Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 20

For Alden Maximus, six years isn’t a short time for him to be in a serious relationship with Aurora Harperwood.

Indeed, before successfully entering the relationship, he had to work hard. He struggled to win over and gain the hearts of Aurora’s famously strict parents. Alden had to prove that he was the best man worthy of accompanying their daughter.

However, life doesn’t always go smoothly or according to our desires. There are always trials, stumbling blocks, and minor disagreements that occur. Especially when Alden pursued his education in America.

Being separated by distance and limited time to meet, they often got involved in misunderstandings. Moreover, Aurora often felt neglected. Yet, there were strong reasons why Alden couldn’t give his full attention to his sweetheart at that time.

The once intimate relationship slowly started to drift apart. The climax was when they both stopped communicating in Alden’s final year of education.

Alden thought everything was still okay. Even when he graduated and became a specialist doctor, he hurried back to Indonesia without informing Aurora beforehand. His intention was to surprise her. But, unexpectedly, he was the one who got surprised.

Considered disappeared and unwilling to try to mend the relationship, Aurora decided to end the relationship unilaterally. Moreover, she suddenly got engaged to another man and was ready to marry in the near future.

Was Alden heartbroken?

Of course!

Don’t ask how painful it was. Even though he tried for two years to forget, Aurora’s image still lingered in his heart.

This was the reason Alden accepted Asher’s offer to work together at the Harperwood family hospital. Especially since he knew Aurora also worked there.

Truly, Alden felt happy to be able to see Aurora’s figure up close again. Even though he couldn’t have her, at least he knew his ex-lover was living happily with her chosen one.

Initially, Alden thought like that. Until accidentally, God showed a truth. Accidentally, Alden caught a man whom he believed was Alex, Aurora’s husband. The man seemed intimate with another woman in the apartment, which was where he lived all this time.

Alden hoped he was mistaken. But, the next day, he saw Alex again with the same woman. Moreover, Alden, who was not far from them at that time, faintly heard their very intimate conversation.

Angry because he knew Aurora was being played, Alden wanted to hit Alex right then and there. But, after much thought, he planned to report this incident to Aurora. Especially since he managed to capture some of those forbidden moments as evidence.

All night, Alden thought about how to tell Aurora so that she would believe what he would convey later. Alden was afraid that Aurora would think he only wanted to instigate for some specific purpose. Especially since Aurora claimed to be very happy with the married life she was living.

However, God is good. Suddenly, Velia contacted him. Inviting him to have lunch together, with Aurora also there.

“Dokter Alden, do you have any plans tomorrow afternoon? If not, I’d like to invite you to lunch together.”

Since there were no activities scheduled at that time other than night duty, Alden told Velia what his plans were for the next day.

“I don’t have any plans. But, I do plan to go out because I want to buy some books to read when I’m on duty at the hospital tomorrow night.”

“Okay then. Join us later. Aurora will be there too.”

“Aurora is coming?”

Alden immediately felt excited. He felt that this invitation was the right time to show Aurora a truth.

“Yes, doctor.”

“But, Doctor Velia. If Aurora comes tomorrow, can I ask for your help?”

“What do you want help with? If I can, I’ll definitely help.”

“Here’s the thing, can Aurora come home with me instead?”

“Absolutely, Doc! Just relax, I’ll help in any way I can to bring you and Aurora back together.”

Alden pondered over Velia’s last words. He wondered whether Velia also knew about the issues in Aurora’s marriage. If not, why was Velia trying to bring him closer to Aurora? Especially since Aurora clearly already had a husband.

The next day, Alex indeed followed Velia to the mall. He joined them for lunch and eventually succeeded in convincing Aurora to go home with him.

Alden prayed to God, asking for help to show Aurora today how her husband behaved when he was out.

For God’s sake, Alden couldn’t bear to see Aurora hurt, let alone betrayed. That’s why, on the way back, Alden immediately took Aurora to his apartment first. Continuing to pray, until finally God truly answered what he had prayed for.

“Aurora… That’s Alex, your husband, right?”

Right after pointing towards the couple he had been waiting for, Alden could see how Aurora froze. Her eyes didn’t even shift to Alex, who entered the apartment lobby, intimately holding hands with a sexy woman.

“Aurora…” Alden called out again. He started to worry when Aurora didn’t respond at all. “Are you okay?”

“Just take me home now, Alden,” Aurora requested later. She wore an expression that was difficult for Alden to decipher.


“If you can’t take me, I’ll just get out and go home in an online taxi.”

Not wanting Aurora to go home alone in a bad state, Alden accelerated his car again. Choosing to remain silent throughout the journey, giving Aurora time to calm down, until the car he was driving stopped right in front of Aurora’s house courtyard.

“Thank you so much for the ride. I’ll get off here.”


Before getting out of the car, Alden hurriedly stopped Aurora from leaving. Asking her to listen to him first.


“If you want to talk about Alex, now is not the right time.”

Aurora seemed to anticipate. As if she could read what Alden was going to say to her. “I appreciate what you’ve done. Thank you so much for showing me the truth. But, let me handle this. You don’t need to get too involved.”

“I’m not trying to interfere,” Alden clarified. He didn’t want Aurora to think otherwise. “I just want to let you know, if you need a friend to talk to, I’m ready anytime to listen.”

Aurora just nodded. Trying to smile, then chose to leave Alex immediately.

Arriving in her room, Aurora couldn’t sleep. Her head was throbbing as she thought about what Alex had done to her.

This time, Aurora was truly heartbroken. Cursing her own foolishness for not listening to the repeated warnings from Velia and Asher.

For God’s sake, Aurora felt she had wasted too much time. Hoping Alex could genuinely change as promised. But the man repeated the same mistake.

What’s even more embarrassing, it was Alden who revealed her husband’s affair scandal. No wonder her ex had been asking strange questions these past two days. As if making sure she was happy and her marriage was okay.

“Alex, damn it!”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Aurora continued to curse. This time there were no more tears of sadness. She swore that if Alex repeated the same mistake, she herself would send the man to hell.

However, before taking further action, Aurora, curious about what Alex was doing that night, chose to try to contact him. She wanted to chat casually while checking what lies he might tell her.

“Hello, Darling. Why aren’t you asleep yet?”

That question was the first thing Aurora heard when her call was answered. Acting as if nothing had happened, Aurora chatted as usual.

“I just finished working on the patient report. What about you? Have you had dinner?”

“I have. Getting ready to sleep.”

“Are you very tired?”


“What have you been up to all day?”

Alex explained. He described what he had been doing all day.

“The schedule today was packed. I had to meet clients in the morning and visit some tenants. Luckily, I managed to finish everything.”

“You met clients until evening?”

“Yes, Darling. I just finished the meeting at six in the evening.”

“So, you’ll be home tomorrow?”

“Yes, of course, Darling. As scheduled, I should be home tomorrow afternoon. I’ll pick you up from work.”

“Don’t bother,” Aurora quickly refused. “I think I’ll have to work overtime tomorrow. There’s a monthly meeting at the hospital. Let’s just meet at home.”

“Alright then. You rest now. I’m also about to get ready for bed. I’ll call you again before coming home tomorrow.”

As soon as the call ended, Aurora didn’t immediately prepare to rest. She searched for someone’s contact on her phone, then called them right away. Aurora thought she couldn’t postpone it until tomorrow. It had to be conveyed tonight.

“Hello, Rayyen. Are you asleep?”

Aurora felt that Rayyen was the right person to ask for help. This time, Aurora didn’t want to act hastily; she wanted to ask for advice and assistance from her cousin to deal with the scandal that Alex had caused.

“Hello, Aurora. I’m out at the moment. What’s up?”

“Can we meet tomorrow? There’s something important I need to talk to you about.”

“Tomorrow?” Rayyen asked from the other end. “Sure. We can meet anytime. But, by the way, what important matter do you need to discuss? It sounds urgent.”

Aurora took a deep breath. She was actually embarrassed to say this to Rayyen. Previously, Rayyen had warned her that Alex might repeat his mistakes. And indeed, Rayyen’s prediction came true.

Aurora was so embarrassed. But if she remained silent, letting it pass without any response, her husband would get away with it because he had betrayed her twice. At the very least, there was an action that Aurora needed to take to make Alex regret playing with her.

“Alex is cheating again. This time, I need your help.”

“Oh my God. Alex is cheating again? So what kind of help do you need?”

“I want you to help me send Alex and his affair partner straight to hell!”

Aurora said it loudly. This time, she swore to make Alex regret it.

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