“Babe!! You haven’t told me what you think about the pictures I sent to you.” Francesca whined at the other end of the line, making me roll my eyes. This was my problem with her. What did she think I was going to think about women’s clothing? She was supposed have dinner with my family tomorrow. It was going to be her second official visit to my family, after the successful meeting with her father 2 months back. I could tell that the man wasn’t so pleased about the relationship between his daughter and myself, but he clearly couldn’t call it off. I guess Francesca may have had some sort of face off with him, after all.

“Francesca…” I sighed. “The dress is beautiful.” I said, not wanting to get on her bad side so early in the morning. Though I was being sincere. I really thought the dress was nice.

“But you know it isn’t.”

“Then why did you ask for my opinion?” I asked in exasperation. Christ! I was slowly going crazy by the day.

“Because I wanted to hear the honest truth!”

“Then how do you know that I’m not being honest? Moreover, what’s all these fuss about a dress for? You’re very good at this fashion thing, so I find it funny that you call my phone so early in the morning, just to pick up a fight with me over a dress.”

“Look Manuel, I’m going to be facing your mother for a second time. She clearly isn’t still pleased that you and I would be married in a matter of weeks. I’m really trying so much to get her to begin to like me at the very least. I need your support! Do you realize the fact that I would be standing before the Russo family tomorrow night? Your Nonno inclusive!”

“Okay.” I took a deep breathe and released it. “I get you. It is okay for you to be tensed, but you shouldn’t worry about my mother so much. She would definitely come to terms with the recent developments soon. It’s just like things are with your father. I’m not stressing my head over my relationship with him. He would definitely come around with time.”

“It is easy for you to feel that way, because you wouldn’t be coming to live with me in my family house. It’s the other way around.”

“Francesca, we’ve talked about this before. I cannot leave the family house or estate. It is the Russo estate and we all stay together. That has been family tradition for ages, I can’t decide to do otherwise now, just because you don’t feel comfortable living there as my wife. When you become my wife, you would automatically become a Russo. You have to start getting used to the idea of living as one.”

“Fine. Whatever you say.” She added in a sarcastic manner. That was Francesca for you!

“Alright, I’m hanging up now.” I informed, before ending the call. Today was supposed to be a busy day for me, considering the fact that Nonno would be coming down to Milan. Tomorrow is going to be our family dinner, according to the Russo tradition, where a bride to be is welcomed by the Russo family. That was part of the reasons Nonno was traveling down to Milan. Though he claimed he had a few other businesses he had to take care of. I had been able to speak with him the last time he was in Milan and it seemed to be that he was okay with the arrangement to marry Francesca. I wouldn’t say he was ecstatic about the fact that I was on my way to merging the Ferrari and Russo families, but he wasn’t displeased either. I was supposed to see Alexander at his office for a business discussion today, but due to the fact I was still trying to avoid his assistant, I insisted we met at my office. I was already running late and didn’t want to keep him waiting. Rushing up my morning hygiene routine, I threw on a grey Armani suit and wore the first shoe I saw on the rack. I made my way out of my room and walked downstairs towards the living room. There, were my parents, running around as they yelled instructions at the hired workers that had come to set up the mini hall for the event tomorrow.

Oh? You didn’t know our traditional family dinner was done in a grand style? Normally, the dinner would be done in our private garden, with just family. After that, we would all move to the hall to join our elite guests for the party. The party was going to be aired on different TV channels, and it was going to be a way of officially breaking the news of our intended marriage to the public.

“Goodmorning mom.” I greeted, and she looked at me in mild irritation. I knew what this was about. “Mom, nothing about this would change. It’s going to be Francesca and no one else. You have to make peace with that fact.” I stated matter of factly.

“I know.” She nodded. “If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t be here, stressing about tomorrow’s event.”

“Thanks mom.” I muttered, leaning down to give her a kiss, but she gently pushed me away. My face fell.

“Sorry.” She forced on a smile. “I am just so busy. Have a good day at work.” With that, she walked away to the other side of the living room, collecting a large ribbon from one of the workers, as she gave her instructions.

“Pheeww!” I sighed. I hated to see my mom sad about anything, but I couldn’t help it this time.

“Manuel.” I looked up to see my father walking towards me with that sympathetic smile on his face. He had most likely witnessed the conversation between my mom and I.

“Good morning father.”

“You should have in mind…” He started, either disregarding my greeting or not having heard it. “…. your mom thinks she isn’t the right one for you.”

“All my exes were never the best for me, according to her.”

“But she wasn’t wrong about them.”

“I feel she’s wrong about Francesca. Why doesn’t she want to believe that Francesca is good enough for me?”

“Because more than anyone else, even more than Alexander, your mother knows you. These women do not complete you.”

“Father I…”

“You should be off to work already.” He interjected. “There’s basically no point having this argument, when you just cannot seem to see things her way. Off you go!” He shooed me away like a mosquito, making me scowl. I walked out and got into my car, reminding myself that Alex was most probably waiting for me already.

The ride to the office was filled with thoughts of my conversations with my parents. What were they really expecting me to do? Suddenly decide that I wasn’t going to marry Francesca anymore? That would spell war between the Ferraris and Russos. That would be such a reckless thing to do.

The moment I stepped into the office, I grinned when Alexander started clapping his hands.

“What’s that for?” I chuckled, walking to my desk and taking my seat in front of him.

“Nothing much. It’s a congratulatory gesture. You would be a married man soon.” He smiled.

“Hmmm.” I nodded. “How’s Bella?”

“Oh, she’s fine. Her belly is beginning to protrude and it gets me more excited every second.” He giggled like a baby and I couldn’t help but smile. I was happy for him.

“Fine then! Everyone gets to celebrate that as well, during dinner tonight.”

“Absolutely.” He nodded. “I hear that Nonno is already on his way to Milan?”

“Yeah.” I sighed. “He was quite indifferent about my marriage to Francesca. I had doubted for a moment, if he was really going to be around for the dinner tomorrow.”

“But you know the old man is the founder of the Russo tradition. He wouldn’t do otherwise just because you think he is indifferent about you and Francesca. Atleast, he doesn’t dislike the idea.”

“Thankfully.” I muttered.

“Moreover, he is also returning to take care of something else. He is bent on finding Bianca wherever she might be. He thinks she is in danger.”

“Bianca? What’s happened to her and where did she go?”

“Oh, I haven’t told you about it?” He asked, and I shook my head in negation. I didn’t remember him telling me anything about her for a while now.

“About what?” I asked, suddenly becoming curious.

“Bianca resigned.”

“She resigned?” My eyes widened in shock. I was definitely not expecting to hear that. “When? Why?”

“I don’t even know the reason why? I can’t even understand any of what’s happening! She had just been given the go ahead to take on the gold empire project by Nonno, and suddenly, she just stops showing up at work. A week and some days after, she sends her resignation letter to my email. She didn’t even do so in person.”

“That’s weird.” I muttered. If I remember correctly, Bianca had always wanted to work for Alex, so what changed? Was she no longer satisfied about something?

“I think what’s crazier is the fact that they are rumours going around the office.” He sighed in worry.

“What sort of rumours?”

“Well, they aren’t really rumours that are difficult to believe.” He shrugged. “That is, considering the way she behaved at work before she resigned. Some of the workers think she’s pregnant.” I felt my heart do a smooth flip, landing gracefully in the pit of my stomach.

“Did you say pregnant?” I chuckled nervously. “That preposterous. You really do have a lot of gossips in your company.”

“Well, it’s only normal to hear these kinds of things in a large company such as this.” He shrugged.

“What do you think about it?” I asked, patiently waiting to hear what he had to say.

“To be very honest, a lot of things are making me believe that the rumours are true. Bianca had truly begun to behave weirdly before she resigned. She was always tired and extremely emotional. These are parts of the signs I also notice in Bella. Even Nonno had personally asked me to reduce the workload she handled. I had asked her to see Doctor Luigi to know if she was alright.” He scratched his brows. “Manuel, she was basically getting to the peak of her career, so why would she just suddenly resign?” My heartbeat accelerated at his words, and I could feel my hand shaking as I slowly began to solve the puzzle piece by piece. Bianca would not be the first pregnant lady with a good job. The only reason Bianca would resign her job because she is pregnant, was only if….. the pregnancy was mine.

“Alex….” I released a deep breathe. “Are you certain?”

“I guess? Her friend Laura had informed me about her disappearance a week ago. According to Laura, even Bianca’s parents have not been able to find her. It’s all so crazy and I’m truly worried about her. I can’t say for sure what is going on because her disappearance only makes the entire thing confusing. That is part of the reasons Nonno has returned. He intends to find Bianca and make sure she is safe.” The fact that Alexander had said our Nonno was ready to go that far for Bianca was really the least of my worries at this point.

“Can I speak with this Laura girl please?”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Manuel? You don’t seem fine, you’re literally shaking.” Alex looked at me in confusion. I couldn’t help it. I have never been so tensed in my entire life. “Manuel are you….?” He paused his words, probably thinking to himself for a few seconds before he looked up at me in a mix of shock and disbelief. “No. No no no. Manuel tell me that what I’m thinking is not true.”

“I’m sorry Alexander, but I think it’s true.” I muttered under my breathe, not able to look at him.

“Fucking hell!!! Manuel how could you?!” He burst out angrily. I had seen that coming. “Not only did you kidnap her against her will, you slept with her too?! And clearly, you both did it without protection, for you to think the baby is yours.”

“It was consensual Alex. Two adults decided to have sex and it’s normal.” I said, trying to sound like I wasn’t extremely worried.

“No, it’s not normal. Manuel, you had a fiancee for crying out loud! That is unlike you! That is unlike Russo men! You know what Nonno would do when he….” He suddenly paused and released some air from his lips. “I think we are going too fast.” He said, trying to calm himself. “I’m sorry if I spoke to you wrongly out of anger.”

“No, I… I deserve to feel the brunt of your anger.” I calmly muttered, actually feeling bad about the outcome of my actions.

“But like I said, we are moving too fast. You can’t just think Bianca’s baby is yours because you both had a fling. Moreover, we are not even sure she is really pregnant. What if she fell victim to a very serious ailment?” He asked, looking concerned. I don’t know why I felt that way, but I just knew Bianca was pregnant and my child grew inside her.

“Trust me Alexander, that child in her belly in mine.” I ground my teeth against each other. “I… I… I was her first.”

“Fucking hell! Manuel!” Alexander’s eyes opened widely. “Jeeezz.” He scratched his stubble in thoughts.

“You said something about asking her to meet Doctor Luigi?”

“Yes?” He replied unsure, probably still trying to absorb the fact that I just said I was Bianca’s first.

“We can ask him…”

“That’s out of the question Manuel. You know he wouldn’t willingly give out information about his patients.” Alexander shook his head in disagreement, but that wasn’t what I was thinking though.

“You talk like you don’t know who we are. We literally have Italy in our palms. What’s a simple information in the database of a hospital, that we can’t get? Who says we need Doctor Luigi to tell us anything, when I can still get the information I need?” I asked rhetorically. “All it takes is a single call to Dito.”




Indeed, all it had taken was a single call and within a couple of hours, I had gotten my answer, waiting for the next. I had instructed Massimo to find Bianca’s current location, but he was yet to give a feedback. Bianca was indeed pregnant and it angered me to no end, that she had tried to keep it away from me.

“What did you expect her to do?” Alexander asked. “You are getting married in a few weeks time!”

“There is no reason why she should keep such information away from me! No matter what!” I yelled back in annoyance. Just then, Massimo walked into the office.

“I’m sorry for not knocking, Don.”

“It’s fine Massimo. Any leads on where she is?”

“Yes Don. I just forwarded the details to you. Indeed, she was in hiding.”

My day had started with shocking informations, and I had proceeded by making decisions I didn’t carefully think through. The only thought that ruled over my mind was my child laying in Bianca’s belly. It was silly of her to think she could runaway with it!

“They found her.” Alexander muttered.

“Massimo.” I called.

“Yes Don.”

“Take a few men with us. We are going there now.” I said, looking at Alexander who looked very displeased.

“No!” He yelled out.

“And why is that?”

“Manuel, you haven’t even thought this through.”

“There is honestly nothing to think about. Your assistant is having my child, but she thought it better to disappear with it? Funny.” I stood up from my seat and took a few steps farther away from him.

“I’ve informed Nonno already.” Alexander muttered, making me stop in my tracks. My eyes widen in shock, a little feeling of fear creeping over me. I turned to him slowly, wanting to believe I had heard him wrongly.

“What did you just say?”

“I’m sorry, but I had to.”

“How could you do that?” I asked, not able to believe that Alex really told our Nonno.

“I’m sorry Manuel, but this matter is more complex than we both think. Nonno would be in a better position to tell us what to do.”

“But I said I know what to do!!” I yelled at him in annoyance and he just sat, shaking his head at me.

“I’m sorry, but you don’t.” He sighed. “Do you even know what you plan to do or say when you get there? No!” He answered his own question. “I don’t want you hurting her either.”

“You think I’m capable of hurting her?!! I would never hurt a woman, more so, the woman carrying my child.”

“I am sorry.” He sighed. “Things are already escalating so fast as it is. There is no need dragging the inevitable.”

“And what is the inevitable?”

“The fact that Nonna has to know about it. There is basically no way we would keep this to ourselves forever, except you plan on making her remain silent about having your baby. You are also getting married to Francesca in a matter of weeks, so whether you like it or not, the earlier we have Nonno’s say on this, the better for us all.”


“Manuel, you already went as far as making a huge mistake. Don’t make it more complex by deciding to act on your own instincts. Whether you accept the fact or not, the child Bianca is carrying would be your first born child, so Nonno definitely needs to have a say. More so, you know he also has the intention of finding her. He definitely will. And when he does, he’ll find out she’s pregnant with your child. You know what would happen after that.”

I felt sweat break out on my neck as I listened to all Alexander had said. Truly, I had made a very big mistake our Nonno had warned us to be weary of, as Russo men. Jeeezz!! I couldn’t even believe all of these were really happening. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, hoping I would wake up from this dream. My affair with Bianca a couple of months back had really brought me to this. Inderd, he was right. It’s better we told Nonno about it, than let him find out by himself. Alexander’s phone began ringing and my heartbeat accelerated.

“Manuel.” He called and I looked up at him. “It’s Nonno.” He held out his phone to me and swallowed hard. It was all really escalating! I slowly took the phone from his hand and answered it.

“Hello.” I managed to sound firm.

“Alexander, I got your message. Put that cousin of yours on the line.” He sounded so cold.

“Nonno, it’s Manuel.”

“Oh, I see.” He muttered. “I would be in Milan in a matter of hours.” He went silent for a few seconds. “Whatever you do, do not return to the estate without Bianca.” He didn’t even let me speak before hanging up the call on me. Already, I knew that I dared not go against him. Bianca had to return home with me, whether she was willing or not.

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