The Omega For Sale

Chapter 103


Almost midnight and still no signs of Greyson. I had heard him when he had come out of his office and had walked in the direction of the guest room but a very small part of me strongly believed that he would come back tonight.

Three days of hopeless belief and he was yet to come back to bed with me. A tear slipped down my eyes and after that single tear came a lot more.

I was pregnant and abandoned. Once again.

Was my fate really so cruel for this to keep happening to me all the time? How much more could one person take? Why was love never simple? Why was it never enough?

I sobbed hard into my pillow, feeling every bit miserable and pathetic.

I had thought the auction was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me, the disgusting short man that had place one of the highest bid on me had irritated and annoyed me at the point but now I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe my life would have turned out differently, maybe a little happier with less drama if he had been the one to purchase me.

I mean I wouldn’t be Luna right now, reconnectes with the father of my child and the sweetest man ever turned into my mate but then Matthew would probably not have been able to kidnap Jessy and had threaten to sell me again and use her, I honestly just thought that was the point I was going to die.

But then Jessy had been poisoned on her fourth birthday and it had been revealed that Greyson, the man I was head over heels in love with, was responsible for raping me five years before. Now that one had broken me. It had shattered me to my very core.

But it had refused to end there and this might just be the last fucking straw.

There had been times were he had been the most perfect man in the world. The time he had clean my cut while I was still a maid would forever remain the softest I ever saw him.

But maybe the time in the fields just before Jessy’s birthday would beg to differ.

As much as I loved been with Greyson and loved the man as well, I knew something had gone wrong, terribly wrong. Especially from the night of the Luna ceremony.

It was there in his eyes whenever I caught sight of it. His demeanor, gestures, expressions, were all evidence to the fact that something was happening and maybe this time I needed to save my mate.

I couldn’t count the many times, Greyson had to save me, the times that he had to be there for me. I think it was time for me to do the exact same thing or I could just be dooming us both forever.

I strained my ears to listen for any sounds, concentrating and trying to get my wolf to focus on the sounds outside of this room. I could hear the grandfather clock ticking in the living area and even the crickets just outside my window, aside from that every other thing was silent.

I moved from the bed, picking up the pillow that I had slept with in the last four nights, it still had faint scents of Greyson on it, my scent had mostly rubbed off all over it by now but I loved how my mind was tricking me into believing that Greyson’s scent was still on it.

I was going to sleep in the guest room tonight and make sure it didn’t break out into an argument no matter what. This was the major issue between Greyson and I, we were both short tempered and impatient with each other nowadays, which usually never happened.

It was almost as if a seed of discord had planted inside us against each other and every word we threw at the other urged us to scratch out each other’s throat.

That wasn’t going to happen tonight, I was going to try my best to be understanding, to listen to him first, to not jump into conclusions and to let him see that I didn’t come to fight with him.

Immediately I pulled open the door the heavy scent of cinnamon filtered into my nose and the spice almost made me sneeze. Did Christie bring up anything with cinnamon very recently?

I moved in the direction of the guest room but a small squeak from Jessy’s room caught my attention and had me moving in that direction.

The sight of my daughter sat on the floor playing with the large amount of toys that surrounded her at midnight was not a very pleasant sight to see.

“Jess, are you okay baby? Why are you not sleeping? Are you not tired?” I asked my child softly.

I had put her into bed before going to my room for the night. Had she woken up again? That never really happened for Jessy. It was rare for her to wake up again during the night once she started sleeping.

“Tiyud mommy.”

“Then go to bed babe.” I urged, settling down in the floor beside her and ushering her into my arms.

My protruding stomach stood in the way of the hug I was trying to give her but we made it work like we were used to doing.

“I don’t want Simon to go mommy.” Jessy said, in the smallest voice that almost made me cry.

Sighing heavily, I squeezed my child a little before placing a kiss on her head.

“Me too honey, but Emilia gets to make that decision not any of us. She promised to bring him to see you often and you can also go and see him often too. So it’s almost like you’re still together, right?” I asked in an overexcited tone, hoping to rub off on my four years old.

But to no avail.

“Is daddy upset with me?” Jessy suddenly asked and I could swear that my heart skipped three beats.

Was Greyson being grumpy and mean to Jessy too? Last I knew he wasn’t, he pretty much kept his anger till I was the only one there. He was still here for Jessy, he still tuck her into bed, in fact to our child he was still the perfect father.

Why would she ask this?

“He could never honey. Why would you think so?”

“He hasn’t painted with me for a while.” She responded sadly and I swallowed heavily.

That was their thing. Greyson knew that and no matter how busy he got, he still found the time to do it with her.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“He’s just a little busy now honey. I’m sure soon, you’ll both would be turning another wall into your board again.” I said, tickling Jessy’s side, this time it worked and the giggle that tore out of Jessy was contagious.

“You’re so beautiful my baby, I love you so much.” I said softly to Jessy and she flashed her pearly whites at me, causing me to do the same.

I tuck her into bed once more and place a kiss on her head.

“Goodnight baby.”

I watched as her eyes slowly dropped and finally she was asleep.

I picked up the pillow that I had abandoned at the side of the bed and continued in the direction that I had intended to before.

But this time the moment I pull the door open a loud moan hits my ears.

And froze me in my tracks.

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