The Genius Delta

Chapter 10 - Persephone

Chapter 10 - Persephone

I will blame the mate bond, and it was screwing my emotions. It’s the only explanation I have for my

strong reactions to things that are not me. There was a logical reason he went by Weaver at the office.

And it makes a lot of sense. People would treat him differently if they knew he was Silvercloud.

For example, Reed would undoubtedly have a 180 change of attitude. He’s damn lucky Jonathan is as

easygoing as Kurt and Isis said. I can’t imagine any other boss, undercover or not, would accept that

kind of treatment. And while it might make jerks like him rethink their treatment of Jonathan, it would

also make bitches like Mila fawn over him more than they already do.

That girl was getting on my last nerve. At least THREE times after lunch, she “accidentally” came to our

lab and needed directions. Every time I had to clench my jaw not to speak or growl or, more likely, snarl

at the bitch. It’s good that I heal because I’ve dug my nails into my palms in sheer frustration. Each time

Jonathan was polite and reminded her to use the map on her tablet.

That worked the first two times to get her to leave. But this last time, she ‘forgot’ her tablet. I’ve seen

how low some horny bitches will go to try and get in bed with a guy, especially one with any authority.

Jonathan may not have been born a Delta, but he has the aura, and this bitch knows he is a ranked

wolf. And he’s not marked, and we are at work, so I can’t just tell her he’s mine, and if she doesn’t back

off, I’ll rip her throat out.

“Mila, you know how to get to Reed’s lab. You’re intelligent enough to navigate independently if you got

an internship here. You have other talents enabling you to sniff out Reed’s lab. He is, after all, on the

chemist floor.” Jonathan subtly told her she was a fucking werewolf and needed to use her nose to find

her lab if her navigational skills were that shitty.

I smirked, taking his remark as a win for me.

Mila tittered like some airhead and touched his arm. “Oh, Jonny, you’re too funny.”

I could feel Sara inching forward, eager to cut a bitch. I was a half-second from getting off my stool and

killing her. Jonathan, however, frowned at Mila and pulled his arm back, taking a step away from her.

“Mila, your behavior is very unprofessional.” He sighed.

“This is your first day here, and I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. But touch me again or

‘accidentally’ show up in my lab, and I will report you to the HR department for harassment.” His tone

and posture took on a more authoritative vibe.

Okay, it’s hot when he gets authoritative. I’m guessing this is his Delta mode. While I was getting turned

on, Mila blinked as she realized he was serious. She may not know he’s mine, but she better realize

he’s off fucking limits to her greedy paws. It’s time she got the memo.

“Of course, sorry, it’s just my nature.” Mila apologized, and I don’t believe a fucking word of it. “I

promise I’ll be more discreet at the office.”

Yep there it was. Jonathan sighed and folded his arms, shaking his head. I knew Mila wasn’t going to

realize he was off-limits.

“No. You will not bother me at all. I have a girlfriend and am not interested in you or anyone else. Now,

leave my lab before I file a complaint with HR.” He pointed to the door.

I managed not to look smug when Mila pouted as she quietly exited the lab. He called me his girlfriend,

and I could feel the smile I was fighting to win as soon as the door closed. I wanted to jump up and kiss

him, but I knew I couldn’t. Not here, and it sucks. I’ll have to wait till after work.

“Girlfriend, huh?” I arched an eyebrow as I watched him return to his workstation.

“Something like that. It’s new but very serious.” He smirked as he glanced over his shoulder at me.

He is too adorable for words. His beard may hide his blush, but I could see his ears turning pink. I

smiled back, certain I was blushing too.

“Good to know. We… should get back to work. Only a few more hours till we can clock out.” I cleared

my throat needing the distraction of work, before I acted recklessly and got us both in trouble.

‘He’s the owner. I don’t think he can get in trouble.’ Sara pointed out.

‘He still should abide by the rules he expects his employees to follow. Plus, I don’t want some creep NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

watching the security footage to see us in a compromising position.’ I countered.

“Yeah… we probably should.” He agreed, licking his lips, and damn the look he was giving me as me

blushing brighter.

I quickly turned around to focus on rendering a model for the med-bot we were working on. This is

going to be the most frustrating summer of my life. I’m not sure I will survive a summer in this lab with

him working but unable to touch him. His scent has me on edge at all times, and I feel one or both of us

will break sooner than later.

I would never have dreamed I’d be more excited to leave a Silvercloud lab than I was to arrive. Yet

here I am, eagerly shutting down my laptop, itching to get out of this building and somewhere I can

touch my mate and not get in trouble. I was tapping my nails on the desk as I waited for my laptop to

shut down when I felt him. He wasn’t touching me, but he was close enough that I could feel the pull of

the bond.

“Impatient to go home, Persephone?” He taunted in a low husky voice that sent a shiver down my


“No more impatient than you, Jonny.” I teased, smiling when the computer finally finished shutting

down. “Now, let’s get out of here.”

“Here I thought working at Silvercloud was your dream. Wouldn’t think you’d be in a rush to leave.” He

chuckled as he locked up his lab, and we headed for the elevator.

“What can I say? There’s something equally as interesting waiting for me after work.” I shrugged as we

stepped into the elevator.

I wasn’t surprised to find a few employees already inside. What annoyed me was that some of them

gave Jonathan a wary look. I get that he has caused some mishaps in the office, but he’s a brilliant

scientist. You don’t create the mind-blowing things he does on the first try. Being a scientist means

experimentation, and sometimes that has dangerous side effects.

Thankfully when the elevator stopped on Mila’s floor, we were too full to fit her and Reed. As we

reached the first floor, I started to walk for the doors but stopped as I realized Jonathan wasn’t with me.

I furrowed my brow and turned to find him. He was standing off to the side with a very tall professional-

looking woman.

They weren’t talking, at least not verbally. They were using sign language. I know Italian Sign

Language because of Amelia Furlan of Madonie, but American Sign Language is as different as

English is from Italian. So I couldn’t understand what the woman was saying to him. I only assumed it

was about me as she glanced in my direction, and I felt like I was being weighed, measured, and

judged on if I was worthy.

“Persy? What are you standing around for? Don’t you have to go home?” Mila interrupted me, trying to

follow what they were saying.

“Persephone. My name is Persephone. Call me anything else, and I’ll show you how we treat uppity

bitches in Incubi.” I growled.

That got her attention. I don’t know what pack she’s from, but obviously, the infamy of Incubi has

reached there because she looked scared.

“I was only trying to be friendly. No need to bite my head off.” Mila held her hands up and looked at

Jonathan. “I guess that must be his girlfriend. It’s ridiculous when one of our kind dates a human. It’ll

never work.” She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. “You have no idea who that woman is or her relationship to him. You shouldn’t jump to

conclusions like that.”

“Whatever. She’ll get the same message I’m about to give you. Jonny’s mine, so back off.” Mila


“Are you saying he’s your mate? Because his attitude towards you says, you aren’t.” I shook my head

at her gull.

“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have him. So stay out of my way.” She warned me by gripping my

arm tightly to try and make her point.

“Touch me again, and I’ll rip your arm off and shove it up your ass.” I smiled as I delivered a threat of

my own and yanked my arm away from her grip.

“Ready to head out, Persephone?” Jonathan interrupted us before Mila could say something.

“Yes. Let’s go.” I agreed, giving Mila the stink eye.

“Wait, Jonny, are you giving her a ride to her the temporary residences Silvercloud offered interns from

out of town?” Mila asked, obviously angling to get in my way.

“Nope. Persephone is staying with one of my friends. So I told him I’d drive her to and from work.”

Jonathan explained. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we should go.”

“But, maybe you could drop me off? I don’t want to take an uber if I don’t have to.” Mila put herself

between us.

‘Let me out. I’ll put this bitch in her place.’ Sara growled as I barely managed to contain her.

“No can do. Beyond that, I don’t want you in my car. We are going in the opposite direction of the

company’s temporary housing.” Jonathan shrugged, ducking around her to come to my other side.

“Look, a company-paid uber van is waiting with some other interns. If you hurry, you’ll be able to get a

ride.” Jonathan pointed to a minivan waiting at the curb outside the office with some other interns

getting inside.

Mila huffed and didn’t look at all happy.

“Maybe next time, then. We’ll have lunch tomorrow. Bye, cutie.” She winked.

I swear if Jonathan hadn’t held my arm, I’d have lost it and decked her.

“Not interested! Maybe some of your fellow interns will eat lunch with you.” Jonathan called out, which

caught the attention of at least three of the guys in the intern program.

“Deep breaths,” Jonathan whispered as we entered the parking garage.

I nodded and tried to do what he suggested. Mila just pissed me off, and I want to go back out there

and pummel her. “Sorry… she just…” I grumbled.

“I know. That girl is one of those bitches. I’ve not dealt with one of them before. I’ve seen Logan and

John deal with them in the past. Logan would have sent her packing in a cruel and humiliating fashion.”

He snickered at whatever memory popped into his head.

“I remember when he first met Aurelia, Jenna was waiting for him naked in his office. He made her take

the walk of shame out of the packhouse naked and burned his chair.” He shook his head.

I wrinkled my nose and remembered the night we arrived at Alec’s villa and saw Beatrice leaving in

lingerie. I felt nauseous just thinking about it. I felt even worse thinking about Mila trying to dress like

that or pull off anything similar to Jonathan. But more than sick, I was angry, and the urge to go back

out there and find her was bubbling inside me.

“Get your wolf in check,” Jonathan whispered. “Now stop thinking about someone of no importance.

And instead, take a look at my ride.” He suggested turning me to face a parking spot.

I was about to protest with him, but all words left me as I looked at the car in front of me. I don’t know

what kind of car I expected him to have, but a 1965 Aston Martin DB5 in midnight blue convertible was

NOT one of them. I have a deep-rooted love of cars because my papa and I were gearheads. And we

both liked the James Bond films, so standing in front of the same model car from the movies made me


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