The Ember In The Dark

Ch. 29

Ch. 29

"Get up! You're both in so much trouble." Ash's voice woke me up.

My eyes took a second to adjust to the bright sun. Where the fuck am I? I rubbed my eyes harder.

"Rubbing your eyes isn't going to change the scenery. We've been looking for you for a few hours now.

Mom's pissed. Hell, I think dad is even mad." Ash shook his head at me.

I looked around more, realizing I was in the spot Toni and I had been cuddling last night. I guess I

should say still cuddling, since his arm is still around me.

"Fuck." Toni muttered as he sat us both up. "I'm so sorry." He slapped his forehead upset. "Your

parents are going to hate me."

"No they won't. I'm in deep shit though." I sighed. Mom is going to chew me out.

"You both better hurry up and get to the palace." Ash shook his head.

"Both?" I was surprised, although I guess I shouldn't be.

"Yup, both. Now hurry up." Ash repeated, helping me up.

"Right, okay."

I grabbed Toni's hand and pulled him along behind him. I quickly walked us toward the palace. I could

have flown there faster, but I am not sure I wanna fly into my doom. I can't believe we feel asleep out

there. What time is it right now? The sun is pretty high. Fuck me.

We reached the palace doors shortly after and I took a deep breath. Toni squeezed my hand before

letting go.

"Probably better if we're not touching when we see them." Toni correctly suggested.

"I'm so sorry Toni." I apologized in advance for my parents.

I opened the door to find mom pacing. That's never a good sign. Mom mad was already scary, mom

mad and pregnant is 100 times worse. Her eyes locked on mine and she stomped her way over. Oh

boy here we go.

She grabbed my chin and lifted my head inspecting my neck. She was checking for a claim mark. She

eyed Toni for a moment before continuing her inspection. When she was satisfied she backed away.

Dad hung back a few feet. His face was deadly serious, which let me know he was mad. He just wasn't

trying to show it. I really fucked up, it seems.

"Ember Elizabeth Viseron." Not the full name. "Do you have any idea how worried we've been? You

can't just leave at night and not let anyone know where you'll be. You aren't supposed to leave at night

at all. Perhaps we've given you too much freedom." Mom started with the guilt trip.

"Tot, I can't believe you did this." Dad's voice was disappointed and it hurt to hear.

"I am so sorry. I really didn't mean to fall asleep outside." I sighed.

"It's my fault. I should have made sure to walk her back sooner. We just started staring at the sky and

passed out." Toni interjected trying to save me from my parents.

"It's not your turn yet, Toni. I'll get to you in a minute." Mom said. Her voice was friendly yet eerily

threatening. "Ember, you've caused us all to worry about you. You met up with your mate unsupervised

and without permission. The fact you don't have a mark is your only saving grace."

"We know that you will soon have a mark, but we want to make sure you are being safe when you do it.

You're still too young to have a kid. Your mother and I had a hard time graduating when we had you

and Ash. We don't want you guys to have it harder than you need to. You need to tell us the plan

Ember. We need to know." Dad chimed in.

"You're starting birth control today. You're grounded this week too. I know it is hard not to see your mate

so he will be allowed to come here and see you for an hour with us present. You will also have your

regular training plus extra training. You will also spend time with Eric who didn't want to go to school till

you were found. You scared him, and Ash, a lot." She shook her head disappointedly. Her attention

then went to Toni.

"Toni, this is a terrible first way to meet. You kept my daughter out all night. Whether you were having

sex or not, that is unacceptable. You're going to have your work cut out for you, climbing yourself out of

this terrible first impression you've made." Mom was thankfully not tearing too harshly into him.

"Come with me boy. We need to talk." Dad signaled for Toni to follow him. I was going to follow too, but

mom grabbed my wrist.

"Oh no you don't. Those two are talking alone and so are we."

Mom pulled me into her study and lectured me more. She was relentless. She added that I would need

to attend the summit, And dress the part, as punishment. I hate summits. It just brings more elder elves

that don't like Ash or I.

Eventually mom let me leave her office and I found dad and Toni smiling at one another. Dad must like

him if they are smiling already. That's a relief.

"Your mother is finished with you already?" He asked looking behind me for confirmation from Mom. I

nodded my head at him.

"That's surprising." He smiled at mom, a twinkle in his sky blue eyes. Dad adores mom and it's always

so visible in the way he looks at her.

"Come with me. We need to talk." He gestured up the steps and I knew that meant he wanted to talk on

the roof. "Toni, I wish you the best of luck." He squeezed Toni's shoulders sending him to the peril that

is my mother.

I followed dad up the steps in silence. His body was relaxed, but his face was serious. He was deep in

thought, probably trying to get his words right. Dad was always particular about the words he used. He

thought of every argument or counter that could be said.

He was always three steps ahead in a conversation. Dad was smart like that. I think that's what makes

him such a good lawyer. That and the deep care he shows for people that need help.

When we got to the roof dad sat on the edge again. His legs dangling over in the air. I sat beside him,

less nervous about the height and more nervous about what he was going to say.

"Although I was worried about you, and pretty disappointed in you when I found out where you were, I

am glad that you are learning to let people back in. I know you've had it rough all around. I can't

imagine what you've endured emotionally. Ember you're so very strong." Dad didn't look at me as he

spoke. His eyes were focused on the clouds above us. "I want you to know that I love you a lot and I'm

here for you. Whatever you need, I'll provide. Whatever bad you've done, I'll help you get out of it.

Whatever bad happens to you, I will seek revenge for it. You're my little girl, although not so little

anymore." Dad's sky blue eyes met mine, a bit red from the tears he was fighting back.

"Thanks, Dad." I couldn't keep my eyes on him. I started twirling my thumbs.

"Toni seems like a great guy. Lean on him when things get dark." I'm not sure why, but I get the feeling Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

dad's holding something back. 'You'll survive what's to come. I hope you can save him too.' Dad's

thoughts came heavy and sad. What's he talking about?

"Save who, Dad?" I couldn't help asking.

"Ember!" He got upset. "You can't just read people's thoughts whenever you like."

"I can't help it when they come into my mind all on their own. I don't seek them." I defended, crossing

my arms. "Tell me what you're talking about. Save who?"

"It's something your mother said the tree warned her about. We're not supposed to tell you or it could

keep you from saving them. Just know that you will be okay, no matter what we will be here with you."

Dad squeezed my hand.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to process everything he just said. I felt more confused than ever

before. Save who? Why would telling me keep me from saving him? Is it Toni? Ugh I hate this cryptic

shit. I sighed heavily, slightly frustrated.

"Yeah, okay." I sighed frustrated.

Dad got up and held his hand out to me, helping me off the ledge. We headed back down in silence

again. I kept thinking about what he said. About the thoughts and why they were so sad. Who is in


"I've called the school and told them you're out for today. Gabe called for Toni as well. You two are

going to spend the day here. We have a lot to prepare for the summit and you're going to help. Eric and

Ash have already started since they missed school. Go down to the garden and help them." Mom

instructed me as we got downstairs. I nodded my head, grabbing Toni's hand and leading him out.

"We need to talk." I heard Dad whisper to mom. "She heard my thoughts about the prophecy."


"No. He'll be gone forever." Mom gasped, sounding really scared.

"She doesn't know who. Don't worry. Just keep your mind guarded." I heard him tell her as we reached


This is going to drive me crazy. I'll just have to keep a close eye on the males in my life. Which is oddly

a lot. Eryn, Charles, Dad, Ash, Eric and now Toni. One of them is danger.

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