The Couple

Chapter 39: Dinner at Dante's

Chapter 39: Dinner at Dante's


My parents just arrived. Jeanne is here in my apartment. No, not to welcome them but to spend time

with them. She said she is coming here to help me but she is no help to me. She is just sitting with

them in the living area and ordering me to bring this or that for her.

I was happy having her and my parents around. All three were talking about this and that. She is telling

them the places they are going to visit. She is even going to take them to the other side of the town

which she didn’t explore with me. It looked like they were friends and I was the one who came to visit

them. Everything is okay except their awkwardness for the presence of Harris. After he left me

yesterday on the road. He didn’t contact me until my parents showed up at my door. He behaved like

my boyfriend who wanted to meet my parents but I don’t think my parents liked him at all.

Dad just looks in his direction with the corner of his eyes from time to time but doesn't acknowledge his

presence. Mom and Jeanne don’t even look in his direction until he moves or speaks something.

Actually, he didn’t talk with them either, he is just here so I get no chance to get help and escape from


Right now, my dad and I are cooking in the kitchen. It was just like old times when he shared his

experience and his customers’ reaction with me. I was happy for once after my birthday this year. I

forget about Harris and his threats, Chris and him being a werewolf. I felt lively again with my father.

Laughing sound of Jeanne and my mom coming from the living room sounded like music to me. That

moment I felt like everything was normal and would be fine soon. I was ready to execute my plan now,

they gave me the strength I lacked.

I helped dad prepare the saute with bacon, peanut butter and chocolate tart and last but not least my

favorite tofu wrap with soy. I got the ingredients for only these three dishes in advance as I decided

previously after analysing his food habits and food order from Friday.

I served the dishes on the table and called out for everyone to have dinner. I sat beside Harris to make

sure its me who serves him. I want to check what he eats and what he refuses. I know dad never likes

one who leaves the food without any appropriate reason. If he tries to leave any vegetable he will

definitely get a scolding from dad, doesn’t matter how much he sneers but dad won't stop. The thought

made me laugh.

I was serving him the dishes when he refused the saute with bacon.

“Why? Don’t you like it?” It was dad. He was asking with a disgusted look on his face like he saw some

vulgar thing. Dad is acting with him like he acted with Tyler, my high school boyfriend. Dad never liked

him too, whenever he came home dad was always like soon he would throw him out or punch him. He

is the same to Harris and I am a little bit worried about Chris, will dad approve of him.

“It has mushrooms in it and I am allergic to that fungus.” He said with a stern face while scorning. Dad

was calm now knowing that he can’t eat that. And I was smiling at the new information for which I

worked so hard. It was like my insides were dancing to know that my half plan is successful and now

just half plan is yet to be worked on. But for that I need help. I need Jeanne, Chris, Ethan, Greg to help

me, support me and more of all protect me and themselves.

I stuffed the tofu in my mouth in excitement to which dad shook his head like I am a mad woman which

I am because right now I am overwhelmed with my emotions. First, it has been almost a month since I

ate some food made by my dad, second I am halfway to my plan. Jeanne gave me a high five. Mom

giggled while dad was smiling like a dad. Really it was good to have them here.

Jeanne loved dad’s cooking. She always said that being my friend is just a way to eat dad’s cooked

food. She always take his side and says she can’t leave food for our dumb friendship. I like this part of

her too.

I got the strawberry smoothies from the refrigerator for dessert and served them to everyone. It was

also planned just like my other dishes after my analysis. I was planning to get J to stay overnight but

Greg came to pick her up. Dad smiled at him which made me and J look at each other with wide eyes.

While I brought a few male friends home, he was always like that angry possessive dad who will kill

whomever hurt his daughter. Even though he was the same for J while we were in New York. Seeing

him smiling at Greg I laughed while she gave out a sigh.

Harris left too soon after but not before threatening me and showing me the pictures of my college

friends Linda and John. He told me his men are following them day and night and my one wrong move

can cost those two innocent friends of mine their life. He even told me that this evening he took

advantage and planted microphones in my apartment so I don’t dare to make any nuisance. I went in

after calming myself down and with a smile.

“Are you sure you like him?” I rolled my eyes and gave her a look to not say much about my choice

although I don’t care what she says of Harris instead I am happy they both didn’t like Harris but I am a

bit worried will Chris also win a smile from a dad or will he be the victim of dad’s death glares.

“It looked like that friend of yours whom you just invited because he wanted to have Steph’s food

desperately. You didn’t look at him for once.” I just went to her and wrapped my arms around her.

“It was just you both had my whole attention and since I missed you too much I forgot about his

presence for a while.” I pecked on her cheek.

“Did you just miss her only? Why the hell did I get to this place for nothing?” He breathed out a deep

breath and crossed his hands over his chest. I went over to him and hugged him. I stayed like that for

some time before I realised tears were forming in my eyes. I brushed them off with the back of my

hands and asked them to sleep as they will be having a great day tomorrow with J dragging them

everywhere in the town.

“Night darling.” She yawned as she headed to another room which I got ready for them.

“Good night mom.”

“I can still fight for you, you know that right.” I nodded and he kissed forehead and went to his room for

a sleep. I was just standing there for quite some time, looking at the closed door, hugging myself and

thinking if it was good to call them here and involve them in this. But after he threatened me with them

on Wednesday, I was worried for them and wanted them in front of my eyes all the time. So, I called

them here for some time.

Since J was giving them the tour of Cooperstown, Harris cancelled my leave and asked me to

accompany him to Houston's house to check the construction. It was like he read my mind and

guessed that this is the opportunity I was waiting for and he shattered all my hopes dragging me with


I spent the monday anyhow but tomorrow is going to be hard since J invited mom and dad to her house

for dinner with her family and dad accepted the invitation gladly. He didn’t even care to ask me if I will

be free or if I am comfortable to go, he just accepted it and didn’t tell me until we had our dinner. I was

shocked when he broke the bomb on me. It felt like God was also testing my strength.

‘Or maybe he is helping you, giving you an opportunity to reveal Harris or atleast ask for help from


Maybe, just maybe my subconsciousness is right and it is an opportunity instead of a test. I headed to

bed when I received a message from Harris.

“So, we have a tomorrow with Dante’s. Good, let me show your boyfriend again who got the control.”

“My bad, your ex-boyfriend.” He must be having a good laugh right now thinking of me being stuck in

such a big trouble. I don’t know how I will handle so many people with the same questions in their eyes

alone when I have no answer to give them.

‘Don’t worry, Heaven, I will make everything right.’ I felt like I heard Chris. I looked outside thinking

maybe he is here and shouted to the top of his lungs to me. But no one was in sight, I found no one.

But those words felt so real that they startled me more than calmed me.

Standing in front of the Dante house with Harris, mom and dad, I felt myself drenched in sweat. I am

too nervous to face anyone in this house let alone Chris and grandma. I know this is a test or a trap set

up by god for me, not an opportunity as I thought last night. After Harris showed me the video of Linda

and John captivated in their own house by his men was enough for me to shut my mouth for this

dinner. I almost lost my senses when I saw that video.

Jeanne is here running out as usual but this time it looks like she is running from someone more than

to us. She didn’t care to greet Harris and completely ignored his presence. We went inside and J

introduced everyone to mom and dad. She almost sneered while introducing grandma, it looks like it

was grandma from whom she ran out. Dad looked at Chris from head to toe and shook his hand firmly.

Maybe he is going to be the victim.

Today, Robert and Selena are here too for dinner. We sat in the living room for some time since the

maids are getting the table ready. Harris was holding waist or hand all the time. I didn’t dare to look

towards but I could feel his black orbs poking me continuously. I know my one word and Chris is killing

Harris but I need to protect my innocent friends who don't even know why they are held captivated in

their own house.

I just can’t do anything except saying sorry to Chris in my heart and telling him how much I craved his

touch and hated the arm wrapped around me right now.

It was when I excused myself to use the washroom, I wanted to use Jeanne’s washroom but Harris

was following my steps so I ditched and went for the guest restroom. I tore the toilet paper and wrote

the important facts for Jeanne on it. I was careful about Harris and made sure to create the illusion of

me doing my work. I left the toilet paper under some bottle in the cabinet. After hiding the paper, I came

out and saw everyone had already left for the dining room.

I left for the dining area when I saw Harris leaving the room, he grabbed my arm and dragged me back

to the washroom. I tried to get my elbow free from his hold when he stopped and looked at me with

anger telling me to stay silent. I fell silent and he started moving again.

“Move an inch from here and prepare for your friend’s funeral.”

After his threat, I didn’t dare to even shift from one leg to another. After some time, I heard the flush

running but it took him some time to come out. The door opened and I found him smirking in my

direction, he gestured to me to move forward. I was confused to see him like this suddenly.

We went to the dining room and had our food. I was silent the whole time except the moment Mom

nudged me to speak. I just smiled and went back to my food after making small talk with Jeanne. In

between the meal, Jeanne excused herself and came back shaking her head. My heart skipped a beat

and I felt like the world was spinning around me when I heard Harris giggling. We looked towards him

and he explained that Peter sent him a joke. Instead of asking him about the joke everyone went back

to their talks and their meal.

I sank deep in my seat and was confused about where the slip vanished.

We left the Dante house and dad has already planned their tomorrow with grandma and Robert and

mom with grandma and Selena. I was too confused to understand anything right now. I was too

nervous to look at Chris or even Mary but I could feel their questioning eyes on me.

Harris drove us back to my building, we waved him bye but he asked my father to leave us for a few

minutes. I haven’t recovered from the pain of hurting Chris and fear for the lives of Linda and John. He

waited for my father to get out of sight and from hearing range until he spoke.

“You know, today in the Dante family’s washroom I found this.” He got a piece of paper from his pocket

and threw it in my face.

“I knew that you would try atleast once to take the advantage but sweetheart, you got a smart

opponent. And dangerous ones too.” He was holding my waist and bent down close to my ear. From a

distance, it might look like a romantic moment.

“I think you don’t want your friends safe and sound who don’t even know why they are kidnapped in

their house, right?”

“Please Harris, don’t do anything to them. They are not at fault here, they don’t deserve this because of

my mistake. I am sorry, please leave them, have mercy over them.” I was about to cry. If something

happened to them, I will be the reason, I will be at fault.

He left me there again in the middle of the road standing, crying. I calmed myself down, took a few

deep breaths before moving towards the building. Dad was waiting for me near the lift, leaning on the

nearby wall. I went up to him and pressed the button to call lift and clutched his arm pulling him to

stand beside me. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Everything alright?”

“Yes dad. So, tomorrow where is your gand heading to?”

“Haven’t planned the activities exactly yet. He seemed a bit off.”

“Huh?” I couldn’t think of one he was talking about.

“Your boyfriend, Harris right?”

“Yeah… umm he was just a bit tense about the ongoing construction of Houston’s house. Nothing


“Hmm… You know that neither your mom nor I approve of him.”

“You might like him with time.”

“Maybe” He paused before continuing again. “That brother of Jeanne, Christian is a nice guy. He was


“He was what? Dad?”

“Maybe he was just concerned for you or maybe hated to see another guy with you.” He shrugged and

went out of the lift first for the apartment.



It took me sometime to write this chapter since I couldn't think how to proceed in this chapter. But I will

try to update other chapters more frequently. Please comment and leave your ratings to help me grow if

you like reading the story. And do share with your friends if you like the story.

Thank you for reading.


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