Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 27: 26 - I Feel You Girl

Chapter 27: 26 - I Feel You Girl

"Jaz, this is Maria, the former Second of House Crimson," Wolfie introduced me to a girl that's around

my age, maybe a little younger. She looked at me with stunning blue eyes and a smile that made

something churn in me.

Dang, that's a pretty good smile considering all the gooshy feelings that are flying around in my


She laughed and turned to Wolfie, "Oh, the one from the pack mom and dad are pissed at you for

getting involved with?"

Ah, mom and dad. That explains why the smile did things to me. It matches her brother's.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Everyone needs to stop thinking they can have an opinion on

these things."

Ooh, tea.

"I'm the alpha now. Not dad, not mom, definitely not you. I call the shots."

Oh, this poor, lost little boy.

His sister rolled her eyes. "Whatever stupid."

I snorted.

I like this girl.

He shot her a look and "discreetly" motioned to me.

'Not in front of her,' he growled with his eyes.

Yes he growled with his eyes. I guess werewolves can do that.

She rolled hers again.

Wolfie huffed angrily, "You need to stop doing that. Go and do. . . Something. I don't even care, just get

away from anywhere you can put things into this one's head." He nudged a thumb my way.

Oh yeah, because I already hold you to the highest respect.

"Or vise-versa," I heard him mumble under his breath.


"Can't. Mom and dad told me to make sure you don't do anything stupid," she smiled.

I laughed out loud at that.

"Well it's not what mom and dad say. It's what I say."

I shook my head, "Wolfie, you've got it all backwards."

"Ha! Wolfie?" His sister chortled.

"I know right," I smiled.

"Anyway," I continued, "That's not how it works."

He furrowed his brows at me.

"It's always what mom and dad say. Whatever they say goes," I told him.

"But I'm —"

"The Alpha now. We know," I rolled my eyes. "But you're also an idiot, and a literal fetus compared to

your parents."

"So are you!"

"No kidding! That's why I listen to those older and wiser than me."

. . . When I feel like it. . .

"You act like you know everything," he glared at me.

"I do," I agreed, nodding, "But that's beside the point."

His sister chuckled again.

"I also know I'm a total idiot and need guidance from the people who have been in the same position Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

before. But of course that sort of reasoning involves logic and common sense. Two things you seem to

be seriously lacking," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shoot," his sister started cracking up. "I love this girl."

Oh, haha, do you think you can rub off on your brother a little?

"Mom and dad are always right. That's just the way it is," I shrugged. "Respect is earned," I jabbed my

finger into his chest, "not given."

"You. . ."

Are so right. Goddess, I'm so lucky to have such a wise mate.

"Are so infuriating."

Yeah, that sounds more like him.

"Jazmine! Go train in the clearing."

"But, mom and dad said —"

"I don't care what mom and dad said. Go."

His sister looked taken aback, then a flash of hurt crossed her face.

He used the alpha command on her.

The hurt disappeared and turned to anger. She glared daggers at him until she broke it to shake her

head, "Why are you acting like this?" She questioned. But before he could answer, she swiveled on her

heal and stormed off.

I don't know if she's actually going to this clearing Wolfie talked about, but she's going the opposite

direction of the pack house and towards the surrounding woods.

I find myself feeling sorry for her.

I feel you girl.

Hopefully your idiot brother comes to his senses at some point. For both of our sakes.


We're approaching the training area Wolfie sent Jazmine to. That was an hour or so ago, and

considering she didn't want to come in the first place, Wolfie figured she'd be gone by now.

We walked past the last line of trees and into the clearing scattered with training dummies, rubber

weapons, and sparring dog-people. Some in dog form, others not.

Wolfie's assumption about his sister having cleared out was proven wrong when we looked to our right

and found her beating a poor training dummy to death. Which is saying something, because it was

already inanimate to begin with. But with the force behind those blows, I wouldn't doubt the poor thing

is feeling each and every one of the hits.

I can't blame her, I've been tempted to let off steam the exact same way. Just with something a little

more animate. And a little more annoying, cocky, and who's nickname rhymes with Solfie.

We watch her do a final spinning kick that knocks the dummies head off clean, then she turns and

stares directly into Wolfie's eyes.

She is certainly not hiding the fact she is not happy with his little alpha command.

Wolfie holds her gaze for a second then shakes his head and turns with a slightly softer expression.

We're headed towards the next person I'll be introduced to, I'm assuming.

For the last hour it's been, introduce the second of the house he's "taken over" then talk about random

things — sometimes concerning the pack, sometimes not — for what feels like an eternity. Now, we're

headed towards a large man, possibly larger than Wolfie's towering size, with light brown hair and

matching mocha eyes and skin. Without a doubt, I know he's the father of the first boy I met here, Tony,

the gamma's son.

Making this hulk the gamma.

It's the only explanation for his size. No one but the people in his rank should be able to compete with

the monstrous physique of an alpha.

There's a reason there's usually only one per pack. Alphas are huge. Not many even compare when it

comes to muscle mass and just size in general.

None compare, other than other alphas, to their presence when they walk in a room. This guy doesn't

change that, but he's certainly hard to ignore.

As impressive as the two men are to look at together, their conversation was boring as ever, and I

zoned out until what had to be Jazmine's third decapitated training dummy's head came flying in our


I turned to her panting figure.

Looks like someone still hasn't calmed down completely.

"Gamma Aden, I think I need something that will fight back," she huffed, still shooting a dark glare at


"I can definitely help you with that, little one," the apparent, Gamma Aden, chuckled.

Aw, that engagement was kind of heart warming. It reminds me of the dynamic back at my house.

No heartless jerk rules a pack like this.

I have to keep reminding myself, so I don't fall down a hole.

Especially with the whole marking situation.

Which, I don't think is as similar to an actual marking as my friends and I figured it would be.

Yeah, it means I'm even more drawn to the idiot now than I was before, and he's no doubt more drawn

to me — which explains his wolf's little outburst back in my room — but actually marking causes more

than that. We wouldn't be able to stand being away from each other and he most definitely would have

marked me by now. Weather I wanted him to or not. But I would, because that's what the mate bond


Even though it wasn't an actual marking though, Wolfie's reason for his nickname, his wolf, is on edge,

and might just find other reasons to mark me other than the mate bond literally forcing them to.

His instincts are probably screaming for things that wouldn't end up well for me.

At least, if I wanna stay unmarked until all this is figured out.

Which I do.

So if Wolfie can't control his dog, then he better be ready for one h3ll of a fight.

Because I am not getting marked without one.

And, Jazmine's suddenly on the ground with her face scrunched up in pain.

When did she get there?

Wolfie reached down to help her up. "You alright, little sis?"

"Yeah, sorry Jazmine. I didn't mean to go that hard on you," Gamma Aden apologized, looking sincere.

"It's okay," she gave a hard nod and dusted off her clothes, "Let's go again." She turned away from the

two and got back down into a defensive position when she got to her spot.

I felt the beginning of a smirk pull at the corner of my mouth.

I like this girl more and more by the second.

Their gamma shrugged and followed her lead, also getting into a fighting position.

They started circling each other.

Then he pounced.

She evaded him well enough for a while, only getting in a few swings of her own. I don't think any more

than a few of them actually landed, but she's managing to stay on her feet, I guess.

He swept her legs away from under her while she was occupied with an uppercut.

So much for staying on her feet.

Before her back even hit the ground though, she spun so she could catch herself.

And when she landed it wasn't on hands and feet, it was on paws.

Four of them to be exact. All attached to muscular legs, leading to an equally muscular body. Which led

to deadly jaws and fangs.

Unsurprisingly, her fur coat is a dark gray and her fierce eyes glow golden.

Seeing her beautiful wolf, really only gets me crazy excited about seeing Wolfie's.

If her's is like this, his must be magnificent.

The fight went to a whole new level, as expected.

The speeds the two are traveling at is impressive. Especially considering their gamma hasn't even

shifted yet.

I'm guessing it's because it wouldn't be much of a fight if he did.

No shade to Jazmine, she looks like a force to be reckoned with, but there's something off about her


I just can't put my finger on it.

After the change of pace didn't do much for her, offense wise, she changed it again. She shifted back

into her human form.

Instead of the outfit she was wearing before though, she's now wearing black leggings and a matching

sports bra.

How the h3ll do they do that?

Just, turn into their wolf and then pop back into their human form with clothes on?

Makes no sense.

Whatever, the fight's winding down. She's getting tired.

She knows it.

Gamma Aden knows it too.

That's why only a few more punches and kicks are thrown before it all trickles into nothing.

And now the two are standing there with a panting Jazmine and a Gamma that's pretending to be out

of breath, for her sake.

I nodded, breaking the silence, "Not bad," I smiled.

Everyone looked to me.

"These two teach you how to fight?" I asked her, gestured to Wolfie and their gamma.

She nodded.

"You can tell," I nodded back, my smirk growing.

Wolfie narrowed his eyes at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing." I turned my attention back to her, "You're good."

She looked a little pleasantly surprised. "Thanks."

"You just fight like a dude," I tacked on with a chuckle.

Her surprise turned to confusion.

"And what's wrong with that?!" Wolfie got defensive.

"Well, considering the fact she's a girl!," I rolled my eyes so hard I'm surprised they didn't fall right out,

"fighting like that is a great way to tire yourself out, and break a few bones in your hand while you're at

it." I'm addressing her now.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her brow furrowed.

"I mean, that fighting style might fly when you and your opponent are younger, but when you're going

against bigger, badder opponents, you're not gonna stand a chance," I shook my head.

A small flash of anger crossed her face.

"Let me explain!" I stopped her before she could completely discard everything I'm saying. "Now, the

guys are bigger, and we're smaller. That's just the way it is."

She looked around at them, "Wow, way to feed their already inflated egos."

I rolled my eyes again but couldn't help another chuckle, "This isn't about them. They'll always have a

leg up, and we'll always be at a constant disadvantage. The sooner you except it, the sooner you can

use it to your advantage."

She's not following.

I sighed, "Listen, it's like this, we're running a race, and they get a head start, and we have hurdles on

our track, and once a month for a week straight we have a 100 pound metal weight chained to our

ancle — there's a reason the moon goddess made us the tougher gender —"

She laughed at that.

"And a number of us still manage to end up tied with even the best of them." I shook my head, "And if

any man has the audacity to call that weak. . . Well, he can go screw himself with a cactus because,

good luck getting a girlfriend."

She totally cracked up.

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