The Omega For Sale

Chapter 45

The warmth around me came with an intoxicating scent and the feeling of comfort that surrounded my mind as I stirred awake was blissful.

The Alpha’s large arms were wrapped around my middle and I was press tight against his body. I enjoyed the way that our bodies molded together, fitting almost like the right puzzle pieces.

“For someone so small, you’re actually really warm.” The Alpha whispered into my neck, from where his head was buried and I giggled at the tickling feeling.

Turning around in his arms, I came face to face with dark hair, intense grey eyes and dark moustache. He also had a small smile playing on his lips and the sight made me smile too.

“You fall asleep too quickly, how are we supposed to go multiple rounds if you’re knocked out after the first.” He teased lightly and I blushed to the tip of my toes which in turn made him chuckle.

A sound that warmed me.

“Well you could try not knocking me out after the first round.” I blurted out and immediately regretted it, but the smile that he offered let me know that all was well.

“Says the lazy girl.” He replied and I laughed out loud.

Once I was down from my laughter high, it was to find his eyes just watching my face intently as though trying to master every curve of my features.

“You’re so beautiful.” He finally whispered, but it didn’t feel like his words were supposed to have been heard by me. In fact he looked like he was talking more to himself than to anyone else.

I remained quiet because I wasn’t sure what to say that would not end up with me being awkward. I wasn’t used to this sort of attention with anyone. So I wasn’t exactly sure what to say or do in situations like this one.

It was quiet after then and I could only hear the thump-thump of the Alpha’s heart. There were a lot of things that were going through my mind. A lot of things I wanted to ask the Alpha but I didn’t know if it was a good time, I didn’t know if I could even ask him those kind of things so I remained shut.

“Freya, I can see the questions running in your head and threatening to burst through your lips. I think it’ll be easier for us both if you just ask.” The Alpha finally coaxed.

His voice was still gentle, same with his eyes and that was all the encouragent I needed. Taking a deep breath, I finally began speaking.

“It’s just that I keep hearing different things and I’m not sure what to trust or believe and I’m just really curious.” I paused, watching his face for his reaction, but as always his face gave nothing away. It was simply a blank mask.

“Okay? Things regarding what?”

“Y-your mate.” I blurted once more and this time there was a reaction.

A frown immediately took over his features and he rolled over so he was now facing the chandelier that hung on the ceiling and I bit my lips in regret.

Good job Freya! You were having such a good time and you just had to go and ruin it with your big mouth. I berated myself silently.

“I’m sorry.” I offered once the silence went on for so long, holding my breath and waiting for his response. I didn’t want the moment that we had just been sharing to end.

Alpha Greyson let out a heavy sigh, almost like he was trying to expel something from within, but finally he turned back in my direction and took me into his arms once more, pulling me tightly against his chest and burying his face in my hair, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was sniffing my hair.

He went at it for a while before finally placing a small kiss on my forehead.

“Her name was Estelle. She was the most perfect woman in the world to me at the time, but then one moment she was here and in the next moment she was gone.” He whispered and it was the first time I ever heard such strong emotions in his voice.

“I didn’t know how her for very long. We had just met when she died but through the time that I knew her, it felt like I was constantly floating on a fluffy cloud. She was nice, really nice and just carefree.” He completed softly.

His eyes held a faraway look in them, like he was thinking back to her and when she existed and I felt pity for him.

As opposed to what everyone thought, not every werewolf had the opportunity to meet their mates in their lifetime. Most a time, people just met, fell in love and started a family.

Meeting one’s mate wasn’t exactly that big of a deal and it was pretty uncommon. Sometimes one met their mate but they were already in love with someone else and maybe already building a family with them and wouldn’t want to throw away all of that.

Some other times the moon goddess just had other plans and put one through a twisted turn of fate and chances.

I had never met my mate and I couldn’t be sure if I ever would, but it didn’t matter much to me because I already had Jessy and no matter what I would always have her in my corner.

But meeting one’s mate could be the singular most amazing thing to ever happen to anyone. The feeling was unlike anything else and it was such a rare gift that it was really appreciated and glorified whenever it happened.

I had heard people that had found their mate describe the feeling as being transported into another world, where only them and their mates existed and everything that they touched or did together felt too wonderful, electrifying even.

So I couldn’t imagine what it must be like for the Alpha to find his mate, be transported into this wonderful and beautiful world and then lose all of that again.

“What happened after she was gone?” I whispered softly, afraid that I might jolt him out of his reverie.

He stayed silent for a long time that I was almost convinced he wouldn’t respond to my question, but finally with a sigh on his lips he did.

“I don’t remember much of anything that happened after her death. It felt like I went off the deep end and when I came onto again, all that had happened that period was just forgotten.” He responded, looking at a spot behind my head. I was tempted to turn in that direction to try to find what he was looking at but I didn’t.

“What makes you happy?” He asked out of the blue and surprise took over my frame at the fact that he was actually interested in talking more with me.

“Jessy. She’s my greatest happiness.” I responded and a chuckle escaped his lips.

The frown was gone and his features looked much more relaxed and as a result he looked even younger.

“I think she makes everyone happy.”

I hummed in agreement to his words.

“What about you? What makes you happy now?” I asked.

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I asked that question but his response wasn’t exactly what I had been expecting.

“You. I like being with you and your presence is the only thing that makes me happy now, it keeps me grounded and satisfied. Our situation is far from ideal, I understand that more than anyone else but I crave it so much. I crave you so much and I don’t want it to end, I want to look for ways to take this even further for us both.”

I blinked once, then twice. Trying to wrap his words around my mind.

The sincerity in the Alpha’s tone was scary and it was enough to convince me that even when our situation was far from ideal, it could still be something amazing.

Or was that just wishful thinking? I wanted him so much and not just sexually, I had been introduced to this calmer, more open part of him and I only wanted more.

I was just about to respond to him when my stomach rumbled embarrassingly.

I was sure that my entire body flushed red, especially with the heat that I could feel on my nose, cheeks and the tip of my ears. It became even worse when the Alpha let out a loud laugh.

“I guess that’s my cue to feed you. We didn’t have dinner last night before we were hopping at it like bunnies so it’s okay for your tummy to protest.” He said teasingly and I pouted at his words, enjoying the way his eyes crinkled when he let out another laugh again.

The Alpha walked to his closet butt naked and I admired the way his globes as he walked, I stared unashamedly at the man’s naked ass.

I looked to the bedside clock perched on the nightstand and the bright red numbers showed 2:58. a. m

He appeared a minute later clad in a t-shirt and pajamas and he had another t-shirt in his hands.

“Put this on.” He instructed, passing the shirt to me.

I smiled as I took the shirt from his hands, slipping out of bed and putting it onto my frame. The shirt was too big and it fell to mid thighs for me, but I didn’t mind one bit as the Alpha’s scent now surrounded me and it was all that I could do to not take a sniff of the shirt.

“Now that’s a sight for sore eyes.” He commented and for the umpteenth time, I blushed.

Taking my small hands in his, he led us both out of the room and in the direction of the kitchen. The moment the light was flipped on, my eyes immediately went to the muddy stains on the floor.

They looked to be the prints of someone that had most likely being in the garden and had tried to tiptoe barefoot back into the kitchen. The stains ended at the end of the kitchen where it was obviously wiped on the mat but it wasn’t hard to guess that those legs had gone to the maid quarters.

And I had a particular maid in mind.

“What is this?” The Alpha asked beside me, pausing in his steps to observe the small footprints that stained the floor.

Was the scrunchie in the pocket of my uniform enough to pin this on Emilia? Although she had been very mean to me from the start it didn’t exactly mean that I wanted to get her into trouble.

The Alpha was very ruthless and I didn’t want to think about what he could do to her if he found out that she was doing something wrong.

“Someone probably dragged it in earlier, I’ll clean it up.” I responded hurriedly, moving quickly to the supply store to get some cleaning items.

Once I was done scrubbing the floors clean, the Alpha was perched behind the stove, cooking and the sight of him looking so domestic made me smile.

“Should I be worried you’re the one behind the stove?” I asked teasingly

And he let out an exaggerated gasp, holding his hands over his chest dramatically and trying to give me his best offended face and it would have worked, save for the grin that was threatening to split his face in half.

“Take that back immediately Freya. I’m an excellent cook!”

I laughed loudly, not caring in the least that it was the middle of the night and I was standing close to the Alpha barefoot in the kitchen, wearing his shirt and laughing over his cooking on the stove.

In this moment, there was nothing wrong with all of that and I felt too happy to even think otherwise.

“Well you won’t be laughing when you actually taste the food.” He said.

“Yes cause it’ll be so horrible I would want to cry.” I teased right back and with a smile on his face he pointed the wooden spoon in his hands in my direction.

“You know what, no food for you. You’re too mean to actually taste this delicacy I’m preparing.” He threatened and I only continued to laugh.

“I’m going to check on Jessy.” I finally said and the Alpha nodded in response.

I walked carefully out of the kitchen and towards the maid quarters, I knew she would be with Christie and I tiptoed in the direction of her room.

Twisting the knob gently, I pushed open the door carefully, peaking my head into the room and the black and white sight of my daughter and Christie sharing the small twin bed made me smile.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Shutting the door quietly again, I made my way back into the kitchen. Jessy had formed the habit of going to bed every night with Christie and although I missed her when I was forced to sleep alone but it also made it easier for me to continue whatever this was that was going on with myself and the Alpha.

I walked back to the kitchen to find the Alpha bobbing his head and seemingly humming a tune that I couldn’t figure out the lyrics or origin, but he looked to be really enjoying himself so much that I paused in the doorway to just observe him.

The Alpha had an air of dominance that only few could muster. I had been around many Alpha’s in my life and I knew that they all had powerful auras and the lot but this one with Alpha Greyson was completely different.

He oozed so much confidence that many times it was a struggle to actually look away from his face. Every part of his body looked like it had been designed specially to appeal to anyone that dared to look.

He was too good looking.

“Take a picture honey, it’ll last longer.” He finally spoke without raising his head from what he was doing after a while of me just checking him out and I laughed in response. Tingling slightly at the endearment that he had used.

“Jessy sleeping okay?” He asked, this time raising his eyes to meet mine.

“Like the baby she is.” I responded.

“Great, now help me serve these into the plates and let’s get them upstairs. I have to prove myself and my cooking skills to a certain green eyed woman.”

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