The Day He Matured

Chapter 63: Play Team Games

After a good night’s sleep, I woke up in a good mood.

When I poked my head out of the tent and looked outside, I saw that the fog was still lingering and the atmosphere was still.

Maybe everyone is still sleeping. There was only a group of about fifteen or twenty people preparing breakfast in the distance.

I went to the stream, got water, went up to the mound, brushed my teeth, and washed my face.

The smell of delicious food made me hungry. Yesterday, I thought that if I ate a lot, I would be full until noon tomorrow, but I didn’t expect that at this time, my stomach wanted to eat.

When I went back to the tent to apply sunscreen, everyone started to wake up.

I also want to be lazy and not take care of my skin for a few days, but I am Brian’s personal secretary, often appearing with him, so I have to pay attention to my appearance.

His skin was as white as a grapefruit flower, and even after a few days of exposure to the sun, it was not very dark, but mine was different.

I don’t want to look like a lump of coal when I’m standing next to him. He will make my tanned skin stand out more.

Our breakfast is fried noodles with vegetables. Yesterday, we ate grilled food, so today when we see green vegetables and tubers, everyone’s eyes are bright, complimenting them while eating.

The food may change, but Brian’s gaze doesn’t. He kept looking at me like he was afraid people wouldn’t know he was looking at me.

Whenever I peeked at him, our eyes met immediately.

I wonder if I become ugly, and wrinkly, will Brian have the patience to look at me?

After eating and drinking, we were allowed to rest for ten minutes, then lined up neatly when we heard the whistle from the leader of the group.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Okay, let’s focus. We’ll play a few warm-up games before going into the big game with a prize pool… ten thousand dollars.”

The sounds of excited cheers resounded continuously. I also joined them, shouting and clapping because the reward was so great.

For AD company or for Hana group, it’s just a small number, but for employees who receive monthly salary like us, it’s a huge number.

After dividing us into equal teams, the game manager began to disseminate the rules of the game. My heart almost jumped out of my chest because I was so excited.

In this game, the teams will arrange the formation to meet the requirements of the game administrator, the losing teams will be eliminated in turn, and the only remaining team will win.

“Let’s make an effort. Sales department, let’s unite, and do your best.” Mrs. Erina raised her arm and said with a high determined voice.

“Try your best.” We nodded at the same time.

The sales department is the department with the largest number of people in the departments, so we don’t need to get more people from other departments to supplement the number.

Fourteen people including staff and the deputy sales department, adding the director Brian is enough for fifteen people.


After a loud shout from the game manager, we quickly lengthened the line.

At first, we extended our arms. After a while, seeing that the other lines were longer than ours, Mrs. Erina told everyone to spread their legs and lie on the ground, stretching their arms and legs as much as possible.

“If I had known in advance that this game would be played, I would have worn ao dai so that you could grasp and pull.” Mrs. Erina tried to speak while stretching her arms.

If Mrs. Erina really wore ao dai, we wouldn’t dare to pull it. If her buttons were unbuttoned, her husband would tear us to pieces.

He is one of the members of the company’s board of directors, he is ten years older than Mrs. Erina. He’s sitting over there.

I feel regret because I didn’t sign up for yoga classes. Everyone’s posture is soft, they make the most of the length of the whole body. And my body kept curving and twisting.

If I stretched my body all the way, my tendons would probably break.

As a result, two teams were eliminated in this round, including the shortest team and the longest team. The longest team is eliminated because they broke the rules, the hands of the person behind did not touch the legs of the person in front.

Fortunately, my fingernails touched the tip of the girl’s toe in front, and my ankle was in Brian’s hand.

If we go into the game the way Brian plays we will lose, stretch the line a bit and the chances of winning are greatly increased.

I don’t know how long he stood behind me, obviously, the person standing behind me just now was the oldest guy in the sales department.

“Shortest.” The game manager continued to scream.

Immediately, we huddled, one pressed against the other’s back.

Brian is an opportunist, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. Actually, he just needed to stand close to me, he didn’t need to hug me like this.

Why did I forget that there was a wolf behind my back? I should have changed positions.

“Okay, these two teams have the same length, eliminate both teams.” The game manager announces after going around to check one turn.

Next is the competition section named “lowest”.

We immediately sat down and then lay flat on the grass. I dared not breathe for fear that my chest would swell, and Mrs. Erina was lying on her stomach.

One more team was eliminated. The remaining five teams will advance to the next round of competition.

After the “highest” shout, we grabbed the smallest guy on the team and lifted him up.

He is also extremely coordinated, standing up straight and trying to raise his arms.

“Wow, look at that team.”

I quickly followed Mrs. Erina’s gaze and saw the team near us lifting both men. Next, the short man grabbed the tall man’s shoulder and tried to climb up.

Not only my team but other teams also look at them to learn. However, when the short man gained momentum to climb up, the squad below staggered and couldn’t stand.

As a result, they fell to the ground, one on top of the other, groaning.

“Ha… ha… ha… ha…”

Without an appointment, everyone burst into laughter as if they had a bountiful harvest.

Of course, that team was eliminated because there was no time to re-arrange. As for the team standing next to them, because they laughed so enthusiastically, they dropped the girl standing above them, and that team was also eliminated.

The remaining three teams advance to the next round of competition.

This time, the game manager gave each team a large newspaper, forcing the entire team to stand inside it. When she counts to three, none of the feet should touch the ground, or the team will be eliminated immediately.

After each play, the newspaper was folded smaller and smaller but still did not allow the feet to touch the ground.

At first, we stood comfortably, the second time we had to carry each other to reduce our legs.

Of course, the person who carried me was Brian. He took the initiative and I couldn’t refuse to avoid wasting time.

The other two teams arranged it very well so that no team was eliminated.

“Too small, this time we will probably lose. How did that team stand so well?” Mrs. Erina attentively looked at the team next to us.

“Let’s stand with one foot in the newspaper and one foot on the ground. When she counts to three, we lift our feet off the ground.” Brian suggested.

We did as he said, wrapping our arms around each other’s waists. As soon as the shouting stopped, we all raised our legs at the same time.

The game manager heard the teams accuse each other of cheating, and she watched intently for a long time to make sure none of their feet touched the ground.

Although we tried to hold on, in the end, one member of the team got tired of his legs and swayed back and forth causing the whole team to sway left and right. And as a result, we all fell to the ground together and were eliminated.

Because it was time to play the big game, the game manager announced that the remaining two teams won, splitting the prize together.

I’m a bit regretful, if we tried a little harder, our team would have won.

After the whistle blew, we quickly departed to the first station in the direction of the arrow.

The challenge to get the secret letter is to get through the gate made of two tree branches but not to touch it.

I’m also small, so it’s easy for me to slip through. My comrades also successfully completed the quest and obtained the secret letter.

I have to admit that Brian is very smart, he deciphers the secret letter very quickly and does not need anyone’s help.

We continued to depart, entered the forest, and easily passed the next stations with the effort, and unity of the whole team, and the intelligent mind of Brian.

At this rate, we will soon reach the finish line and win the top prize.

By the time we reached the fourth station, we were already deep in the forest.

The stationmaster gave us a challenge which was to force the decipher to stay before he gave the secret letter to us to continue to the fifth station.

“What kind of challenge is that? I have never seen such a strange challenge before.” Mrs. Erina frowned, shaking her head to protest.

“Sister, this challenge is set by the organizers and I have to follow.” The man calmly explained.

“But I haven’t seen anyone get caught. The members of the other teams are allowed to go, right? Is the challenge for each team different?” I interrupted him because I was too angry.

“This team is the first team to reach the fourth station.” The stationmaster continued to explain.

Finally, Brian spoke to reassure everyone and accepted the challenge.

After deciphering the secret letter for us to the fifth station, he went to a nearby rock and sat down to rest.

I don’t know why I keep feeling that he is so pitiful. He looks very lonely.

After taking a few steps, I turned to look at him once more.

“Hurry up Bella.” Mrs. Erina grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

The last time I looked back, I only saw the dark green color of the trees and leaves, no longer seeing Brian.

We run fast in the direction of the arrow.

While running, I suddenly remembered that I had not given Brian the walkie-talkie and headache medicine.

Just now, when he was busy deciphering the secret letters at the first station, he asked me to keep them and I have kept them until now.

I’m worried that if he suddenly has a headache, but he doesn’t have any medicine to take, he is in danger of dying.

He should have stayed in the tent instead of coming with us. He is an avid gamer.

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