirked while slowly walking closer, making sure to sway my hips.

He immediately went on guard.

Shhhh, I'm only trying to steal information from you. No need to panic.

I just raised my eyebrow and leaned on the table.

His skeptical gaze travelled from my face to my neck, and he glared at me. "What's with the mark


Already got that covered.

"Oh," my voice went lower, "We don't talk about him."

It was his turn to raise a brow.

I chuckled darkly, "Let's just say," I leaned farther into him, "I'm a very possessive woman. Easily made


I pulled a chair from the neighboring table and sat close.

So close, I wanted to gag.

"So when someone makes me jealous," he watched me with his full attention. "I retaliate," I said,

slipping my hand onto his thy.

I'm internally laugh-crying so hard over what Wolfie probably looks like right now.

Hopefully he's not being too obvious.

"You wouldn't mind helping me with that, would you?" I batted my eyes at him.

He smirked and ran his slimy finger down my cheek to my jaw, mark of a mate on my neck long

forgotten. "Of course, baby."

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Nevertheless I smiled at him. "Why, thank you," I leaned in closer.

The random guy on the left was actually the one who cleared his throat and saved my butt from having

to go any further.

I had to force myself to grimace at him on the outside, when I really wanted to jump on him and shower

him in kisses.

Wolfie be d@mned. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He continued playing.

"So, how old are you, Little one?" He glanced at me.

I ignored my stomach churning in disgust and played my part. I laughed, "Ugh, that's such a party

pooper question," I placed my hand on his jacket covered shoulder and ran it down his arm, "do you

really need to know?" I looked up at him through my lashes.

He smirked. "No."

Thought so.

We started another hand. The man on the left's gone.

"So. . ." I trailed, "how old are you?"

I don't even wanna know.

He chuckled, "Ugh, that's such a party pooper question," he joked, quoting me.

I pretended to laugh.

"Age is but a number." he leaned in dangerously close, "What matters is experience," he nestled his

nose into the crook of my neck, "and I have a lot of that."

Goddess, please help me not vomit all over the table.

And help Wolfie reign it in, while your at it.

I can practically feel raging heat radiating off of him.

Good thing I think I have our guy pretty distracted.

"Great," I grinned seductively, "maybe I'll be able to learn somethi —"

"Your move," Wolfie's gruff voice came.

We both looked to him. I pretend glared, while Wolfie real glared.

Pft, he acts like I'm enjoying this anymore than him.

But it finally stopped the man from making comments.

I may need to consider washing my ears out with soap, as well after all this.

They played in silence while I painfully caressed our guy's arm.

I can't take this anymore.

I sighed, "Well, I'm bored." I stood up and gave the guy, yet another, seductive look. "Come find me

when you're done."

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