The Unloved Billionaires And I

Chapter 37 SUSPENDED


“Daddy?” Aubrey! What are you doing here, I thought you weren’t due to come home until next week, we struggled to put our clothes on but the girl had already left, I hit the back of his head, “what the hell Silvia” I glare at him, “you have a teenage daughter? Why didn’t you tell me? Oh my gosh, she saw us naked, I went pale just thinking what the girl must be thinking about me.

“I’ll go speak to her” he says “am coming with you” I replied not even waiting for him, I wore my clothes and followed him.

“Hey honey,” I didn’t know you’ll be back today; she took out the earpiece when she saw her father and I inside her room, I looked at her face but she didn’t look angry she just looked a little pale. *Clears throat, “can we talk about what you saw? You know, what happened” Reyes tries to form a word but he was blushing and shy knowing his daughter saw us naked.

“Dad, I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t even want to remember what I saw” she shivered whispering, “it was disgusting” she finalized. “Is this my new mother then?” she asked her father, “who told you?” he says surprised, “the twins told me” She told her father, “Are you mad that am married?” he asked getting worried making me also worried, “what! No, am excited to have a mother, now I can rub it in that annoying bitch face,” she smiles already coming up with a plan in her head, her face looking dangerous like her father, whosoever offended her in that school, I feel pity for them, I shook my head, “it nice to finally meet you, although your father didn’t tell me he has a teenage daughter’ I brought my hand out to shake her, I didn’t know what to do, maybe to hug her or something, so I agreed on shaking her hand but she surprised me by hugging me squealing with excitement, “I finally have a mother, I can’t wait to tell you every embarrassing things about my dad and the twins,” she released me and pulled me to the living room while her father grumbled, “don’t you dare say anything stupid” he mumbled feeling embarrassed.


Aubrey POV

“Why are you home this early? You’re supposed to still be in school, you have two more weeks before you came back home. What did you do Aubrey?” he asked. “i got into trouble and was sent home” I answered looking at my shoes.

“Where you expelled or suspended?” he asked out of curiosity. “No, does it matter?” of course it matters, I want to know what my daughter did this time to make the principal suspend you, they almost expelled you, “what did you do?” he asked again making me nervous.

“I may or may not have burned someone’s hair,” Silvia gasp.

“Who? Is it that girl that paste gum all over your locker?” my dad asked.

“How did you know?” nobody knew about that I whispered the last part to myself. He smirked, “i know everything that goes on in that school,” this is your last year in high school, I thought all this shit would have stopped between you guys, I wish you try to at least be friends with her, she looks like a girl, one which you probably need.

“I do have friends dad” “really, name one?” I tried thinking of a name but I can’t, I do have friends in school but I don’t know their names, we call each other by our last name, sometimes, I just give them a nickname and everyone calls them that in school. “it good to have you back honey and I hope you’ll use this holiday to think about your future for once.” he kissed my head leaving me with Silvia, it was awkward for a few minutes, knowing she was new at this, I changed the topic, “oh, look, let go see what my sisters are doing,” I didn’t want her to scold me, since I know she was going to, I wanted to spend today with her, having fun and getting to know one another, but I already liked her.

I looked toward the window and it was raining, I left them in the lawn to go relax inside, I shake my head at their childish actions. I walked towards the window and watched as both the twins and Silvia played under the rain, laughing loudly, I giggled when Silvia fell down. “Come inside guys, you’ll catch a cold” I said to the twins who stopped moving on hearing my voice. They huffed at first and then looked at Silvia who nodded at them to do what I say. Since when did they start listening to Silvia, they never listen to my father, unless he uses his authoritative voice on them. “Change into a warm cloth before daddy comes back,”

“Okay Aubrey” they both said walking past me into the house. I stared at Silvia who was drenched from head to toe, she looks so beautiful, she had no make-up on. “you’ll catch a cold, come in and change into something warm.” I said to her.

“Okay Aubrey,” she mimicked the twins voice making me smile as she walked pass me.


I stood by the pan watching Silvia fry eggs for lunch, the twins requested for it and they even made their cute baby face Silvia couldn’t say no to that. She placed the plate of egg and bacon down, “food is ready, come to the kitchen” she said to the twins who were giggling and watching something on their laptop, usually the twins ate anywhere they wanted to, be it their room, sitting room, and when dad yells at them to go eat in the dinning, they get angry and refuse to eat.

Today for some reason they didn’t argue with Silvia they immediately stood up and went to the kitchen, taking a seat in front of Silvia. They started eating, I kept watching them, the twins are always picky when it comes to food. “won’t you eat as well?” Silvia asked me when I kept pushing the food around and taking small bites, “is it not to your liking?’ she asked getting worried, “no, it good” I assured her, what was she doing to the twins, I thought they would behave bratty towards her even though they told me they liked her, I knew it would not last but seeing her now and her interaction with the kids makes me wonder if she’ll be here longer than the others.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

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