The Persistent CEO Wants A Baby

Chapter 13 A cup of black coffee

“Huh?” Aiden said confused but Wayne didn’t say a word again. He just focused back on the drive wheels as he ignited the engine.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Wayne replied, having a change of mind.

Something in him wanted to keep it as a secret, to keep it to himself… for now!

“But I heard something.” Aiden spelt out.

“It wasn’t from me. It might be from someone else. There are other people around, remember?”

Aiden scoffed at him and brought out his phone. He unlocked it and started going through his emails as he replied some of the official ones.

Wayne sighed as he finally drove out of the place. Thank goodness Aiden didn’t push further.

Blossom whose car had been parked few meters away from Aiden’s car, fumed in anger. How dare Aiden ditch her for a random bitch!This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

And for the lady Aiden went on a date with, she didn’t see her face clearly when she was entering the taxi because it was already getting dark, if not, she would have crossed paths with her and deal seriously with her.

She watched as Aiden’s car drove away and she stared daggers at it like as if the car was the one who offended her.

“Take me home.” She grumbled to her driver and he obeyed.

Now, she was just going to find out who the lady was and makes sure she stays far away from her Aiden.


Tihana got down from the cab and entered into house. She threw her bag to the couch and sank heavily on it.

She rested back on the couch and closed her eyes.

How dare the bastard!

He just spoke to her like she was some sort of thrash or one of his servant.

She opened her eyes and saw Diana approaching her, she have went home immediately without even waiting for her back in the restaurant.

Actually, Tihana is still pissed with every single thing that had happened this day.

“Still mad at me?” Diana giggled and she just roll her eyes.

“Well, thank you for setting me on a date with the arrogant and rude CEO.” Tihana said with sarcasm.

“Anyways, enough of the CEO talk already. Is there anything at home to eat? I’m farmished.”

“Didn’t you eat on your date?” Diana joked.

“Well, after seeing the prices in the menu, I had to back off.” Tihana laughed out and Diana just chuckled.

“He almost caught me there because I was just making scenes for the prices. The water there is even $150, imagine.”

“You shouldn’t expect less from someone of his caliber.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Tihana said as she stood up.

“Please tell me there’s something to eat?”

“Yeah. Just go and freshen up then meet me at the dining.”

“Aye aye captain.” Diana smiled as Tihana goes to freshen up.

She had been thinking of what she was going to say to her father concerning the date but now, Tihana had come up with this news giving her a brilliant idea.

She smiled and went into the kitchen.



Tihana checked herself out in the mirror with her office wears as she smile. She left the mirror and took her bag from the bed before leaving the room.

“Good morning, the latest employee in town.” Diana said in a smile.

“Good morning.”

Tihana went to meet her on the dining table and took the cup of tea on the table.

“It’s mine right?”

“Yeah.” Diana sipped her tea.

“Geez, it’s hot. How am I going to sip everything in a go?” Tihana whined and Diana chuckled.

“I didn’t make it for you to take everything once.”

“But, I’m getting late.”

“This is just 6:17, so you’re not late.”

“You’re saying this because you’re not new at your work place. You don’t expect me to be scolded on my first day.”

Tihana gulped down the tea contents at once even if burnt her tongue badly, she cared less.

“I’m off now.” She said when she came back from dropping the tea cup in the kitchen.

“Woah girl! Wait for me, let me drop you.” Diana also went to drop her own tea cup in the kitchen.

“Let’s go.” Diana and Tihana left the house.


Diana stopped her car in front of the company and turned to Tihana.

“You’re nervous.” She said in a smile.

She understands it was normal for Tihana to feel nervous at a time like this or so she thinks.

“I don’t know.”

“Or maybe you do!” Tihana’s subconsciousness yelled at her.

Tihana closed her eyes tight. What if she sees Aiden Turner and he knows she is the same girl from his date? What if he finds out she isn’t truly the person she claimed to be on their date? What would happen to her job by then?

“Hey! It will be fine.” Diana cooed and Tihana sighed as she opened her eyes.

She hopes so.

“Thank you.” Tihana said and alighted the car.

“Good luck.” Diana wished her before she drove off and Tihana waved at her.

Tihana was now left with her guilty conscience and also nervousness.

She entered the building in front of her and went straight to the desk she was assigned to.

“You’re here?” The woman who attended to her the last time said in a smile as she came towards her desk.

“Good morning ma.”

“Morning. How was your night?”

“It was fine.”

“That’s nice to hear. In case if there’s anything you need or questions you want to ask, just ask around for me. By the way, I’m Mrs Linda and I work in the same department as yours.” Mrs Linda introduced in a smile.

“And before I go, there’s a project proposal you’re to make. Everything you need is in one of the documents saved on the laptop. You have just two hours to do that.” With this, Mrs Linda left.

Tihana sighed and sat down as she dropped her bag under her desk.

She stretched her body a little and started her job almost immediately.


Aiden took his breakfast slowly into his mouth as he typed on his phone.

Wayne came in and was shocked at the slow rate in which his boss was eating.

“What are you doing?” He found himself asking and Aiden looked up at him.

“What does it seem like I am doing?”

“You’re eating comfortably and at the same typing on your phone, forgetting the fact that today is Monday and you have to get to the office as early as possible.” Wayne announced.

“And why is that? I am the boss remember? And you don’t expect me to resume office with the staffs.” Aiden focused back on his phone.

“That would have been accepted if you don’t have a board meeting with the investors by 9:00 am sharp.” Wayne explained, half yelling the last part.

“Is that why you’re making me see why I should have gone to the office to sleep yesterday, so I could meet up today?” Aiden smirked and Wayne scoffed.

“This is not something to joke about. Yes, you’re right that you’re the boss and that is more reason for you to go to work early. Moreover, you still have to check if the presentations are good enough.”

“That is the job of the staffs, not mine.”

Wayne groaned within himself. It was sometimes hard to make Aiden do something he doesn’t want to do.

“It is still your duty.”

Wayne saw that Aiden didn’t make any move to leave the dining, so he brought out his phone.

“I’m calling grandfather right away.”

Aiden looked at him immediately and Wayne moved back, still trying to dial grandfather’s number.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Watch me.” Wayne said in a lopsided smile.

Aiden stood up shortly with a deadly glare.

“Let’s go to the office.”

“Are you sure?” Wayne raised a brow.

“Yes. So, drop the damn phone.” Aiden said in gritted teeth.

Wayne smiled and put the phone down. Actually, he wasn’t really calling grandfather. He was just making it look like it.

“Behind you boss.” Wayne said in a bow as he pointed towards the entrance of the house.

Aiden walked out of the house in anger and Wayne followed behind him as agreed.

They entered the car and Wayne drove out.

Wayne kept stealing glances at his boss in the rearview mirror but he wasn’t looking back instead he was on his phone.

He faced the road back and cleared his throat.

“We’ve found a person for the research and development department.” Wayne blunted out but Aiden cared less as he didn’t say a word.

“Don’t you have anything to say about it?”

“You know Wayne, you talk too much.” That was enough to keep Wayne shut.

He didn’t say anything again till they got to the company.

They both got down from the car.

“Get me a cup of black coffee and also all the presentations.”

“Yes boss.” Wayne replied and took another direction while Aiden took the elevator to his office.

He checked his wristwatch on his way to his office. He still had an hour left before the meeting with the investors start.

He scoffed when he remembered how Wayne had almost made him choke on his wonderful breakfast at the mention of grandfather.

He entered into his office and sat on his swivel chair. The door opened shortly and Wayne came in.

Wayne dropped Aiden’s cup of coffee and the files in his hands on the desk in front of Aiden.

“Do you need anything else?”

“No.” Wayne bowed and left the office, with the aim of coming back later.

Aiden took a sip of his coffee and went straight to work.


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