The Mafia Contract Series

Book 3 —C28

I’m surprised at how well my father has taken this and when the champagne bottle is empty, Vivian and Flynn head to the kitchen to make coffee and I guess it’s just an opportunity for them to talk. I feel a little nervous as I sit with my father and wonder what’s running through his mind right now.

“Louisa.” The soft tone of his voice makes me glance up in surprise and he pats the seat beside him.

“Come here, honey. I have something to tell you.”

I swear my heart thumps so hard he can hear it, and as I do as he says, I’m surprised when he takes my hand and sighs. “I’m not going to pretend I’m ecstatic about this, but there is only one thing that concerns me.”

I feel a little on edge as he says softly, “You.”


He nods. “When your mother died, I was so afraid for you. I hated that you would grow up never really knowing how strong she was. How amazing and how wise and all of this…” He waves his hand around the room. “Was because of her. She picked me up when I was down and placed me back on track. She was the rock I needed and my best friend. I don’t think she was afraid of anything, and I see a lot of her in you.”

He places his arm around my shoulders and pulls me tight against him, and it’s as if I’m ten years old again.

“I watched you struggle when Crystal came into our lives. She wasn’t half the person your own mother was and yet you tried so hard to welcome her. I understood the yearning you had for a normal family, and I would have done anything to give that to you. When Sienna came along, I was happy you had a sister. You weren’t on your own anymore, and I hoped you’d be friends.”

He laughs ruefully. “I never really expected you to be so different. However, despite her flaws, I know Sienna loves you. She doesn’t show it in the best of ways, but I see it in her eyes. She needs a little more guidance and I’m guessing will marry some schmuck from the valley, but if that’s what makes her happy, then I can’t ask for more.”

I swallow hard because my father has never opened up to me like this and it’s surprising me.

“I was never worried about Sienna’s future quite as much as yours.”

He sighs heavily and squeezes my shoulder. “You are so like your mother. You have strong opinions and don’t tolerate fools easily. I watched you have a hard time compared to Sienna and knew that you would only marry for love. It worried me that you would rather be alone than tolerate any of the guys who came calling and I’m ashamed to admit that I paired you up with Brad in the hope you would grow closer to him.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“You did that?” I’m incensed, and he laughs out loud. “Of course, I did. I thought if I put you two together, you would grow to like him. He is driven, good at business, a little cocky, but I was certain you could deal with that, and I had hoped you would realize you were perfect for one another. I never factored in Flynn V asquez, though, and I saw the looks you shared before the weekend and I’m not stupid. I guessed the meetings were an excuse to spend time with him. I’m not a fool, Louisa. I can tell when I’m being played, and you weren’t as subtle as you think you were.”

This time I laugh out loud and for a second, we share a moment that’s so special I wish it was possible to box it up forever. I love my dad; I always have, and his approval means the world to me.

Then he sighs and pulls me harder against him. “It won’t be easy, though.”

“I know.”

I’m under no illusions about that and ask the burning question on my lips, “Why are you helping him bring your brother down? There must be another reason because it’s not on my behalf.”

Once again, he laughs softly. “You’re sharp, Louisa, and you always have been. No…” He says angrily, “It’s for Vivian. That bastard Wesley ruined her. He damaged her physically, mentally, and ripped out her heart when he stole her son. If I bring Massimo down, I bring him down too and one thing is guaranteed, Wesley will not survive this if I have to pull the trigger myself.”

I’m surprised at the venom in his voice and the anger that surrounds him like a destructive force, and he growls, “We need a man like Flynn. Strong, unafraid, but with his soul edged with honor. He’s far from perfect, but that’s through no fault of his own. I recognize a good man when I see one and he has given me no reason to doubt that opinion I have of him. I see a lot of Vivian in him and not just in his appearance, but I understand those people, honey. Your uncle is one of them. My own family was from the same mold and it runs through my blood too. I may be a respectable businessman now, but inside I am every bit as ruthless. I chose a different life because I could. Flynn is working with what he has, and I can tell he’s got a good heart. You will be the best part of him, like your mother was with me and how would I not give my blessing based on that alone?”

“I love you, daddy.” I hug him so hard he chuckles.

“I love you too, honey.”

We look up as Vivian heads into the room with Flynn close behind, carrying a tray of coffee. I don’t miss his anxious expression and I smile, loving how his eyes pull me in and hold my heart hostage all over again.

Jumping up, I head across and take the tray from him and smile happily, loving the relief on his face as he turns to my father.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Thank me when we rid the world of Wesley V asquez and his best friend.”

I hand a coffee to my father and watch his arm fall around Vivian’s shoulder as she takes my place and snuggles into his side. As I sit beside Flynn, I take his hand and the love in his eyes makes me so happy I almost pinch myself. I never really expected a moment like this. I hoped for a moment like this all my life and never believed it would happen. But it has and now it’s the most important thing in the world to make it count and move on as a family and set Winter free because in achieving that, the chains fall from every last one of us who have been affected by Massimo Delauren and Wesley V asquez.

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