The Omega For Sale

Chapter 31

Greyson’s POV:

Last night had been a flop for me, right from the punishment room to what I had done in the confines of my room immediately after, to the words I had said to Freya after she had served my dinner.

Then she had filled my dreams, and even after I came awake, I could still feel my body heat up in reaction to the very vivid, erotic details of my dream.

I didn’t want to believe that there was a problem here. I wasn’t hoping there wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.

Freya was a beautiful woman, I knew that, but it didn’t mean she was good enough to make me begin to explore that side of my life again.

Or was she?

At this point, it just seemed like I was trying to convince myself, to make myself believe these words. It felt like my body and mind were in a sort of war with each other.

There was only one thing to do. Exert my role as her Master deeply. I needed to remind myself of who she was. A lowly omega that now served as my slave.

There was no way anything could ever work between us, whether sexual or otherwise.

Hence, the workload I had assigned to her earlier in the morning. I knew there was no way she could finish all of those chores, and that would give me the perfect excuse to punish her again.

I needed to be sure that I had complete control of this situation. I wanted to prove to myself that last night had been a mistake and even if it took me going through extreme lengths to get to that conclusion, I was willing to do it.

My wolf stirred with disapproval at the same time that my groin did and I rolled my eyes in reaction.

“Greyson? Are you even listening to me?” Smith asked by my side.

I shuffled in my spot, turning my attention back to my Beta. To be honest, he lost me a while back. I have been deep into this reverie since he started talking and I couldn’t even tell what he had been talking about all this time. But there was no need for him to know that.

“Of course.” I responded.

Furrowing my brows in question when he squinted in suspicion at me.

After a mini staring contest, Smith sighed in defeat before clicking his tongue in disapproval.

“Care to share what’s on your mind? You’ve got this faraway look in your eyes and you just don’t look like you want to be here. Is there a problem?” Smith asked and I paused to think through it.

Was there a problem? If I kept going off reality, thinking through this, did it make it an issue?

I was curious to hear another persons view on the conflicting feelings that have been going through me since my arousal that had stemmed from Freya’s arousal but that wasn’t an option for me.

“It’s nothing.”

Smith looked like he didn’t believe me but I didn’t care. I didn’t answer to him or anybody so it really didn’t matter if he believed me or not, plus The last thing I needed was my Beta on my case.

I checked the time.

6:27p. m

I needed to leave soon.

“There was an attack on the borders yesterday.” Smith delivered and that paused me in my seat.

“By whom? And why is this just getting to me?” I asked sternly.

No one should be able to infiltrate my pack.

Not after the first time. Not ever again.

“We couldn’t get a hold on any of them. The entire operation was carried out very smoothly and we were in fact lucky to have been able to sniff them out before any real damage could be done. The pack members are safe, only the ones by the borders were affected by the hassle.” Smith delivered.

“So what you’re saying is, you were unable to get a hold on a single perpetrator? What about their scents, what did it say about them?”

The information angered me.

“They are not rogues for sure, I confirmed it. But the main problem is that the moment they knew we were on to them, they took off out of the lands, we tried to chase them but their scents were gone along with them. It was unexplainable, almost as though the wind wiped it out. There were no signs or scents that they had ever been there in the first place.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

“Double the warriors at the borders and make security tighter. Nobody goes in or out of the pack without proper scrutinization, including pack members.”

“Noted.” Smith responded.

There were a lot of loose ends in this and Matthew’s words from the time of his death floated back to me.

‘You’re going down Greyson. No matter what, I might be gone but best believe I’m not the only one who is looking forward to taking you down. You might want to also watch your circle closely.’

In retrospect, it could have been mere bluff. Something to unsettle me. His partner Jake had mentioned a Micheal, but after that day I had done an investigation and there had been no Micheal that had been associated with Matthew.

So it was pretty easy to guess that the two might have been playing a game in their pain drunken state. Even with that conclusion, it would be foolish to let it go.

There had been an attack once and nothing was stopping another from happening again.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.


The scent of cinnamon and honey that welcomed me the moment I stepped into my home, made a slight smile tug at my lips and a pang begin in my chest.

The scent was so warm and homely that it both comforted and threw me into a sea of sadness.

I missed having a companion. Someone warm and homely that could take away the loneliness that clouded around and threatened to overwhelm me.

Sighing heavily, I headed straight to the dining area. I was hungry, since I had eaten nothing else after walking away from my breakfast.

Exhaustion settled in my muscles the moment I let my weight drop into the chairs. I needed food and some good sleep.

I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Starting with visiting the members that had been somewhat affected with the attack last night.

Freya’s scent filtered into my nose before I saw her and I furrowed my brows. She was yet to enter into the dining room but her scent was already so strong.

Could there be a problem with my senses when it came to her?

She had entered the dining area but I watched as she paused for a second with multiple emotions flashing through her face in that little time, she seemed to reach a conclusion within herself because she moved towards the table and began offloading the dishes onto the table.

With this close proximity her scent overwhelmed my mind and my wolf growled within me, beginning a pacing that made me restless.

I paused to sniff at the air and that was when it struck me.

She was bleeding somewhere. Someone or something had hurt her and for some reason that unsettled me.

“You’re hurt.”

It wasn’t a question but I watched as she bit her lips before nodding her head in the positive.

I searched through her frame and when they locked with her fingers that had been wrapped in what looked to have been a white handkerchief but was now stained red, I pursed my lips in anger.

I didn’t need to open it, to see that it was a really nasty injury and from the look of things, she had not treated it well and would most likely be unable to properly take care of it.

Getting up from the table and moving out of the dining room, I instructed her to follow me and moved in the direction of my room, satisfied with the sound of her footsteps coming from behind me.

The moment we were in my bedroom, I led her towards the bathroom.

“Sit there.” I instructed once more, pointing in the direction of the counter.

While I rummaged in the cupboards for the first aid kit I usually kept around. The moment I found it, I pulled out what I needed.

Freya’s small hands felt cold to the touch when I picked them up and that sent a shudder through my spine. Unwrapping the badly done handkerchief around her fingers, I winced at the sight.

It looked as nasty as I assumed.

Picking up the disinfectant, I poured some into a ball of cotton wool and began working on her wounds, I dabbed gently at her fingers but I could still hear her try to hold in her hiss of pain, which she was barely successful at.

“What happened?” I asked, after working in silence for a while.

There was no response from my green eyed maid and I raised my eyes to address her. She currently had her head bowed with her lips between her teeth an act that I knew she did when she was nervous.

I was about to ask the question again, this time with a scolding at the fact that I had been ignored the first time but Freya raised her eyes to mine.

All the air whooshed out of my lungs.

Her eyes had unshed tears brimming within them and her mesmerizing green eyes called out to me.

My chest constricted at the sight and I swallowed heavily, averting my eyes quickly before I did something I would spend days regretting.

“I asked you a question Freya.” I said sternly, thanking the universe when my voice didn’t crack.

“Drawers.” She simply said and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

“From the punishment room. My fingers got caught in the drawers.” She expanded and I nodded my head once in understanding.

Her wounds had thankfully stopped bleeding and I pulled out a sterile gauze to wrap around it.

It wasn’t until I was finished that I noticed her burning stare on my face and when I lifted my eyes to hers in question, she averted them quickly with a blush painting her cheeks.

I shook my head in amusement, Freya confused me.

Silence hung in the air around us.

After a couple minutes of the awkwardness, I cleared my throat before speaking again.

“Let me see the list of chores I assigned to you.” I said finally.

And it wasn’t until I felt the tug, that I realized I was still holding on to her dainty hands. I immediately let her go, berating myself internally for the act.

She pulled out the paper from her pockets and handed them over. Running my eyes through them, I saw three items left unchecked.

There was no way she could have finished half the chores herself and it upset me that she had asked for help even when she knew the consequences that would come with it.

“Did you finish all of these yourself?” I asked, even when I knew the answer.

She shook her head negatively, bowing her head in shame.

“When I ask a question, I expect to be responded with words Freya.” I scolded and my personal maid slouched even further in her seat.

Almost as though she were trying to disappear completely.

“No Master.” She responded.

It helped that she had not lied, but it didn’t take it away and she had to get the punishment for it.

“Go to the punishment room and wait for me on your knees.”

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