The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 756-760

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 756-760

Chapter 756 What the


Is there someone here?

Yue Feng was taken aback and instinctively became alert.

As you can see, this person is in ragged clothes, with long gray and white hair, disheveled over his shoulders, dressed as a beggar, but he is tall and gives an oppressive aura.

With a slightly thin face, there is a long scar on his forehead, and his eyes are lightning-like and radiant.

What attracted Yue Feng’s attention was that this man had a broken leg, and what he used as a crutch was a long black sword.

This sword, at first glance, looks like the Tang knife used by Xing Yao. But if you look closely, it is much wider than Tang Dao.

Yue Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It was unexpected for such a lame man to suddenly appear in such a canyon.

However, what shocked Yue Feng was the strength of this lame man. This person’s strength… Yue Feng can’t perceive it, he is unfathomable!

I can’t feel it myself.

At this moment, Xiao Xi showed her little head from behind Yue Feng and shouted with courage, “Who are you? Why are you here?”

When saying this, Xiao Xi looked at the man without blinking. , nervous and curious.

“Haha.. Who am I?” The man laughed, with a bit of resentment on his face: “I am a person who has been forgotten by the world. But you two little babies, broke into my territory, are you courting death?”

The voice fell, and the man’s eyes were fixed on Yue Feng: “You can fall from such a high place and not die, the boy is very good, you are from the four major sects, right? Let me guess, you are Jianzong, or Danzong. ….”

Before he could finish speaking, Yue Feng shook his head and said, “I am not a disciple of the Four Great Sects.”

Yue Feng clearly felt that when this person mentioned the four sects, endless hatred appeared in his eyes.

Looking at it like this, he has a deep hatred with the four major sects.

“It’s not a disciple of the four major sects, I’ll try it and know!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man suddenly raise his hand, pointing his long sword diagonally towards the sky, and in an instant, a powerful sword energy burst out.


The next second, a sharp sword glow appeared in front of Yue Feng.


This breath is really too fierce! Yue Feng was taken aback and wanted to dodge, but it was too late. With a grunt, a wound appeared on his shoulder, and blood gushed out instantly.


this man is so strong.

Yue Feng stretched out his hand to cover the wound, staring blankly at the man, speechless in shock.

You know, he is wearing the Heavenly Silkworm Treasure Armor, but he can still hurt himself! This sword energy is really terrifying!

“You… you are a sword demon… Nangong Jue?” At this moment, Xiao Xi recognized the other party and couldn’t help exclaiming, her beautiful face was full of astonishment.

Yue Feng was stunned for a moment: “Xiao Xi, do you know him?”

Xiao Xi nodded, still immersed in shock, and whispered: “Sword Demon Nangong Jue, in the entire Dongao Continent, no one does not know him. This person is known as the invincible swordsman in the world, known as the sword demon, and suddenly disappeared ten years ago. Some people say that he lives in seclusion, but he didn’t expect to be here.” As

she spoke, Xiao Xi looked closely at the long sword in Nangong Jue’s hand, and continued. Said: “Before the swordsmanship of the Sword Demon, there is a ‘slanting finger at the setting sun’. When he picked up the sword just now, he used this move, so it must be him!” Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Just now, the moment this lame man made his move, he pointed his long sword diagonally at the sky. This move was called ‘pointing at the setting sun diagonally’, and everyone in Dongao Continent knew it! Can’t go wrong!


Chapter 757

This person is nicknamed Sword Demon, so domineering.

Hearing this, Yue Feng was shocked.

When Xiao Xi revealed his identity, Nangong Jue was also stunned, and then smiled coldly: “Hehe, I didn’t expect that I was trapped here for nearly ten years, and someone would still remember me.”

After speaking, Nangong Jue stared closely at Yue Feng : “Boy, when I used the sword just now, I noticed that your inner strength is pure and pure, and the exercises of the four major sects are different. Who are you?”


Yue Feng couldn’t help sucking in the cold air, so he could detect it.

The strength of this man is too terrifying.

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng said casually: “I’m just a nobody.” As soon as the

words fell, Xiao Xi interjected proudly: “My son is very powerful. Not only is he strong, he can also write poetry, so he Even the elders of Wenzong lost to him.”

“Haha, strong? I can’t even catch my sword.” Nangong Jue looked disdainful.

Yue Feng smiled wryly, indeed, he couldn’t even catch a single move. Although this man had a lame leg, his strength was really terrifying!

Nangong was never too lazy to talk nonsense, so he glanced at Yue Feng and said, “You two, come to my place, that’s all. But I warn you, you two little babies, it’s best not to disturb me.”

After saying this, Nangong Jue turned and left.


Watching his back walk away, Yue Feng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Nima, this aura is too strong, and in the face of such a powerful existence, it is almost impossible to breathe.

“Xiao Xi, you said that this Nangong Jue is very powerful, how could he be trapped in this place.” In the next second, Yue Feng couldn’t help but ask.

Xiao Xi also looked puzzled and shook her head: “I don’t know either, in short, this Nangong Jue is very famous, and there are still rumors about him outside, I think he was trapped because of a broken leg. I can’t get out of here.”

Saying that, Xiao Xi’s eyes fell into the pool: “Sir, let’s grill the fish.”

Yue Feng responded, holding a blood-drinking sword, jumped into the pool, and was quickly stabbed. A few fish came up.

Xiao Xi clapped her hands in admiration, then set up a fire by the pool and started grilling fish.

The most important thing is that Xiao Xi also carried salt and other seasonings with her, and Xiao Xi’s skill in grilling fish was good. After a while, the smell of fish filled the air, and the greedy worms in Yue Feng’s stomach were hooked out.

After the first one was baked, Xiao Xi handed it over and said with a smile, “Young master, try my craft.”

Yue Feng took the grilled fish with a smile, took a bite, it was really plump and tender, nodded in approval and said, “Very good. Fragrant, so delicious.”


Unexpectedly, Xiao Xi is not only cute and cute, but also has such good cooking skills.

Being praised, Xiao Xi was very happy and said with a smile, “Young master likes it, and Xiao Xi will cook you grilled fish every day in the future.” As

she was talking, Xiao Xi was stunned when she saw Yue Feng behind him.

Yue Feng quickly looked back and saw a person standing behind him.

It is Nangong Jue! At this moment, Nangong Jue stared at the grilled fish on the bonfire with urgency.

“This fish, did you bake it?” Nangong looked at Xiao Xi with excitement, leaned over to the grilled fish, took a deep breath, and the expression on his face was very enjoyable.

“Xiang, the taste of this grilled fish is a bit interesting.” Nangong Jue said while swallowing another saliva.

Chapter 758

Nangong Jue’s eyes, staring at the grilled fish closely, with a look of intoxication: “I haven’t smelled such a fragrant smell for a long time.”

At this time, Nangong Jue, the greedy worm in his stomach, has been completely hooked up . No wonder. He has been trapped in this place for nearly ten years. For ten years, Nangong must have eaten whatever he caught. Even if he grilled fish, he never let go of salt or seasoning.

Now that he smelled this smell, he couldn’t control it at all.

Xiao Xi looked at him like this, smiled lightly, then took a grilled fish from the bonfire and handed it to Nangong Jue: “Senior, this is the biggest one.” Everyone in the

world said that the sword demon Nangong Jue is a martial artist. extremely. But when Xiao Xi saw that he was lame, she felt pity.

“Okay, okay…”

Nangong Jue was overjoyed, took it unceremoniously, and devoured it.

In the blink of an eye, a fish was wiped out by him.

After eating, he stared blankly at the bonfire.

Xiao Xi was amused by his appearance, so he giggled, and hurriedly continued to grill the fish.

Nangong Jue ate several fish in a row, and then stood up satisfied and praised Xiao Xi, “Haha, the fish grilled by the little girl is good, not bad…”

After speaking, he burped and turned to leave.

Seeing this scene, Yue Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Nima, this person is too thick- skinned. He left after eating without a single thank you.

Xiao Xi didn’t care at all, she smiled and said, “Master, are you full? Otherwise, I’ll bake two more, but you’re going to go into the water to catch fish.”

Yue Feng caught a total of six fish just now. Nangong Jue ate four of them by himself.

Yue Feng smiled: “No need, I’m full.” If you have

to find a way to leave, you can’t stay here forever.

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng got up and looked around, trying to find a way to leave. As a result, Yue Feng was very disappointed. The surrounding mountains were all smooth cliffs, and there was no other way but to fly up.

Yue Feng sighed, his heart full of despair.

The next night, Yue Feng had nothing to do, so he went to the forest to find something to eat. Luckily, I caught a hare.

Xiaoxi said that always eating baked things is not good for people’s health. On a whim, I found a concave stone, stewed the hare, and the meat was fragrant for a while.

Just after the meat was stewed, Nangong Jue came again.

As before, Nangong Jue was full of food and drink, turned around and left, very neat.

In the next few days, every time Xiaoxi went to cook, Nangong Jue would come to smell the aroma and leave after eating, which was quite a matter of course.

After going back and forth, Yue Feng was also used to it, and there was no dissatisfaction. Even if there is dissatisfaction, Yue Feng dare not say anything. After all, Nangong Jue is too powerful.

That night, Xiao Xi made a roast chicken, and it tasted so fragrant, as if the whole valley could smell it.

Sure enough, the smell dissipated, and it didn’t take long for Nangong Jue to rush over.

“Little girl, give me the chicken legs.” Nangong Jue said with a smile, as it should be.

These few days when Xiao Xi cooks, she takes the initiative to cook for Nangong Jue. But this time, Xiao Xi tore off the chicken leg and held it in her hand, and didn’t give it to him. Instead, he looked at Nangong Jue with a smile: “Senior Nangong, you were originally a senior, and we have no problem with respecting you as a junior, but you have been eating and drinking for free. It seems a little unreasonable.”

I went.

Hearing this, Yue Feng was suddenly dumbfounded. Quickly pull Xiao Xi. Signal her not to talk nonsense.

This Nangong’s unparalleled martial arts made him angry, and the consequences were serious.

Chapter 759

“Little girl, what do you mean?” Sure enough, Nangong Jue immediately showed displeasure and frowned.

Xiao Xi laughed and said: “Senior Nangong, my meaning is very simple. If you want something delicious in the future, you have to change it.”

Nangong Jue sighed: “I am Nangong Jue, and it is not People who like to take advantage. I don’t have anything, except not to break the sword, there is nothing else…”

After speaking, Nangong Jue picked up his sword and slammed it on the ground!


Only a loud noise was heard, and the ground was smashed to open cracks! The blade is firmly stuck on the ground!

“My sword is called Xuan Tie Jian. It weighs three hundred and eighty-eight pounds.” Nangong Jue said with a smile, “You girl, if you can mention this sword, I can give it to you.

” Xi smiled lightly and said, “Senior, I didn’t say I wanted your sword. Otherwise…you teach my son’s swordsmanship? Senior, your swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world. If you can teach my son, maybe Using swordsmanship, the three of us can escape from this valley!”

“Sigh…” Yue Feng took a deep breath and glanced at Xiao Xi, his heart warmed. This girl really misses herself.

Xiao Xi is right, if you learn the unique swordsmanship, stick your sword on the rock wall, and climb up a little bit, maybe you can leave this valley.

Nangong Jue’s face sank, he stood up slowly, and said with a sneer, “This kid wants to learn my swordsmanship? What are you dreaming about? My ‘Tiangang Sword Art’ is the essence of the world’s swordsmanship, how can this kid be able to do it? Peeping?”


Hearing this, Xiao Xi couldn’t help but sigh, and Yue Feng also smiled bitterly.

“Sir, it seems that you have no relationship with Senior Nangong. Forget it, we eat roast chicken, and Senior Nangong has no relationship with roast chicken.” Xiao Xi made a very disappointed look and handed Yue Feng a chicken leg.

“You…” Nangong Jue swallowed and licked his lips.

I have to say that Xiao Xi’s roast chicken is really delicious. A normal person can’t stand the temptation of this kind of food, let alone a person who has been trapped for ten years.

Nangong Jue watched Yue Feng eat the chicken legs with relish. He couldn’t bear it any longer. He hurriedly grabbed the chicken legs and shouted, “Okay, I’ll teach you a sword technique for this kid.”

While speaking, Nangong He couldn’t help but took a bite of the chicken leg, and continued at Yue Feng: “But I only teach you one trick, you can’t do one more trick.”

Hahaha… In

the end, I didn’t resist the temptation of the chicken drumstick.

At this moment, Yue Feng couldn’t be more excited in his heart, but he was very grateful on the surface, and quickly said, “Thank you, senior.”

Xiao Xi next to him was also indescribably happy, and handed over the roast chicken in his hand, saying: ” Senior, your words are counted, and you are not allowed to go back on your words.”

Although Nangong never only preached one trick.

But after two days of contact, Xiao Xi also found out his temperament. This senior Nangong Jue is particularly greedy.

As long as he has taught the son the first move, he will have a way to let him teach the second move, the third move…

Soon, Nangong Jue will call Yue Feng after filling most of the roast chicken in his stomach. to the open space next to it.

“You look good, the trick I teach you is called ‘Jian Sang Eight Wilderness’. I only teach it once, if you can learn it or not, it depends on your ability. Don’t bother me to teach you again, do you hear me?” While speaking, Nangong Jue picked up the sword and demonstrated the first sword technique.

Although he broke a leg, when he showed his swordsmanship, he was not affected at all.

Yue Feng lifted his spirits and watched Nangongjue’s movements closely, not letting go of the slightest changes.

To be honest, since he became a cultivator, Yue Feng has practiced so many exercises, and he has never been so concentrated as he is now.

no way.

Because Nangong Jue said, he only taught it once, so he didn’t dare to take it seriously.

Chapter 760 On the

other side, Donghai City, Zhang Family Villa.

Today is the day when the eldest young master Zhang Yin and Liu Xuan get married. The wedding of the two will be held in this villa.

Outside the Zhang family’s villa, there was a lively scene with a big red and happy character, a luxury car with firecrackers, and it was full of joy.

Inside the Zhang family villa, there is a small garden. At this time, a lot of people gathered in the small garden, and there were many banquets.

For this wedding, many wealthy families in Donghai City came.

At this time, next to the wedding table in the garden, there were several chairs, sitting respectively Zhang Yin’s parents and Shen Man. All three had smiles on their faces.

Especially Shen Man, can be said to be elated. Her daughter finally had a good home, and she was happier than anyone else.

Zhang Yin’s family has more than 100 million funds, and his daughter follows him, and can be prosperous and rich for a lifetime.

There are thousands of guests sitting on the grass next to them. Looking closely, there are many familiar faces, Liu Zhiyuan, Bai Zhan, and Qin Shousheng are all there. Even the grandmother of the Liu family came to the wedding.

Most of the VIPs had smiles on their faces. After all, today is a happy day. But there was only one person with a sad face, and that was Qin Shousheng.

Seriously, Qin Shousheng has liked Liu Xuan for a long time. Now that Liu Xuan is going to marry, how can he feel comfortable?

Back then on Haiwang Street, in order to please Liu Xuan, Qin Shousheng would display Liu Xuan’s name on the lanterns throughout the street.

Although this romance was later disturbed by Yue Feng, it did not affect Qin Shousheng’s obsession with Liu Xuan at all.

Later, Liu Xuan lost his memory, and Qin Shousheng was extremely excited, thinking he had a chance, and he didn’t sleep for two days when he was happy.

But just when Qin Shousheng was about to pursue Liu Xuan, the goddess was with Zhang Yin. At this time, Qin Shousheng came to attend Liu Xuan’s wedding, and his whole heart was empty, it was really painful!

The guests were almost all there. At twelve o’clock at noon, the host finally stepped onto the stage, took the microphone, and looked around.

Everyone’s eyes immediately turned to the host.

“Okay, guests, get ready for your applause, the bride and groom are here!” The host held the microphone and shouted loudly.

Bang bang bang!

The voice fell, accompanied by a burst of firecrackers, and Zhang Yin and Liu Xuan walked out side by side inside the villa.

At this time, Zhang Yin, wearing a white suit, was indescribably handsome. Zhang Yin is really happy to finally marry the charming Liu Xuan as his wife!

However, everyone’s eyes were focused on Liu Xuan. There were bursts of admiration.



In an instant, many male guests stared blankly at Liu Xuan, their eyes straightened!

At this time, Liu Xuan, wearing a snow-white silk wedding dress, showed her tight body perfectly, and her delicate face, with a little pink makeup, was really beautiful and suffocating.

“As expected of our well-known goddess in Donghai City, this Liu Xuan is so beautiful!”

“Yes, Zhang Yin is really lucky to have such a good wife.”

“Alas, it’s a pity that Yue Feng has been there for three years, but he has never been able to. Xiucheng with Liu Xuan…”

“Shh…you’re crazy, you brought this up at the wedding…”

“Hehe, what are you afraid of, Yue Feng has been missing for several days, and the world is going crazy…”

Several wealthy children sitting in the VIP seats couldn’t help but whisper. As they said, their eyes were fixed on Liu Xuan, and their saliva was almost drooling.

When the discussion came, Qin Shousheng, who was sitting beside him, felt even more uncomfortable, and clenched his fists tightly!

Why, why is this Zhang Yin favored by Liu Xuan! Qin Shousheng’s eyes were red, and he kept shouting in his heart!

But no one paid attention to him. At this time, the wedding had reached its climax. Zhang Yin and Liu Xuan walked to the wedding stage hand in hand.

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