The Couple

Chapter 35: That Bastard

Chapter 35: That Bastard


Mary took Jeanne back after dinner and I slept early as my body was aching after a few panic attacks

from last night and early morning. I fell asleep as soon as I laid on the bed.

I got up early in the morning freaking out after I had a dream of being chased by a smoking white

werewolf in the forest. When I woke up I was drenched in my own sweat and was panting for air. I got

up from my bed and went out to get a glass of water. I took a seat near the table and held my head in

my hands which was throbbing painfully. I can’t understand my own emotions, just last night I was

convinced and wanted Chris back and now I want to run from him again. I can’t think clearly.

I got ready and went to the office to take my mind off things. I thought maybe it could help me, maybe I

need to clear my mind before I make a decision and think about things clearly. That thought worked

great as Harris piled me up with work and I decided to take the remaining work back home to complete

my task and try to make a decision before Chris returns this weekend.

Chris tried to call and message me once or twice but respected my space when I didn’t reply or he was

too busy to contact me more than that. Either way I was relieved because each time I ignored him, I felt

bad but I need to clear my mind before I make a decision.

‘Or maybe, stupid girl, you need to talk to him and hear him out so you can make the decision.’

After completing my work at home and thinking a lot about the matter, I decided to finally let him talk

and listen to him without freaking out and hurting him anymore. I will call him later tomorrow and ask

him to come to dinner. Maybe we can talk while eating and discuss things.

I relaxed the next day and went to the office as usual. I was quite excited and prepared a list of

questions to ask him tonight. Most were like what he can do and how it is to be a werewolf. While a few

ask him if he ever killed anyone or how his pack is and how it operates.

It was already noon and everyone was almost left for the cafeteria. I was also when my phone rang, it

was a message from Chris.

“Heaven, can we atleast be friends?” My phone beeped again with another message.

“Please talk its killing me.” I was just reading the messages when Jessica came to me. I thought she

was on her way to the cafeteria too but she stopped midway.

“Hey, Celia, can you visit Harris before you leave for lunch? Actually he asked me earlier to ask you to

meet him when you’re free and I was working that I forgot. Please, visit before leaving.”

“He returned?”

“Yes, he returned just this morning. He returned like a shock as he went 5 days ago.” She has that

anxious look on her face. I agreed, I know it might take my whole lunch but anyways it will be over

before I have my lunch. I will reply to him later and will ask him to come to dinner. Before that, I need to

see Harris at his office.

I knocked on his door and asked for permission to enter, I heard a squeal from inside as he responded

in his exciting voice. I wonder what made him so excited that he wanted to share with me. I entered

and he signed me up to sit, well this is new.

I sat in front of him cautiously, my heart was beating loudly against my chest telling me something is

wrong and to call Chris. Right now I want Chris beside me so badly that I felt nauseous and wanted to

vomit seeing Harris smirking at me. He shrugged it off and jumped on his seat bringing himself back to

reality. Suddenly, his smirk vanished and his face had that serious look as if he was not a jerk.

“So, Celia, how do you find working here?” I was shocked why he acted like nothing happened before,

he never tried to harass me or spike my drink. I want to tell him that he freaks me out and I wish to not

see his face ever again after I leave his company after 3 weeks. Yes, I am counting days.

But before I could say anything he spoke again.

“I remember, it was your birthday on this Sunday right? Belated Happy birthday. I am sorry, I went for

an urgent meeting.” I smiled, tried my best to make it look genuine.

“Thank you for your wishes.”

“I was reading your file and I am impressed how determined you’re towards your work. Joseph was

also impressed with your sketches. I must say it was our pleasure to have you here.”

“I wish you would have stayed for longer with us but we can’t do much and change your mind. If you

have decided to leave then I won’t try to stop you but...” What he is talking about, please someone get

me out of here. He stood up from his chair, buttoned his jacket buttons and came behind me. He kept

his hands on the headrest of my chair and gave it a little push to turn it around. He bent down and put

his hands on the armrest before continuing.

“But he is dangerous. He is not what you think. I don’t think you know his reality but I know him.” What

is he talking about? What does he know about Chris? Why is he talking like this? Does he know


“He is not just dangerous for me but you also. He is not the person who thinks. He might be sweet to

you and looks like the perfect guy you dream for but trust me he is not.”

He left my chair with a push. I can’t even think straight. He said so many things at once that nothing

registered in my mind. I was trying to understand what he meant. He went towards the couch at the

other end of the room and sat there with his one leg over the other. He had his smirk back on his back.

He sat there with such confidence that I was scared of him.

“Your face color tells me that you know his truth already. Is that the reason he didn’t return from the last

two nights? Well, if it is then I must say you made the right decision.” I was shocked, I moved out to

stay away from him but he still stalks me and takes into account what I do all day. He is the real danger

to me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. How is your nose and throat now? I completely forgot how

Chris beat the shit of you two times. Just remember those nights before you open your mouth.” I was

scared to death but tried to not show him that. I get up from my seat and move towards the door before

he says anything or does. But he spoke again.

“Do you know what will happen when the truth comes out?” I stopped in my way, I don't know what he

wants. But I can’t break Chris’s trust, he told me his secret because he loves me and trusts me with

everything. I can’t make him and his people suffer, at least I listen to what this bastard has to say. Yes,

he is a bastard everytime Chris beats him or calls him that, I sneered because I didn’t like his angry

side which wants to fight every time but now, I can’t help it and call him a bastard.

“Think about it again. I will protect you from him and all the dangers, you just need to stay away from


I turned around to face him, he was standing near the couch with his hands in pants pockets. I wanted

to tell him I need no protection from him and I need not be saved from Chris. He is no danger to me

and I know it now. I might have been afraid of him till now but in my heart I knew that he is not a danger

to me. He smirked as I turned and he continued.

“Break up with him, tell him you don’t want him anymore. Say you want me now, I will take care of all

your needs. I will provide you with everything, I have more money than him, you won’t be at loss. But

you will not contact him in any way, forget about meeting him at any place. Just remember I am

watching you and I will get to know everything you do. Even now whenever you will meet Jeanne or

any other member of his family you will ask for my permission. Forget about telling anyone else about

this arrangement and I will spill out the reality of that Christian Dante. I will tell everyone who that

monster really is and what a threat he is.” He took steps towards me and trapped me in between

himself and the door. I really want to punch him right now but for the sake of Chris and his family I need

to stay quiet or else his existence will be revealed. My one stupidity and his end is near.

“Be a good girl and do what I say, maybe one day I will release you but till then you’re at my mercy and

my girlfriend.” I gasped hearing him say that, no I will never let this bastard touch me let alone be his


“You can never have me forget about touching me and being my boyfriend.” He grabbed my face and

pinched my chin so hard, I hissed in pain and disgust of his touch.

“You will do as I say, you will be my girlfriend from now on and be at my mercy or else see your

boyfriend dying in front of your eyes. It will be fun when town people will burn him alive at the park.” He

laughed as if he told me a wonderful joke but no it was a scary moment for me and the vision just hit

my imagination with him and his whole family burning alive in the park. I shiver ran down my spine and

I lost my balance and fell on the floor on my knees.

“Stop being dramatic and get up.” He spoke as he leaned back on the table with disgust on his face. I

wish I hadn’t stopped Chris from killing him that day. Even when he shouted I couldn’t bring myself to

move until he moved towards me, bent down to lift me up but I crawled back running away from him

and his filthy hands.

I got up and ran out of his office without looking back. Everyone was almost back and was now staring

at me with wide eyes like I have grown two horns in my head. I wanted to run away from here and run

directly into Chris’s arms but unfortunately I can’t do that now anymore. I can’t even go to Jeanne and

hug her and let everything out because for that I will need his permission first.

I ran directly towards the rest room and splashed water on my face, it helped me calm down but still

many things were going inside me and I was not calm at all. I wanted to release it and I needed to

leave this place and run away from that bastard. Taking a deep breath, I went outside and gave

everyone a smile when our eyes met each other. I was too nervous to keep my balance and walk

steadily. I don’t know how I managed to get to my desk and pack everything before leaving the office

and driving all the way to my apartment.

As soon as I entered the apartment, I collapsed down on the floor and cried my heart out while

screaming loudly. Thankfully, not many people will be around in the building at this time, otherwise

someone would have definitely informed J or Mary and I would have had nothing to explain to them. I

was crying and throwing my arms in the air particularly at nothing. I wanted to destroy Harris and wipe

that smirk off his face and forget about what happened in his office as a nightmare but I know I can’t.

That was true as much as Chris being a werewolf is the truth.

After some time of crying and screaming, I laid on the floor and started sobbing. I don’t remember when

I lost my consciousness and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was on my bed and covered under the quilt.

Sun was setting outside and I heard some noises from outside in my apartment. Only then I

remembered I fell unconscious near the door and had no one around at that time. I got up from my bed

but my head was spinning from all the weakness and screaming, crying. I sat on the bed and took a

few moments before getting up again and moving out. I saw Chris struggling inside my kitchen trying to

prepare something. I was looking at him in awe until I realised he is in my kitchen and that could be

harmful for him and his family.

“What the hell are you doing in my kitchen? Get out of my apartment and leave me alone.” Only then

he looked up and smiled but as soon as I said the words which cut my heart into pieces, his smile

wiped off and I know he is controlling a lot right now. I went up to him and dragged him out of the door.

“Let me explain please.” He said with a stern look as if warning me. ‘Trust me Chris I don’t want you to

leave but need to. I don’t know how much Harris knows and what will happen if he spills it out.’ I was

about to close the door when he put his foot down and blocked the way.

“I need to get my stuff from the Kitchen and living room.” I allowed him only to get his stuff back. He

started talking as he entered and moved around the apartment to collect his stuff.

“Tyler told me that you went to meet Harris in his office and ran out of the office after sometime. I was

worried, I tried reaching you out but you didn't pick my calls or answer any message. When I got here

you were a;ready fainted on the floor. I made the soup, Mary instructed me. Don’t worry it is good, you

can have it. Talk Mary if you want…” It was only then I noticed a bag in his hand which brought out of

my room. He was standing near the door. “But I would like it if you would talk to me directly.” He left

after closing the door behind me with a thud.

I was looking at the door unknowingly thinking Chris will return and will not leave me again. But instead

my phone rang bringing me out of trance. It was Harris.

“Hello girlfriend, I saw your ex-boyfriend coming out of your apartment. I think finally you have broken

up with him and told him you like me now.” He started laughing. I couldn’t bear anymore and threw my

phone, it collided with the wall and broke into pieces just like me. A tear rolled down my cheeks but

instead of collapsing this time, I chose to stay strong and moved into the kitchen.

It was filled with the smell of chicken soup, I served it myself and sat down to drink it. Chris made it for

me with love and care, made my heart swell with sorrow and another tear rolled down my cheeks, I

wiped it and decided to get out of this messy situation myself because I can’t contact Chris or Jeanne

and no way Harris can know this truth without any pack member. There is a traitor around Chris and I This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

will help him find that son of a bitch.



I know I am taking too much in updating new chapters but I have my exams coming, I am a bit busy

right now but I am trying my best to update as early as possible. But once my exams are over, you

guys will have my full attention.

I would appreciate it if you would share the story with your friends.

Thank you, keep reading


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