The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden)

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Sophie’s pov

“Oh my gosh Mr. Harrighton, I am so sorry,” I rushed out and grabbed my napkin, and got up to walk

over to Aiden and Ashton so I can wipe his hands.

Aiden looked like he was fighting hard to not laugh while Ashton on the other hand giggled loudly.

The chair makes a sharp noise when Sergio rises to his feet and pushes it back. His face is tight with

irritation and he looks ready to scowl at Ashton but decided against it and scowled at me instead.

“You must not have trained him properly,” Sergio snaps, taking the napkin he just wiped with his mouth,

to now wipe his expensive suit and face.

I stopped wiping Ash’s hands and froze. Sergio could say anything about me and to my face but I

refuse to make him speak ill like that about Ashton.

Straightening my spine I looked at the disgruntled man.” My son is not a dog. He can’t be ‘trained.’

Sergio is surprised by my words and he isn’t the only one. Aiden is looking at me with a stunned

expression but then a proud smile emerged on his face, making me feel a bit giddy that I made him


Sergio whose face twisted with displeasure, dropped the napkin on the table messily and scowled at

me. “It seems I’m not in the mood for breakfast anymore. I’ll see myself out.”

Fixing his tie, he looked at Ashton and said. “I’ll see you some other time, hopefully then you’d have

more manners. As for you Aiden, I’ll speak to you soon.”

He doesn’t wait for a response, just walks away. When he closes the door behind him with a slight

bang, I looked at Aiden horrified by what just happened.

Had I screwed up everything?

“Aiden, I’m so sorry. About the breakfast and everything else afterward. “I rushed out and reached out

for Ashton.

Aiden’s brow lifted and amusement flashed in his eyes. ” You shouldn’t be apologizing Sophie.

Everything was perfect, you got rid of him. If anything, you should’ve done more,” Aiden snorted and

rose to his feet. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

I shook my head. “He hates me even more now.”

I looked down at Ashton and winced. “And Ash threw the eggs on his expensive suit,” I groaned. “Can

he press charges?” I asked with a bit of fear.

Aiden looks at me for a few, trying to see if I had grown another head or two before laughing loudly

while holding his belly.

“It’s not funny Aiden! He looked really angry and I’m scared. “I admitted with a huff, glaring at his

laughing face.

He wasn’t taking this seriously. Sergio looked annoyed as hell and angry too. Who knows what that old

man had in mind when he left?

Aiden sensing the fear trembling in my voice finally took me

seriously and ceased his laughing fit. He eats up the distance between us and put both his hand out to

cup my face.

“Hey, I’ll not let him do anything to you or Ashton, okay? I’ll protect you both,” He promised with

honesty in his voice.

Hearing the honesty and the way he looked down at me, I calmed down, nodding slightly.

His lips tug up into an amused smile. ” Now you have to admit that Ashton throwing the scramble eggs

at his suit was the highlight of the morning. Never had I ever seen such

displeasure on Sergios’ face before. It was the best thing to witness,”

I shook my head but couldn’t help but smile. It was funny the way Sergio jumped back a little when the

eggs smacked on his suit and face. He wasn’t expecting it but no one was.

“Aiden it’s really not funny, “I huffed with a lie but couldn’t help but giggle. ” His face was funny wasn’t

it?” I snorted.

Aiden nods, chuckling and pinched his son’s cheeks. “You my little bugger are one of the best things to

ever be in my life.” His eyes snapped up and connected with mine.” The other is your mother,” He

whispered truthfully.

I sucked in a very sharp breath, his words causing my heart to leap many times. I don’t know how to

react or how to answer him. Especially when I can feel those walls I built around my heart crumbling

little by little.

My hands are fumbling to place them back but I can’t, not when he’s staring at me with such strong


So I did what I do best, I avoid his gaze and asked. “Are you going to get ready to head to the office


I turned around, chewing on my bottom lip while waiting for his answer. I have no clue where I am

heading. Or what I’m supposed to do when he goes to work.

Would I have to stay in his penthouse or would he drop me back at the apartment?

“Office? I’m the boss Sophie, I don’t have to show up if I don’t want to. I can work from here. ” Aiden

snorted behind me. “It will be the three of us today mama bear. All my attention is on you two today and

no one else.”

Aiden had made a promise to have his attention only on Ashton and me today and he didn’t go back on

his word. He spent every second of his time, talking with me and playing with Ashton. It was comforting

and kind of strange seeing this side of him.

But when Ashton fell asleep and Aiden went to tuck him in, I grew a bit anxious. It was already six in

the afternoon and by the looks of it, I would be staying the night. Well, Ash and I


This wasn’t the apartment where the girls could barge in at any time. No. This was Aiden’s penthouse

and now that Ashton was asleep, we were now left alone.

I busied myself with washing the plátes that were dirty from the ordered food we just ate.

“He even sleeps like me,” Aiden joked when he returned, a

huge beam on his face. It made me smile.

“He got everything from you. ” I voiced with a small pout on my lips.

Aiden chuckles and approaches me.” Well, that’s not true. He got your tiny cute ears. He also does that

twitchy thing you do with your nose. And let’s not forget how red his cheeks get when he smiles or

laughs, he also got that from you.”

I stopped scrubbing the plate and set it down in the water as turn to Aiden with a stunned expression.

“You noticed.” I breathed out in shock. These were little things. How did he notice them?

Aiden steps closer until I could feel his body heat. He looks down at me with such vulnerability that I’m

shocked that this was the same Aiden years ago.

“I always noticed Sophie. Those words I said to you when I was down on one knee….I meant them.

Every single one of them.” He confessed, his hands reaching up to tuck a few stray hairs behind my


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