The Omega For Sale

Chapter 76

The first thing I noticed as the last feeling of sleep ebbed was the banging in my head. It felt like a stick was being hit against my brain and the effect was almost too much to bear.

I tried to flip open my eyes but it felt like led had been placed against them which caused me to groan. Nothing made sense to me and it wasn’t until the stank of my environment around me got to my nose that I began to get my bearing little by little.

Naomi had told me about a dying person and had lured me to the maid quarters where Zoe had been waiting.

Now, I would be lying if I said I was surprised Zoe would try to pull a stunt such as this one. I couldn’t be entirely sure what I had done to the maid, because as far as I could remember I had done nothing to offend her, but her attitude towards me had changed as some point. Same with some of the things that she had been doing.

Like the apology in the kitchen that morning and the drinking from an empty cup. Although I didn’t know that Zoe was angry enough with me to try and kidnap me but at least I had gotten some sort of heads up when it came to her attitude.

The surprising one here was Naomi. She was the sweetest maid I knew and she mostly kept to herself and stayed quiet. Only speaking when spoken to. I had spent some time with the maid in the past but she never struck me as someone who would do something like this.

The only person she ever really spoke to was Emilia while she was in the house. And Emilia was usually always short with her. Nasty and mean as she was with the entire house but the girl always stuck by her side and was never offended by anything she did. That was the only real person she socialized with. So I didn’t ever see this gang up with Zoe as a possibility.

I finally flipped open my eyes and I was greeted by darkness. The space was so dark that it took even my super vision a while to adjust and when it did there was nothing in sight for me to see. The room was very bare and empty.

I tried to move but as expected I had been chained to something and the cold metal of whatever it was kept sending a chill through my back.

What was the grand scheme of everything? Why was Zoe and Naomi doing all of these in the first place and what did they hope to achieve from it all? I couldn’t remember ever hurting any of the girls at any point before now so I was very surprised that they held some sort of anger towards me.NôvelDrama.Org content.

I couldn’t tell what they were about to do to me and I think that was the scariest thing about the situation. My stomach rumbled with hunger and it made me wonder how long I had been passed out.

I was tired of waiting for them to come in and just get this over with. My entire body ached and I couldn’t stop thinking about the safety of Jessy and Greyson. Did he even make it out of the battle?

Soon footsteps sounded from outside the room I was chained in and when the door was pushed open, three figures entered the room. Before I could start trying to guess who the third person could be, the light switch was flipped on.

I hissed at the bright light and shut my eyes tight to prevent my retinas from burning.

“Well look who we have here.” Came a voice, a very familiar voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and the sight before me made me release a scream.


What the hell was Matthew doing here?

“Looks like you’re surprised. Did you really think it would be that easy to get rid of me?” He asked and I only continued to watch him in shock.

What the hell could have happened? I was there when Greyson, the officials along with some guards had stormed into the abandoned house and had taken Matthew and Greyson had assured me that he wasn’t going to be troubling us anymore which I assumed meant that he had taken care of him finally. So how could he still be here?

My mind spun with the situation before me and I was finding it very difficult to get a grasp of the situation. I looked to Naomi and Zoe that were standing in the corner and the smirk that painted Zoe’s face was more than expected. It was a surprise she wasn’t gloating at this point.

Naomi on the other hand just looked sad. Her eyes were trained on me but it was as though she was seeing something else.

“I’m very sure you’re dying for the background story to how this has all happened. And there’s plenty of physical torture in stock for you so I’m just going to skip the mental torture seeing that I’m the kindest person you would ever meet.” Matthew said and Zoe laughed harshly.

“Greyson is strong and powerful and I’ll give him credit for those two things. But on the other hand he’s not ruthless enough and he trusts too much. Everybody is his friend, in fact as long as you can pronounce his name then you’re already his best buddy and that is going to be his downfall.”

Matthew paused to watch the spot in front of him as if there was something very interesting going on there, but soon he turned those maniac eyes that I hated with a passion back onto my frame.

“Imagine trusting an enemy with your enemy. And you know what they say Freya, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Greyson made the mistake of transporting me in the hands of someone that wanted his downfall as much as I did and thankfully I had a twin that was willing to switch places with me.

Micheal didn’t have much to live for anymore, so it wasn’t very hard to convince him to take the fall for me the only condition he gave was that I make his death worth it and guess who is about to do exactly that now? Greyson thinks that small petty battle is the only thing that I have in stock for him meanwhile that was only a distraction. The real deal is going to unfold now.”

Tears had begun falling down my eyes at this point and I couldn’t even give an explanation for it. Matthew was going to try and get his hands on Jessy and when he was finished with her he would go for Greyson.

My entire family was fucked and all I could do was cry while being chained to a stupid metal thing. Why did we deserve a fate as cruel as this one?

“It’s not time for your stupid tears now Freya. It’s time to face your fate. You should have known to not begin your stupid relationship with the Alpha King in the first place. I’ll leave you to rest now, we have a lot of fun planned for later on once the last member of our crew can join us.” Matthew said and he began to exit the room

“And Freya, don’t expect your knight in shining armor to come barging into this place like the last time to save you. You’re doomed and that’s it. You took away the only girl I ever loved, now I’m going to take away everything you love.” He said and with a final death stare thrown my way, he pulled open the door and exited the room.

“She’s a fucking child you sicko. You can’t love a four year old you don’t even know, plus you don’t even love her you just want to molest her.” I screamed after him as he went.

Zoe snorted at me and she moved to leave the room too.

“Why are you doing this? What have I done to offend you?” I asked Zoe and she stopped in her tracks to face me.

“Don’t even try playing that stupid pity game with me because it’s not going to fucking work. I hate you and it did not just begin from today so best believe it’s at a point where I wouldn’t blink if I had to kill you.” The maid said and I startled from the maliciousness in her voice.

“I don’t understand Zoe. What have I ever done to you? I thought we were friends.” The moment I said that, Zoe let out a loud mocking laughter.

“Do you know how long I’ve been working to get the Alpha to love me? Do you know the things I’ve had to do to get the coast clear so I could make a move? You have no idea how I had to kill his own mate and frame it as something else, you have no idea the kind of sick people I’ve had to work with just to get closer to my goal and you think you can come here, make him fall in love with you, bring in his real child, then get pregnant again for him and I’m just going to watch you achieve all of this?”

With all the information that Zoe had just divulged, it was no wonder that my head was beginning to spin. But even with it all, I couldn’t help the laughter that escaped my lips. It was very ironic that Zoe would call other people sick when she was the one with the sickest mind.

“I just have one question for you Zoe. You do realize that Matthew intends to kill Greyson, how exactly do you plan on stopping that and then making him fall in love with you, especially after he finds out about your little games?” I quizzed.

And maybe I should have kept my mouth shut because Zoe stalked towards me and the slap that landed on my face stunned me. It was a wonder how someone her size was capable of inflicting such pain.

“I wouldn’t have come this far if I didn’t know what I was doing Freya so I advice you shut the hell up.” She too left the room.

Leaving me with the one person that I was genuinely surprised to see here.

“Did I also take the person you love away from you too?” I sneered in Naomi’s direction but she barely flinched.

Instead she walked towards me and when she was standing in front of me she sat down criss cross apple sauce in front of me and if someone were to walk into the room they would believe that we were having a conversation about the rainbow.

“Yes actually. You took away the only person I ever loved Freya.”

Well I wasn’t expecting that, I had only said that to attempt to mock her.

“Emilia. She was innocent and you doomed her to the worst fate.”

“Emilia tried to poison my child! In fact she did!” I couldn’t help the flash of anger that rippled through my frame from having this conversation.

“Wrong. Zoe poisoned Jessy. Emilia was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and she was only in love with the wrong person.”

Naomi said no further. She only looked at me with what looked like pity before she shook her head and left the room.

I didn’t understand any of it.

How was love the cause of all these stupid plans?

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