The Mafia Contract Series

Book 4 —C12


I am officially fucked, and not in the usual way. It took all my self-control not to push things with Charlotte. I want her. More than I’ve wanted anyone, and I’m guessing it’s because she’s here. I have never spent so long with a girl before and certainly not one that intrigues me as much as this one does. It’s taking a superhuman effort not to test the water and dive straight in. I know she’s a virgin. Just the embarrassment on her face and the yearning mixed with curiosity in those beautiful eyes tells me that. She almost whimpered when she saw my naked body and I’m sure if I pushed things, she would be in my arms willingly by now.

But the entire time, this mission is controlling me and reminding me she’s not mine to enjoy. She is my angel to sacrifice, and I must remember the stakes are high.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

As the warm jets cleanse the dirt away, I wish it could do the same with my mind. It’s raging with possibilities right now about what I want to do to the English rose currently taking a dip in a gold– plated tub.

Fuck Malik and his family. They make my own seem like trailer trash. I have never seen luxury quite like this and I’m as impressed as Charlotte obviously is. When I saw the huge fucking bed dressed for sin, beckoning me inside, all I could think of was how good her naked body would look writhing in those sheets with my cock buried deep inside her and making her scream.

My cock throbs in agony as I pump it hard because fuck me, this is worse than any torture her psychotic father could conjure up.

I release a steady stream of cum to the floor and watch it escape through the drain and it brings with it a certain sense of release. As I soap my body and shampoo my hair, I try to wrestle my turbulent thoughts under control. However, it’s impossible to do all the time the object of those thoughts is naked on the other side of this screen, relaxing in a deep filled bath of decadent luxury.

This room has all the trappings of a lover’s paradise, and I must endure the most exquisite torture with a woman I am interested in way too much for my own good.

Making sure to give her enough time, I exit the shower and am not surprised to find her wrapped in a silk robe, her hair wet with droplets of water sliding down her face.

It’s just too much and the slight tremble to her lip and the flush to her cheeks are like a powerful magnet as they draw me to her side in a second. As I stand unsure before her, I sense a shift coming that spells trouble for everyone.

To my surprise, she reaches out and touches my chest. “I love your tattoos.”

Such a simple statement that fills me with pride and she points to a dark looking script that lies just above my chest. “What does that mean?”

I look down and say roughly, “It’s Russian for a savage heart.”

As her fingers graze my skin, it’s like the purest torture and she points to another. “And this one?”

She points to a bird in a cage, and I say, “Freedom.”

“But the bird is caged.”

She looks up, and I wince when I see the lust sparkling in her obscenely beautiful eyes.

“It’s a promise of freedom. One day, I will have another image inked to my skin of the cage door open and the bird on the other side.”

“You’re talking about you, aren’t you, Ivan?”

She looks at me with so much sadness and it hurts like hell knowing she’s right. I hate the fact my voice is weaker than normal when I hold her hand against my skin and whisper, “My body is my canvas. It scripts my journey and tells my story to the world. An open book if you like that only I understand the meaning of. One day the story inked on my skin will be a very different one and that is what gets me through the madness.”

She nods and circles a clear patch of skin. “What will you put there?”

I don’t even hesitate. “A beautiful rose.”

She stares up at me in startled surprise and shifts a little closer, her hand reaching behind my neck as she whispers, “Can I ask you for something, Ivan?”

I doubt I can deny her anything right now and I nod before she says hesitantly, “Please, may I steal a kiss?”

She looks worried and the slight break in her voice makes me burn inside and reaching up, I cup both her cheeks in my rough hands and whisper, “Anything for you, princess.”

Our lips connect and as I enjoy my first taste of this woman, I lose every last shred of gallantry I had. She tastes so sweet like I always knew she would and as I suck her lower lip into my mouth and bite down gently on the plump cushion, my cock throbs so hard it physically hurts.

My tongue claims hers and her low moan encourages me in deeper, and as I hold her in my arms, it is possibly the most beautiful moment of my life. She is so innocent. A beautiful angel who has somehow survived what life has thrown at her and approached it with unwavering bravery and curiosity. This is no exception and as her hands lay flat against my chest and she kisses me back, I don’t think I have ever been happier in my life.

As I pull away, I rest my head against hers and whisper, “Thank you.”

“I should be the one thanking you.”

The light amusement in her voice makes me smile and as I make to pull away, I’m surprised when she pulls me back and says with a sigh. “Can I ask you another favor, please?”

My breath hitches as I nod slowly. “Of course.”

“Will you sleep with me, Ivan?”

I stare at her in surprise, and she blushes furiously. “I mean, not like that, it’s just, well, I only feel safe when I’m with you and I’m so tired I don’t think I can keep my eyes open for another second.”

With a small smile, I nod. “Of course. Come, we could both use some sleep.”

It’s strange slipping naked in between the black silk sheets with a woman dressed in a silk robe. I can feel the warm heat from her body as the fabric caresses it and molds her curves. I physically ache to run my hands down the length of her and plunge my fingers inside to touch her sticky wet heat. I know it’s there but is locked away for someone else to discover. Not me. Not the bastard who took her to hell and almost took up permanent residency there. I need to be better for once in my life and do what she’s asking. Protect her because God knows, there is one thing I can never protect her from and that is the madness heading our way that goes by the name Massimo Delauren.

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