The Fated Match


The fact that he had the same tattoo as me was interesting enough but I needed him to leave so that I could get on with my training.

“All you students are way too boring isn’t sport supposed to be fun” he had the audacity to say as he pulled himself out of the pool.

His back emerged with many different tattoos covering his back.

I tried to not openly stare but I am a girl.

” not when you pay £8 grand” one of the guys muttered. To which the guy just shrugged his shoulders. Jenny rushed to his side with a towel and his clothes.

As the guy dried himself off I finally realised why he looked so familiar.

Turns out he couldn’t just annoy me in a public place he had to literally come to my work and annoy me further.

” he dropped me off I’m sorry” she apologised again for her brother who literally couldn’t give a fuck. Don’t you need to have clearance to get in here.

I tried not to stress out. I turned to the students and started guiding them through todays training.

These students were going to be trying out for the championships so they needed to up their game.

I watched from the corner of my eye as Jenny shoved her brother out the door. The girls didn’t spend the whole session staring at him they actually listened to me as I gave them advise.

” guys you have to do some endurance training, if you want to do the long distance” I said when we were finishing up.

Everyone had the technique but they need to work on other areas so that they can have an advantage over other competitors.

” I’ve arranged for you to do training with Jackson and his team” I had managed to text with Jackson and arrange for them to train with the team. Jackson although can be annoing he is quite helpful.

Jenny has a keeper on her hands.

The girls on the other hand need to work on their technique, bryony is actually the best and they could take a lesson or two from her. No matter how annoying she is.

“it baffles me how you girls don’t know eachother on a deeper level. You girls should go out together, get to know eachother” I said to them as they got changed after showering.

My swimming team back home, we were a family and spent every waking moment together.

” we do know eachother” bryony defends the team but I can tell that it wasn’t something that everyone agrees with,

I glanced at Melissa who rolled her eys at her comment ” Bryony , I love you but you don’t even know that I’m your boyfriend sister” bryony stared at Melissa in shock.

Well I’ve just proven a point.

The girls continued to talk about the problem. Mel and bryony were finally understanding eachother.

” you’re the captain jenny, organise something it will help everyone” I said pulling her to the side.

Jenny isn’t the best swimmer not in a long shot but the girls and guys listen to her and value her opinion so she is perfect for captain.

Jenny rushed over to the girls as I left the room to head to the office.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out to my car to head home since I was going shopping with the girls from the centre. Michelle was a gym instructor at the gym within this sports centre and Tina was my assistant who worked partime.

I opened up my suitcase and plucked out a red and black tracksuit with my white trainers. I quickly straightened my black hair and ran out to my car again so that I wouldn’t be late.

Tina offered to drive us and I wasn’t one to complain when she pulled up to my driveway with an all black Range rover

Tina offered to drive us and I wasn’t one to complain when she pulled up to my driveway with an all black Range rover.

Even though she was only an assistant she is really into trading which gives her a lot more money.

” plug yourself in ” she said handing me the aux cord when I sat in the front seat. I grabbed my phone from my bag and connected my phone instantly opening up spotify.

My music is something I am very proud of, I always have the best playlists.

My last boyfriend was a music producer and he would always invite me to those big events.

” Ryan maybe the boss man but he is just a good man you know, he is also really easy to get along with” michelle said as she drove out to the city.

With the way she was talking about ryan I kind of guessed that she had a crush on him.

” don’t look at me like that” she hit me on the shoulder. I laughed, I wasn’t even looking at her that much. She just doesn’t want us to know but we already do.

Michelle only laughed behind us.

We have nothing against her and ryan becoming something but don’t try and hide it because were not stupid.

Luckily for her we had arrived at the shopping centre. I was actually impressed that she parked the car so quickly and in such a confined space.

I struggle to get my BMW in such small spaces.

I was excited to buy some new stuff since I gave a lot of my clothes to my sister when I left. I needed more clothes for work since I couldn’t be caught wearing the same clothes more than once.

” omg look at that dress” Tina said in awe as we passed a dress in the window of a boutique. We followed her inside and let her have a browse. I may not have everyday clothes but I have enough dresses to last me a long ass time.

Michelle had to literally push her into the dressing room since she was undecided. She had her eye of this red slip dress that would be perfect for her date with ryan.

Future dates with ryan more like.

” oh girls I love it” she said openijg up the curtain so that we could look. Tina had an amazing body with gorgeous long legs so this dress suited her to a T.

It wasn’t long before Tina was walking out the shop with a bag in her hand.

She spent £90 on a dress and it didn’t impact her in the slightest.

If only it was as easy as all of us to spent that much money on one item and not be impacted at al.

We each did a fair share of shopping, I was able to find a few nice shoes and different styles of clothing from various shops.

We ended our evening with a nice meal at nandos since we all wanted chicken. I knew I would have to make my healthy meals tomorrow.

I’m not against eating unhealthy foods I just think you need a good balance and also you need to live healthy lifestyle through exercise of any sort.

Arriving back at home I had just finished going through my shopping when I realised that I had run out of toilet paper.

Out of everything I bought for the house toilet roll was the only think I lacked.

I searched on google for the nearest shop that was still open and luckily there was a Tesco extra down my road.

I slipped on my trainers and left the house.

It didn’t take me long to get to tesco, luckily it wasn’t that busy which meant that I can get home sooner than later.

But my night turned sour when I noticed Jenny’s brother standing in the fruit aisle. He wore a simple black hoodie paired with jeans and black vans.

For once he wasn’t being cocky he was actually being normal for once in his life.

Buying fruit.

I made my way over to the cleaning supplies and grabbed a pack of toilet role that cost me under £5. I wasn’t going to spend more than that anyway.

I was relieved to be walked outside again passing two ladies who looked around 40-50 years old. They wore beanies on their heads as they held hands.

So cute, they must be a couple or something.

I was close to the main road when I heard a deafeaning bang ring out in the area.

It felt like slow motion as I turned my head back to the sliding doors of the store and witnessed people running out of the store.

I raced over to the sliding doors.

“what happened, what was that sound” I asked in disbeleiefe as I thought of the oworst.

It coldnt be right.From NôvelDrama.Org.

” I’m not sure, it sounded like a gunshot but I don’t know I had headphones in” a younger boy rushed out. He had his headphones dangling down his chest.

A woman rushed over to the doors but wa stopped by a man who held her firmly in place.

“no no you have to let me in my baby is in there” she cried out as she watched in horror as numerous police cars and ambulanced pulled up.

I could not believe that this was actually happening.

I jumped up and looked through the doors and noticed a small boy bent down in the sweet aisle.

That has to be her son.

Ignoring the police’s warning for us to stay away I ran inside not thinking about the danger that could greet me.

I ran over to the little boy who was oblivious to what was going on.

” kid you cant be in here” I said picking the little guy up and running to the end of the isle.

I peeked around the corner and noticed a man being restrained by two police officers. I couldn’t be sure if we were all aout of danger so I rushed over to the door when another shot went off.

The little boy immediately burst into cries but was soon smothered in his mothers kisses when I reached them.

My heart was racing from that experience but I couldn’t see any signs of jenny’s brother. He must still be in there.

” miss you can’t run in there it’s dangerous please wait here” a police officer pushed me back outside.

Yeah I was totally about to deck a police officer until I noticed the two ladies from earlier. They were being carried out by two big police officers.

Well that’s unexpected.

Behind them was Jenny’s brother who was being brought out in a stretcher.

Oh fuck

Oh fuck indeed.

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