Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 27) Little Ol' Me

Chapter 27) Little Ol' Me

"Wow," she chuckled, "Please, teach me the way of the girl."

I laughed along with her. "I got you."

Wolfie shot me a look.

"Just not right now," I tacked on.

"Oh," She gave her brother the side eye, "right," she rolled her eyes.

"Woah, woah, woah," Wolfie turned to me. "Why not now?"

I raised a brow, "Really?"

"Yeah, why not?" He stayed staring at me.

He's got some hidden agenda. He has to. There's no way he'd magically be okay with this.

But I'm kind of down to see what it is.

"Alright then," I turned to Jazmine, "I guess we can —"

"Hold on, you think I'm gonna put my sister in your hands just like that?" He shook his head. "No,

we've got to see what you can do first."

And, there it is. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

"Gamma Aden, would you mind assisting us in doing just that?"

He shrugged, "Sure, why not."

"Jason!" I heard a slightly familiar voice call, interrupting us.

We turned to see the alpha and luna coming towards us.

"Jason," the luna repeated once they were closer. "How's it been going?" She shot a glance my way.

"Well. We are about to test Maria here's strength," Wolfie told her.

They were silent for a few seconds.

Then the alpha turned to Jazmine, "I thought we told you not to let him do anything stupid."

I put my hand over my mouth to hide the huge snort.

Jazmine put her hands up, "I tried, but he condemned me to the training area," she glared daggers at

him again.

Awe, and she was just starting to let it go.

"Well what's done is done," Wolfie gritted out, clearly not happy with that exchange. "Maria, get on the

mat," he bit.

Well okay then.

I walked a few steps onto the mat, opposite to their gamma.

I looked him up and down. I have to be cautious. Gammas are one of the strongest people in a pack.

"Ready?" Wolfie asked.

We both got down into fighting positions and nodded.

"Wait!" Their luna cut in from her spot on the side lines. "Are you boys sure about this? She is a pure


Wolfie turned to me, looking like he just had the realization of his life, "You are a pure blood aren't

you?" He mumbled his next few words under his breath, "I forgot. . . That explains a lot."

Everyone was silent for a few seconds.

I clapped loudly, startling Jazmine a little bit, "I'm sure it does," I turned to their gamma, "You still down

to fight?"

He shrugged, "sure."

Their luna looked concerned but didn't necessarily wanna show it.

"Don't worry Luna," I addressed her.

All eyes were immediately on me.

Her mate's, her son's, her daughter's, her gamma's. All their stares intently on me, making sure I

don't disrespect or harm their Luna in any way.

She doesn't seem the least bit concerned.

Luckily for them, she's right not to feel threatened. That's FAR from what this is about.

"It's just a sparing match. We both know not to let it get too serious," I stated nonchalantly.

She let out the smallest breath of relief. Even the alpha seems to have a little less tension in his


I turned back to their gamma and he just has an amused look on his face. Probably thinks his alpha

and Luna are crazy for being this worried about little ol' me.

I smiled back.

He's right, this is gonna be fun.

We got back down into fighting positions.

"Don't worry," their gamma grinned. "I'll go easy on you."

I nodded with a smile, "Thanks."

How nice of him.

•••Jason's POV•••

'Yeah, you better go easy on her, if you want to keep your limbs attached to your body.'

I swear to the goddess, if he hurts her too bad. . .

I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down. I stretched out my fingers from their balled up position

at my sides.

It'll be fine. Aden knows not to go too hard on people like her, that's why I let her go in the first place.

Plus, she needs to be put in her place, so a couple of bumps and bruises will do her good.

They were still for a few seconds, analyzing each other.

Oddly enough, Maria looks like the epitome of calm. There's no tension in her beautiful face, and

there may even be a ghost of a smile gracing it.

Aden looks like the epitome of amused.

This surly is going to be interesting.

They circled each other for another second, then Aden pounced. He didn't charge full speed and

didn't even bother keeping his hands up to guard his face.

He went for a right hook, and when Maria dodged that easily, he went left then right again. She swiftly

ducked under his swings and came up behind him only to send two jabs to his side while his guard was


He winced but nodded in approval, "Not bad."

Maria nodded back.

They held each other's stares for a second, then Aden dove right back in. A little faster this time.

He sent a kick that would have landed right on her chest and had her falling back if she hadn't

deflected it beautifully. He was quick to deliver another jab to her face with his left fist but she blocked

that too, so before it even had time to fall back to his side, his right shot out to nail her in the nose.

'Oh h3ll no —'

She caught his fist in her hand before it could connect with her face.

That's kinda hot.

Maria used her hold on his fist to pull him forward and jab her knee into his gut repeatedly.

A series of winces accompanied by "oh's" rang out from the sidelines.

Aden attempted to stand upright after the blow, but only got an elbow to the face.

A symphony "Ah's" and cringes sounded.

Finally, she twisted his arm and flung him to the ground in a flip.

Okay, super hot.

Aden groaned, clearly not expecting this to be a challenge.

Who the h3ll did expect this to be a challenge?

I turned to my mom and found her mid eye roll beside my dad who's just shaking his head.

Oh wait. . .

I turned back to Maria and Aden and found Maria standing back to let Aden regain his footing.

"Thanks for going easy on me," she smirked.

Oh that little. . .

'So much for a lesson.'

'But I think I like her this way,' Ki's predatory wolf smirk flashed in front of me.

I shook my head. Yeah, me too. But it's not exactly the most convenient thing in the world!

'Relax! It's not that big of a deal. He'll put her on her @ss at some point, and it'll be done with. He's

the best fighter in this pack, other than us of course. He'll be able to do it.'

I sighed, yeah, you're right.

Many jabs and blows went by and he has yet to be right. I mean, she keeps getting put on her @ss, but

she keeps getting right back up.

Dang, Maria doesn't even look like she's breaking a sweat. She sent a kick to the side of Aden's head

but he grabbed it and spun it.


She spun with it and caught herself on her hands.

Never mind.

With her hands firmly on the ground and her foot still in his grasp, she kicked out her free leg and

nailed him in the face. He let go and she rolled out of his grasp.

What the h3ll?!

He's not going easy on her anymore. He hasn't been since she threw him to the ground, and he can

still barely hold her off?

Who is this girl?!

'Our mate.'

Hm. . .

Aden sent an upper cut that was deflected, but then took a page out of Maria's book and rammed his

elbow into her nose. She wasn't able to deflect this one and her head flung back.

A growl that I couldn't hold back ripped through me.

He shot his foot out to kick her in the stomach before she could recover, and it sent her back a few feet.

She landed on her back, hard, and it took everything in me not to run to her. But the conflict of if I

should rip his limbs off first or go to my mate first kept me in my place. Malaki was having the same

ordeal, so he was no help.

Before I could decide though, and before Aden could pin her to end the match, she was hopping back

to her feet like nothing happened.

She smiled an easy smile, then it turned into a smirk, "We're not done yet." She almost sounded like

she didn't have reflex tears in her eyes or a slight trickle of blood coming from her nose.

Aden had to hold back a groan.

I had to hold back from jumping her bones.

He shook his head and got a hard look on his face. He leapt forward and shifted into his massive dark

brown wolf mid air.

Now it's about to get real.


. . . She pinned him.

She actually freaking pinned him.

He bench presses four times her weight to WARM UP.

And she pinned him.

If I said I was super surprised. . . I would be lying. It was pretty clear it was going down hill from early


But. . . But she actually did it. My gamma just got pinned by my mate.

HUGE turn on.

But maybe I should have taken all those warnings more seriously. . .

Aden tapped out, and Maria removed her arm from pressing down on his neck and climbed off of him.

"Good match," she smiled down at him with an extended hand.

He looked up at her skeptically for a millisecond, but then shrugged and gave her his hand. Once he

was up, he held on a little longer than necessary.

A low growl rumbled in my chest.


I don't like that.

But then he shook the hand that he still held and let it go. "And who the h3ll are you again?" The humor

is back in his eyes, but for a completely different reason.

She smiled up at him, "Maria."

He nodded, "Mistress of House —"

"Second of House Crimson," she corrected, the smile that'll be the death of me still on her face.

Aden looked incredibly confused, "A pure blood Second with skills like that?" He chuckled.

Pure bloods are vampire masters. Well. . . Most of the time, I guess. I don't know why this went over

my head the first time I learned she was a pure blood.

'Because that's h3lla hot, and you told me not to let things like that in.'

Oh my gosh, Malaki, we need to start paying closer attention to these things.


'. . .We probably won't though, for our sanity's sake, right?'


***Maria's POV***

I chuckled a little awkwardly, "Um. . . Yeah, a Second. My parents, the former master and mistress,

they um, died. Before I could take up the roll. . ."


Goddess, why did I say that. I just made all these people feel super awkward.

"Oh, I'm. . . I'm sorry to hear that."

I nodded with my eyes cast down, "Yeah, um, thanks."

I'm an idiot.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

He nodded along, but then it looked like realization struck him. "Yeah. . . Yeah, Crimson." He paused.

Understanding seeped into his face. "You're parents, Adira and Cason Crimson they. . ."

He gave me a meaningful and sorry look.

I gave him a sad smile. "Thanks. . ." My eyes fell back to the ground, "You don't have to say anything."

He nodded but said something anyway, "You're parents were good people."

My smile grew, "Yeah. . . They were."

A small smile started to appear on his face as well, "And they seem to have done a pretty good job on

you too."

H3ll yeah, they were the best.

I nodded for the bazillionth time and my grin grew even more, "They definitely did what they could."

Oh, all those memories I have.

. . . And, here's the awkward silence again.

"Right, ummm," Aden tried to save the day.

I think I'm gonna like this guy too.

"So that would make you. . . What? Nineteen?" He questioned.

"Seventeen," I corrected with my grin.

"Seventeen?" His eyes widened a little.

"Seventeen. . ." he repeated with a shake of his head, "I just got my @ss handed to me by a

Seventeen year old. That's a first."

I laughed loudly, "Don't worry, I'm considering little bit above my age bracket," I winked.

He nodded with a laugh of his own, "Yes, I'd hope so. Or else I'm losing my touch."

That got everyone laughing.

. . . Bad people don't lead packs like this.

That's good considering I'm mated to it's leader.

That's bad considering I'm going to have to screw them all over if he doesn't drop his little


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