Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Recovery

It took Thea a week to stop bleeding. A blood bag was constantly dripping into her IV to replace what she was losing. Several compatible donors from New Dawn didn’t hear about the call until they got home from school because they couldn’t mind link. They immediately went to the infirmary to donate. Misty came over with several unshifted high schoolers from her pack who donated their blood. They had to get hera heated blanket which was unheard of in the werewolf community. Werewolves were warm creatures.

Lizzy befriended Misty at school. They ate lunch together and were almost attached at the hip. Misty was a little apprehensive and asked Lizzy why she suddenly wasn’t mad at her.

“I thought you hated me,” Misty said.

“I did. Something you’ll learn about me. I’m fiercely loyal,” Lizzy said.

“Oh, I’m aware.”

“Saving my best friend and future Luna’s life outweighs talking bad about her before. That’s the thing about deep bonds and loyalty. Do me and mine right, and you’re part of the family. I trust that you care about Thea, and you won’t hurt her again. I believe that you’ll do what you can to help her. You’re in the inner sanctum now.”

Thea slept most of the time, which was a blessing. When she was awake, she thought about the pup she might have had and the possibility of not having pups at all. She tried to be strong, but the triplets could feel her heartache. They never left her side.

She seemed to be sleeping every time her parents called, but Luna Ada was there to answer and give them an update. They were worried, but they knew her mates would take care of her, and the best wayAll rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

to help her was to finish their work out east.

Lizzy spent all the time she could with her. She brought the triplets their homework from school. One day, she came in with books from the pack library.

“I remembered where I saw the symbols in your marks.” She opened a book and showed Thea and the triplets.

“ See? This one means royalty.” She opened the other books.

“The others mean goddess, mother, savior, life, leader. That’s what I’ve found so far. I don’t know what the colors mean. I assume they’re from being goddess gifted, but all the goddess gifted we’ve read about were stolen before they found their mates. I don’t know if they would have had this coloring.”

“That’s interesting,” Alaric said.

Kai kissed Thea’s forehead. “I always knew you were special,” he said.

Thea got stuck on the mother symbol. She was meant to be a mother, but she might have messed that up. The guilt and pain were overwhelming.

Alpha Ulric took care of pack business but visited Thea every day. The doctor told him her vitals were getting stronger each day.

The whole pack was practically in mourning. Everyone wanted to visit Thea, but the doctor wouldn’t let anyone in to see her. He said she needed rest. They helda fireside vigil for her. Several people were always at the fire, sending prayers to the moon goddess on her behalf until the day she was released. Then the fire turned into a bonfire to celebrate. The kitchen cooked all her favorite dishes.

She was still weak, tired, and easily light-headed. Alaric carried her up to their room.

“You’re treating me like I’m made of glass,” Thea said. Her voice sounded better, though it was weak and still a little hoarse.

“Right now, you are,” Kai said.

“Normally, I’d fight you to show you I wasn’t, but I think you may be right,” Thea said. She rested her head against Alaric’s shoulder. “I want a proper shower,” she said. Her breathing was shallow. Her eyes closed involuntarily.

“The doctor said it would be okay,” Conri said. “Just no baths or swimming for another week.”

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Chrissy Metz’s Transformation: Details Of Her Weight-Loss Journey She’d been getting sponge baths the past week. She got the stitches in her neck taken out that morning. She still needed to be careful with the area, not exert herself, but she could finally shower.

“Okay, my love,” Alaric said. “But let us do everything.”

“No contest,” she said.

They went to the bathroom, and Kai and Conri stripped and turned on the shower. Alaric supported Thea while Kai and Conri helped her take off her clothes. They helped her into the shower while Alaric took off his clothes. He followed them in.

“Maybe she should sit. I don’t want her to fall in here,” Alaric said.

Kai nodded, took her to the bench, sat down, and pulled her onto his lap. “Just relax, darling. I got you.”

She relaxed against Kai and let him support her. Conri started gently washing Thea. She felt the comforting tingles and was grateful she had the best mates.

“Thank you, guys, for being so wonderful,” Thea said. “ I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what, darling?” Kai kissed her shoulder.

“I didn’t consider what could happen to me. I’ve jeopardized the future of the pack.”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Conri said.

“If we didn’t leave pack lands, they would’ve found a way to get to you on pack lands,” Alaric said. “We know they have at least one witch. A powerful one. I bet she’s been sneaking wolves onto our land for months. If they had to come onto our land to get to you, odds are they would’ve kidnapped you. We wouldn’t have been around when they did their tests.”

“They probably would’ve killed me,” Thea said.

“You would be gone, and we wouldn’t know what happened to you,” Kai said.

“I prefer you alive and with us,” Alaric said. “I’m calling this a win.”

“It could’ve been much worse,” Conri said.

“But if I can’t have pups,” Thea started.

“We don’t know that you won’t be able to have pups,” Kai said.

“I used to think being Beta was the most important thing,” Thea said. “I took the other things for granted — having a wolf, having pups. I don’t want to take important things for granted anymore. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you guys.”

“We’re not going anywhere,” Conri said.

“And neither are you,” Kai said. “You’re stuck with us. Forever.”

“I like that,” Thea said. “I love you all.”

“We love you too,” they said in unison.

They finished showering and got ready. The triplets dressed Thea and brushed her hair. She would have fought them and done it herself, but she didn’t have the strength, and it felt good to have them close.

They went downstairs to join the celebration. They sat by the bonfire, arms wrapped around her. Thea was still perpetually cold. People came up to her and the triplets with food. She was able to hug and thank all the kids that bravely came to her rescue.

When she fell asleep, Kai carried her back up to their room. Alaric and Conri thanked the pack then joined them. They got into their bed for the first time ina week. They’d been staying with Thea in her hospital I toom. They couldn’t cuddle in the hospital bed the way they usually did in their own bed. It felt good to crawl into the bed they’d grown used to sharing.

The triplets all took their usual places. Thea woke up from the bed dipping. Kai and Conri were lying on either side of her, cuddled in her nook. Her arms were under them. Alaric was between her legs, his head resting gently on her belly.

She tried to pull them close, but she was too weak. She couldn’t move under them. It was just like when the witch had her paralyzed. She panicked, thinking the witch was back. She could only scream in her head during the attack, but since she wasn’t actually paralyzed now, the blood-curdling scream she let out was real.

The triplets all sat up, and her guard detail, which now consisted of four Delta team members, burst into the room.

“She thinks the witch is attacking her,” Alaric said. “I hear it in her head.”

“Thea,” Conri said. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re safe.” He pulled her up to a sitting position, and she clutched her chest, gasping for air.

“Her heart is racing. Let’s get her to the doctor,” Alaric said.

He picked her up and carried her to the infirmary.

“It’s a panic attack,” Dr. Boman said. He injected her with a sedative, and her heart rate went down, her breathing evened out, and she fell asleep. “You can take her back to your room. I’ll send up some anti- anxiety medication in case it happens again. What triggered it?”

“I don’t know,” Alaric said. “She woke up screaming, thinking she was being attacked by the witch.”

“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She should see the pack psychologist. When she wakes up, see what you can get out of her, if she remembers,” the doctor said.


Back in their room, they laid Thea down on their bed. Her eyes opened.

“What happened? Where are we?” Thea said.

“We’re in our room,” Conri said. “You had a panic attack.”

“The witch,” she said.

“No, the witch isn’t here,” Alaric said.

“I couldn’t move,” she said.

“Oh no,” Kai said. “We did this. It’s because we were laying on you, and you’re too weak to move under us. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m so sorry, babe,” Conri said.

“I didn’t think. I’m sorry, Thea,” Alaric said.

“It’s okay, guys. I’m sorry too,” Thea said. “Lay next to me?”

They were careful to lay next to her but not on her. They caressed her gently until she fell asleep.

When she woke up the following day, just Kai was in bed with her.

“Good morning, darling,” Kai said.

She smiled at him.

“Dad said now that you’re out of the hospital, we have to go back to school, but one of us can stay with you each day. I won the first day.”

“My competitive mate. Never could lose a challenge,” Thea said.

“Except with you. I know you’ll always win,” Kai said.

“I think you’ve been letting me win lately.”

“IT like it when you win. I just want to see you happy,” he said.

“Speaking of, do you want to go for a run today?” Thea said.

“Are you up for that?”

“I don’t have the strength to ride Damon, but I can watch him. It’s not good for him to be cooped up.”

His eyes went black as Damon took control. He moved and hovered above her, trailed his nose along her jaw to her neck, into her hair.

Thea ran her fingers through his hair, and he kissed his mark. Kai took back control just in case Damon forgot he couldn’t be rough with her.

“He would love that,” Kai said.

Even though she slept a lot, the triplets very much enjoyed their alone time with Thea over the next few weeks. So did their wolves.

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