The War God’s Favorite

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

The First Prince’s Concubines

They resumed breakfast after that, Kareen asking a lot of questions to Cassandra about the Ceremony,

making sure she knew absolutely anything they’d be needing. It was obvious she was only too happy to

organize all of this, and Cassandra started to suspect Shareen was right when she said her mother

was happy to have something to do in their Father’s back. She repeated several times that it would be

of her responsibility to gather everything Cassandra had mentioned to have the perfect ceremony

possible once they’d be back in the Diamond Palace.

They were still a few days away from that, though.

The New Year Celebrations had to go on. For the next few days, Cassandra felt like there was nothing

to do but watch shows, eat, and sleep. She was surprised by how the guests did their best to attend as

much as they could, despite being obviously tired. The Concubines attended if their man attended, but

anyone who had a chance to improve their status made themselves seen. However, there were very

few unusual events after that. It seemed like the second Prince had found his perfect excuse to not

attend any more of the celebrations, while Shareen was back.

Cassandra however, had something extra to attend to. As promised, she visited the First Prince’s

apartments and examined him. If she wasn’t an Imperial Physician, it would have been inappropriate

for another Prince’s concubine to go into another Prince’s chambers. It was obvious no one could be

suspicious of her for visiting the first Prince, however. His poor health was no secret, and the Emperor

had personally approved of Cassandra examining him.

Sadly, she had no good news for him or his worried concubines. Even after chatting quickly with

Missandra, who was still hiding her appearance under a veil and cloak, the sisters had reached the

same conclusion. She turned to the Prince, who was sitting in his bed, waiting for her to speak.

“His Highness suffers from a chronic respiratory disease called the Sickness of Dust.”

“The Sickness of Dust?” Repeated the only concubine wearing pink.

“Yes. It’s something that makes his lungs extremely sensitive to any sort of dust, smoke, bacteria…

Unfortunately, it’s a birth condition that can never be fully treated. His Highness needs to be in a very

clean environment, dry and not cold. Also, you should avoid going out in the next few weeks.”

“The next few weeks?” Asked the first Prince, frowning. “Why?”

“With the New Year Celebrations, a lot of smokes are going to be in the air for a while. Also, the pollen

will be back soon, and may make you worse…”

“Can’t you do anything about it?” Asks one of the concubines.

“The tea you had him give us yesterday helped a lot!”

“There are several medicinal herbs that will help improve his lungs condition, I’ll write them out for you.

If you feel like coughing again, you should put them into a pot and breathe them until you calm down.

Just sit down and inhale until it goes away.”

The concubines looked disappointed, but the Prince raised his hand before his women could speak.

“Thank you, Lady Cassandra. None of the previous Imperial Doctors were able to give a name to my

condition or speak to me honestly about its gravity before you did. At least now I know how to do


“You’re welcome, your Highness,” said Cassandra, bowing politely. “I will be taking my leave now, but I

will definitely come back and visit you before leaving if you’ll allow me.”

“Of course, of course. Enjoy the celebrations.”

With that, Cassandra turned around to leave, Dahlia and Missandra following closely behind her. She

let out a little sigh. She felt sorry for the first Prince. There truly was no cure for his condition, none that

she knew of. He

would have to live with it his whole life. If he took her recommendation seriously, he could at least

potentially avoid any life-threatening crisis, but even her medicinal herbs had their limits.

“I wish I could do so much better here,” sighed Cassandra as they were about to walk out of the First

Prince’s Apartments. “There is such limited knowledge about the properties of plants…”

“The doctors here are rip-offs,” said Missandra. “I sold my unguents to the girls for much cheaper and

with better effects back then.”

“…Why don’t you continue?” Asked Cassandra.


“You wanted to make a living for yourself, didn’t you? Why did you sell tea instead of medicine?”

Missandra sighed, shaking her head with a little smile.

“Hinue, you overestimate me! I don’t have your knowledge or your patience. I wouldn’t treat people, I

would just fight with them continuously. With tea, people can just come, order what they need and

leave. With medicine, people while arguing, tell you you’re wrong and women know nothing about it.

The only customers I ever had were prostitutes who knew me well. But even when I did start to sell, I

had some concurrence, you know. Those jerks of retailers just don’t like competition, they made a fuss

so I would stop.”

Cassandra stopped and turned around, surprising both of the girls behind her who almost ran into her.

“So you…. You know the people who sell the abortion potions in the Red District?”

“Of course. I lived there for years! Why that question, though?”


“Lady Cassandra!”

To their surprise, two of the first Prince’s concubines were trying to catch up to them, walking hurriedly

despite their long dresses. Cassandra wondered if anything had happened, but the two girls bowed.

“We wanted to thank you deeply for treating our Lord,” said the lady in pink.

“Oh, you’re welcome…”

The two of them stood straight up.

“I’m Berissa, and this one is Chiara. The two of us we hoping to get closer to you, Lady Cassandra, and

if… You’d accept to have some tea with us later on…

Cassandra was a bit surprised, and it took her a few seconds to understand.

“Yes, of course. Please let me know when you’d like to spend time together.”

The two women’s faces brightened, and they thanked profusely before Cassandra insisted she had to

leave, after which both went back.

Missandra and Dahlia exchanged glances, both confused by what had just happened.

“Hinue,” said Missandra. “Why would these women be interested in having tea with you? They are

already concubines with their own Prince…”

“I think they were acting on the first Prince’s behalf,” said Cassandra. “If his concubines are close to

me, his pregnant concubine, it could show he his close to his brother, and supports the third Prince as

an heir to the throne…”

“Maybe they were just looking out for themselves,” said Dahlia. “It isn’t rare for Concubines to befriend

concubines with more power than they do, just to increase their chances to survive in the Imperial

Palace. With the news about His Highness the first Prince’s health being bad, maybe those two thought

it would be good for them to get close to you ahead, just in case anything happens…”

“What? I don’t want them to use my older sister like a stepping tool!”

“It’s okay, Missandra,” said Cassandra. “I actually hoped to befriend some concubines within the

Imperial Palace. So far, the Emperor and first Prince’s concubines are the only ones who haven’t been

mean to me.”

It was the truth. Cassandra felt like Kairen and her couldn’t have only enemies within that Palace. The

differences between all six Princes were obvious, but there were definitely some who were close to one

another. While Varhen

· and Kairen were clear enemies, she still hoped they could find some support among the other


“Oh right, Hinue,” said Missandra as they were walking back. “Did you want to ask me before? About

the abortion portion or something?”

Cassandra realized she was so lost in her thoughts about the first Prince’s Concubines, she had almost

forgotten! She nodded, and talked softly, as they were walking down several corridors and could easily

be heard. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes… Someone got one of those, and I wanted to know who they got it for. I thought there would be

no way to know…”

“Of course you can!”

“What? Really?”

“Sure,” said Missandra with a nod. “You know, the people who sell such stuff in the Red District have to

keep a strict record, because the establishments’ owners want to know if the girls get pregnant, in case

the father is someone rich, they can make them pay for it. Also, if someone outside of the Red District

orders one of those, they need to know, they want to avoid trouble.”


“You know, from rich families. If one’s daughter or wife orders one of these, the Head of the House has

to know. But if the girls don’t say a thing, what do they do? They run to the Red District to make a

scene and threaten to behead the seller if they don’t give a name. Trust me, I’ve seen this situation

happen so many times. Any wise shop owner keeps their buyers’ list as tidy as they can!”

Cassandra was speechless. She didn’t expect her sister would help them in such a way! However,

Missandra seemed sure about what she was saying…

“So, who was it?”

Cassandra explained to her the whole situation as they were going back to her apartments, her

younger sister nodding and frowning all this time. Once they reached Cassandra’s new private garden,

she knew about the whole situation.

“I see. Of course, I could know! The only problem is I risk my life if I go back there, though…”

“Could you go with Princess Shareen?”

Missandra frowned.

“Mh… I don’t know if I could endure her for so long…”

She sighed.

“Can you let me send a few letters, actually? I still have friends there. They could definitely ask for me,

and I wouldn’t have to leave the Palace!”

“Of course. I think my Lord has ink and parchments in our bedroom, though he never uses it…”

“Alright, I’ll go and borrow it then!”

Missandra left the garden like that, leaving Cassandra with Dahlia, who looked a bit upset, watching

Missandra go. Cassandra was a bit surprised. What was wrong between Dahlia and her sister? They

had barely met…

She took a few leaves she needed for the first Prince’s decoction, watching her young female servant.


“Yes, Lady Cassandra?”

“Do you perhaps… not like my sister?”

Dahlia immediately blushed, looked down in embarrassment.

“It’s nothing like that, my Lady! I don’t… Hold any hard feelings against your younger sister, really, I

just… I… I’m a bit jealous of her.”

Jealous? Cassandra was perplexed. Was it because she had taken her younger sister as a servant? It

seemed like a rather foolish issue for Dahlia to be jealous of, though…

“Jealous of Missandra? Why…?”

Dhalia blushed a bit more, looking down on the basket she was holding for the leaves, blushing.

“It’s that… P…Princess Shareen seems very interested in Lady Missandra, and… I… I like Princess

Shareen very much…”

Cassandra was completely caught off guard. So that’s what it was! She had almost forgotten Dahlia

said she liked someone in the Imperial Palace. But of all people, it was Lady Shareen!

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