The Mafia Contract Series

Book 2 —C25

It’s as if I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and the minute I’m home, I’m tempted to search for my wife. Despite the shit day I’ve had, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She fills my mind when she has no business being there, and I wonder if it’s because of how brave she was before her family. It struck a chord with me and did something to my heart. It can be the only possible explanation because I don’t do emotion.

All through college, I kept it well hidden. I fucked them and left and never thought anything of it.

Now I’m discovering a different sort of infatuation and I don’t like how it’s controlling me. I can only put it down to how lonely I am. I’ve always had my sister and then my friends. Now I have Roberto and he’s like a fun sponge, so it’s no wonder I’m reading more into this than there is.

Mrs. Bourne greets me and nods as I sweep past her with a quick, “Dinner at seven thirty, as usual, Mrs. Bourne.”

She mumbles politely, “Yes, sir.”Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I take the stairs two at a time and head straight to my room, eager to shower and wash the shit from the day. All I want is a pre-dinner whiskey, a good meal and to finish the night off deep inside my wife after torturing her to her limits. I want to see how far she’ll go before I break her. What will she like and how will she react to the more dangerous aspects of my lovemaking? I’ve always been a man of extremes and love to push boundaries. Will she join me for the ride? I certainly hope so.

Tonight, I will begin her training now we have her virginity out of the way. A necessary moment of tenderness to bring her in line. At least that’s what my head is telling me, but my heart says otherwise. It’s still reeling from the emotion it suffered last night and I’m working out how to play this tonight.

By the time I’ve shrugged on my sweatpants and a tight t-shirt, I’m more like myself as I head off to relax for the first time today.

My heart is thumping as I make the short walk to the dining room, and I wonder if she’s thought of me at all today and whether she is dreading this evening. It hurts me to think she hates me. I wouldn’t blame her if she did but there’s a part of me that wants her to fall in love with me. It would be easier then-for her, anyway because the last thing I want to do is fall in love with her.

She is staring at the fireplace when I head inside, quietly and without announcing my arrival, just so I can catch her in an off–guarded moment. My heart lurches when I see her lavender hair shining against the light of the fire. Tonight, she is wearing a black silk dress with simple jeweled pumps and just seeing the fabric caressing her body, makes me immediately picture all the dirty things I’m going to do to her.

“Hey.” My voice is softer than I wanted, and she startles and turns, her curious eyes looking dreamily in my direction. It’s this side of her I crave. The softness, the vulnerability, the slight hint of sadness mixed with lust when she looks my way. I watch a faint blush stain her cheeks as she swallows hard, and those blue eyes are almost lilac tonight as they reflect the soft lighting.

“Hey.” She bites her soft plump lip as she looks at me nervously and fuck me if I’m not hard in a heartbeat.

I can’t stop myself heading her way and reaching up, sift those silky strands through my fingers.

There’s an urgent need in me to touch any part of her. An aching need I wasn’t expecting.

Her eyes glitter as they hold mine and I’m glad to see no animosity reflected at me. She almost looks happy, and I whisper, “What did you do with your day?”

I’m curious what has made her so happy and as her face lights up, I have an urgent need to find out and she says in a slightly husky voice, “I made a new friend.”

My senses tingle as my heart hardens because what the actual fuck–a friend. I raise my eyes and she smiles so broadly it’s infectious and whispers, “Freya, a little girl who lives on the estate. One of your soldier’s daughters. She is so cute, and we played princesses.”

I don’t know who the fuck she is talking about but anything that makes her happy is fine by me and my heart sighs with relief as I smile. “Then you had a better day than me.”

I’m surprised to see the concern in her eyes, and she shocks me by resting her palm on my cheek and whispers, “Do you want to talk about it?”

Resisting the urge to skip dinner and take her upstairs, I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to even think about it. Let’s eat.”

She drops her hand and nods. “OK.”

As she turns, I’m surprised how much I miss the contact and wonder when I became such a needy bastard and with a sigh, I head to the side table and pour myself a whiskey, saying casually, “Want one?”

“No thanks. I have a glass of champagne.”

“Have you been waiting long?”

“Ten minutes I guess.”

As I head to the table, she regards me through curious eyes, and I drop into my seat and sigh heavily. “It’s good to be home.”

“I guess.” She holds the stem of the glass in her fingers and twirls it thoughtfully and then looks around and drops her voice a little lower.

“Angelo, may we talk?”

“We are.”

The door opens, and she sits a little taller and fixes a bright smile on her face making me wonder what’s happening.

Mrs. Bourne heads inside and sets two dishes of pate on French toast before us and says respectfully, “Can I fetch you anything else, sir?”

“No, that will be all. I’ll text you when we’re ready for the main course.” As I say the words, I wonder if I’ll make it that far and Mrs. Bourne nods and says respectfully, “Of course, sir, ma’am.”

She leaves and I turn back to my wife and as soon as the door closes, I lean forward and say softly, “What’s on your mind.”

For some reason I’m worried about this because what if she asks to change the contract? She still hasn’t given me her final answer yet and I’m nervous about that. I have concluded that a life together without sex is no life at all and I may as well let Massimo finish what he’s threatening to start if she turns down my request.

She looks behind me nervously and my senses are now on high alert. What the fuck is happening?

To my surprise, she stands and moves around the table and sits on my lap, her arms curling around my neck and her tits grazing my chest. I can smell the scent of Jasmine and it assaults my senses as she presses her lips to my ear and whispers, “I think you’re in danger.”

I stiffen in more ways than the one that counts and growl in a low voice, “Why?”

“Freya let slip that her friend overheard more than one conversation between your soldiers at his home in the early hours of the morning.”

My mind is spinning, and I say in a deadly voice, “Tell me what he heard.”

“They were talking about being on the winning side and fighting, or something along those lines.

He said they were playing war but we both know it’s odd. Why would your men meet when everyone is sleeping and talk about such things, unless they don’t want anyone to hear them?”

I wrap my arms around her waist and love how good she fits so naturally in my arms. The fact she’s clever enough not to blurt out her concerns so anyone could overhear, tells me I married a woman who knows her stuff. Then again, she’s lived this life as long as I have and knows how it works, so I’m guessing I should take this seriously and I whisper, “I’ll deal with it.”

She sounds worried as she whispers, “What about Freya’s friend, Max Bailey. I’m so worried about the young boy in all this.”

My arms tighten around her, and I nuzzle her neck as I try to stem the flow of anger this conversation has stirred up.

“Trust me, baby, I’ll work out a way to discover what’s going on without alerting anyone. If he is plotting against me, I can’t promise he won’t be punished but I’ll take care of his son. You have my word on that.”

There is no way in hell I would make the son pays for the sins of his father and yet this isn’t looking good for him. Jasmine is right to be concerned and I thank God she’s my wife because I couldn’t have asked for a better one even if I’d been allowed to choose.

She plants a soft kiss on my lips and pulls back, smiling sadly. “I thought you should know.”

Then she unwraps her arms and slides from my lap, returning to her side of the table and lifts her fork.

“You must be hungry, Angelo, forgive me for burdening you with more problems, especially after the day you’ve had.”

She starts to eat, and I have no words because she couldn’t be more perfect if she tried and I’m struggling to work out what to do about the feelings that have hit me like an out-of-control truck rolling downhill. I am falling in every way possible. My life is unraveling before my eyes, and I am losing the control I crave so much. My business, my position and now my emotions are running away with me and I’m struggling to keep up. I need to get my head back in the game and I know just how I’m going to do that.

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