The Omega For Sale

Chapter 95


I jerked awake at the heavy sound and the moment I flipped open my eyes, I was met with a darkness so thick, even my werewolf vision wasn’t enough to cut through and offer me a black and white version of whatever was in front of me.

But that wasn’t what bothered me the most.

It was the sound of the heavy footfalls coming in the direction of my room. I reached out to pat the space beside me, to try to wake Greyson up so he could check up on whatever it was that was coming in our direction with such heavy footsteps.

The space in front of me was not only empty but it was also cold. Evidence that my mate had been out of the bed for a while now.

My vision began to clear up little by little and I could pick up certain things in the room now. I heard the footsteps stop in front of the room door and for some reason, I held my breath, anticipating whoever or whatever was behind the door.

The door was suddenly pushed open with such force, I feared that it might be ripped off its hinges and the action scared me to my bones. I remained unmoving in my spot and watched with batted breath as they stood by the door and just looked in my direction.

At first, it was the blurry black and white image of the person that I could see but soon it began to get clearer and clearer especially as they began to stalk closer.

Once they were in the center of the room, I got a clearer view.


The scream caught in my throat and I could only watch horrified as they slowly approached my bed.

“You’ll never be Luna Freya.” She said softly, and a shiver crawled up my spine.

It was Zoe’s voice that came through and then the echo that followed her words was even scarier. She continued to repeat the words, each time louder than the last with the echoes becoming unbearable.

It was at this point that I realized I couldn’t move an inch, neither could I get any words or sounds out of my mouth.

“He loves me more, I was his mate first, you don’t deserve to be here, I’m going to get you out now.” Those were the words that she chanted.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Once Zoe was by my side, she pulled out a large knife and raised it above her head and just as the knife came down, it felt like I suddenly had access to my body and voice again.

And I let out a horrifying scream.

“It’s fine, you’re fine. It’s just a dream baby. Just calm down. Everything is fine.” Greyson’s voice pierced through my subconscious and brought me back.

I was grateful that he had already turned on the lights and that I wasn’t immediately met with darkness. Greyson wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I buried my face into his chest and cried.

I hated being tormented in this way. My mind was now forced to conjure these images even in my sleep because I spent almost every single second of my waking hours dreading this woman and her sinister plans.

“She’s going to come for me, I know it. That’s what’s going to happen, you’ll see.” I said brokenly, while crying.

“You’re safe honey, I promise. She’s never going to be able to get to you, if she tries to then she’ll pay with her life. It’s going to be fine, you’ll see.” Greyson whispered to me, kissing my forehead and cheeks gently and patting my back.

I was glad he didn’t ask me to recount my dream to him because that might have been more traumatizing. I let his words and his warm hug comfort me and I don’t know how long we stayed in that position, wrapped around each other but it felt like a long time.

My sobbing reduced to just tears falling down my face, that soon reduced to sniffles and eventually my eyes began to drop once more.

I tried to fight the sleep, scared to close my eyes and return back to my nightmares. Scared that I might find her in the darkness once more, but eventually with the scent of my mate flooding around me and his warm arms wrapping me, I succumbed to the sleep.

The next time I woke up, it was certainly much better. There was no nightmare and it felt like a had a better sleep than the first few hours of my sleep.

The curtain had been drawn open and with the windows open I could watch the clear blue skies from my position on the bed as well as listen to the birds sing. It was such a comfortable feeling and I closed my eyes once more to bask in it.

With my eyes closed and almost all my senses opened, I could hear the noises around the house, it was busier than usual. I could hear the voices coming from the living area and the sounds of pans and pots coming from the kitchen but this time it didn’t sound like only Christie was handling it.

How many people were in the house? And what exactly was the ruckus about.

I slipped out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to clean myself and start my day proper. After getting into comfortable clothes, I put my hair into a ponytail and once I was satisfied with the way I looked, I made my way out of the room and in the direction of the kitchen.

I had never seen the space as crowded as it currently was before. There were more maids in kitchen and each one of them seemed to be concentrating on a huge amount of food before them.

I made my way over to Christie at the end of the kitchen.

“Why does it look like we’re preparing for a feast? Why so many maids and food?” I asked and the maid chuckled quietly.

“We are preparing for a feast.” She responded and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

“The feast of the Alphas? I thought that was for next week?”

Was my memory failing me already? How was I forgetting things so easily?

“No honey. This preparation is for your Luna ceremony.” She responded and my frown deepened.

“Why is this happening so fast? And how come I didn’t know anything about it?”

Christie kept quiet, but she gave me a look that explained how I was asking the wrong person questions. I looked around the kitchen once more and shook my head. There was only one person who would be able to answer my questions.

“I’ll be right back.” I said to Christie, exiting the kitchen and heading for the living area first where most of the noise seemed to be coming from.

My shock at the transformation of the space was exceptional. The place had been turned into a beautiful hall and I couldn’t appreciate it as much as I wanted to.

I scanned the different people hoping to find Greyson but he wasn’t down here and so I made my way in the direction of his office where I hoped to find him.

Once I got to his door, I raised my hand to knock on the door but that was when I caught a part of the ongoing conversation that kept my attention and caused me to drop my hands and listen first.

One thing that came with my pregnancy that I absolutely loved was how it boosted my senses. I could hear better, see better, smell better. It was almost as if it three times all my normal abilities.

A part of me felt bad about the fact that I was eavesdropping on a conversation that I knew was supposed to be private, but another part of me was really curious and wanted to know what was being said.

“Are you sure she was the one?” I heard Greyson ask.

“Greyson, I don’t know for a fact, I for one I’m yet to see her but if more than three people claim to have seen her then it should be true right?” Smith responded.

“Did anyone report having a conversation with her?”

“No that’s the second problem. She’s almost like the wind. Here one second and vanished the next. No one had been able to approach her or speak to her. They say that a single distraction and she’s out of there like she was never even there in the first place.” Smith delivered.

“Fuck. I think we need to see Clara today. We just need to be prepared, I’m not sure what kind of mind games she’s playing at but I know and I think we can both agree on the fact that she’s up to no good. The last thing I need is this ceremony getting ruined.”

After Greyson spoke there was s long pause between them and I felt itchy in my spot not knowing what the hell was happening in there. Just as I was about to give up and announce myself, Smith spoke once more.

“This might be crazy but I just got an idea. What if we use the ceremony as bait for her? We both know that there is a ninety five percent chance that she would be in that ceremony, what if we plan around that and set traps to help catch her. The ceremony is still two days away gives us enough time to plan.” Smith offered and I frowned.

This was my ceremony. The only one I got to experience in my lifetime. I didn’t need this to revolve around trying to catch a witch. Or it getting ruined by the wrong attention. I didn’t need Zoe or whoever she was at this point, I didn’t need her ruining it all for me.

“That sounds great but too many things could go wrong with trying to bait her with the ceremony. I’m not going to spend the most important night of my life trying to catch a witch and loosing the moment I’m supposed to be sharing with mate. There will be guards that’ll be warned about her and I’ll make sure she never steps a foot into the ceremony, that is if I don’t take care of it before the ceremony.”

“Yeah that’s true. I’ll have my eyes out for her don’t worry. And I’ll also keep my eyes on Simon and Jessy. Those two need to be protected a lot. We honestly don’t need another poisoning.”

At the mention of those words panic began to set in my heart. I didn’t even think about that. What if she tried to get to my children? That would obviously me the fastest and easiest way to get through to me and break me.

At this point, I had heard enough and so I pushed open the door to the office and stepped in.

“Hey Freya.” Smith called out to me, offering me a small smile which I returned along with a wave.

“Hi love. Did you sleep well?” Greyson asked, wheeling his seat backwards to allow me fit into he space and sit on his legs.

“Much much better.” I responded and he nodded in satisfaction.

“What’s wrong? Why do you have a frown on your face? Are you still thinking about the dream? Worried about it?” He asked but I shook my head quickly.

“No, that’s not it at all. I’m just worried about everybody and I don’t feel comfortable having a lot of people in the house at the same time.”

“Oh, yeah. Don’t worry about any of them, they’ve been screened before coming in and we definitely would know who to hold responsible should anything go wrong. Which it won’t.” He said reassuringly.

For all our sakes, I hoped it was true.

“Why didn’t you tell me about the Luna festival? And why so soon? What’s the rush about?”

“Well the feast of the Alphas is coming up really soon and I don’t just want you to attend as only my Mate but also as Luna of this pack.”

His response surprised me and made me feel speechless but I recovered quickly from it and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug.

Once I gave him a long and satisfactory hug, I stood up from my perched position on his thighs and hand him a small kiss on the lips.

“I’ll leave you to your work now.” I said.

“Where are you going? Greyson asked

“To help, do you see the load of work that needs to be done here?”

“No, no, no. That’s not happening. You’re going to either sit your butt somewhere and relax or go and lay down and rest your pretty head.”

I squinted at him, pursed my lips and folded my arms in front of my chest. I could hear Smith trying to control his laughter but I didn’t care much for him in this moment.

“You’re not the boss of me” I said defiantly and Greyson looked like I had just slapped him across the face.

“W-well I-I used to be. A-and I-I-”

“Just give it up big dog. You’re never going to win this one.” Smith interrupted, smirking like he was really enjoying the moment which he probably was.

“Shut up Smith.” Greyson snapped at his Beta but it only made the man laugh harder.

“Fine. But just take it easy, try to stay off your feet, drink a lot of water and if I come down there and you look tired and carrying you to the room and chaining you to the bed.” He threatened in his Alpha tone but it only made me laugh.

I gave him a kiss again before walking out of the room not missing Smith’s teasing about how he was mean to everyone else but me.

And for reasons best known to me, it made my tummy bubble with pride and excitement.

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