The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

As if possessed, the guards rushed over to open the cell doors. One of them hooked his hand under my pits to lift me up. I didn’t have enough time to balance myself right or even fix my shoe so when I was placed on my feet, I was placed directly on the bruised and peeled skin which made me wince slightly.

I didn’t expect anyone to notice but my mate did because he let out a growl of warning in the direction of the guard.

“Did you hurt her?” he asked and the guard shook his head fervently.

“We didn’t touch her Alpha; I swear it.”

My mate- it still feels weird to say- shot him a dark glare, walked into the cell and lifted me into his arms in one quick move. I was so shocked by the action that I froze up and my body went completely rigid.

He took note of my body language and I could feel his eyes boring into my skin but we were too close and I was too nervous to look him in the eyes so I kept my eyes trained on my palms that were fisted together in my lap.

He carried me out of the cell but instead of taking me back to the direction of the pack house; he took me to a beautiful cream carriage. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The seats were made of the softest black suede and it was pulled by two extremely large horses.

It was when he put me down that I finally gathered the courage to look up at him.

He had most luscious dark lashes that framed his electric grey eyes. His hair was as dark as the night and his features were like one carved from stone- high cheekbones, a defined jaw line and a scruff of facial hair that covered the top of his lip and

his chin.

He got in beside me and a guard came over and shut us inside. I couldn’t bring myself to speak and he didn’t bother speaking. Instead, he leaned forward and lifted my bruised foot. I tried to jerk it away from his hold but he had it in a tight grip.

He inspected my torn and worn out shoes with a blank expression and for the first time in a long time, I actually felt shame at the fact that I was an omega. What was the moon goddess thinking by pairing me with an Alpha each time? He is probably going to reject me like Tyson did and I honestly won’t be surprised.

He slowly loosened the knot I made with the fabric and peeled the worn out shoe off my leg. When he saw the state of my foot, his eyes darkened.

“How did you get hurt?” I wasn’t expecting his question so I jumped slightly. I saw his frown deepen when I jumped and I knew he would ask about it so I hurried to respond to his first question.

“I was running.”

“How long were you running?” this time I responded with a shrug, “Who were you running from?”

“My pack,” I kept the answer short and clipped because I didn’t know whether or not I could trust him with the truth. If there is one thing I learnt while I was in Tyson’s pack; it is that the elites are loyal to each other. One wrong word and he could have me shipped back to Tyson with a bow around my back.

I think he wanted to ask another question but the carriage lurched to a stop. He got out and instead of letting me walk by myself; he lifted me again and led me in the direction of what I would call the biggest cottage I have ever seen.

It was three stories high with stone walls and normally the size would take away from the cottage vibes but it didn’t. There was ivy crawling up the stone walls and the garden at the front of the house was a sight to behold. As he walked us to the front door, I saw the hint of a lake at the back of the house. It was like the house was plucked fresh out of my favorite story book and placed in reality.

The inside was more minimalistic with polished wooden and glass furniture, white couches and the spotless cre

My mate carried me into a room and deposited me on the bed.

Chapter 5

“The bathroom is right there, freshen up and be out in half an hour for someone to look you over”

“I’m fine, my feet will heal”

“I wasn’t asking. If you don’t do it. I’ll do it for you.” Without another word, he turned on his heels and left the room.

I was left staring at him in shock for a few minutes before I finally gathered myself together long enough to limp towards the bathroom. The tub was carved from the finest wood and shone spotlessly as sunlight hit it from the open window.

I sat in the tub because the under of my feet were starting to burn badly and I washed myself while sitting I admit I couldn’t clean up as well as I wanted but I have gone days where I haven’t bathed at all and right now, I will take every luxury I can


It was after I got out of the bathtub that I realized I didn’t have my bag with me so I didn’t have any clothes to change into. I left my dirty clothes in the room but when I went to retrieve them, they were

gone and replaced with a simple grey button up shirt and black dress pants.

The shirt fell to my knees and the sweat pants were too big for me. Thankfully it came with a rope but even after pulling it as tightly as I could; it was still a little big. I rolled up the ankles because it dwarfed me completely and judging by the smell. it belonged to my mate.

There was a soft knock on the door. I waited for whoever it was to walk in but instead they knocked again. I realized at that point that they were waiting for my response so I said a quick come in.

My mate appeared with a nice looking woman next to him. She was a bit older than me with beautiful blond hair and warm blue eyes. She was wearing a white coat and holding a small duffel bag that I assume has some doctor’s equipments inside.

“Hi, I’m Lucy,” she began, “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to check you out.” She waited for my response so I shrugged, “Can you tell me your name?”


“Well Camilla, are you hurt anywhere?” I shrugged again and gestured to my feet.

She asked me to lie on the bed and then she took a seat at the edge. I watched her expression and saw her wince when she took in the state of my feet. I tried my best not to look at it too much while I was bathing but from the little I saw, the sole was completely torn up.

She didn’t recoil in disgust or even chide me. Instead, she took out some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol and took her time cleaning it. Whenever I winced or pulled back, she would utter soft words of encouragement, leave me to rest for a minute or so then continue cleaning it up. When she was done, she wrapped my feet in bandage and gave me a warm smile.

“With normal werewolf healing you should be as good as new within a day.” The moment she said that I felt my insides completely deflate; I should have known I wouldn’t be able to run from it. “I’ll be back around that time to check on you.”

“I don’t have a wolf,” I said softly but I knew she heard me because she froze.

She cast a worried glance at my mate who was still standing by the door but I didn’t lift my eyes to see his expression- 1 already know what I will find there.

“No problems,” Lucy said after a beat of silence, “I will get some supplements that you should help you heal and I’ll give them to have them brought to you. Hopefully within a week you should be brand new.”

“Thank you”

“I also recommend you eat better. You seem vastly malnourished and in need of a better diet plan.”

After dropping that final bomb, she bowed slightly to my mate and left the room. He waited a second before making his way further into the room but I kept my gaze down on the floor.

“Why won’t you look at me?” that wasn’t the question I was expecting him to ask.


You re the Alpha.”

“My name is Ryker, not Alpha.” he corrected and my breath hitched.

I’ve heard about him before. I once overheard the pack guards talking about an Alpha Ryker Caine. They called him the man that monsters fear because of his ruthlessness and brutality. They said he tortures his pack members for fun and hosts. a public and random execution every month.

Fear gripped my insides like a clawed hand and I pushed myself as far into the bed as I could. He froze mid step and a bitter smile grew on his lips.

“I see you’ve heard of me,” it wasn’t a question so I didn’t bother with a response, “Are you hungry?” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.


“Do you like the clothes?”

“Everything is fine; thank you.”

“Help me out here,” he threw his hands up in exasperation, “I didn’t want a mate and I definitely didn’t expect you to stumble across my pack territory. But you can’t just sit there cowering like a wounded puppy.”

As much as I hated to admit it, his words stung and I pulled up my knees so I could hold them close to my chest.

“I didn’t mean it that way.” He began,

“If I can have my bag that your men took, I’ll be out of your hair.” I assured him, “You can reject me and I’ll leave.”

“I’m not rejecting you,” I was stunned by his words.

“You said you didn’t want a mate.”

“I did, but you didn’t stumble on my pack by accident and there’s no way in hell I’m letting you go out in this condition.”

“So, what are you saying?”

“Welcome to the Blood Stone pack; it’s your new home.”

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