The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Late in the night, as the city outside my window settled into a hushed slumber, a heavy sound echoed through the hallways of the apartment building. Startled from my restless sleep, | sat up in bed, the sound reverberating in my ears.

| hesitated for a moment, the confusion and unease that had gripped me over the past few hours flooding back. The sound persisted, growing louder and more urgent

With a sigh, | slipped out of bed and, shrouded in my robe, shuffled down the hall to my front door. | opened it cautiously, revealing the disheveled. and weary figure of Timothy standing outside, attempting to shove his keys in his apartment door.

“Timothy?” | whispered, shock and concern washing over me. He looked like he was ready to fall apart. His disheveled hair, wrinkled clothes, and the distant look in his eyes said it all.

Timothy's gaze met mine, and there was a fleeting glimpse of surprise before he quickly masked his emotions. “Evie,” he muttered, his voice slurred. “It’s late.”

The scent of alcohol wafted from him, and it was evident where he'd been in the past day.

| walked over and grabbed his keys for him, unlocking his door before guiding him inside. He stumbled slightly, his shoes dragging along the carpet. “Come on,” | said softly, my concern deepening. | guided him to the couch, where he sank heavily into the cushions.

Emergency calls only

Chapter 190

“Are you okay?” | asked, my voice filled with worry as | sat down beside him.

Timothy ran a hand through his disheveled hair and sighed. “I’m fine, Evie. Just needed to clear my head,This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

| didn’t believe him for a moment. The emptiness in his eyes and the way he had turned to alcohol for solace were signs of a deeper turmoil. | had known Timothy long enough to see through his facade.

“Timothy,” | said gently, “you don’t have to pretend with me. | can see that you're hurting.”

He looked at me, and for a moment, the anger that had simmered beneath the surface for so long flickered in his eyes. “What do you care, Evie? You're not a part of this mess.”

| couldn't deny the truth in his words. | wasn’t a part of his world, his family’s political and personal turmoil, but | couldn’t bear to see him in such distress. | couldn’t simply turn my back on him now.

Timothy, | may not be a part of your family, but | care about you,” | said with conviction. “You're a friend, and your mother just died, so now I’m here.” He looked away, his jaw clenched. “I appreciate that, Evie. But there’s something | need to know.”

| watched him, curious about what could be troubling him so deeply. “Ask me anything. Timothy took a deep breath and faced me with a hard gaze. “Did you release the information about Stella’s affair?”

His question caught me off guard. | had expected a conversation about his mother, not this. “No, Timothy,” | said, shaking my head. “I didn’t release.

Emergency calls only Chapter 190 any information about Stella’s affair. | don’t know how it ended up in the media.”

He continued to scrutinize me, and | could see the turmoil in his eyes. “I have to know, Evie. | need to understand what’s happening.”

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“Timothy, | don’t have the answers you're looking for,” | said. “But I’m worried about what Andy and Stella might do next. They're probably not going to let this slide easily.”

He nodded, his expression weary. “I know. That’s what scares me. They can be ruthless when their interests are threatened.”

| reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “We need to be careful, Timothy. | don’t want to see you get hurt in all of this.” He leaned back against the couch, exhaustion etched across his face. “Evie, there’s so much | need to figure out, but it's all too much.” “Timothy,” | said gently, “you don’t have to face this alone. I’m here for you, and I'll help in any way | can. You're not alone in this.”

“| know,” he started to smile ever so slightly. His eyes began to glisten. “Evie, you don’t have to be afraid of Stella or Andy, or anyone, anymore.”

His words hung in the air, catching me off guard. | clamped my mouth shut, unsure of how to respond.

He turned to me, his eyes searching mine. “You've always been there for me. Evie. Through all of this, you’ve been a true friend. | won't let anyone. hurt you. Not even me.”

| was taken aback by his words and the sincerity with which he spoke. | start to feel my lips tremble. Emergency calls only Chapter 190

“Timothy,” | began, my voice soft, “I appreciate that, but | don’t want to see you get hurt either.”


He reached out, his fingers gently brushing against my arm. In the dim light, his eyes held a vulnerability | had never seen before. “Evie, I’m done letting fear control my life. I’ve already lost my mother. | can’t lose you.”

Before | could respond, he pulled me into a sudden and unexpected hug. | was momentarily surprised, feeling the warmth of his embrace, the sincerity of his emotions. The tension that had built up over the past days seemed to dissipate in that single moment.

| let him have the moment, tangled in his arms, feeling the thud of his heart against mine. It was a moment of vulnerability and connection, a shared. understanding of the chaos that had engulfed our lives.

Timothy's embrace was comforting, and | couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. Relief, gratitude, and an undeniable affection for the man who had stood by me through it all. | wanted to stay in that moment, to hold onto the fragile bond we had, but | knew that exhaustion was taking its toll on him.

His breathing became slow and even, and | realized that Timothy had fallen asleep. Gently, | disentangled myself from his embrace, carefully placing a blanket over him. As | watched him sleep, | couldn’t help but feel a sense of conflict within me.

In the darkness of my room, | found myself whispering to the silence, words meant only for me. “Timothy, you may have captured my heart again.”

| had kept my feelings for him hidden, locked away in the deepest recesses of my heart. The complications of our professional lives and the secrets we had uncovered had kept me at a distance. But the raw honesty he had shown me had shaken the walls | had built around my emotions.

My words hung in the air, a confession spoken into the void. They were words that | had never intended to say out loud, words | had fought to keep hidden for years. But now, as | confronted the truth of my own heart, | couldn’t deny the depth of my feelings for Timothy.

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Leaving his apartment quietly, | closed the door behind me and walked down the dimly lit hallway. As | returned to my own apartment, a sob escaped my lips. No matter how many times | mended it, it seemed like the dam in me was ready to break.

Once again, | found myself torn in my priorities. SEND GIFT


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