The Cursed Human

Chapter 26

I felt sorry, I couldn’t save him.

I have loved him all my life, no matter what we had or what we could have, but I still love him. In my heart he is still alive, he still hold a place, and no one else will ever fill it.

Guilt. I was feeling regret, I could’ve saved him. It is all my fault.

A part of me died with him. And a part of me will always wait for him.

I have nothing left to live for.

Tears flowed down, I put hand on my mouth to suppress my sobs. I wanted to scream, to cry my heart out. But nothing…..

Nothing will bring him back.

My heart tighten at sudden thought.

“… Come back! Please!” I whispered to no one…

“Please!!” I cried louder…..

I just want to hear his voice…. for once.

I wanted to tell him how much I loved him.

Falcon’s p. o. v

Fucking bastard.

How stupid is he to think that he can outrun us.

Vampires are always stupid. Their brains are up their asses. They think with their dicks.

I laughed as I recall the way I killed that mindless creature with my bare hands.

“What are you thinking!!?” I looked it at him and grinned.

“Oh!! Nothing!!” I said as I turned left.

Michael laughed and patted my shoulder.

“Feelings are mutual, mate!!” He laughed. That’s what I love about him, his carefree self. He is a tough guy with tough mind and body.

“So, did you find your mate!!” He asked out of blue.


The word I hate most.

I don’t want a mate.

I don’t need one.

I don’t think I could ever love someone as much as I love her.

She is different from others and no one can compares to her. She is light in my dark world. She is everything a man want in her women.

I am incomplete without her and I will always remain incomplete, cause I know she will never be mine.

But what can I do, she is like a poison I’m dying to drink, though I know she will be death of me.

“No!” I blurted.

“Do you love someone!!” He continued.


“No!!” I said. It won’t matter.

A scream echoed through hallways as we descended down the stairs. My blood ran cold as I recognised the voice.

“What is this sound!!?” Michael asked.


What is she doing on this side!!!

I panicked as I ran towards the basement. Michael ran behind me.

No one is allowed in this side!! How is she here!! Did she—

I speed up as worst thoughts come into my mind.

Did she found Matthew here!!

I stopped as I reached large white doors. I tried to open but it was locked. I knocked rapidly as my heart fastens.

“What is happening, Falcon!! Why is she here!!?” Michael was visibly? worried.

“Sarah are you in there!!” I shouted as I didn’t hear anything from inside.

I raised my hand to knock again but before I could knock, the door opened.

My eyes scanned the dark room as they landed on shadows in middle of room.

Lucifer stood there, with Sarah in his arms.

She is safe!

But before I could relieve myself, my eyes scanned her body.

Her clothes were torn apart. Lucifer’s shirt was covering her. She was unconscious, laying in his arms. Her wrists were bleeding.

I averted my eyes as Lucifer growled.

Michael immediately kneeled down and bowed his head down in submission.

I too bowed my head down in respect. This is what he demands, respect, submission, victory. The room. Was awfully cold, making me wonder why is he so angry.

He always make his surroundings change whenever he is angry.

But why is she here!!?

“Clean the mess!” He ordered as he walked towards the door, with her.

My heart ache as I saw her face. Fresh tears were rolling down her eyes.

Mess what mess!!!

I could hear her crying, though her sobs were muffled. I could feel her voice shaking as she cried for him. No matter how much I hate him, I never wanted to make Sarah sad.

I was told to guard her room, but it was getting difficult for me. At first she was unconscious which I was grateful for, at least she was not crying at that time. But its been four hours now, and she still is mourning for him.

I sighed in annoyance as hearing her cries suddenly become too much for me.

I cautiously opened the door, and looked around for her. She was right? on floor, next to window, which I guess is her new favorite spot. She didn’t hear me, cause she didn’t turn around. I guessed hard as I took in her form.

I still remember when I got to south wing of castle looking for Lucifer. I had to tell him about Adrian but when I reached there, life left my body.

Mathew was dead, I knew that. Matthew was taken hostage the day I abducted her. But she didn’t know that.

I take cautious steps towards her. She didn’t notice me. My jaw clenched as she sobbed louder.

I bent down on my knee and held her shoulder. Her body stiffened as she abruptly turned around and hugged me.

I left there stunned, didn’t know what to do.

I circled my arms around her and tried to comfort her.

It was painful to see her like this. All I could do was embrace her and let the torrent of her tears to soak through my shirt.

I could feel her clench her fists, not knowing whether to be mad or to give up hope all together. I could hear her silently screaming, suffocating with each breath she took holding onto her pride.

I ran my fingers through her hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm the silent war within her mind.

I wanted to cry with her, not for Matthew but for her loss.

She was broken and my mind was running wild seeing her broken.

I was angry not at Lucifer, my status was simply not that high to be angry at him, but at myself. It was all my fault, I was the reason for her tears, for her disappointment.

I looked down as she struggled in my embrace. She looked up at me with her down like eyes, tear filled eyes, soulless eyes….

I gulped hard.

“I…. I’m sorry for your loss!” Words slipped my mouth before I could stop them.

Fresh tears cascaded down her face.


“Hey.. Don’t cry!! I did—”

She pushed me away as she stood up. Her breaths short and fast.

“Sorry!! Are you genuinely sorry for what happened!! Are you sure, You feel sorry!!!” She screamed.

No!! I’m not!!

I’m in fact happy, that bastard deserved to die…

Bloody blood sucking vampire!!

“Listen to me, Sarah,” I said as I tried to grab her.

She moved away from me and stood next to window.

“No!! Stay where you are!! You all are monsters!! You all are liars!!,” she shrieked.

Sending my silence, she continued.

“I hate you, all of you!! I was happy with my life!! I had perfect life, but you,!” She pointed her finger at me.

“…. You destroyed it!!”

“… You destroyed my life!!”

“You snatched my happiness away from me!!!”

I stood there in shock, I never saw her this much angry, this much shattered, this much….. broken.

It was like I suddenly forget to talk, my tongue freezes.

She is right!!From NôvelDrama.Org.

This is my fault!!

All my fucking fault!!

“He killed him! He killed love of my life!” She whispered in pain.

“And he killed a part of me with him!!”

“Why!” She whispered.

“Why!!!” She screamed like she was being ripped off or murdered. Like she was dying inside.

I couldn’t bring myself to see her like this.

Something snapped in her as she quickly get up and make a dash towards the bathroom. Before I could process what had happened, she locked the door from inside.

I stood there startled.

What the fuck did just happen!!

Loud sound of something breaking reached my ears. And I did what someone else would do.

I run towards bathroom.

I tried to twist the knob but it didn’t budge.


“Sarah!! Open the door Sarah!!” I screamed as I banged my fists on door.

Nothing I heard nothing.

“Sarah!! Don’t do anything stupid!! Just open the door, dammit!!” I growled as my wolf grew restless.

I banged louder this time, but still nothing. My senses heightened as I tried to hear what was going inside but did hear nothing.

“Open the door for fucks sake!!” I screamed.

“I’m coming, Matthew!” She whispered? lowly but I heard her loud and clear.

“No, no, no, no, no!!!”

Panic kicked in as I tried to break the door.

But before I could kick it, I was being pushed and strangled.

“What the fuck did you do!!!” Lucifer growled angrily.

“I… I am sorry!! She is tryi…. ng to hurt h… herself” I managed to speak. His gripped loosened as he threw me across the room. My ribs cracked with suddenly force.

Cruel. He is cruel.

“Get out!!”

I heard him breaking the door and soon it was hanging on its hinges.

She is safe now!!

Third person’s p. o. v

Lucifer picked unconscious Sarah into his arms. The blood dripped from her wrists. Her heart beat was shallow.


He never felt this much anxious.

His nose flared with anger.

“Fuck!!” He growled as he laid her down on bed. The blood dripping from her wrist was making the satin white sheets look red.

Her once beautiful face e was now covered with stains of her tears, her eyes closed, dark circles surrounding her eyes.

Blood. His favorite sight to see.

But seeing Sarah covered in her own blood make him feel anxious.

What was this feeling!!?

He thought.

He never felt this. His eyes flicked red as her sweet stomach of blood tickled his nostrils.

Aphrodite barged in room..

“I smelled blood!!” She said as she entered the room.. But gasped loudly as she saw lifeless body of Sarah laying on bed, covered in pool of blood. Her own blood.

“Treat her!!” Lucifer growled before he left the room.

He knew Aphrodite was a healer, and she could heal her.

He didn’t trust himself around her, he knew if he would stay there one more second, he will end up doing something, he will not regret later.

He was angry at her. She dared to hurt herself for that pathetic excuse of vampire.

He will show her what’s it’s feel like to actually get hurt.

He promised as he moved towards his chamber.

She is his afterall, she can’t leave him that easily, even death can’t take her with it.

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