The Omega For Sale

Chapter 47

I hummed as I mixed the pancake batter in the bowl. It was still very early in the morning and since I had spent the night with the Alpha, I had to be up earlier than usual.

One month into our ‘relationship’ and I was feeling happier than ever. It wasn’t anything official yet, in fact, I was still very much his personal maid and no one knew of the night time relationship that I shared with the Alpha including Christie but it was the most perfect thing for me.

Especially since the morning where we had shared that little moment in the middle of the room. It felt like I had been on cloud nine since that moment and nothing could ever take it away from me.

I had just poured in the last of the batter into the pan when two light but familiar steps were moving into the kitchen.

“Good morning!” I chirped the moment Christie and Jessy walked into the kitchen.

“Someone’s happy and glowing.” Christie commented, stealing a piece of pancake from the pile on the plate and sharing it between herself and Jessy.

I shrugged my shoulders and returned my attention to the pan, flipping the pancake onto the other side.

“Freya?” Christie suddenly called and I turned my attention to her, moving the last cooked pancake onto the plate.

“Mmhm.” I responded and when I looked in her direction there was a frown painting her face as she studied mine and I reached to pat my face to check if there was something unusual on it.

“Why is your hair down? Do you intend to serve the Alpha his breakfast like that? You could get into a lot of trouble.” She said.

I bit my lips and averted my eyes from hers. After the first time that the Alpha had instructed me to wear my hair down, I had decided to ignore him, for this same reason, I didn’t want to have to answer these sort of questions.

I didn’t want the questioning looks from the other maids that were not bold enough to ask. Or the whispers that were sure to form when I did not have a satisfactory answer for them and also when they realized that the Alpha was never going to scold me for it.

But he had been insistent.

“Well, the Alpha asked me to wear my hair down.” I replied truthfully, which caused her frown to deepen.

“That’s not possible Freya. The Alpha wouldn’t say anything like that.” Came her reply.

I didn’t have it in me to argue with her. I didn’t even have the right words to do that, so I only shrugged and turned my attention to my child.

“Hungry baby?” I asked the three years old and she beamed at the attention she was finally getting.

“Yes mommy. Dweams mommy.”

“You had a dream? Tell me about it.” I indulged.

“Bunny big and soft mommy and he say Jessy touch him and his eaws move like this.” Jessy went on to bob her head in the manner her dream bunny had supposedly bobbed his ears.

“Wow, the bunny let you touch him and he moved his ears so fast?”

“Yes mommy. Bunny so soft mommy and he love Jessy and he follow Jessy too.” My daughter continued.

“That sounds like such an amazing bunny.” I replied, hoping to end this before she asked the question I knew she was bound to ask.

Jessy had always loved bunnies. Didn’t matter if they were stuffed or the real deal and I knew that whenever she had a dream about a bunny then it would usually end in a request for her own bunny.

Which would always end in tears when I told her that I couldn’t get one for her.

“Eat your food Jessy.” I instructed, placing the plate in front of her.

“Jessy have bunny mommy?” She finally asked, blinking big blue eyes innocently in my direction.

I sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of my nose and thinking of the best way to go about this, without it ending in a fight or with my daughter screaming.

“Jessy, I can’t get you a bunny right now but maybe soon, I’ll be able to get one for you, okay?” I said softly.

“Wan bunny mommy.” My daughter repeated as if she had not heard a word that I had just spoken.

And when I repeated myself, tears began to form in her eyes and she pouted sadly at me. My heart constricted in my chest at the fact that I couldn’t afford to get my child a stuffed toy because of my circumstance.

“Baby, don’t cry. I pro…”

I had been in the middle of my sentence when I smelt it. The familiar, intoxicating scent that I had grown accustomed to in the last month.

“Jessy, why don’t you come tell me all about this soft bunny and if it’s as cool as you say it is then I’ll get it for you.” The Alpha said from his perched position by the doorway and Jessy immediately lit up, scrambling out of her seat and almost running in his direction.

The Alpha threw a wink my way, stretching his hands in Jessy’s direction so she could hold on to him. The two were gone in a second, with Jessy babbling about her wonderful bunny and the Alpha completely indulging her gibberish.

“Did the Alpha just wink at you?” Christie whispered to me, surprise coating her words.

“Did he? I don’t think so.” I responded quickly, moving out of the kitchen and in the direction of the maid quarters to avoid more questioning.

The moment I pushed open my door, it was to find Emilia shuffling through my drawers. A surge of anger went through my frame upon seeing the maid in that position and it took everything in me to not grab her by the shoulders and shake her violently.

“What are you doing?” I suddenly asked and the maid jumped in her spot, obviously not expecting to see me there.

The maid fumbled in her spot and she looked like she had been caught with her hand in soup.

Upon second look I realized that the maid looked really stressed out, there were black circles under her eyes and she looked really tired and jittery, like she had not been sleeping properly.

“Nothing.” She responded and that added to my fury.

“Nothing? Emilia what are you even doing in my room in the first place? And I just caught you shuffling through my drawers and you want me to believe that you’re doing nothing here?” I asked, not even bothering to hide the anger in my voice.

And Emilia’s features hardened at this point, gone was the scared and jittery mess that had stood in front of me some minutes before. Emilia’s eyes darkened and the bitter snarl that I had always associated with the woman appeared once again.

“Well Freya. I wouldn’t be here rummaging through your stupid drawers if you weren’t such a creep and the biggest thief I have ever met.” She responded and I frowned.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, frowning even more at her harsh words.

“This, I’m talking about this Freya.” The other maid responded, pulling the pink scrunchie that I had found in the garden some weeks back, out of her pockets.

That scrunchie had been the result of many sleepless night and a source of worry for me.

Asides from that day when I had seen that scrunchie and the mud stains that had been found on the floor early the next day, there had been other signs over the last weeks that proved that Emilia was actually going out into the garden every night.

Although I had never seen the maid after the first time, there were times that I could smell her lingering scent in the air whenever I returned from the Alpha’s room early in the morning.

I had considered reporting her strange actions and behaviors to the Alpha on several occasions but I couldn’t be sure of the situation and I didn’t want to start something that could probably get out of control. Plus, I really did not want to get her into trouble.

“Well, guess whose drawers I found my scrunchie that has been missing for weeks? Yours Freya, same yours that I found the Alpha’s pictures. Is there really a problem here? Do I need to report to the Alpha that we have a thief in our midst?” Emilia snarled, her voice raising a tempo higher.

That snapped the last straw of patience that I had to deal with the maid.

“Well Emilia, if you must know. I found that scrunchie outside the gates of the garden. A gate we are not allowed to cross. Plus, it is very obvious that you’ve been sneaking out of this house almost every night and going out to the woods. It doesn’t help your case that you’re so sloppy, you sometimes bring in some mud into the kitchen and I have to clean it up. So maybe you’re the one who should be worried about me reporting these discoveries to the Alpha.”

Emilia’s eyes were blown wide in shock the moment I was done talking and it took everything in me to not gloat at her, but in the next minute she was schooling her features once more and narrowing her eyes at me.

“You have no proof of these statements Freya. You have no proof that I go out into the garden, you have no proof of anything! So I dare you to actually take these allegations to the Alpha and you’ll see exactly how I’ll ruin you in this home.”

“Are you threatening me Emilia?” I asked.

The other maid only laughed, a bitter sound and then she stalked in my direction. I refused to move from my spot, choosing to remain still even when she came to the front of my face.

“I would watch my back if I were you Freya. You’re the most vulnerable of us all in this house. Especially with the fact that you have a child that could easily be hurt, the last thing you want to do is create enemies for yourself. Do with this information whatever you wish.” She said, before brushing past me, making sure to hit my shoulders before storming out of the room.

My heart thudded heavily in my chest at the maids words. Did Emilia really just threaten myself and my child?

This was way beyond what I initially thought it out to be. If Emilia would be willing to hurt myself or Jessy in a bid to prevent me from talking about whatever she was doing at night in the woods then it was something really serious.

I needed to let the Alpha know.

Opening the door, I stalked in the direction of the grand stairs. The moment I got to the hallway I could immediately tell what room the Alpha and Jessy were, plus the door to the office had been left slightly open.

I moved quietly in that direction, careful to not draw any attention to myself.

“And you do it like this, so the ears move.” I heard Jessy say and when I peeped in through the opening, a smile formed on my lips.

The Alpha and Jessy were both laying on the floor with drawing sheets and crayons scattered everywhere around them and they looked to be drawing.

“But those ears look really large. Don’t you think the ears are too big for the small bunny?” He asked but Jessy was already shaking her head no before he could even complete his sentence.Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

“Eaws big cause bunny big.” Jessy argued. Pointing her crayon to the drawing to emphasize her point.

“Okay then, so this is the amazing bunny from your dream?” He asked.

“Yes, bunny gween.”

“Alright, a green amazing bunny. Here’s what is going to happen. I’ll get you a big, green, amazing bunny if you are the absolute best girl always and you eat your food properly and you listen to what mommy tells you and you don’t scream.” He offered.

“Weally?” Jessy asked and although I could not see my child’s face, I could tell that she was brimming with excitement.

“Yes Jessy, I promise. And I never break my promises.” The Alpha assured.

“I’ll be good.” Jessy promised and the Alpha flashed her a smile.

“You know I can scent you from here mommy.” The Alpha called, his tone light and teasing.

I laughed loudly, finally pushing open the door and going into the room.

“Did you hear Jessy’s promise?” He asked.

“I did!” I responded.

And then Jessy went on to repeat the entire conversation to me, bouncing up and down on her spot with glee and I indulged my daughter completely forgetting the reason I had come up here in the first place.

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