The Omega For Sale

Chapter 15

My mind swirled and it felt like my eyes had been glued shut. The only that made sense at the moment was my ragged breathing, everything else around me seemed to be distorted and it troubled me.

There was a deafening insistent ringing in my ears and I shook my head gently to clear it but it all the action seemed to do was fill me with nausea.

Why was I on the floor? And the bottom half of my body ached with a certain soreness, almost as though I had been dragged across the floor.

My head throbbed intensely and I winced at the pain that tingled at the back of my neck. I tried once again to open my eyes and slowly I was able to peel them apart. I was met with complete darkness and it felt like my eyes were still closed.

My head felt like a seize in the moment. It wasn’t giving me the thoughts I expected to think, in fact, it wasn’t giving me anything except pain and I moaned softly in effect.

Where the hell was I and what was happening?

My werewolf sight adjusted to the room pretty quickly but even with that I could barely see five feet in front of me. In fact I couldn’t even tell where the walls began or ended.

Black spots danced at the edge of my vision and I couldn’t be sure whether it was from hunger, dehydration or exhaustion and that was when I realized.

I couldn’t move an inch.

I had been chained, I couldn’t be sure of what exactly I was chained to because I couldn’t see anything and I couldn’t even move my head to check but it was obvious that I was held tightly against something.

I opened my mouth to let out a scream for help but it felt like there was something pushing down on my tongue. Something was pressing down on my chest, restricting me from breathing properly. I could only open and close my mouth in response to this pain.

A pain that tripled the moment that the event of the previous day flooded through my mind.

The Alpha had punished me.

I had gone back to my room to find that Jessy was missing.

I had escaped the mansion in search of my daughter.

I had found her in the woods tied to a tree.

And then pain…

Excruciating pain had wracked through my skull.

There had been a looming figure above me.

Then blackness.

Then it felt like I found my voice again, because in the next second I let out an ear piercing scream that seemed to bounce around the walls and hit me back straight in the chest.

Then blinding white light filled the room, burning my retina for a moment and stunning me. My body tensed and for a minute it felt like I might collapse under all of these sensation.

I tried to open my eyes once more but it was to no avail, the light caused a dizzy feeling to ripple through my body and my head felt like it had being stuffed with cotton balls.

So I just kept it closed for a while, before slowly trying again once more, this time it worked.

Once my eyes adjusted to the room I saw Matthew, with a disgusting smirk painting his lips and Jessy sleeping in his arms. The sight worsened the pain in my body and head and I struggled against the chains that held me securely in place.

“Get your filthy hands off her. Let her go! She’s only a child. Get your hands off her!” I screamed at him but his smirk only widened.

“Careful momma, you don’t want your screams to wake up the sleeping beauty too soon do you? Because then I get to play with her and you get to watch, but I’ll really love to have a conversation with you before we get to the good part.” He said calmly.

This man was a psychopath. How couldn’t he understand that he was doing something wrong? He looked as calm as they came and he only just continued to stroke Jessy’s blonde hair that was rested against his shoulder. The sight upset me even more.

“Matthew you can’t do this, she’s only a child. You can have any omega you want just not her, please let her go.”

“Well I don’t see anything or anyone trying to stop me so maybe I can do this, plus you really don’t get to choose for me. You’re not exactly in the position to.” He mocked.

“Let her go!” I screamed again but the Gamma only let out a maniac laugh.

“I think she should be the least of your worries now, because she is in safe hands. As a matter of fact, I would never let a strand of hair on her head be hurt or let anyone touch her ever. I can’t say the same for you though.” He clicked his tongue evilly, his eyes glinting with an emotion I couldn’t pinpoint.

I began to struggle once more against the restraints that held me in place and then an idea occurred to me. If I could shift into my wolf form then the chains wouldn’t be able to hold my much smaller form in place.

I concentrated on trying to shift but all that resonated through my body was more pain. I couldn’t bring myself to shift and that scared me, but there wasn’t much I could do about that fact.

I had being punished severally the previous day, the only thing I had in my system was dinner from two days before, I was dehydrated and the exhaustion from the last couple of hours were a lot for my mind and body to fight against.

“Well nice try. At least now you can comfort yourself with the fact that you really tried to save your daughter you were just too weak to actually do shit.” Matthew mocked.

And that was when the tears came rolling down my eyes and all the fight left my body. How many times did I have to fail my daughter? Why had the Goddess bothered with putting her in my care if she wasn’t going to give me the ability to take care of her?

“Well now that you’re done throwing a tantrum I should better get you updated before he gets here.”

He? Who else was in this? What was he talking about?

“Jessy will be out for a while courtesy the sedatives I had injected in her. I might have forgotten about her being a child and giving her too much but I’m sure she’ll be fine. It’ll just take a little longer for her to wake up, but that’s okay too. I’m a very patient man.”

My heart stopped their hammering at his words.

“You can’t sedate her! She’s too young! You could kill her! She might never wake up from the dose if it had been too much. She’s just three years old, her mind and body is much too young to be able to take the effect of a sedative.” I had begun screaming but the more I spoke, the worse my voice broke and finally it completely gave out.

“That’s not for you to worry about at all.” Matthew said with a sinister smile painting his lips.

“I haven’t done anything to you. I don’t know why you’re doing this.”

“Maybe you should have rethought your decision of going to plead with the Alpha to take your pathetic self, even after I spent 2 million dollars purchasing you!”

“It was the Alpha’s decision to take me at the end of the day and he paid you twice what you spent! You have no right to be doing this to us right now.”

“Well who is going to tell on me? Not you, I believe. Because soon your new owner would be here and you’ll be off to serve him while I get to keep Jessy here all to myself.”

It dawned on me that things were about to go south soon. Maybe even sooner than I thought.

“No, no no. You can’t do that, please.”

“Yes I can and the best part is, no one would suspect a thing. I was in and out of the maid quarters without a single soul spotting me and when she had tried to struggle, I had simply injected her and all was calm again.”

He paused to run his fingers through Jessy’s face and I shuddered in reaction as though it was done to me.

“Everyone will simply think that you had finally grown the balls and had run away with your child, especially with the punishments that you had to endure yesterday. How did that go by the way?” The glint in Matthew’s eyes taunted me.

I refused to give him an answer and tears only continued to roll down my cheeks as I listened to him go on and on. He let out another mock filled laugh at my silence.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Anyway, the moment that you’re out of the picture, I’ll be able to do anything that I want with the little princess in my arms starting with changing her name and her identity. No one would ever find out because she will be chained to my room always and when she’s older, she’ll be too unrecognizable to be questioned and anyway by then she would have learnt to love me, just me!”

At these words I let the sobs burst out of my throat. I didn’t want this life for my daughter.

Then I heard it, the sounds of tires against granite and it sounded really close.

“Seems like your new owner is here!” Matthew said with glee.

I have failed as a mother. Again.

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