The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 301



“I can’t believe you would do that, Luke,” my mother spoke, with her arms crossed, and then she treads nigher to me.

“Do what?” I asked, not taking my eyes off her. And yes, I clearly had an idea of what she was talking about, but let’s see how this works out.

“You promised me.”

“Promised you what?”

“That you would help me talk to Catherine.”

“I did?” I raised an eyebrow, still playing dumb around here.

with you

“What the hell is wrong Luke? Why are you acting like this right now?”

“Acting like what?”

My mother let out a frustrated sigh. “It’s going to be ridiculous if we continue to go like this.”

“Then you can just end the conversation.”

“Luke, please just…” she sighed, closing her eyes, and her tone softened. “Please, just help me.”

“Mom,” I said, stepping closer to her, feeling the weight of the conversation settling between us. “I’ll help you talk to Catherine. We’ll figure this out together.”

She looked up at me, a mixture of surprise and gratitude flickering in her eyes. Thank you, Luke,” she whispered, her voice softening.

But before she could say anything else, I knew I had to address what had been nagging at me since the incident with Catherine. I took a deep breath, then plunged ahead. “Mom, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Confusion creased her brow as she waited for me to continue.

“When I found Catherine the other night,” I began, my hands sliding into my


pockets, “a man in a black garment was chasing her. But then, he just stopped and let us go.”

My mother’s expression shifted from confusion to concern in an instant. “A man in a black garment?” she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, watching her closely for any reaction. “Yeah. And… Ariel saw him, too.”

Her silence was deafening as she processed my words; her eyes were clouded with worry. “Do you… do you know who he might be?” I asked cautiously, already dreading her answer.

She continued to stare at me, her silence stretching on uncomfortably.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” I pressed, my own anxiety mounting with each passing second.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she spoke, her voice barely audible. “Luke,

I… I don’t know who he is.”

I frowned, studying her carefully. Something didn’t add up, and her reaction only fueled my suspicions. “Mom, you’re not telling me something,” I insisted, my tone pleading now. “Please, whatever it is, just tell me.‘

She hesitated, her gaze dropping to the floor, before meeting mine again. “I… I’ll tell you everything, Luke,” she promised, her voice barely a whisper. “But not here.

Not now.”

I wanted to push her further, to demand answers then and there, but I could see the fear etched into her features. Whatever she was hiding, it was big.

“Whatever it is, we can work this out together. I have a feeling you know this. person. So please, just tell me who he is. I don’t want something bad to happen to us later on. It’s better we get the whole situation done as soon as possible.”

“Luke, you shouldn’t be stressing yourself out over this,” my mother sighed, her voice softening as she placed a hand on my shoulder. “You shouldn’t be getting yourself involved.”

“Why not?” I demanded, my voice rising. I locked eyes with her, searching for answers. “Is.. is he going to kill me if I get involved?”

“No, Luke, 10,” she reassured me, her voice trembling slightly. “But the man in the


garment–he’s very dangerous.”

“Why was he chasing Catherine then?” I pressed, my heart racing with each passing second.

My mother shook her head, turning her face away. “I can’t tell you, not yet.”

“Why not? When will the time come?” I pushed, feeling the frustration building

inside me.

“Luke, please,” she pleaded, her eyes pleading for me to drop the subject.

But I couldn’t–not now, not when I knew there was more to the story. “Mom, I need to know,” I insisted, my voice wavering with emotion.

“Please, put an end to this conversation,” she whispered, and her voice was barely audible over my heart pounding.

“If you’re not going to tell me, then I don’t think I should be helping you with your conversation with Catherine.”

“Are you serious?”

“I’m goddamn serious,” I replied firmly, my frustration boiling over as my mother continued to withhold crucial information about the man in the garment.

She looked at me surprised, her eyes widening in disbelief. “Luke, why are you so curious about this man?” she exclaimed, her voice rising with anger.

“Why?” I shouted back, feeling the weight of my emotions crashing down on me. Because I want to protect my people! I want to protect you, Mom, and everyone else. in our community!”

We stood there, facing each other in silence, the tension thick in the air. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my breaths coming in ragged gasps as I struggled to control my emotions.

Closing my eyes, I softened my voice barely above a whisper. “I just want to protect my loved ones, Mom,” I confessed, the weight of my words hanging heavily.

between us.

My mother’s expression softened, her face turning sad as she whispered, “I understand, Luke. But I still can’t tell you.”


A wave of disappointment washed over me, mingled with a sense of resignation. ” I’m sorry, Mom,” I said, my voice catching in my throat as I fought back tears. “I just… I can’t stand by and do nothing.”

She sniffled, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears. “It’s okay, Luke,” she said softly, her voice filled with sorrow. “If you’re not going to help me talk to Catherine, I understand. And I’m sorry for everything.”

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me feeling a pang of guilt in the pit. of my stomach. I watched her go, knowing that despite our differences, we both wanted the same thing: to protect our loved ones at any cost. But why was she hiding this from me? This was clearly not right.

I fixed my hands on my waist, watching my mother’s retreating figure with a mix of frustration and concern. Just as I was about to turn away, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Jack’s name flashing on the screen. With a sigh, I answered the call.

“Hey, Jack,” I said, trying to keep the tension out of my voice.

“Hey, sir,” Jack replied, his voice slightly muffled through the phone. “Where are you? We’ve got some unexpected guests at the office, and they’re asking for you.”

“Unexpected guests?” I repeated, furrowing my brow. “Isn’t it a bit early for that?”

“Yeah, it caught us off guard too,” Jack admitted. “But they seem eager to discussi new projects with us.”

I glanced at the clock on my phone. It was indeed earlier than usual for such meetings. “Alright, I’ll head over right away.”

“Great, I’ll let them know you’re on your way.”

As he started to say something else, I cut him off, whispering to myself, “Oh, these guys.”

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing,” I quickly replied, not wanting to delve into my inner thoughts over the phone. “Don’t worry about it. Just entertain the guests for now, and I’ll be there shortly.”



“Okay, sir,” Jack responded, his tone indicating he sensed my hesitation but chose not to push further. “I’ll see you soon.”

I ended the call and stuffed my phone back into my pocket.

“Luke Reynold,” my great–aunt uttered, walking down the stairs.

302: FAITH


Sitting down in silence, I couldn’t help but steal glances at the woman beside me. Her lips moved silently in prayer, and her eyes closed in fervent devotion. Memories flooded my mind as I watched her, reminding me of a time when I had been in the hospital and a woman next to me had prayed with the same unwavering faith.

Finally, the woman finished her prayer, and I seized the opportunity to strike up at conversation. “How was it?” I asked softly, and my curiosity piqued.

The woman turned to me, her brow furrowing in confusion. “How was what?”

“Your prayer,” I clarified, gesturing toward her folded hands.

Understanding dawned on her face, and she smiled gently. “Oh, it was comforting. It always helps to turn to God in times of need.”

I nodded thoughtfully, contemplating her words. “Do you really believe prayer changes anything? Does it solve the problem?” I couldn’t help but voice the doubts swirling in my mind.

The woman chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with warmth. “Yes, I do. God always watches over us from Heaven and listens to our prayers. He may not always give us what we want, but He knows what’s best for us.

“But if God will always protect us, then why did my little son die?” I blurted out, unable to contain the pain and confusion that still lingered within me.

so sorr

The woman’s expression softened, and she gently squeezed my hand. “I’m for your loss, dear. I don’t know your little son, but I believe that God has a reason for everything. Sometimes, we may not understand His plan, but we have to trust in His wisdom.”

“Trust?” I echoed, feeling a bitter taste in my mouth. “How can I trust in a God who took away my innocent child?”

The woman’s gaze never wavered as she met my eyes. “It’s all about trust, faith, and patience,” she said softly. “God sees the bigger picture, even when we can’t. And in time, He will bring healing and

comfort to your heart.”

I let her words sink in, a part of me resisting while another part longed for the peace she seemed to possess. Maybe she was right. Maybe there was a solace to be found in surrendering to something greater than myself,

After a moment of silence, I turned to the woman again, curiosity nagging at me. Do you pray regularly to God, especially when you’re broken?” I asked softly, hoping to understand her unwavering faith better.

The woman chuckled softly, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of peace, “Yes, I do,” she replied gently. “God has made it clear to me that we should always pray and have trust in Him.”

I furrowed my brow, remembering a moment earlier when she had been crying about her husband going to the hospital. “But earlier, you were crying about your husband,” I pointed out. “Why didn’t you just pray to God immediately?” NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

She smiled warmly, her gaze unwavering. “I’m only human,” she explained softly.” Fears and doubts may come at times, but that’s where the Lord comes in. He wants us to stop thinking and worrying too much and instead call on Him and lean on His everlasting arms.”

“But why cry first?” I pressed, still grappling with the concept of surrendering to


e woman’s expression softened, and her voice was gentle. “Because bad things might happen to us, but trusting in God is always the best.”

I nodded slowly, her words resonating within me. Perhaps there was wisdom in surrendering to something greater than myself, even in the midst of pain and uncertainty. As I gazed at the woman

beside me, a sense of peace washed over me, and I found myself nodding in agreement.

It didn’t take long before a nurse approached us with a bright smile. “Excuse me, miss. You’re the one whose husband was rushed here due to a heart attack, right?”

The woman next to me’s eyes widened with hope as she nodded eagerly. “Yes, I am. Is there news about my husband?”

The nurse beamed. “Yes, he’s all better now. We were able to stabilize him after the

heart attack..

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