“I choose Alpha Beta,” Arthur Rayder stared at Nicholas with an expression that was difficult to interpret after hearing what the man had chosen. He remained silent for quite some time before finally smiling and asking, “Are you sure you chose Alpha Beta over my granddaughter?”

Nicholas nodded. “I’m sure. Very sure. Congratulations, in this game, you’re the winner.”

Arthur squinted at Nicholas. There were many things he wanted to ask the man.

“As I suspected. You never really loved my granddaughter. It was quite evident when you chose money over-”

“You shouldn’t jump to conclusions,” Nicholas interrupted. Arthur glared at him. He didn’t appreciate it when someone deliberately cut him off mid-sentence.

Arthur sighed in his position. “Then what’s your reason for not choosing Kimberly?”

Nicholas took a slow breath. It wasn’t easy making a decision like this.

“I love Kimberly. There’s no other woman I love besides your granddaughter. However, I can’t be selfish. I thought that if I canceled the partnership agreement with Capital, Alpha Beta would suffer significant losses. This could affect the livelihoods of the workers who depend on it. I’m not a heartless man,” Nicholas explained at length.

Arthur smirked dismissively. “Nonsense. Why are you thinking about others when they might not even be thinking about you? Meanwhile, Kimberly is eager to rekindle her relationship with you, but you’re the one who chose to leave her.”

In his position, Nicholas tried to smile. He wasn’t lying about his feelings. He loved Kimberly deeply, but greed was not his nature.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t be happy at the expense of others’ suffering. I’ve always been taught to prioritize the greater good over my own interests.”

Upon hearing those words, Arthur spontaneously applauded in front of Nicholas.

“You’re quite skilled at crafting words. Unfortunately, I’m not impressed by your words,” Arthur straightened his sitting position, preparing to leave. “Because you’ve made your choice, it means you’re also prepared to face the consequences of no longer being involved with my granddaughter,” he added.

Nicholas took a deep breath. He tried to steady himself so he wouldn’t waver in his decision. Leaving Kimberly was undoubtedly a difficult choice. But what else could he do? He had already made his decision.

Arthur nodded. “Very well then. Be prepared to hear news of Kimberly’s wedding soon. Don’t worry; I’ll be sure to invite you. I hope you won’t shed tears of blood when you receive the invitation.” Arthur then rose and walked away, leaving Nicholas still sitting there, motionless.


“Mom, I’ve decided to leave today. I might arrive in London by tonight.”

After informing Cassandra that he would be heading to London, Nicholas directed his car towards the Alpha Beta building. But before arriving there, he went somewhere else first to meet someone.

Upon reaching the Alpha Beta building, Edward and Kenzi were already sitting casually on the CEO’s office sofa. It seemed like they had deliberately waited for Nicholas’s arrival.

“Are you really going today?” Edward, who had been waiting for a long time, finally asked.

As he organized important documents inside the desk drawer, Nicholas nodded. “Yes, my flight takes off at noon. While waiting, I’ll tidy up which important files you need to review and keep.”

Kenzi, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. “Why didn’t you just choose Kimberly, Nick? I know you love her deeply.”

Nicholas approached Edward and Kenzi, who were sitting on the sofa. He then sat down beside them.

“I can’t let your company suffer the consequences, Ken. Paying a fine of 2. 5 trillion can disrupt Alpha Beta’s finances. The workers will be affected. I know both of my parents are conglomerates, and if I asked them for help, they would surely provide it. However, it wouldn’t be fair for them to pay for the damages caused by my actions. A responsible man wouldn’t behave that way, right?”

Kenzi smiled. This was one of Nicholas’s qualities that he liked the most. Nicholas never mixed personal matters with work, and he always prioritized the greater good over his own desires.

“I can’t force you, Nick. You know what’s best for you. But if you ever need anything, I’m here to help,” Kenzi said, then put an arm around Nicholas.

“Oh my, why has the atmosphere suddenly turned so sad? We’re men, why are we acting so sentimental?” Edward, who was sitting next to Kenzi, grumbled when he saw his two friends hugging each other.

Nicholas and Kenzi both laughed at Edward’s remark. He had a knack for ruining the mood.

“I think there’s nothing more to wait for or hand over. So, I bid farewell to both of you. Hopefully, we’ll meet again someday.”

Nicholas stood up from his seat, followed by Kenzi and Edward.

“Have you said your goodbyes to Kimberly?” Edward suddenly asked.

Nicholas shook his head. “No. I promised Arthur Rayder that I wouldn’t see or contact Kimberly again.”

“Good Lord!” Edward exclaimed. “I feel like poisoning that old man. Why are there people as wicked and cunning as him in this world?” Edward scoffed, placing his hands on his hips.

Nicholas gave a faint smile. “If we’re meant to be, we’ll meet again someday. I believe in that.”

Kenzi nodded in agreement. Afterward, the three of them walked out of the room in unison until they reached the lobby of the building.

“Once again, I bid farewell. Thank you for the opportunities you’ve given me, Ken. Without both of you, I might not have been able to lead Alpha Beta effectively,” Nicholas sincerely said as he prepared to get into his car.

Kenzi and Edward embraced Nicholas for one last time.

“Thank you for your dedication, Nick. You’re the most responsible CEO. Whenever you want to come back, Alpha Beta is always open for you. Hopefully, we can meet in London soon,” Kenzi said after releasing her embrace and allowing Nicholas to get into his car.


Kimberly glanced at her phone, and it showed 1 PM. She quickly grabbed her work bag and headed out of the room towards the lobby. A driver was waiting there to take her away.

After a ten-minute drive, Kimberly arrived at a restaurant. It was a place she and Nicholas had frequented for lunch together.

While ordering her food, Kimberly reached for her phone and composed a brief message.

[I’m at our regular restaurant. Hurry here. I’m waiting for you.]

Confidently, she sent the message to Nicholas, hoping he would read it and join her.

[Nick, you’re coming to have lunch with me, right?]

[Nick, where are you?]

Ten minutes passed. Fifteen minutes passed. And then, an entire hour went by. Nicholas didn’t show up. There was no response to her messages. Kimberly tried calling, but his phone couldn’t be reached.

Kimberly started to panic, wondering where he could be since he hadn’t replied to any of her messages. Frustrated from waiting for so long, she decided to return to the office.

Throughout the journey back home in the evening, Mario could tell that Kimberly wasn’t herself. She sat quietly, and even when Mario tried to engage her in conversation, her responses were brief and lacked enthusiasm.

“If there’s a problem, you can talk to me, Kimmy,” Mario offered.

Kimberly turned to Mario, who was busy driving the car they were in.

“I’m just thinking about something,” Kimberly replied weakly.

“What are you thinking about?”

Kimberly took a deep breath before exhaling slowly. “Nicholas, I’m thinking about him. Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you for helping both of us meet yesterday. I didn’t expect you to do that.”

Mario nodded. “No need to thank me, Kimmy. I did what I could.”

“You know…” Kimberly began. “… I feel like something is off with Nicholas. Even today, I had trouble reaching him. None of my texts or calls were answered. I’m really worried.”

Mario remained silent, not responding to Kimberly’s concerns.

Choosing to stay focused, they soon arrived in front of Kimberly’s house.

“Kimmy…” Mario called before they got out of the car.

Kimberly turned to Mario. “What is it?”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Mario reached into the car’s dashboard and retrieved an envelope with Kimberly’s name on it.

Curious, Kimberly opened and read it right away.

Dear Mrs. Alistair,

By the time you read this letter, I won’t be near you anymore. Perhaps, I’ve flown far away.

I apologize for not being able to say goodbye to you in person. This separation is heavy for both of us, trust me. But it seems like this is the best choice for both of us.

My departure doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Believe me, you’re the only woman I love.

Let me love you silently this time. Without meeting face to face. Just know that your name is tucked away in every prayer.

Maybe this is how God teaches us that not all feelings can end up together.

We’ve been through so many problems, and we’ve also experienced so much happiness. I hope that someday we can meet again.


Nicholas Alistair

Kimberly stared blankly at the letter she had just read.

“Did Nicholas deliver this letter to you personally?” she asked, not believing what she had just read.

Mario nodded without saying a word. Kimberly couldn’t believe it.

“He didn’t even give it to me directly. What’s really going on?” After saying that, a tear escaped her eye without any restraint. Mario, who was sitting beside Kimberly, comforted her, pulling her closer to lean on his shoulder. The next moment, the sobs were audible, and they were painful.

“Am I not allowed to feel happy?” Kimberly asked between sobs.

Mario loosened his hug, wiped the tears from Kimberly’s cheeks, and said, “You deserve happiness, Kimberly. I’m sure happiness will come to you soon. You just need to wait for the right time.”

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