I left home without seeing Bianca because I had a very important meeting to attend. When I got to the office, Julia was already there, and she let me know that Francesca had already been here earlier. It sounded really weird to me because I thought she’d never show face around me anymore, considering the way things had ended the last time she was here. Couldn’t she just get the point that we could no longer be together? I had been so worried when Bianca had walked in on us the other day. I didn’t know why, but I just wanted to thoroughly assure her that nothing went on between Francesca and I. I was so relieved when she had accepted my explanation and further went on to give me great pleasure. It was at that moment I realized I wasn’t ready to ever let go of her. She was mine.

“The note left by miss Francesca is on your work desk sir.” Julia supplied, to which I nodded. Indeed, I saw the note on my desk when I walked in, but I really wasn’t in the mood to open it yet. What else would she say, if it wasn’t to let me know how much she missed me?

Picking my files and walking out, I made my way to the boardroom. My human resource manager and the rest of the officials were already seated and waiting. I apologized for my tardiness and we kick started the meeting. After much hours of suggestions and deliberations, the meeting came to an end and I rushed to my office, wanting to call Bianca on the phone and hear her voice already. On getting there, I was about picking up my phone and putting a call across to her, when Julia knocked on my door.

“Come in.” I muttered. The door opened and she stepped in.

“I’m sorry sir, but miss Ferrari is on the line.” I found myself doing something I didn’t usually do. I rolled my eyes.

“Let me have it.” I demanded, and she brought the telephone to me. Reluctantly, I picked up the phone and answered. “Manuel Russo on the line.”

“Oh, cut it out Manuel.” Francesca sighed. She sounded like she had just woken up from sleep, and her voice sounded drowsy.

“I’m cutting it out then.” I muttered. “What do you want?”

“Nothing much. Just a lunch date with you.”

“Francesca, you really have to understand that nothing can ever happen between us again. I’m married now.”

“Oh, don’t say that Manuel.” She exhaled, purposely making it sound like a moan. Oh God.

“I’m hanging up now.” I announced, and was about ending the call when her next words stopped me.

“I have an information you’ve been looking for.”

“What?” I asked, slightly confused. “What do you mean?”

“Wellllll…..” She dragged out, making me impatient. “What I mean is that, you’ve been trying to find the person who wants to hurt Alexander’s personal assistant right?” Wait a minute. She meant Bianca?

“You have information about that?” I rushed out.

“Yes, I do.” She whispered playfully, making me ground my teeth against each other.

“So you had a hand in it all along?”

“I didn’t! But I know who did.” She chuckled.

“Tell me, who did?”

“Not too fast now, baby. You would give me something in return.” I just knew this wasn’t gonna be good. What was she possibly going to ask for now?

“And how do I know you’re not lying about having supposed information?”

“Manuel, just like you, I also have my ways. I’m a fucking mafia princess, you’re quick to forget that. A much better option than that weak assistant of Alex.” Her statement made me so angry and I released a grunt before I could hold back.

“She is my wife, and It is my duty to protect her! Now tell me what you want, or get the hell out of my phone!”

“You shouldn’t yell at me, Manuel.” She suddenly sounded so cold. “At least, if you’re really concerned about your wife’s safety.”

“Fine.” I released a tired sigh. “What do you want?”

“Don’t sound oblivious now, you know what I want. I want you Manuel.” Immediately she said that, I gave a signal to Julia, asking her to leave me alone. Once the door shut close behind her, I resumed my conversation with Francesca.

“In your dreams Francesca. I belong to another woman now.”

“I’m not asking you to sleep with me Manuel.”

“Then what are you asking?”

“That you just go to lunch with me. That’s all.”

“And what do you stand to gain from lunch with me?”

“It gives me the opportunity to convince you that I should be in your life instead.”

“We already know how that would turn out. You can’t change my mind.”

“Don’t act like that woman is enough for you to resist my charms.” She whispered sultrily, making me hold back a chuckle. She couldn’t be compared to my pretty head when it came to that.

“I’m sorry Francesca, but you can’t have a hold on me.”

“Then prove it. Come to the location on that note that I dropped off at your office earlier in the day.” She said, and I smirked. I knew what she was trying to do. She had plans and I wasn’t going to fall for it. I had to be as careful as possible.

“I would be with you at the said location, in thirty minutes. Don’t keep me waiting.”

“You know I won’t.” She chuckled. I knew that I had to be very careful around her, but that didn’t change the fact that she had information about Bianca’s predator, and I had to find out. I was too desperate to let such a potential opportunity pass me by.

I got busy doing some other works and when it was 15 minutes to the agreed time, I made my way out of the office, purposely letting Julia know my destination. Just in case. Nobody could be trusted these days, and definitely not a Ferrari. ‘Even the woman that saved your life?’, by subconscious asked, making me sigh. Yes, even her. Because I’m no longer the man she saved. I am the man who broke her heart.

On getting to the location, I could see Francesca already seated on one of the tables. I quickly made my way to her and took the seat opposite her. Now I was thinking if leaving to go see her without some form of protection, was a wise decision. I should have called at least, two of my men to tail me. I was gradually coming to the realization that Francesca couldn’t be trusted anymore. How she had information pertaining Bianca’s attacker is still a discussion I would have with myself later on. There were two things involved. Either she was an accomplice, or she truly used her sources to get information on that. But then, that was something even Dito was yet to do.

“Hello my love.” She grinned at me, licking her lips as she sized me up and down. “You look particularly yummy today.” She whispered sultrily, making me roll my eyes. I looked at the dress she was putting on and as usual, it wasn’t qualified to be called a dress. It was such a mystery how that didn’t unnerve me when we were still together. It was a kind of dress Bianca would wear and I would be filled with rage. Even thinking about Bianca wearing that dress at the moment, made me scowl. All eyes of every man would be on her. On my property. Bianca did show some skin every now and then, but it was always moderate. Something that would leave a man wondering how much more he could see.

“Hello Francesca.” I cleared my throat, keeping my eyes out on the watch, like a hawk. I couldn’t let her play a fast one on me. She seemed to have noticed because the next minute, she chuckled.

“You know I would never do anything to hurt you Manuel. You’re that important to me.” She smiled. “Plus, I can’t risk worsening the feud and bad blood between the Russos and Ferraris. So please, just calm down.” She smiled widely at me.

“Alright.” I nodded. “So who is the person that’s after my wife?” I went straight to the point, causing her to frown a little.

“Seriously? You think I would give you the information that is the only reason why you are here, so quickly?”

“We had an agreement Francesca.” I gritted out, my anger slowly rising.

“We did. But I would be a fool to make our deal non beneficial to myself. I would certainly give you the information you seek, but that would be when you have spent at least, one hour with me. That way, none of us loses.”

“Fine.” I muttered. “How have you been?” I asked, wanting to speed up the process. God! The things I found myself doing for Bianca.

“Come onnnn…” She giggled annoyingly. “Always in a hurry, are we? We should share of few glasses of wine.” She muttered, pushing the already opened bottle of wine to me. I scoffed internally. Who did Francesca think I was? A boy that didn’t know his left from his right? This was such an old trick. I very well knew that the drink was spiked.

“I’ll pass.” I said, staring deeply into her eyes. She seemed unfazed for a moment and I smirked. I was right after all. But then, I didn’t want to outrightly accuse her in order not to make her angry. So I thought of a better approach to it. “Water would be fine.” I took the sealed bottle of water on the table, opened it and gulped it down until I was satisfied. I had actually been thirsty.

“Fine.” She glared at me. “I would tell you about the last sexual encounter I had then.” She suggested, making me scoff. As she started telling her story which weirdly seemed to be real event, she didn’t stop outlining her nipples with her index finger, and biting her lips. I looked around to be sure no one else had been paying attention to us, and seeing her do all those embarrassing stuffs.

Halfway into her story, I started to feel weird. I suddenly began to see her in twos, then threes, and then, I lost count of how many Francescas were in front of me.

What was happening to me? This had never happened before.

Soon, my eye lids began to droop and I fought so hard not to sleep. When I knew it was becoming something I couldn’t manage on my own, I gathered all my strength and stood up from the seat. But before I could even take two steps further, I was falling to the floor, scattering the unoccupied table just beside us, in the process. Fuck! After a few seconds, I felt Francesca’s hand on my cheeks as she screamed for help. I guess the waiters began running towards us, but before they could get to us, I felt her lips around my ear.

“I don’t have any information you need. Sorry Manuel.” She giggled, before raising up her head once more and yelling for help. What the fuck?! It was then I realized what had just played out. It wasn’t the wine that had been spiked, it was the water. FUCK YOU FRANCESCA!! I thought I yelled that out loud but apparently, it was only so loud in my own ears. What was her aim?



My head felt like it was about to split into half, the moment I opened my eyes. After taking a few minutes to get used to the uncomfortable feeling, I looked around my environment. I was in a decent looking room, but it wasn’t my own room. That was weird. Immediately, I felt the weight of someone else beside me.

“Pretty head.” I called out, before turning my head to see a completely different person. I guess what shocked me to my bone marrow was the fact that the particular woman was stark naked. What was Francesca doing on the same bed with me? Even naked! Oh my God! I quickly jolted up from the bed only to see that I had only my boxers on. Shit! shit! shit! Noooo!!!!

“Come on, stop acting like you didn’t enjoy it too.” Francesca muttered and it was then I started recalling the episodes from earlier. Before I could hold myself back, I was rushing towards her in anger, and grabbing her neck so tightly. She started to choke and slowly, tears began to well up in her eyes. “So you want to strangle me?” She managed to say. “Because of her?” The look in her eyes showed so much disgust.

“Yes! She is enough to make me act out!!” I yelled in pure anger. Slowly, her pupils began to dilate as more tears rolled down her eyes.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You love her.” She whispered, making me release my grip immediately. “Manuel, you have fallen in love with her!” What was she saying now? I quickly walked away from her, and got busy scanning the room for my clothes. I needed to get dressed and leave this place as soon as I can. I found my clothes neatly folded on the bedside table and without wasting any time, I began throwing them on. I was already done putting on my clothes and was still trying to buckle my belt when a knock came on the door. Immediately, Francesca walked to the door in her nudity, and opened it. I had been concentrated on fixing my belt quickly, but when I heard a low whimper, I looked up. I could swear that my heart flew out of my chest. Oh no! Massimo was also behind her and he seemed unnerved for a second. Even he, didn’t expect such from me. I was so ashamed.

When I saw the tears drop down her eyes, I felt like someone had just bashed my head against the wall.

“Bianca.” I called, but she just looked at me for a few more seconds, before smiling and shaking her head in disappointment. The next minute, she was walking away with Massimo following her. I quickly took my phone from the bed and ran after her, not paying attention to whatever Francesca had the guts to say. “Bianca!!!” I called out as I ran behind her, but her steps were faster. Before I could get into the elevator with her, it shut close, leaving me with no other option but to use the stairs. Luck wasn’t on my side because when I finally got to the ground floor and outside the hotel, I saw her car drive away with so much speed. Not wasting any time, I hopped into my own car and followed her behind. I needed to explain myself, it wasn’t what she was thinking.

I knew Massimo was the one driving, but the speed at which he drove made me know he was equally angry. Had they really gotten so close for such a misunderstanding to piss him off this way?

My car finally came to a stop inside our gates and just as Bianca was stepping out of her car and rushing into the house, I did same.

“Bianca please wait.” I begged, but she seemed to not be listening. I was actually stupid for thinking she should. The moment we got into the living room, my parents, Tommaso, Matteo, and Bella were seated there. I quickly covered the space between us, and pulled her by the arm. I was scared she’d lock me outside the room if I let her go up.

“Listen to me, I can explain!” I desperately rushed out.

“What’s going on?” Mom was the first to ask, but I didn’t answer her.

“You have lost the right to request anything of me.” Bianca replied coldly and my heart lurched at the sight of her red eyes and runny nose. I felt like I had been continually punched in the gut for a whole minute.

“It’s not what you think.” I said, and she pulled her arm out of my hold aggressively.

“It’s not what I think?! What do you take me for? A fool?!” She yelled out, more tears streaming down her eyes. Suddenly, she chuckled humourlessly and nodded. “Actually, I think you do take me for a fool. Who wouldn’t?” She sighed.

“No no no.” I shook my head vigorously. I have never been so scared in my entire life.

“Yes!” She nodded continuously. “I am a fool. I am a fool!!” She affirmed loudly, her cries increasing and making me more worried. “Because it’s only a fool who would love a man unrequitedly for 4 whole years.” She chuckled amidst her tears. “It’s only a fool that would work so hard just so she could bag a job as the personal assistant of Alexander Russo. Why?” She asked, laughing hysterically. “Just so she could get to see Manuel every once in a while!” My eyes widened in shock, and I could hear whispers from my family members. “It’s only a fool like me that would let you sleep with me, even when I knew you loved another woman. It’s only a fool that would leave a man who loves her, and marry the one who doesn’t. It’s only a fool like me that would keep hoping as each day passed, that you’d begin to love me too…” She cried harder now, the smile disappearing from her face. “So, you’re right.” She shrugged. “Feel free to think that I’m a fool. Because I truly am.” Her shoulders slumped in exhaustion as she turned and walked away. I guess I was more shocked by everything she just said, to even try and hold her as she walked away.

What just happened here? Oh God! I felt my knees give up on me as I finally realized it all. It was me?! It had been me all along!! The Russo man who made her struggle so hard to get a job with Alex….. was me. I was her first love. Bianca loved me. I felt so foolish and stupid. I was the fool, I was the fool, I had always been the fool!!

My parents had not stopped asking what was going on, but I wasn’t even in the mental or physical state to say a word. I tried making my way to my study, but my shaky legs couldn’t even carry me. Matteo was quick enough to come to my side and support me, and all I could think of was the fact that I didn’t even deserve his help.

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